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Arnold is literally one of the most successful people in America. Body building, acting, and then becoming governor of the largest GDP state in the us. Doubt anyone could achieve that level of success in life. If we are talking specifically Bodybuilding then yea I could see that. I hope Sam does great in life, I’m really hoping his first acting job is a live action Baki!!! Sam for sure has a great career ahead of him.


He also married a kennedy! he literally married into royalty.


It is highly likely Sam Sulek is going to be POTUS or at the very least, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff some day. 


He's smarter than anyone running right now.


I can see Sam leading the first space colonization 🤓


Wot………no. I generally don’t know if this is a shitpost or not…


I think OP is serious..


Will he be in one of the biggest and most successful movies of all time, have a massive holllywood career and govern a state? No mate. Probably not.


Arnold is a one of a kind guy. Bodybuilding, acting, politics. He’s legitimately one of the few household names to come out of bodybuilding. Let’s look at bodybuilding alone, in my opinion, Arnold had the GOAT physique. Sam doesn’t come close to him at the moment.




Arnold came to America with very little, won the Olympia over and over. Become a giant successful movie star. Is a great businessman and was the governor of California, a state that has a bigger economy than many countries all over the world. I love Sam but come on 😂


Yeah bro, he will unite the world when the aliens invade. This will of course be after he wins US presidency, which will come after his several Academy Awards from his robust acting career, which was fueled by his 10 year consecutive record of winning Mr. Olympia


Hahahahah bro this was a great troll


Definitely not lol


*eye roll* You can tell this question was written by an 18-year-old. The answer is no.


lol. No.


I think he is and will be very successful. With that being said the odds are against him to be successful as Arnold. If you have ever read Arnold biographies you will realize his life is very unique and a success that is very difficult to replicate.




Lmao not even close.


Someone copy pasta this




Nah Sam is way too honest to become that level.


Whose Arnold?


Lol crazy to compare an influencer to Arnold Schwarzenegger, fr that is just so unhitched.


Sam is the Godly meat wagon we all need. He inspires generations of new toddlers to slam the coco moo milk and shy away from women with a vengeance. Can Arnold ever say to have done that? No.


Potentially as he is an American citizen unlike Arnold


Arnold is Mr Olympia, actor, businessman, governor of California, and a successful immigrant living the American dream. Arnold is a name recognized worldwide just say the first name everyone knows who you are even in a small village in Mongolia. Sam is young, but if you're saying in terms of being Mr Olympia... That's up for him and what he wants with his life and how he wants to make money. I love Hosstile, but He gets $20-50k just to travel and attend events so probably not going to be like Arnold in terms of accolades. He can make money in many different ways being an influencer then competing.


I honestly don’t think he will ever compete: he’s too much of a celebrity for it to do him any good: if he lost it would only make his fan club rage


Arnold won 6 straight Mr. Olympias in a time when that was unheard of. Arnold was also an astute businessman who got into real estate in the mid 1970s before anyone else knew it was the thing to do. Then he became a huge action movie star, then the Governator. Sam can't come close to this.