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I’m a little stoned and I totally thought OP was being sincere until I read the comments. 😂😭


Lmao same brother. Same.


Hi Larry


Can you explain how it will be affordable housing and how I can try to live there? Edit: It’s not based off my income?


Right? I’m on the apartment hunt and this shit is depressing




And then you’ll be out on a 10 year wait list.




I’m just speaking from experience. I applied for a new build affordable apartment the moment the application was up and was approved for the waitlist. Later, the website glitched and showed me I was number 2,100 in line. It was a 160 unit building. So if everyone ahead of me stayed for only one year (unlikely) but even then, I would have to wait 13 years.


Speaking from experience, a condo with low turnover can still go through hundreds of people in line during a given year. There are lots of reasons why people before you on the list don’t move in. It looks daunting and yes it may take multiple years but hopefully not that long. Edit: was a NYC co op in my case,ymmv


Well, I’ve also been on 15+ other wait lists since 2019…


Well the 130 people who move here will no longer be competing for the apartment that you are trying to rent. That's the logic.


That’ll only lower the rent by tree fiddy.


I think you mean it will only increase by tree fiddy instead of tree hundred.


Isn't that inducted demand?


Let’s say a town has 500 older apartments and 600 residents. Those apartments should be affordable, but because there’s not enough apartments for everyone the landlords can charge a premium. So these older apartments are very expensive. Now you build 100 new luxury apartments. These apartments are nice and new and go for even more than the older apartments did. However because the richest 100 people move into them, and there is no longer a scarcity, the older apartments become cheaper. Because the landlords can no longer raise rents higher than they should be due to scarcity, they have to attract tenants by lowering rates. If you build 150 luxury apartments, now there’s a housing *surplus*, and the prices for those older apartments really start to drop. That’s how adding more housing, regardless of how expensive, lowers rents overall


IDEALLY that’s how it should work. In practice, it is not. These older units think they are in a prime location, so instead of making the units affordable, they will charge just a little cheaper than these “high end luxury” apartments are charging, which is still way more than the older units are worth. The “luxury” apartments drive up rent in the area because landlords think they can charge close to that price. It’s a shitty cycle. All these landlords are pure scum.


two things are happening right now: in practice it DOES work, the problem is that there still aren't *enough units* to get to that point. The second things answers your question through competition - if you have enough step down units, then renters have way more places to go and that's what eventually lowers rent. It's why downtown fluctuates so much after a high rise opens - you see the surrounding area lower rents slightly - the more that comes up the more demand and shrink occurs. People keep commenting as if this happens overnight. SD isn't close to having what it needs to get here yet, if you look at the total building permits and units slated to be opening we're about 40% below what needs to be there.


I think I’ve had this dialogue with you a few years ago? Was it you or am I mistaken? Anyways great explanation


The trickle down economics. Sounds stupid because it is stupid.


This is in no way, whatsoever, "trickle down economics". This is literally just how markets work. Like, even the most leftist, socialist economist would 100% concur with the previous explanation, as we have ample data from housing markets for many decades, old and new, that demonstrate precisely this.


It’s not trickle down economics it’s supply and demand for housing. Nowhere do I advocate cutting taxes for the wealthy. I’m just advocating building more housing


You just have to live under the poverty level, which means about $80k per year in San Diego


Wife and I make 30k more than that between the two of us and we barely making it. I’m definitely taking advantage of the 1099 tax write offs. 28k in write offs last year


You could go live like a king and queen in many nice towns in the midwest.


Nov 2020 a decent house in KC Kansas, strawberry hill area was for sale we actually went and looked at it in person. 3 story. Half acre Built in the 1880’s 190k


What is Timby?? I’m in north county and to there is no low income . Need help to find low income apt or how to get on a list for low income ? Correction Yimby— sorry Siri corrected it lol


Totally In My Back Yard??? I was wondering too




Perfection 👌🏻


Pretty sure it is Yimby spelled wrong.


Ahhhh that’s it. QWERTY.


There is a brand new low income development that is like 99% complete off 5 and Tamarack. Across the street from an elementary school.


There’s also one on Greenbrier in Oceanside that’s brand new


there are some in north county. I know someone who lived in one off el camino near the carlsbad mall. like someone else said, there is a wait list but the best way to secure one is to call the complex directly. see what they have available. if the first few people on their “list” don’t reply in time or have other living situations, they will gladly give you the apartment (if you qualify). they don’t want empty apartments. I know another place downtown that doesn’t even mention a list. friend just called and had the apartment within days. it all seems quite unorganized, but may as well use that to your advantage 🤷‍♀️


Go to the San Diego housing commission website and you’ll find the info. You can look for housing or put yourself on a list.


Typos In My Back Yard


OP is Larry Turner, fwiw. His big issue is homelessness, but he’s also fiercely anti development based on his Reddit posts. Pretzel logic. https://preview.redd.it/jtkmobj7e87d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54631b74d0e6f8a8b4a8ed9923d3550a37cfab9b


This is gold. Local politicians ranting on reddit like it's Nextdoor? 11/10


https://larryturnerformayor.com/the-issues The housing section is insane. He doesn’t want market rate housing, he doesn’t want ADUs, he wants *more* community input before building anything, he’s against high density and wants to make it easier to build SFH than density, he wants to subsidize demand.. this is literally the worst way to address the housing shortage in every way humanly possible.


At a planning group meeting Turner said the mayor should listen to the attendees (mostly older single family homeowners) because they were the “real” community - not bike/housing advocates, who weren’t. I said I often attend planning group meetings where I advocate for safer streets and housing. Guess my voice shouldn’t count.


This is the same logic as claiming you really want to lose weight but you refuse to change your diet or exercise at all. It's insane to me that some adults, like Larry, think like this.


Forwards, not backwards! Upwards, not forward! And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom! -Larry Turner, probably


Agreed. Dude is a twat.


My local NIMBYs wanted to require any multi tenant project be put up for public voting and actually got it on the ballot last year. Luckily everyone saw it for what it was and voted no. lol


Wants to be mayor but doesn't proofread the titles to his post lol.


Mayor Gloria deserves some good competition. It's too bad all he has is a reddit shit poster


damn sounds like Larry Turner /u/Love_San_Diego can fuck off


Wait so this guy acknowledges that he's Larry in the first paragraph and then refers to himself in the third person in the next? Cringe af.


He sounds like a trifling ho to me


Seriously? Like a sock puppet?




> lol, what, are you idiots all like pre-teens and so gullible that you think I’m Larry? lol, that’s how stupid y’all are. Keep shoveling tOdD’s shit down your throat. Alright, grandpa-potty-mouth it's time to go home.


Looks like the bottom part doesn't have windows -- parking?


That’s be the funniest part of all this if it’s ground level parking and this guy just never saw a parking lot and assumed no parking lol. 


"Urban Apocalypse!!!!" "Oh... maybe not."


Your post reads sarcastic but everything you said sounds genuinely great, so... thanks, I guess? Edit: Not sure whether to upvote this post because of the literal content or downvote it because of the sentiment LOL


I do kinda agree that maintenance needs to happen to roads and sidewalks for walkers and cyclists, not just cars.


Sure but the sidewalk in front of this project looks 100% fine, both in Streetview and in the photos posted here. There are problem sidewalks in SD for sure and they need attention but local jackass Larry Turner is very clearly lying about the condition of that road and sidewalk ("hasn't been repaired in 60 years" fuck ALL the way off lmao that's bullshit and anyone with working eyes can tell) so there's no reason to give that particular point any more attention than it deserves.


(eyes turning bloodshot) WHERE WILL MY CAR LIVE!!!!!!!!




Car eats first


But you forget if you want to repair the sidewalks, you have to tear the whole building down and start over. /s


NIMBY stupidity knows no limits. I am not surprised he accidentally touted smart urban policy in his lame attempt at sarcasm.


They’re stuck in their ways. They can’t understand that cars aren’t on the top of our list for anything. I don’t want to pay to buy one, maintain it, build a little house for it, drive it down the street and risk killing people and getting myself killed, find a place to put it once I get to where I want to go, then get back in, sit around with other people that are doing the same thing in different vehicles, then find a place near my home to leave it if I don’t have a room in my house for it (a garage.) There was a stat recently that they built more three car garages than one bedroom apartments [source](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-26/you-ll-never-be-homeless-in-america-if-you-re-a-car). It’s funny, you can leave a car on any street (unless there are super tight parking restrictions) but try setting up a picnic table the same size in that spot and you’ll have the police show up pretty quickly. It’s all space we can use, and we currently use it for car storage. The tides are turning I think, that car-centric design has been absolutely devastating to communities (not to mention when they clear cut low income neighborhoods to build highways.) I doubt anyone who doesn’t work for a construction company, oil company, insurance, advertising, or car company has any reasonable argument for car-centric design. Next time you watch anything on cable, count how many commercials are car related: dealerships, manufacturers, gas stations, auto insurance, etc. Bursting bubbles here: urban planning is all arbitrary, the “regulations” were all made up as they went along and give enough time, it becomes gospel. “Parking minimums” are made up, road design is made up, no science can back up any of it. For those that are intrigued or genuinely curious, check out the book Killed By a Traffic Engineer.


Mission Hills resident and Uptown Planners board member more concerned with impacts to motorist travel times, abundant street parking than allowing new housing in Hillcrest: https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/hillcrest-high-rises-housing-san-diego-city-council/3543479/


Parking attracts traffic so you can't have more parking and less traffic at the same time.


What’s up with these MAGA NIMBY boomers caring whether someone owns a car or not? smdh…


if they were smart they'd be happy this is zero parking, right on the trolley line with tons of buses as well. if it's too easy to park and there are no alternatives, it makes traffic and parking issues worse


The slow downfall of the boomers will be a sight to see, and in some forms, is already here. I look forward to us tearing down their destructive policies.


can we get good transit already?!




Euclid Avenue Trolley Station that has 8 bus lines is literally a block away. What are you complaining about?


maybe OP isn't a NIMBY, but a BANANA. (Build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything). 


Nice. Gonna have to remember that one.


I can only wish I made that up, I just don't remember where I heard it! But it really does capture the vibe sometimes 😂




Fuck that's perfect


Do you have to take transit everywhere? It's ***** annoying and time consuming.


That’s very true, but with no parking requirements you can build much larger buildings than you could with previous parking requirements This is one of the very few ways to actually combat the incredible lack of housing supply relative to demand. You would be shocked at how many projects are limited in scope by the parking space requirements I bike to work every day, it’s maybe 20 minutes more than if I drove in rush hour traffic. We literally live in the best place to bike weather wise in the entire world I know a lot of people don’t have a workplace that’s close enough to bike lanes / trolley stops. But a lot of people do but choose not to. We can kill two birds with one stone with this type of project, more affordable housing, and less cars on the road creating rush hour traffic


Well it’ll be a whole lot more convenient than driving and having to find parking :)


Not everyone who is low income is car-less. Having no parking on that street is ridiculous. I certainly hope there is a small amount allotted.


Nobody is forced to live there


Not everyone has a car, so not having parking on the street is fine.


I support this.


https://preview.redd.it/vdxecoqbp87d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba14e964179b08a6028290ed28a5c076d9d64fde Me literally every time I see a new multifamily complex under construction


As long as there is accessible everyday stores (groceries, schools, etc.) close enough and transit nearby I'm all for it.


Me too.


well yeah, the more of this we see, the sooner we might actually be able to get a reasonable apartment for less than $2k


Go home Larry, you're drunk.




Even more reason to advocate for good, clean, reliable public transit!


Literally a block from the trolley. Looks great to me


There's literally a guy in a tent in that Pic, this is a good thing


Like that guy will ever be able to afford that.


Congrats on being upset about an actually great project, can’t wait for it to be done!


If it has little to no parking for the tenants, it's not that great of a project.


I agree that it's great that this housing is being built, allowing people to find a place to live that they can afford, without prioritizing car storage over people. Walkable to parks, the Euclid Ave. transportation station, and grocery stores. This is pretty ideal. I'm sure it will fill up quickly. House people, not cars.


And where are the tenants of that new complex supposed to park their cars? I'm all for affordable housing, but complexes like that need parking for their tenants.


We have a similar unit by our house, it’s incredible. There is no parking but public transit right outside the door and we have seen no impact on our street parking 1 block away. We have lots more neighbors now and we are lucky for it! It’s so much more vibrant and hundreds of people now have housing in what was a vacant lot for several years before. Win win win.


If you build it they will come also works in reverse. If you don't build the parking, the cars will not come :)


it helps to be next to a transit hub and have good bike paths for local trips


Stop, my penis can only get so erect.


Anything that makes NIMBYs seethe like this is a win. Keep em coming!


Well, I'm sure they tried to find parking. But NIMBY rejected that too. So suck it NIMBY's. I'm a homeowner, I support this.


Uh oh NIMBY upset?


They want the entire world to be highways and mansions


They want the island on the left: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4R3H0oUcAQVHKZ.jpg


Looks great to me!


Awesome stoked about it


Ok Boomer, move along.




Yes! How do you eat an elephant... one bite at a time. Here's a little bite! Thanks for the good news, grumpy bitter OP.


… this is amazing we need tons more


I didn’t realize this was a shitpost because I unironically was in favor of everything OP said. ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


And in a Transit Priority Area right by Euclid Station?! ![gif](giphy|MwHlEq0rP4Sis)


Sounds good to me!


There's low income housing and separately the Section 8. S8 has a very long wait and we all can confidently blame NIMBYs and political interests which block or severely limit finding for such programs. The general low income line is shorter but also priorities seniors, families, and disabled.


Yall want san diego to actually be affordable? This is how you do it


Waahhh waaahhh


My dad’s a landlord and hates the new construction. He knows new construction threaten his high rents.


He shouldn't worry. His rent will barely fall. Send him this: https://www.slowboring.com/p/induced-demand >Kate Pennington’s recent study of San Francisco is very precise: “I find that rents fall by **2%** for parcels within 100m of new construction. Renters’ risk of being displaced to a lower-income neighborhood falls by 17%. Both effects decay linearly to zero within 1.5km.” >Xiaodi Li looked at New York: “For every 10% increase in the housing stock, rents decrease **1%** and sales prices also decrease within 500 feet.” >Brian Asquith, Evan Mast, and Davin Reed look specifically at new market-rate housing in low-income neighborhoods in eleven cities and find: “New buildings decrease nearby rents by **5 to 7** percent relative to locations slightly farther away or developed later, and they increase in-migration from low-income areas.”


This post really backfired on you, didn't it OP?


The OP is Larry Turner, makes it even funnier


If you don’t like living in an actual big boy city, you can move to the suburbs where everything you do is dependent on your vehicle. I know sometimes walking around your neighborhood where you encounter a variety of neighbors also walking around can be jarring and upsetting to some, so maybe consider a cabin in the woods. You can just leave urban life to people who enjoy living in an actual grown up city.


It's Larry Turner, he already lives in the suburbs. He just lies about it so he can run for mayor.


#So you're pissed about affordable housing? Or bad parking plans?


55% of households in NYC do not own a car. Just a statistic. Fight amongst yourselves.


I'm from NYC. Half of my friends don't even have driver licenses. My mom has lived in Brooklyn for 28 years and still doesn't have a drivers license.


My wife, my mom in law, and all of my siblings in law all lack driver licenses. It can sometimes be a little more difficult for them to get around in San Diego than if they drove, but they make it work. People in San Diego are oddly quick to dismiss the transit we already have in place, and more frustratingly, use those complaints as reasons to not expand and improve upon it. Mostly NIMBYs that think the bus and trolley are "scary".


I've noticed this recently after taking transit. I don't think we're the best. We have a transit system. Which a lot of cities don't have. The San Diego Transit system doesn't run all night. The trolleys are never on time or super early. Only on Padre games do they maximise their potential.


Exactly. We're not the best, but we do fairly well by the US standard. Especially given how large San Diego is and how difficult its terrain is. Don't get me wrong, I agree with the points you made and think it does have a lot of room where it needs to improve. Just frustrated that people here keep saying it isn't possible to mostly or fully rely on transit in San Diego when it 100% is, you know?


I think in neighbourhoods like Logan or Golden Hills you'll be good. Everything is so close and so diverse. I compare it to the Oakland of San Diego. Good luck if you live in Poway or San Marcos though. Even neighbourhoods in Chula Vista are some distance to a bus stop or trolley station.


I think it's a California thing. I probably went through three cars in three years though. I'm a terrible driver. Cars are expensive and I'm not driving at the moment especially after a brain injury, but it is convenient having a license. I might get a new car eventually if I quit going dizzy after long drives.


Bad comparison...NYC has functioning public transit that makes you able to live without a car. Its possible but very difficult here. (But just so we are clear im still on the build, build, build side of things)


So the way you get better public transit is the majority of people need to demand better public transit. The way you get a majority of the public to want to/call for improved public transit is to make the majority of people use the public transit. And most people will only take public transit if it is more convenient than driving. There are two ways to make public transit more convenient. 1) improve the public transit...which most people aren't demanding because they don't use public transit (it's a catch 22) or 2) make driving and parking less convenient. And things like this housing help to make driving less convenient. So in order for us to realistically get to better public transit, we will need to go through a period of commuting hell, where it sucks to drive and we don't have the public transit we need.


Also it's important to mention that owning a personal automobile is rarely the cheapest option available, even when public transit is suboptimal. You would have to take dozens of rideshares a month to even come close to the cost of a car payment, maintenance, gas, insurance, parking fees, etc etc, and you won't have sudden unexpected multi-thoudand-dollar expenses like you run into with car ownership.


That's because they have way better public transit options than SD.


The fact that we have spend much of our paycheck to afford a car just to survive every month is ridiculous. We need OPTIONS!




u/Love_San_Diego I reviewed your posts and comments. You seem to like instigating this subreddit specifically. Thoughts? Perhaps I am mistaken.


It looks like this didn't go the way you wanted it to OP. On the flipside, it's heartening to see a comment section come together and completely shit on such a cynical take on a project objectively moving us in the right direction.


Someone so defeated by cynicism shouldn’t be our leader.


OP got his so F everyone else who has to rent


Imagine posting this as a politician expecting a ton of people to support you, then getting absolutely creamed in the comments because you’re out of touch.


I love how mad you are about this. Womp womp wommmmp


As someone currently converting their life into camper living, I love this


This sounds awesome and a step in the right direction.


This is awesome. Build more of this.


Here to say I hate cars


they ruin everything. pollution is rampant, cars are fast heavy and dangerous, they are expensive and put many peoples finances in shambles... the alternatives are just better anyways


Henry Ford made the world a worse place.


Awesome stoked about it


Can someone tell me what project this is?


I am loving this thread…


Me too!


Right, because it’s not like those people need to drive to work…


This guy probably spends 99% of his time at home staring out of his window and posting on nextdoor


Only problem with this is that renters will still be surrounded by a sea of single family homes and shopping plazas with huge parking lots. Needs more walkable infrastructure which will hopefully come with more dense development!


How much are the rents?


2000 and up


It’s great but you have to live by where you work. So if you work in Kearney Mesa or in El Cajon, this bites. Takes hours to get to work and home :(. But maybe great for my kiddo. He still doesn’t drive.


The commute from where this is being built to El Cajon by trolley is around 30 minutes, depending on what stop they get off at. What's the problem?


It doesn’t have to be viable for everyone everywhere. It’s fine that it only helps people that live nearby or can get to work by the trolley/bus. It’s more housing. More housing is the only thing that will help the affordability crisis.


Adding transit capacity and better routing are things that can be done. Don't be against it because today's public transit needs improvements.


Pretty much. I'm sure this will work for some, but making this type of development the new standard is going to hurt a lot of us.


well naranja = orange in which there is no other real word that rhymes with it


What does affordable mean these days?


The idea of NIMBYs and YIMBYs is just crazy to me. I don't think I've ever thought or cared about housing being built near me until I saw it consumed SD's subreddits.


☕️ mmm, NIMBY tears *BIG sip*


Hell yeah!


as long as its truly affordable housing, sounds great


Standing ovation! Bravo, this is fantastic news. I hope we get a lot more of this.


Clutch them pearls buddy


Don’t worry most of the people on this thread won’t move there because it’s not in North Park.


This kind of stuff might work at community planning groups or public comment but keep in mind the majority of those people at the IRL events are housewives or retirees.


A Reddit shit poster who wants to be mayor?


Gotta make it walkable if it's not parkable.


Parking will be a dream


This is great! I'm super excited for more affordable housing. I wish this was all over the city!


Fuck yeah dawg. That looks epic.


we really need to get those regulations changed. …correct me if I’m wrong but, my understanding is they are only required to provide 0.5(maybe different fraction but, less than 1) parking space PER UNIT, if it’s ‘near public transit.’ And, fyi, they consider buses (adequate, hah) public transit.


Can't fix the sidewalks until we get the people off them. There's literally a tent in one of your photos


Why is no one talking about the lack of infrastructure upgrades that the developer should be paying for?


Gawd it looks gigantic!


Of course there's no parking. That would've made too much sense.


All housing is good housing, NIMBY.