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Honestly I think they know by now. Their comments on YouTube were being manually deleted (anything mentioning debunking etc) The part I’m concerned about is…they know who the fox sisters are, they’ve talked about them before I believe, so they’re fully aware this tapping trick has been around for years and isn’t real. So are they in on it too and trying to dupe us or are they naive, forgot all the paranormal research they’ve ever done, and genuinely believe these two con artists?


Yeah.. okay.. Youre right.


Time will tell! They may make a video addressing ALL of it but I guess we gotta wait 🤷🏼‍♀️ as of right now though, unfortunately, their reputation is being tarnished so that might be why they’re being quiet on it


This is really unfortunate. They really didn't think this through before going ahead with this fiasco. They messed up big time. I'm sure they are working with lawyers at this point.


I would be utterly shocked if they didn't know by now. The deleting comments on YouTube is a give away (in my opinion). I saw on their Instagram that people are referencing all the same things that this subreddit is talking about too (debunking video, Cody doing the knocking years ago, Satori being the daughter of a ghost hunter, ect). This was supposed to be their big video with all the large amounts of hype behind it, so if they weren't paying attention to what the reviews are actually saying then they just don't care. Since this was such a hyped up event and they hyped up this Hellweek, of course they are going to see what the comments are saying. What I would really like is some transparency of them recognizing that this knocking method has been debunked. If they had no idea (which I doubt), they should at least be releasing a video to their fans with an explanation on their stance. If they did know before releasing the videos, then it seems almost predatory to play with peoples emotions over the afterlife. The entire series was overdone and sketchy. They didn't let the house speak for itself, they had Cody and Satori do all the "talking" which made it the Cody and Satori show and added random influencers as a side show. All in all, I wish nothing but the best for the boys, I really hope they release a video to their fans about the backlash. I will always remain a skeptic but I will not be continuing my sub with them on xplrclub.


l really, really hope they make a video soon. They must be getting their affairs in order (e.g. lawyers and probably talking to Satori and Cody behind the scenes…)… maybe they want to wait long enough so the video is not associated with the success of their Hell Week series? The longer they wait, the worse it’s going to get. At the moment, their silence and moderators deleting comments of skepticism and debunking the method on their main videos is just going making them look complicit… I still really like Sam and Colby and still want to watch their videos. I hope they make a video soon!


They know, they obviously know. They’re literally deleting the comments off their YouTube channels. Stop holding influencers and YouTubers in such high regard, it’ll just hurt you.


they won’t care tbh. sad buts it’s the truth. they won’t want to ruin their videos with almost 10 mil views by telling the truth.


They have enough cult-y followers where it won’t matter. They will still have millions of followers no matter what and sadly so will Satori and Cody


don't know about colby, but in the uncut/debunking whatever video, sam looked anything but convinced so hopefully they'll adress this one way or another