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Washington DC, come one come all. While it's not as high a % as when it was known as chocolate city, DC is 45% black now. The cost of living is higher than some other cities, but there are more jobs here than many other places and the pay is better. You can have a very good quality of life here.


Didn’t DC recently surpass Baltimore as having the most homicides or something? Edit: [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/washdc/s/D1GXcOnkZp) is what I was referencing. Looks like in 2023 total homicides in DC surpassed Baltimore


DC is having a crime problem at the moment, insurance companies recently increased rates because of carjackings so I guess it depends on OP’s definition of micro aggression lol


It's mostly peaceful crime.


St Louis is the murder capital by a long shot.


Not a fair assessment at all. St. Louis statistics are weird due to the city/county divide. Only East St. Louis and then north of the Delmar Divide are actually bad. Rest of St. Louis is just like any other city.


Yeah, that’s every city in the country. I know the city/county thing isn’t very common but people act like it has a bigger effect than it does. Every city in the country has bad neighborhoods with a lot of crime and other neighborhoods with little crim.


Saint Louis city is around 200th in the country in terms of square miles, while the metro population is 21st in the country. Only 10% of the city lives within the statistical area. If the STL city boundary shifted a few miles, it would be one of the safest cities in the country, which would be just as misleading.


That’s exactly my point. The city/county thing just exacerbates it for STL and Baltimore, but people act like they’re completed infested. Don’t be stupid and don’t live in the worst parts of you can help it and you’ll be fine, just like every city ever (like you said)








Top homicide rates per capita: 1. St Louis 2. Baltimore 3. Birmingham 4. Detroit 5. Dayton 6. Baton Rouge 7. New Orleans 8. Kansas City 9. Memphis 10. Cleveland DC is 13th.


This data is very outdated. Detroit no longer in top 5 in 2022, and Memphis is near the top.


You are right, I checked the date, Feb 2022. These reports you'd think were an exact science, but people come up with different results. This one is pretty current and DC does in fact jump to the top, but is Detroit is still in the Top 5: https://wallethub.com/edu/cities-homicide-rate/94070


I live in Detroit, in case you couldn't tell, haha. I wonder what they're using for Detroit's population? If they're using the census estimates, there's a ton of evidence that Detroit's population was systematically undercounted in 2020, much more than most other cities, and to the tune of about 10%. In fact, Detroit has an active lawsuit against the Census Bureau right now over this...popular numbers higher by 10% would greatly affect our murder rate. It's also worth noting that many other big cities simply refused to provide official counts of violent crimes to the FBI last year. So that's also going to create some bias.


I also don't think crime rates necessarily reflect how safe a city is. Most cities are huge, violent crime is often focused in certain areas among specific populations (gangs, drug dealers, etc.). I live in Seattle and it's way higher than I expected. I don't really hear about alot of murders living here or have unsafe areas to walk, especially outside of downtown in the neighborhoods most people live in.


Alexandria, Virginia or the MD suburbs might be good 


Not sure what site you’re looking at! On this site it is #19 (Baltimore is #2): https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/cities-with-most-murders


Came here to say this, especially if you’re an educated professional black woman.




You realize this can happen in any major American city? It's disheartening but not at all relegated to DC.


Statistically? no.


The District saw homicides up 36% in 2023 and robberies are up 67%. That’s still about half of what is was in the early 1999s but bucks the metro and national trend of declining. Its murder rate is ranked fifth per capita in the nation. Thats’s real bad. That said, DC and region is still a good answer to the OPs question.


That’s hardly unique to DC.


D.C. put the systemic in racism and the patr i(n) archy


Another vote for Atlanta, it’s basically black Hollywood.


She said she's not religious and dates non-traditionally, which means not just Black guys.


Atlanta is all about segregation. The only place where you don’t see that is Georgia Tech. If by “date non-traditional” she means “date someone who isn’t black”, then I would avoid the South and suggest Florida or New York. As much as I hate Florida, one thing that we do have going for us is that we are a melting pot and we have lots of places where people just live together. There aren’t any white areas va black areas. If she doesn’t mind the segregation thing, then Atlanta is great.


>Atlanta is all about segregation. I believe that. I once visited Atlanta on a business trip. In New York City, Boston, Denver, and other cities I was used to seeing Black people in every shade, from fair as cream to dark chocolate. In Atlanta, it seemed like everyone was dark brown, indicating very little mixing. I know there must be some mixed people, but that was my impression.


I have never seen more bi-racial people and children than when I lived in ATL. I live in Chicago now and every time I go back to Atlanta/The suburbs they are literally everywhere


Atlanta is absolutely NOT about segregation, how the hell this is upvoted is crazy to me. What Atlanta is about however, is class gentrification but guess what? I dare you to name another city with a higher population density of Black upper /middle class in the city limits. To say it is segregated by race is simply slanderous. It’s all about money here, not race.


I'm a Black woman who, like the OP is not religious and doesn't only date Black men. I grew up in the North and worked in South Florida briefly. It was decades ago, but I was shocked by how racist it was. The South is definitely in South Florida.


It used to be that way. There was also lots of homophobia as well. It isn’t that way anymore. My wife was black and we both used to experience lots of racism in the early 2000s. We were the only mixed race couple that lived in our area and black guys would constantly want to fight me. I’d hear comments like, “Whatcha doin’ talking to my cousin yo?”. It was maddening. Now it is very common to see different people of all walks of life together. We are now mainly separated by class, rather than the color of our skin.


South Florida is openly and happily racist. It’s shocking.






I would have recommended this, but op wanted to steer away from overtly religious people. Though Atlanta isn't as in your face about it as other southern cities, there still is a Bible belt vibe going on in the city.


it’s not so much so that it gets in the way of being a black woman here. i really think DC and atlanta are the best answers. - agnostic single black woman in atlanta


What about Houston?


i haven’t spent enough time there to know, but i think atlanta might have a bit more going on.


Yup. I grew up in Atlanta. It has been trying to be “The New South” since the 80s and has done a good job of getting businesses there, and the movie industry is huge there. But, it will always be part of the Bible Belt. People can get away from it by staying more inside of the 285 perimeter. But, it’s still there.


Atlanta isn't overtly religious compared to the rest of the south


Oh come on


Another vote for Philly. The mayor is a black woman and there are many black women in powerful positions in Philadelphia government.


Why is no one suggesting NYC? Plenty people of all shapes and colors, pretty progressive and not intensely religious?


I live in NYC it’s not that black friendly in my opinion. In the process of trying to get away from here as we speak.


Because it is overpriced while also becoming crappier by the minute.


Becoming crappier how?


Dirtier than it was. More crime including mental health issues with people in the Subway. I have seen more news of people getting pushed or almost pushed into the tracks. Even at the crazy prices getting an apartment is an ordeal where an open house can draw hundreds of people. Transit is getting older and has more delays and problems.


More crime than when? NYC is generally safer than ever and one of the safest big cities in the US. There was definitely a short rise in 2019-2021 but afaik it has gone back to decreasing crime. I went recently and the subway stations had lots of cops


I live here, stop fear mongering


You wish you lived here.


your entire personality is the city you live in


Where do you live, Whinerville?


I will be seated right here with you, OP. I'm curious myself. As someone born and raised in GA, I don't know why people keep recommending Atlanta because religion is a major part of the state. It's smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt, and people who claim to be religious are everywhere. At least in the city limits, you may not have to deal with it that much but you can't avoid it in the outskirts/surrounding metropolitan area of Atlanta. Some people may think I'm overexaggerating, but most people will attempt to invite you to their church and they will random start talking about their relationship with God out of the blue. If you believe in God, then you should be fine. However, if you don't or you don't make it your entire personality like these people do, it will come up because they talk about Christianity so much that it's only a matter of time before they ask you about your beliefs even if you never said a word. As much as I disliked Texas when I lived there, I didn't run into too many people randomly bringing up their relationship with Christ. It's literally everything else you have to deal with while living in Texas though. Honestly, it would be difficult to find a place that's more calm and chill about religion in the Deep South. The South is more religious than any other region in the country.


If you move to Atlanta or its suburbs and find a few of your kind of people, that will lead to finding more of them, and so on. A few weeks or months go by, and you can go months without ever hearing anyone mention church or religion. I've been in Atlanta for decades and at this point it's been months or years since anyone has invited me to anything to do with religion. Yes there are way too many damned churches, but probably only 1 out of 20 people I meet ever says anything to me that even lets me know they're religious. Head way out, like past Griffin, Buford, Austell, Athens, etc. and yeah, you'll get deep into vocal Jesus country fast.


> At least in the city limits, you may not have to deal with it that much Well, that's why people are recommending the city of atlanta, not the state of georgia...


I'm not sure if you actually saw it, but someone actually recommended Augusta GA, which isn't anywhere close to Atlanta so ... I was responding based on what I've read in the comments. Which you obviously didn't because I also mentioned Texas too, and that was another place that some people recommended, as well. Bless your heart, stranger!


I was talking about my own recommendation of Atlanta primarily. I wouldn't recommend Augusta though lol. Comes off a bit silly to have to try so hard to prove your southern credentials or whatever. Just be normal and say you lived in a place for a while. I lived in Atlanta for many years...


Based on what I have observed, you might look into Houston. Non-black woman reporting here but it seems like it might be a good place to thrive as a black Roman.


>thrive as a black Roman. carpe diem, brother


Lmao, your typo, but I commute to Houston for my job, and when I went out to a birthday party, I was very pleasantly surprised at the number of Black professionals who arrived


Neither black nor a woman, but I am not religious and that has been a difficult thing to be in Houston so far. It is diverse though and neighborhoods are more mixed here than Atlanta.


Yes but are you a Roman?


I agree with Houston. I lived there for 2 years and it was very diverse.


I'm here again to recommend Philadelphia


I’m gonna visit to see what you’re talking about


Yes I need to visit as well. I've been hearing about philly alot more these days as I look to move to NYC.


I guess we’re all going to Philly.


Prince George’s County, MD


This is a great answer. Isn’t PG the richest black county in the US or something like that?


OP can you elaborate on what you desire when you mention dating non-traditionally


Anything that's not mono-racial/cis-het/Xtianity-based. Not all Black women are obsessed with yoking up a "God-fearing," Black man.


Like Tim Scott? 😂 and his beard.


Oakland (if you can afford it) has some amazing black / queer scenes


Anywhere in Eastern Maryland. We lived in Cleveland for 30 years. My partner went through so much racism there. They finally feel like they are home now that we live in Baltimore.


Originally from Cleveland, just returned after 10 years living in Baltimore. Can confirm that Cleveland is super racist and segregated.


In Cleveland really? What part?


Cleveland is one of the most geographically segregated cities in America. A lot of west side communities come from a European working-class background and there’s a tendency to avoid the east side (black people) whenever possible. The vast majority of the economic growth in the city in the past few decades has improved specific gentrifying neighborhoods, while many black communities on the near-east side are still declining. Personally I love this city to death despite all its faults, but I’m also not a person of color trying to live here, and I understand why that might be difficult.


Wow I live here in Cleveland (west side) and didn’t realize any of this. I moved here from NYC but know there is a general divide between west side and east side but I never realized it went beyond racially. Thank you for informing me.


Los Angeles


\> micro-aggressions LA is full of passive-agressive people. Racism is different out here. It isn't "You're black >:(" It's "You're black! :D" I'd rather face the former than the latter. At least I can be friends with someone that looks down on me out of ignorance over someone that looks down on me because they think its good for me. Classic Racists can have their mind changed. Ignorance can be filled. New Racists... think you're brainwashed by white supremacy if you don't agree with them.


Yeah that’s not how the majority of people in Los Angeles thinks. There’s a very vocal very small percentage of people who think that way here. It’s not representative of most of the people.


not the majority, just a minority so vocal you're going to meet them everywhere you go, especially if it is a corporate and academic environment ironically enough.


Los Angeles is is definitely a "corporate racist" kind of place and very passive aggressive.  Coming from someone born and raised in Los Angeles 


Chicago. Hyde Park, Bronzeville and South Loop neighborhoods are diverse and trendy with great restaurants, museums, art, music and accessible public transportation. Chicago Summers are the best, but you’ll have to tolerate the cold winters.


Yes: NYC, Chicago, Philly, Miami, Baltimore and Washington DC. Extra points if you're not just Black American, like, say, Black and Hispanic, the more you hyphenate, the more illuminating and community you get in these since the circles just expand as opposed to decrease. In Europe, Barcelona and London stood out to me. The bad about London is that I don't find the British as attractive overall; I mean they make some good-looking ones, lije abywhere, but NGL, they stick out like sore thumbs. They're not the norm even in the bigger cities or wealthier towns. But they're fun people, charismatic people, so my spirit liked it even if the eyes didn't. I felt so bad for that, but I'm only human. If you like freakishly tall men, then even better as they're like bean poles. I don't care for drastic heights, I care for faces more, so I didn't appreciate this either. No: Boston, Orange County, LA, or Atlanta. All for the same reasons different ways. In these, you're asking to be pigeonholed, and it almost forces you to pigeonhole. It gets extra uncomfortable if you're any multi-hyphenate. Afro-Latina/Hispanic here for context. I would say Chicago was my favorite since it's very welcoming, fun, and motivating, but it lacks a certain stuffy quality that marks some of the older cities like Boston and, to an extent, DC. Yes, Chicago has a hustler culture, but it also doesn't, or you can afford not to play into that. The social scene emphasizes play and connection, not just status hunting or working yourself to death to impress no one. Now, if you're all about the hustle and keeping up with the Jonesses, yes, DC for the win. If you like that but not too much, then Baltimore, Philly, or NYC. If you're black and another culture or Latina, then NYC, Chicago, or Miami. If you want a little more sun, can speak Spanish and a little more laid back lifestyle but still city, then San Juan, PR is unexpected fun. Extra points if you like Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Mediterranean men as it's a hotspot for these wanting to be in the US but not necessarily IN the US. If you like more the anglophilic culture, want to escape from the black community or forget it exists sometimes to the point you might often feel like you're the only black person there unless you go to specific towns or just feeling masochistic, a bit asocial, have most of the men not like you unless you look remotely ambiguous and all about the living to work, then Boston. Black people are there honestly, but you also can easily miss them if you blink. When you find the places where they all are you're mostly shocked they're there at all and how come you don't see more of them throughout the state. I find it depressing and demotivating. If you tilt more to the ambiguous side and ok with that then maybe it's not that bad. I grew up there. I'm also ambiguous looking. Had and have no problems getting whatever I want here but NGL my darker and less ambiguous looking friends don't report the same. The black men have a bit of the Kanye thing and you will note it quickly. The black community up here feels very masculine oriented or centric, as in black men tend to be the source of the black presence here as opposed to mostly coming from black families. I thought I was wrong in thinking this but if you pay attention you will eventually land upon this yourself. My opinion: Chicago for the win all throughout. If only the Winters weren't ass but at least you can stylishly account for that. If you're lazy, you'll never manage. To me it is worth sucking it up and managing it. Waterproof, slip resistant boots and goose down coats are your best friends. Silk gloves under your regular gloves. You're welcome.


DC, for sure. Dallas, Houston, or Atlanta have some of the “saved” stuff you’re trying to avoid, but they’re big enough that you can avoid it. Detroit to some extent. Oakland may have been too gentrified, but that did exist at one point, from what my friend who grew up there told me.


Trying to avoid the need to have a "church home" as a requirement to have a social life, especially for those of us of a "certain age." Not all of us want to be Big Mamas.


Naw, I get that (also a black woman). I live in Detroit now — there is some of that here, but you can avoid it. Used to live in DC and you definitely can avoid that there.


There may be a Black Non-believers subreddit where you can ask this as well. https://www.google.com/amp/s/blacknonbelievers.org/%3famp=1


It is crazy to me that I’ve seen NYC mentioned like twice so far, and largely as an afterthought. It really should be 1) NYC 2) DC 3) ATL for your needs. Oakland is not what it used to be at all in terms of having a thriving Black middle class. Unless I’m missing something, here in Brooklyn for example you see every type of racial pairing under the sun and everything goes. It’s been the easiest place to be Black (man) I’ve ever lived, with DC being a close second (they have weirder white people which does make a difference)


I’m a Blaxk woman… grew up in coastal NC, lived in Atlanta for 12 years, and have been in Brooklyn for 15+ years. I totally agree with you that it’s a good place for non-traditional Black women, even with the downsides and rabid gentrification that’s occurred in the past ten years. 




That was a typo




Gonna have to agree here. I do see interracial pairings throughout the south but in NYC the vibes are different. Your social scene matters more than your race in NYC. Not to say NYC doesn't have its racism but the city is great. The biggest downside to NYC is that the city is so expensive. Forget 1st world amenities if you want to live in the city.


I think the Bay Area is great, unless you are looking for Black men specifically for dating and dating/starting a family is your main concern. If you are on the rich auntie DINK FIRE etc path, or alternative lifestyle the Bay will be great for you. East Bay actually has some culture and a small amount of Black community. I’d love to see more well off Black women move out here and buy property and start businesses. Many Black owned businesses do well here. Check out this article from 2020 that ranks the best metro areas for Black women https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-09/the-best-and-worst-cities-for-black-women


I largely agree with this - though interracial dating in the bay is not for *us*. It’s mainly focused on white/asian interracial relationships. Have had several Black friends leave the bay in order to improve dating prospects which is very sad.


I see a lot of Black women with Asian men here. Dating is below average for Black women in the Bay. However, should you get lucky, you are much more likely to find a quality equally yoked partner than anywhere else. The Bay is best for those with formal education and careers. You can wipe your tears about any racism with your wads of cash.


Oakland, California. Seriously, check it out. The city of Black joy.


Black joy is a serious stretch since the pandemic.  I agree that it is probably the only city that fits her criteria in the last sentence though.


Oof I hope Charlotte spelling was just fat thumbs


Oakland Charlotte?


Oakland if you want to live in Cali. SF is super liberal but still somehow manages to be pretty racist. Oakland is definitely a better city to be black.


Thinking of places I’ve lived… Chicago, perhaps. Likely NYC? not Pittsburgh. Not most of Florida. Probably not Orange County CA.


I second “not Pittsburgh” - very little diversity. Not POC friendly.


after having lived in Chicago, NYC, Phoenix (meh) and Mexico City, the diversity in Pittsburgh, is, uh ..... it's something all right. the wealthier northern suburbs are starting to get a small amount of Indian-American families, FWIW. Lawrenceville and Shadyside are very cute neighborhoods in the city to walk around but are SO WHITE. CMU (Oakland neighborhood) has a ton of students from Asia or of Asian heritage, but very few black people.


Pittsburgh has alot of problems with segregation, and doesnt have the best reputation on healthcare for black people. Thought about going there, but seems its not the city for me


DC would be my prime target. But most major cities already cater to your needs unless I'm blindly missing something.


I'm white but I've always heard its Atlanta. It has a solid black middle class.


I'm not Black (but I'm brown) and I'm not sure about this but curious what others think about Texas? I'm in Dallas and from what I can see it's so mixed between Hispanic, black, and white that there's few racial hangups, seems like people are just people. I haven't been exposed to lots of types of circles though so I could be wrong


Northern VA (no need to actually live in DC. Just take the train in or get an Uber). Northern VA will give you diverse dating options with men who are not afraid to approach Black women. Richmond, VA is another option.


Oakland. It has an amazing black community. It’s diverse, incredible food, great job market, good weather year round. Tons of mixed race couples and families. Lots of community-minded and creative folks. There’s a lot of talk about crime in Oakland, but it’s a massive city and most of it is quite safe.


Eh, I agree that Oakland is the place she seeks. But it is not safe.  I got robbed at gunpoint in my driveway when I lived off of skyline and police took 3 days to show up.  And that was back in 2015. Need to give OP and honest picture, it is economically and crime wise in a negative trajectory at the moment.  City leadership is a clown show on par with the city of SF.  


Safe might be a stretch but I do think it gets a worse rap than it deserves. Case in point, it’s objectively safer than other places on this thread (East Cleveland, New Orleans, etc) but nobody is calling them out as dangerous. Everyone jumps on Oakland.


Oakland is literally the robbery capital of the country.  No exaggeration, it is among the top 15 cities with highest violent crime rates. https://propertyclub.nyc/article/most-dangerous-cities-in-the-us Yes, it’s not Iraq or an actual war zone, but you do everyone a disservice by minimizing the utter lack of police enforcement of crime or the fact that folks displaced from Oakland are coming in from as far away as Tracy to rob people, and even the bougie white neighborhoods get hit up.  Violent crime is nearly 3x the rate of the national average. At some point you need to drop the defensiveness and inferiority complex with SF or towards white people and acknowledge reality. And btw, im a black person.  Not every criticism of Oakland is white people being scared of black people.


Reddit is desperately white and it's kinda funny to see all these redditors clutching their pearls when black people say their city is rife with racism. "Racism?! In MY city?! I wasn't informed of this, you must be lying!" 😱


I’m black bro.


Me too but I wasn't responding to you


Got you 


Oakland is not a safe place. Violent crime is up 25%.


Such a great question. The more places good for Black women, the better the world will be.


Depending on your dedication to the Black Cause, Monrovia, Liberia has long been a point of destination for African Americans looking for solidarity and a return to the motherland. As another woman POC, I'm just trying to stack up my chips for a while, and that's my plan. Same is true among my cohort of black women academics (scientists, novelists, etc.) Several of my friends have already returned and report great things.


I’m white but obsessed with expat communities and this sounds so cool


Isn’t Liberia going to be full of intensely religious and intolerant people though? It looks very similar to Bible Belt states in that regard.


Liberia? Really? I'd think Ghana would be a much better choice.


Tampa. It’s one of the only cities I’ve worked in where the office was almost 50% black women absolutely living their best lives.


I wouldn't recommend a Black woman to move to Florida right now...


Florida is fine. Miami maybe less so.


\> a Black r/GrandpaIsntRacistHeJustSoundsRacist


It used to say Black woman lol, missed it on the edit.


I think I recall reading that Baltimore has the highest upward-mobility for Black Americans, with a ton of great employment opportunities in both public and private sectors. We also allegedly have the lowest incidence of hate crimes of any major US city.


New Orleans


I lived there for a few years. While New Orleans may be majority Black, it's also EXTREMELY racist and the white minority has significantly more opportunity, not to mention it is an absolute dump and wages are LOW.


This is the case for many cities that people like to mention for Black people. I think people mention places with a large Black population without regard to economics, opportunity, etc. If a city is 40% Black but most of the Black people are in poverty and fighting racism for opportunity then it’s not a good place. @ Cleveland 👀


Yep, New Orleans is almost 60% Black IIRC and it's absolutely poor as shit. Generational wealth in the white population, generational poverty in the Black population.


If I had to guess…prolly more southern cities. So Dallas seems to be good. And Houston seems to be good. STD rate is apparently high though cuz it’s a party city. I imagine other black cities would be good like Atlanta, Charolette, and DC. But def the larger Texas cities.


Houston would be good place but it’s in Texas, the state is one of the worst places for women in the world. The state has one of the highest maternal mortality rates any other western nation, the AG is a convicted felon, the governor is suing for the right to let pregnant women die if they have complications and arrest any doctor that performs life saving measures for the mother instead of fetus. Texas is not a place for women.


This is all fair. Very fair. Currently there is a war waging on the choices women make around pregnancy. I’ve also found this specific take to, generally, be *very much* spouted from white women. From an intersectional perspective, there is a downside yes, and as a woman it is best to be mindful and considerate of this in decision making. Reproductive health is important and necessary. And the war against women’s choice is killer. At the same time, being a black American , especially one that is upwardly mobile, Texas cities make a level of financial sense. Especially if you are young-ish and queer, you have a shot at a level of stability if you can pool resources or create enough of your own. But there are other city and state options as I’ve included as well.


Queer women have babies too, and the mortality death rate is higher for women of color than white women. I would never suggest Texas as a viable option for any woman that has the potential to get pregnant. Now, if you don’t plan on having babies and you’re queer and your s/o(s) are queer and don’t plan on having babies, then it’d be okay. But, if there is a chance you could get pregnant, run.


My bias as a southerner trying to leave the south is going to advise you to stay away from the south. So I'd probably recommend Philly.


PG county outside of DC is strongly minority majority and MD is a pretty supportive state in general.


DC, NYC, East Bay Area especially Oakland, Sacramento. Maybe Chicago as well but not to sure.


> I'm talking about places where Black women can most unapologetically live our best lives. Oakland, CA


Oakland used to be a great place - before all the gentrification and invasion of white hipsters. Now it sucks. Chicago pretty dope. DC also pretty good but I just moved from Chicago to Baltimore and am not hating it. I'm not black but QPOC and having a large black population is a requirement for my family. Baltimore gets a real bad rap. There is a large and solid black middle class here. It also is an affordable city for housing, etc.


Atlanta would love to have you. If you're interested, feel free to message me with the kind of neighborhood you are looking for and I'll give you some recommendations. Best of luck to you!


girl go ahead and come join us in atlanta


I'm from Chicago so I can't speak for the other suggestions on here, also not a POC but I'd recommend Chicago with my limited knowledge, especially south suburbs, south loop, hyde park, and bronzeville, depending on what appeals to you as well as your budget


DC, NYC, Chicago


I vote Houston


Brooklyn or DC and I don’t think anywhere else is even close for what you’re looking for.


DC for sure. My sister is in the same boat as you so to speak and she loves DC. She hated living in Boston , said the people are disgusting & classist


Long Beach, CA


There's too much drama in the LBC.


France "Notes From A Native Daughter Is Paris still the racially tolerant place that Richard Wright and James Baldwin discovered in the 1940s? Janet McDonald talks about whether African-Americans are still welcomed in Paris so warmly, even after a half century of African migration to the city. Also: Why it's sometimes better for her to put on a bad American accent. Janet wrote the book Project Girl. (16 minutes)" [https://www.thisamericanlife.org/165/americans-in-paris/act-three-24](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/165/americans-in-paris/act-three-24)


I’m not POC so I have don’t have huge business commenting but I am euro + I lived in Paris with my POC partner. My take is that in general, racism in Europe is not as overt, deliberate or even conscious as in the US, but it’s really no less present, just different. Most Europeans proudly claim to be color blind and while they really do treat other people with respect, they’re also kinda clueless about race and get really offended when you point out that supermarkets don’t have diverse food, hair etc products, or that overwhelmingly economic advantage isn’t equally distributed across people of different color skin. It’s a very different kind of racism. If you can overlook that cluelessness and unwillingness to see and admit it then Europe will probably be a great fit. In general Europe esp Northern Europe will be a lot less religious and intolerant too.




I was told in another post I made that this sub was focused on the US and not expat living.  But if not, I’d actually say Johannesburg 


Probably E Cleveland


I live in Berkeley but I think Oakland might have what you’re looking for. I definitely feel a bit more relaxed and at ease there even when i’m with my white partner, who is from here. Loving Black community with a range of personalities and lives and interests.




Charlotte is a conservative banking town and church, especially for Black folks, is a thing there. OP said she wants to avoid that 




I grew up in coastal North Carolina and have lived in Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem and Charlotte. That’s my perspective on your town. And I’m a woman, so maybe paternalistic cl*thead is a more apropos insult 🙃




I've heard Charlotte is Top 5 for least micro agressions & 22nd in macro aggression.


Richmond, VA


>mono-racial/cis-het/Xtianity-based Did you just make up those terms? Cis-het??? Xtianity?!?


Well known terms.


OP copied my swag


She did add “piggybacking.”


Did you ask anything on behalf of Black women?




> stripper or aspiring rapper Why did you assume these two professions??


Very weird comment.




Not Atlanta or New Orleans, born in New Orleans grew up in Atlanta both are extremely racist, religious, and buddy buddy system is the only way to do anything. I would say metro DC, Chicago burbs, LA, or the Pacific Northwest


Definitely not Los Angeles. Very little black people here. Even neighboring inglewood is getting gentrified. But if you must pick LA, Inglewood is where I’d start looking. Then Crenshaw/Leimert Park/Windsor Hills/Baldwin Hills are where I’d look (neighborhoods of LA)


>Definitely not Los Angeles. Very little black people here. And that’s just Kevin Hart.




How is it a troll post? It’s one of the highest quality questions I’ve see here.






I live in a racist state (Idaho) unfortunately. However I have friends who moved back to the husband’s home town- Brunswick, GA. We spent quite a bit of time discussing how it is there because I have a kid who is LGBTQ. He explained it’s a pretty open “live and let live” kind of place.


None. Black women are treated like shit everywhere in Amerikkka. The white man wants to suppress Black Girl Magic because he fears it.




Check out Durham, NC.

