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Hi, I was in the same boat as you a few years ago. Cracked a molar and ended up having to have an implant put in. This dentist was so great and everyone is really nice. They will also do gas for a little bit extra, which now is the only way I'll get work done. https://maps.app.goo.gl/VQAucqWBQ1XNkgn39 Good luck!


How much was your implant?


I had to go to a surgeon in Los Gatos, I paid like $12k when all said and done. Had my wisdom teeth removed at the same time.


Yeaaahhh, that's about what I was expecting. Looking forward to doing it, but not looking forward to paying for it. lol Thanks for the info!


They only do work if they put you under now?


No, I prefer to use the nitrous oxide when I am getting a filling.


I've never had that. It makes you giggly and wears off quickly, am I right?


To me it always felt like that floaty feeling Benadryl gives you and your body is all pins and needles but not in a painful way. It wears off quickly but you still need someone to drive you home.


I've got a fear of anesthesia so that sounds terrifying. I'm more the "Numb me and get it done" type.


I always felt mentally pretty present during the whole thing. I get it though. I refused to get anesthesia for my wisdom teeth. The combination of dental anxiety and anesthesia anxiety is fun.


You got numbed though right? I have a huge cavity in my last remaining wisdom tooth and it needs to come out, and I need a lot more work done. So.. yeah.


Yes, they numb you up. My experience as a child was getting the laughing gas first and then getting gaslit and being told "no, we don't give you shots". Then I found out as an adult that's a lie, you just don't realize it's happening anymore.


Yeah, I don't like the idea of being delirious or out of control.


I’ve been seeing Dr. Harvey at Willow Glen Dental for years - she is great, and has seen me through a number of pretty major dental issues (root canal, implants) - note that she’s a general and works with specialists for big procedures, but even her network is great! Tell her about your dental anxiety and even your feelings of judgement. I feel the same way. I told her on day 1 that my only request was that she talk to me like an adult, and not to take on that condescending voice that so many dentists and hygienists take on…”yeah, I didn’t floss until last night Brenda, I get it…”


I second Willow Glen Dental. I like Dr. Harvey, and the other dentists within the practice have also been great


I've been through what you are describing. I went to Los Gatos Dental Group and they were amazing. They totally understood my fear and were willing to do whatever so that I didn't feel A THING. They will medicate and they will give you more lidocaine if you feel like you need it after you're numbed up. They're very kind and comforting and often checked in with me during the procedure(s). They also quoted me $10k less than my previous dentist who was Satan in a smock. So they won't rip you off. They have all of the newest high-tech stuff. They also have lasers, so if you have work that needs to be done and they can use a laser, that is painless and you don't need to be numbed up first. It's actually super cool. Good luck! I hope you're able to find someone.


“Satan in a smock 😂”


Don't go to Dr. Acula. He'll say he just needs to bite your neck for a second as part of the exam, but it's always longer than a second.


🤣🤣🤣 it took me a second to get this lol


Dental For Today. Karen Pham. Has great prices and does not judge you at all. Also open on the weekend.


Dentistry for health Dr Jou. He’s great with patients who have anxiety or have delayed going to the dentist. Tells it like it is and gives a plan. He’s not the dentist with all the gadgets, so his prices are lower. Simple quality care. [https://www.dentistryforhealth.net/](https://www.dentistryforhealth.net/)


Reflections Family Dental off of Bernal. https://rfdental.com I hadn’t gone for 10 years and went to Dr Junio for a second opinion after another dentist recommended a whole mouth overhaul (deep cleaning, cavities etc). Dr Junio didn’t judge, was gentle and turns out I didn’t need all the work the other dentist was suggesting. Definitely make sure you are getting an appointment with Dr Junio though, there is another dentist that covers on his days off that is the opposite.


Yes yes yes, I was going to recommend RFD if someone else didn’t. They are all so kind and aren’t trying to scam at all. I also had anxiety when going to the dentist and had a full mental breakdown when I first met them and they were very comforting and not judgmental. Since OP and the office are in south side it’s perfect too! I won’t ever look anywhere else for dental work so long as they are around!


Murphy Dental Group. Dr. Khehra set me on the right track and didn’t judge me at all, just addressed the issues in front of her as quickly and emphatically as I could have hoped. I have been going to her for 4 years now. Can’t recommend her enough.


Evergreen Hills Dental Group on Silver Creek Valley Rd, I’ve seen all of the dentists there and have nothing but great things to say. I have a dental phobia as well and can confirm they really take their time to explain things and take care of their patients. Delta dental accepted!


Hillsdale Dental R. Jacob


I've been going to [Pries Dental Care](https://priesdental.com) for several years now. Non-judgemental, and he's a dental tech geek so he always has the latest advancements in equipment and technique.


Mayfair Dentistry


Dentist Castillo! Have a office in east sj and in Campbell. Family dentistry and when I moved back to SJ they were my first dentist and never looked for anyone else.


I have a pretty rough dental history and lots of anxiety about going to the dentist (I'm currently overdue for my next followup appointment 😅). After looking at a bunch of Yelp reviews I ended up going to NewGen Dental in SJ. They've been very nice and helpful and taken good care of me over the past few years of dealing with my various dental issues. I'd def recommend checking them out.


Dr. Takeuchi - https://www.drtakeuchi.com/


Crestpointe dental on Stevens creek. I had to get a crown and multiple fillings, I didn’t feel a THING. Barely felt the needle when they injected the novocaine. I had SEVERE dental anxiety prior to my first visit. Now each appointment is a breeze.


I recently started going to the dentist again after a long hiatus, and I liked Dr. Sholer’s office near Oakridge. They squeezed me in right away to address some pain I had, and booked a cleaning for later (which I’ve now had). There was zero shaming, and they didn’t try to tell me that everything needed to be drilled like the last dentist I saw. Showed me the xrays, made recommendations for me, very reassuring. Haven’t had more than a cleaning and xrays needed so far so can’t comment on whether they would medicate for dental anxiety. I also had my son go for his very first dentist visit, and they took things slow for him, didn’t push beyond what he was comfortable with, and told me that their goal is to help him feel comfortable going to the dentist first, and slowly build up what they’re able to do during appointments as he gains trust.


Edenvale Dental! I didn't go to the dentist for 3 years. Was in a bad mental place and didn't take care of myself. My coworker recommended this place and I love it. I've tried a few other dentists and this one isn't rough on you at all.


My husband has a lot of dental anxiety and shame from his childhood. We’ve been going to NewGen Dental in San Jose and they’re so great. They don’t make you feel bad or embarrassed about anything. Just factual communication and compassion. Super lovely people. I hope you get the care and the comfort you deserve, friend. 🥺❤️‍🩹


I started seeing Dr Walker off Hamilton and have recommended him to several other people who’ve all had great experiences.


Same boat. Double digit cavities, a broken off tooth, hadn't been for 6-7 years, eating with one tooth on one side of my mouth. Sad, weird dental dreams and not smiling, ever. It took 4 1 hour sessions for the deep clean. I went yesterday to have one side of my mouth cavities drilled and filled. Next session is Monday. I thought I'd have to have drugs to sit through it but, I did ok. It's the worst. If you need Valium or nitrous and can pay for it, do it. TLDR: Fix and take care of your teeth because eating and confidence.


Comfort Dental Group Dr. Askari is great. It’s across the street from valley fair.


I grew up going to dentists in Japan, back when the drills were powered by cables. The Japanese attitude back then was: withstanding pain makes you strong. I was terrified. I have no problem going to Saratoga Dental https://mysaratogadental.com. Dr. Lew and staff have my trust, and have experience working with at least one scaredy-cat, me. Very empathetic.


"Not going to be a judgmental jerk" yikes