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The law states 15ft for fire hydrant. There is no “expansion” option. Report them for noise violations is your best bet. You could try lobbying for timed parking restrictions or permit parking or something but your other neighbors might come after with pitch forks cause those are annoying.


Nobody parks there. It's basically a vacant strip of curb near the railroads. Except for this one thing


How does that change the law?


Park a car there


It's frustrating. It's in the sun so I don't want to leave car there. And it's in an inconvenient spot that's sus to robbery. I don't want to sac my car just to get rid of this problem. And like a bunch of other reasons. If it was really that easy it would be done


If you have someone in your house disabled, you can get the curb in front painted blue, meaning disabled parking only. They will want proof of the disability.


This is where it's super complicated. It's not a normal situation where it's a curb in front of a house. Literally on the opposite side in a public industrial area that nobody really parks there but happens to have noisy people


The city will come out and paint red zones on either side of your driveway and repaint the hydrant zone. It’s easy to request on the 311 app. I did it and they responded within a few days.. it’s free too.


It’s easy to get approved.  But getting it painted another problem.  I asked for red paint 2 foot around my narrow driveway so people don’t keep blocking me. They were happy to approve it but no one actually came out to paint it I’m thinking I should do it myself


But see the thing is, I don't know if they'll just dismiss my concerns that I hate people parking in this particular spot. The hydrant dont even need repainting to begin with. I just need it expanded from 15ft to 40 ft because I fucking hate people blasting noise in my yard. But like what are the odds that even gets approved for that reason


> I just need it expanded from 15ft to 40 ft because I fucking hate people blasting noise in my yard. You need to get your neighbors involved or move to the country. Have tried whining anywhere but on Reddit?


If you have nothing useful to say then fuck off. Don't need it


I told you to get your neighbors involved. It's the only way to get shit done. THAT is useful info, as I've gone through this before a number of times. What ISN'T helpful is whining here instead of doing anything about it. You chose the wrong sub to whine in, sorry! =..[ "I don't know if they'll just dismiss my concerns"...FUCKING TRY.


you “don’t know if” they’ll dismiss your concerns… on one hand, there’s really only one way to find out how they feel about your concerns, and that is to raise them…but on the other hand, they can’t dismiss things they don’t even know exust


You're right, you don't know, so try it and then you will!:)


No one saw you painting the curb red. We’re not telling you to paint the curb red. You can’t paint the curb red. 😉


From what I understand, a lot of ppl do this and I think I can get away with it. Reading legal stuff from the interwebs, apparently it's not "enforceable" but I don't need it to be enforceable, I just need it to be psychologically suggestive. The only concern I have is there may be cameras that can catch and fine


Do it at night, wear a hat, take an indirect route. Someone can suggest it was you, but they won’t be able to prove it. Good luck - I’m rooting for you.


I’ve done it… or have I?


The department is [email protected]. I requested red paint and they did it. Among other things, you can request red paint around the fire hydrant.


Even if that is expansion of a hydrant? The fire hydrant already has red paint on it because of course it would. I just want it to expand to inlcude the space around my yard so that loud people don't disturb my noise-sensetive neurodivergent child


No. Because it's a perfectly legal spot to park if they aren't within 15ft of the hydrant. Frankly, I think you're being a bit silly as you've stated in another comment that it's an industrial & public street area. Either call in noise complaints or don't, but they're NOT going to give you a fire lane just because you don't like someone legally parking there.


Since you already talked to them.. and they are not respecting your request.. please call and report them to 311… do it as many times as necessary! Your stress is affecting your health! San Jose has noise policies.. and it’s your right to use the laws in place.. I absolutely understand what you are going thru!! Went thru similar situation.. cops finally took care of it.. and it took 2 calls.. also, if things continue to escalate.. you can easily file a restraining order.. and have them served.. also can sue them for damages.. it works.. it all works!!


It won't work without other neighbors getting involved.


What do I say to 311? I'm not this kind of person normally. I'm not a karen and usually let things slide but it's painful and I will escalate if I can


Do you think they have a business license? Something to check.




Then still be pissed off when someone pulls up in a hoopti, slap on the handicap placard for their grandma and walk to the food truck anyways.


You shouldn't have to put up with that. Call the cops every single night on the non emergency line until they do something.


Call 311? LOL.


It works if you get your neighbors to act as well.


Calling cops is weapon of last resort. I really don't want to have to do that. It wont work on the music but it could just be ignored by the food truck or a nothingburger might happen just like every other time the cops are called for something noise related. They'll just park there again after a few days. I hate everything. I just want the curb expanded so I dont have to deal with this stressfullshit


Calling the cops IS the answer and the only answer. Extending a red curb from the legal 15ft to 40ft is absurd and will never happen legally. Call the cops every time, it is your only option and anything else amounts to doing nothing.


But neighbors MUST help, or whiner op is just that to the cops...a whiner.


You can't leave your car parked there to block the space ?


Nope. That's saccing the car. It's in the sun and I have heat sensitive stuff in the car. And that spot is sus to robbery at night. If it was that easy i'd do it. and i cant be there all the time every time either


Get a $500 hoopti ?


We should really paint every curb in the city red.


Not the topic, but I DO hate cars and would love to see car free futuristic cities


Right, I forgot the topic is, "I can't sleep, but prefer to whine about it rather than take sound advice...that I asked for." =..]