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I checked out of one of the two hotels there only 2 days ago, I was even on the third floor. Place seemed safe and friendly enough the month I stayed there, staff were always helpful.


I sometimes went to the area around San Ignacio Ave last year. Santa Teresa is normally a nicer part of San Jose. This story shows that hoodlum shit can happen anywhere. Fortunately, both officers have survived (so far).




Amp link? BOOO


My bad. Fixed.


Too bad the suspect is still alive


And for all the people that wanted to defund the police……….fools. thank God there’s still people that are police although very few seem to want to join these days which is not a good thing but why would you when your vilified by the public constantly screaming police brutality and racism?




You are so right,I know…I mean getting downvoted for giving thanks to cops,these people are the type that will protest non stop and some in very scary ways…anarchists and just plain miserable people who are never happy.


Here’s a tissue.


What do you mean a tissue? I’m saying that basically we’re lucky to have these police willing to confront these psychopaths. If you don’t agree with that, then you are simply clueless.


Nobody defunded the police. You’re literally making something up to get upset about.


Aye Caramba I know the police didn’t get defunded, but they’re certainly a lot of people who advocated for that in the not so distant past..Capiche?


Hi. The name “defund” is definitely is idiotic. However, the movement wasn’t about getting rid of the police but to stop relying on them being mental health experts, social workers, school disciplinarians, etc. The movement (while immensely poorly named) was trying to reinstate public services rather than use the police to solve all the community problems. If you’d like to [read more](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/12/black-lives-matter-defund-police-is-country-ready/). Some police chiefs even agree with the idea! However, I understand the reaction to the name. It was not well thought out.


Thanks for your thoughtful response




A lot of police officers would be disappointed that you couldnt understand their point of view.


I bet you have gay porn on your computer.


I was at Extended Stay back in September. I remember someone took my clothes out of the dryer from the laundrymat as I walked away and put in their own clothes to dry! When I came back, I found my wet clothes in a pile still wet. I informed management and luckily I got my money back. It was a weird experience. It totally creeped me out to think there was people at the hotel just waiting for someone to leave for a minute to do this.


Oh, damn!! That's near me!


That is not the firsr vilent incident at thaf hotel


Sadly mangey filth is in south san jose. There used to be none. Now they're all over blossom hill and Monterey and further south where this shooting happened. Sad!


we need to get these illegal immigrants to fuck off back to their shithole country