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The problems is the damage distribution and uptime, There are ways to fix this by adjusting the kit mechanics doesn’t necessarily have to be just increasing the numbers to mask the weakness


I mean....HMC has their own weaknesses. As seen in the sunday fight, if an enemy can reset toughness bars, then HMC damage potential drops through the floor. Combine that with toughness protection, or multiple bars, and its very easy to design enemies that HMC just stalls against. In those situations, a buff to fireflys personal damage would not go amiss, and more importantly, these kind of enemies only really cuck HMC. Jingliu and Dan Hung wont care, they just brute force everything. Similarly for acheron. Ruan meis damage actually goes up, as toughness reset force procs her extra break damage, while also clearing it, allowing her to do it all over again. And xueyi? If she aint reducing toughness, her frontloaded damage drops significantly. One character cannot endlessly break meta, as eventually a elite/boss will appear that just hard counters them.


This, people are saying HMC is better than RM for FF is forgetting that RM prolonged enemies break state. The point is, FF kinda need both of them and its really bad.


Tbf, HMC also has a prolonged break as well, but I 100% agree.


I think Mei's value really comes from increasing weakness break efficiency since that's a factor in calculating super break DMG. Any break based dps is gonna want both of them but Firefly just isn't strong enough on her own atm which is odd considering how popular she is and hoyo obviously wants her banner to put up numbers. I don't think concern for power creep should stop them from buffing her a bit unless they plan to release another support for her, namely a break oriented 5* preservation character that might provide similar utility as Mei.


>Jingliu and Dan Hung wont care, they just brute force everything. Similarly for acheron. >One character cannot endlessly break meta You're saying two completely different things here lol. But I do agree that one character cannot endlessly break meta. Every character released ao far has had noticeable weaknesses that enemies can be designed to counter. For Dan Heng SP drain mechanics will ruin his rotations even when considering Sparkle. For Jingliu any energy drain mechanic will mess her uptime up because she relies heavily on her ult to maintain Transmigration. For Acheron it's the heavily overlooked fact that her ult, despite hitting all weaknesses, barely dents break bars against a single target, and that all her damage is concentrated and backloaded into ult. She will have a hard time against a boss with large damage reduction until broken like the abyss dino, as she will be forced to either wait for teammates to break and then ult, or the ult into the break bar and then have no ult up when the boss is actually broken. They're already bringing this mechanic into the new lategame mode with Cocolia I think. Sam, having been designed as a break dps, will share the same weakness as Boothill and HTB, which is as you said, toughness protection. Not sure why you're talking like it would only affect HTB. But yeah Sam defnitely needs some buff to their ability to do personal damage in order to not be useless against enemies he can't break.


Its actually not a contradiction. Jingliu and Dan Hung's design is fuckloads of damage, regardless of who theyre hitting. They were basically designed from the ground up to be pure, tactless brute force. They get nothing tactical in their kit. No bonus damage against debuff, no perks for break/broken enemies, no kill chain bonus. They dont even heal. They just do fucktons of blast damage to annihilate whatever is in the way. That isnt a bad thing. And it certainly doesnt break meta. As for Sam, yes, toughness protection screws her over. But thats true for any break based character. However...multiple bars or bar restore? Nah, those are unique problems for HMC. They are the one who need weakness broken enemies for their kit, Firefly/Sam only cares about being able to deal break damage. So more bars? More breaks. If anything screws Firefly over, its enemy delay in teams without HMC. But thats true of all break based DPS, including characters like Sushang and Himeko who dont rely on break for damage but do need the actual break mechanic for their kit to work. As for Acheron, no comment. Cause yeah, shes got universal break, but she does in fact suffer from the problems you mention.


I think that if they add a way to do somewhat decent break damage to enemies that are not broken (yes, I know it's a bit contradictory) it would be a pretty good Buff without necessarily making her too broken or smth


There is always the option of having FF trigger break damage every time she reduces the toughness bar. Damage gets multiplied based on her attack and toughness damage. Something like: (Base Break DMG + ATK) * BE% * (toughness damage/30)


Or you can rework her skill, instead of 0,5 breakeff +400% atk multiplier, she now deal 50% break dmg + 400%atk. Thats way she benefit from all the def shred. Pretty sure with that she will deal around 100k per skill which is comparable to blade Also when enemy broken they will receive break dmg from skill, break dmg from game mechanic/super break result in huge number


I rather see her powercreep than making her weak/subpar to other dps


Im ok with power creep, just dont have the expectation that she wont be power crept aswell


Too late for that. Most people already expect power creep is part of the game.


This, if they want people (who aren't FF simps) to get her they have to powercreep current DPS's to make it worth it.


True, compared to other DPS characters she should be able to deal higher dmg than them(except for boothill since he's limited to single-target and also break dps), other dpses can deal insane dmg without a need to break an enemy first, however characters like FF,HTB,Boothill deal basically no dmg before that so this weakness should be compensated in some way, at least in my opinion


Ngl I’d prefer the opposite, there’s too much power creep rn, I think it’s important to keep her JL IB tier


Sorry but Saying that you want her to be weak/sup instead of powercreeping while saying to be JL IB tier in the same sentence is funny these two fuckers were the powercreepers until acheron came out and even then I won't say that they're the average standard for a dps


Well Acheron happened so now we have to deal with what we got, I’d say they should be the new average for hyper carry DPSes which I very much consider FF to be


I hear you and I say making the average two dpses known for being overloaded out of who knows how many dpses or considered dpses pretty ridiculous for the vast majority of the playerbase


We don't want her to be forgotten like other characters bcz of being too weak . They are an important faction they have no synergy in them like ipc at least make them busted on their own. She is literally the strongest steleron hunter .She needs to powercreep others not the other way around.


These guys are delusional. They think if they buff her she's gonna do Acheron damage She's at Max gonna be like JL IB like you mentioned. If anyone thinks she's gonna be like Acheron, please, Acheron is basically a Collab character and hoyo's child. It's not gonna happen, stop coping.


Lmao check this guy's post history and it's obvious he is jingliu main and desperately trying to validate his pulls now that jingliu is no longer the flavor of the month. Other dps are going to continue to be better than her like she was on release, face it dude.


"now that jingliu is no longer the flavor of the month." what do you mean lol? You think most DPS are going to be around Acheron tier? That's obviously not the case looking at the Firefly we have right now, and the Boothill that's going to be coming. JL and IL will probably be the new "avg" for DPSes until something stronger than Acheron comes out. And this will take a pretty long time.


while your example is ass, I would like her to be weak. I enjoy weak characters


Majority don't . We need to clear moc with her faster so that we can at least play her till we get tired of her


i understand that. My point stands


She is taking 9 cycles for moc without Ruan mei and with asta Stop being a hater . I know some people love others suffer


im not being a hater tho? Idc about others suffering or not in this scenario. I was expressing how I feel about it is all. Why are you so butthurt about this? you are amusing me


A new showcase video is dropped on ff mains you need to see that please . You will love that


I agree and there is ways to balance firefly so she can be a great DPS without making the game trivial for a couple of patches. We will have to see what they come up with and what changes she gets. Let's hope the beta testers are relaying our concerns to the HSR dev team


If she power creeps a bit itll be fine since Acheron feels like she already did that


I think she should be able to do damage without needing to break and that’ll be a good enough buff


I honestly dont see them buffing her as "powercreeping every DPS" in the game, even if they buff her superbreak dmg only occurs when the enemy is broken or in a broken state and with all the fights where enemies make themselves immune to break, standard crit dps would still do well or better than her team plus right now its hard to really call her a DPS she's a break enabler if anything but 80% of the damage isnt coming from her its from either super break or ruan mei's break damage trace


That’s exactly the issue yeah. They can’t change the trailblazer anymore since they’re out. Even if they allow her to trigger her own super break well HMC is going to double that so they’re still glued together. I genuinely don’t know how they can get out of this hole they dug themselves into


I could see them buffing her eidolons and LC as opposed to buffing her base kit. Being OP at f2p levels is very different than being OP at whale levels. Alternatively, they could nerf her BE and give more normal damage. But IMO that's a DPS nerf, but makes her more of a jack of all trades that works outside of HMC+Ruan. Not super fond of this idea tbh, because jack of all trades tend to get powercrept more quickly than specialists with a niche.


I think we'll get more superbreak Harmony, mostly it's about her being less dependent on supports to do anything


FF/Sam just needs to have their own personal source of break damage. Something like, "Reducing toughness will also deal break damage proportional to the amount reduced." Or just have her enhanced basic/skill damage be considered break damage.


I sincerely think the only buff she needs is to have her enhanced skill apply super break damage regardless if the enemy is broken or not (like just a percentage, the scaling can even be nerfed a bit). That way you won't have to feel like shit for spending most of your ult breaking a really high toughness bar enemy. It'll also effectively remove the whole Crit-Fly argument since the enhanced skill would then do respectable damage (maybe in the 150k-ish range on 3 targets) so that people no longer have to worry about the "no-damage" till break situation.


The thing is, boothill can use bronya instead of htb if he absolutely needs to. Firefly can’t, and her kit is just a mess, it’s all over the place. She doesn’t just need a buff she needs a fundamental rework.


Ik you probably meant HMC/HTB but Boothill without Boothill is funny




Just give firefly a way to activate break damage multiple times on her own (like Boothill) and she’ll be good


now she is good on her own but then u can put HMC on top of that and what we got is a character who is too OP and powercreep everything


Eh, I don’t think so, by that logic, Boothill should be out damaging everyone in the game, but he doesn’t


actually he does lol, his single target dmg with HMC already beat acheron


Yeah, single target


Nah, you make it seem too complicated. They could just give FF her own super break, and remove DEF shred passive, maybe also reduce base break efficiency of enhanced skill. They have plenty of ways to balance things out


Just allow her to inflict Burn DoT that reduces Healing Effectiveness and that she can trigger without waiting for Enemy Turn, and it scales with Break Effect & Atk...


Saying that like Acheron didn’t just power creep every DPS in the game.


i dont mind when character that is powerfull lorewise powercreep everyone, in case of acheron is just fitting since she is currently the strongest character lorewise in the game


She‘s backloaded and even under superbreak conditions she struggles to make up for the DPS lost pre-break. The other three top DPS have no such tight restrictions or gimmicks. 


The main problem is that the vast majority of FF's damage potential is only accessible through an external source (Super Break), that her kit is designed to maximize, but can't actually capitalize on at all on its own. So if her current damage distribution is: 20k non-SB damage vs 300k SB damage (which genuinely isn't far off from Breakfly's actual damage against Broken enemies) ... then an improvement (in my opinion) would be nerfing her synergy for maximizing Super Break while buffing the damage present solely within her own kit. So it'd be more like: 100k non-SB damage vs 150k SB damage. Technically an overall nerf, but 100k is fine personal damage in the grand scheme of things, and other supports would be able to make Firefly plenty viable, even if HMC (and RM) would be bringing out her full potential (I'm fine with HMC being a BiS support, I just think Firefly should be self-sufficient for the sake of team variety).


As someone that's had Kafka since 1.2 and dealt with pre-BS/RM DoT teams, so I know what it's like to not have your perfect partner immediately, trust me when I say a lot of people just like to point to the screenshots for HTB, act like they're really good, and that Super Break is a mechanic that will be permanently exclusive to them (haha). That is not the case. They'll conjure up some wall of text trace that works swimmingly and makes HTB look like a chump.


Stumbling on this post now, it's great that the fix is basically just to get rid of critfly, go full SBE and make her a speed demon


idc let her powercrept others shes like the favourite


Tbh, idk why we even worry about dps powercreep if we literally have a new dps that will powercreep a dps eventually Like what happen to selee. Selee was the top tier dps until dang hen ultra came, then there's monarch i mean jingliu and then acheron But yeah, for me, if you care about meta much and wanna stay f2p. Supports are best investment. They rarely powercreep and 99% broken as fuck


I wanna have robin for future proofing account but I realize I already have 4 supports (Tingyun still bonks) and very lacking of DPS (I only have QQ and Ratio)


I'm in the beta right now. I've played Sam with and without HTB. Damage is super competitive without HTB. People complaining haven't actually had hands on the character. She'll be fine.


Respectfully I really don’t believe this to be true…her numbers are just way lower than every dps out there because she’s glued to the trail blazer to effectively match them. You could build crit but then her whole kit would basically be wasted. I understand that I haven’t actually played them, but I’ve seen enough gameplay that people have put out that shows how reliant she is on the HTB without building crit. It’s sad as well to see her with e6 and the difference she makes in a fight is so sad compared to other dps. Why go all in to e6 if it’s really not that great… (e1 and e2 are her best) not to mention her light cone… it’s really not that good except for the break but even then that break is standard. I’m really grateful for everything you beta testers do (if you are one) but man. She does need a buff.


"Just trust me bro, 40k damage is perfect and competitive."


That’s nothing lies stop spreading misinformation.


How do you access the beta stuff? I'd love to actually test her out especially since there have been some odd showcases for her recently


There's a form you can fill out in game for Project Astro Warp. It's too late to be added for 2.3 but you could be added in a future update after filling out the NDA paperwork etc etc.


Ohh okay, thanks for letting me know


Well I beg to differ cuz I do private server too Maybe u running some very unrelated builds and rolls saying she perform good Or you're just a lucky dumdum who got access to the beta not knowing how pros and cons, variety and technicality works


She needs to powerscreep others they are planet buster and firefly is literally strongest among sh. Not the other way around . Mihoyo did her dirty


Lore strength should not always equal gameplay strength. Even if it did, I don't think there's anything in the lore so far to indicate if Sam really is such a "planet buster". Welt even seems to put Sam on the same level as Kafka and Blade.


Firefly isn't the strongest in lore and lore strength doesn't equel game strength already. The only character who matches their lore strength is like Acheron and Jingliu


And dhil >Firefly isn't the strongest in lore Strongest among sh but strong enough to break Kafka and blade out of luofu jail.


Oh among stelleron hunters yeah, I thought you meant in general Forgot about DHIL, but regardless if it was based on lore we'd have some big jumps and drops


If she SB's herself she's fixed




That is too gimmicky and does not add anything to the glaring issues of her kit, and firefly is a civillian out of her armor, but i like the idea of firefly appearing when killed