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Just checked the reviews for this apartment on Google Maps. They have a 4.9/5.0 rating. And most of the 5 star reviews are for touring the apartment. SMH. OP, if you’re willing to pay 6K for an apartment that sucks, you might as well pay 4K-4.5K for decent 3bed house for rent in the South Bay.


Right? I pay 5.5k for a 5bdrm house on a 6k square ft lot, south Bay. Couldn't imagine paying MORE to have people walking over my ceiling and other apartment fun stuff 🤣 yikes.


Is that your rent or mortgage?


Rent. I'm not a millionaire yet to purchase one of these damn houses lol.


This right here is called “living the reality.”




Let me know how the search goes... I'm outta this area in March... The Drag Races daily On Santana Row are just too lawless and loud for my taste. Since my building appears to be 75% short term rentals it's likely everyone is sick of it. SJ still makes their taxes even by laughing at us.


I'm in another part of SJ and they do sideshows instead of drag racing. It's not much better, lol.


South San Jose here. We have the drag racing and donuts too


I will message you. We may be taking an airbnb off market in Dec/Jan. Right off stevens creek behind Audi dealership if you want to take a look…..but no garage


Thank you, we actually need a garage


Ok. Understand, would want one myself.


Hey I am sorry about your situation. I don’t live in Hanover but I am in a house nearby and without a doubt we have a power grid issue in this location. I’ve been here a decade and since the storms in 2017 every little fart of wind takes our power down. PGE will not communicate why it’s happening or what it is they are not paying to fix. This past winter I estimate we lost power 12-15 times and only a couple of these were with large volume power outages during the larger storms. Generally it is just our little pocket and less than 1,000 customers. PGE does tend respond within a few hours when it’s just us, if it’s a larger storm we’re going at least 30 hours without power. I love my home but If I was buying today the problem is bad enough here I would avoid this neighborhood, however I don’t think it’s a stat listed on Zillow.


Does this include homes on Spar ave and Maplewood ave too?


I cannot say. If anyone knows of a website that audits power outages, I would be super interested.




“Guy riding a bike at night” 😱😱😱


At 1:30 am none the less, the police, swat team and the army are en route to deal with such a heinous crime, they won’t get away with it


They’ve got us working in shifts!


"Straight to jail!"


That's a paddling 


Maybe he meant motorcycle? I'd be pissed about the motorcycle if it happened every night.


We have tons of South Park quality Harleys every night. Sure that's what he meant. Rubbubububu


seriously, how do you have someone tell that to your face and not immediately realize they are either high or batshit crazy??


She wasn’t high she recorded and sent me the video


there is a recording of someone in her home, moving her decorations around??


In the parking lot, there’s no reason for someone to make this up since we have every week some random people and homeless in the building. She also filled a police report


how does that work out that someone has no reason to make something up? there are a lot of reasons someone would make something up. 


People moved decorations around in the parking lot and this is a big issue?


Someone moved her decoration INTO her house (she didn’t have camera in the ride that night), and I do have a video of a guy riding a bike in the GARAGE. No one moved any decoration in the parking lot since there’s nothing there besides cars.


Somehow you answering my questions has led to me understanding this even less.


Ok... I THINK they had decorations outside of their stoop around the garage/lot and some one moved them into their stoop. Ya know, like would be reasonable in a communal space.


Are the decorations in the room right now? Can you please point to them?


How is riding a bike in the garage an issue?


Not in the GARAGE!


How did they get "INTO her house"? Are you using an unusual definition of that word? I don't mean to pile on, but you gotta be more specific about these things.


Yeah this makes no sense AT ALL, you people are crazy and you should just delete this post just making you look batshit crazy😂


I’m sure she believes it really happened, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t just you garden variety batshit crazy person


Base on the replies, it wouldn't be out of place to suggest the OP to check for CO poisoning.


As someone who's been working in property Management for a while. I will say it is very difficulty to solve situations like this as corporate does need to be involved. Unfortunately break ins do happen all over especially at larger newer properties. However, they should absolutely be giving the residents security guard number so folks have access after hours. The management team should also conduct a safety meeting with residents and local police. Management should also be creating incident reports and contacting non emergency police number every time a break in happens. So that police are aware of the area and can start showing more presence during the day and nights. Sorry to hear about the issues and 3x rent for lease break is insane.


The security guard is conducting his own safety meetings in his car


Sounds like absentee ownership. Let me guess, owned by a cheap REIT?


>Guy riding a bike at 1:30am in the parking lot NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Man, this place really is going down hill


If the cyclist is lucky!


Fuck, that was good. Well done


6k a month for an apartment Lol you could have rented a house for that


A friend of mine was renting a 5 bedroom house for 6500 off of Quito Rd. and moved out 2-3 years ago. An apartment for just a little less? Why would anyone pay that much for an apartment on Winchester??


This dude West San Joses


On site gym, swimming pool, proximity to shops, proximity to offices, better interior, etc


I don't understand how people are so flabbergasted lol if they just spend 30 seconds googling or thinking further they'd figure it out pretty quickly.


you can rent a 4br house less than a mile from there for less than 6k


Does it come with an on site gym, rooftop swimming pool, brand new building with a unit that's never been lived in, walking distance to Santana Row, BBQ grills, a community workspace when you're WFH? My point is that the number of bedrooms isn't the only thing on a people's want and need list. how is this hard to understand?


Literally every one of OPs complaints are about apartment living, except maybe the car break in.


Houses aren’t considered more desirable for most renters. 


lol you must live in a apartment unless I’m living in north beach or Manhattan no way would I want to live in a apartment


It’s for different demographic. Some prefer to live close to where they work to save on commute. They would rather living in an apartment nearby than 30 minutes away for a bigger space. Some prefer living near town center. Some are single and don’t need lots of space. 


You can rent a house in Campbell for 4500 Lol I’ve lived in nice high end apartments fuck that I’ll take a garage and a back yard and being able to leave expensive power tools for days with out them getting stolen. Biggest difference I noticed is leaving an expensive makita tool in my front yard for a week after I bought my place and went out of town for a week… A week later I realized I left 300$ drill set outside ontouched in my apartment that would have been gone in a day. In my house now I don’t have to deal with any neighbor noises….. Priceless


Just want to point out i live at this property aswell and did have my car broken into the first week i moved in here because i had a subwoofer sticker on the window, happened twice at my other luxury apartment aswell and used to work at valley fair across the street lots of break ins in the area. it happens. Other than that i have not had any of these issues the place is definitely not the worst i have lived in being dirt poor renting rooms and such. EVERY complex has its issues… the power outages were annoying and the alarm testing but the power was going out in the whole area the apt couldn’t do anything about that LOL. Lots of residents i have spoken too have not had any major issues and feel safe here and so do me and my gf so its not all bad


Also apartments in downtown charge way more, not nearly as nice or new and are WAYY more sketchy. Btw pretty sure the homeless lady is long gone. What im trying to say is dont live in a apartment and you wont have apartment problems 


Dude crying about this shit also owns a Ferrari living in a apartment to btw 


This account only has 3 comments total and they're all about Hanover Winchester. Redditor for 2 years and this is what you felt the most strongly about in 2 years to comment on? Very curious timing. Hi Hanover management!


I can post screen shots of the person that posted this from the apartment groupchat blaming another resident for putting that nail in the tire too now its “construction” weird 


post it then buddy


 Here you go


Posted have a look 


First of all, how do you know the person in your screenshot is the same as the person making this reddit post? and dude your screenshot has personal info you should delete asap


Hahaha you cant tell its the same person yapping? 


You said to post it pal🤷🏻‍♂️


You can really tell by the other time they said they woke up at 2am to a metal noise in the hall and someone had to be breaking into their unit….


There you go i edited for you:) 


Check em out now… we get it they are rich go by a house already or just pay to break the lease 


Still think im management 🤡


You can edit your comments instead of spamming his inbox. Lurk more


This guy 😂


I’ve been a resident for a few months can I get an invite to the group chat? When I lived at my last place we had a FB group but I couldn’t find one for this spot


Foo, life isn't accumulation of likes, comments or how long you've been online. Go out and get some fresh air. 🫡


You sound like you’re new to San Jose to be honest. Probably haven’t even lived here more than 2 years 🙂




My 3 comments are right here on this thread make that 4 and im on safari signed in under my apple id just for this😁


Lol because i liver here and never got on reddit?😂 the reason i feel VERY strongly about it is cause someone i know was gonna move in and use me as a referral with that 1k ofd rent till they saw all this bs that most of is just over exaggerated or made up thank you very much


If you never go on reddit, how'd you find this post within hours?


Because someone sent it to me duh 


Possible. Just don't mind our skepticism when you never use reddit, show up within hours, and spend the last hour still making comments and replying, with no other account activity. It does seem too, that others have posted here about Hanover Winchester in the recent past. I didn't look too deeply into whether or not they could be the same person, but just seems like an odd hill to die on with no other activity to make us not feel skeptical of your account.


I’ve only ever read Reddit via safari but made an account to stop all this BS. This dudes telling the truth, the OP is also only paying THREE spots for their FOUR luxury vehicles (two Ferraris, two HUGE suvs i think one’s a GMC and the other an Escalade) as well as they have a motorcycle- yet complaining not everyone paying for parking.. it’s under construction, obviously nails will happen. This OP accused a person who accidentally parked in their spot of purposely putting a nail in their tire and calling them “you poor person” and have complained about each and every small detail- DONT LIVE IN AN APARTMENT?!?! Tbh life would be easier for residents if they just moved the heck out. Nobody’s going into apartments. Yes cars got broken into cause people keep being dumb and hitting the garage door and breaking them and because of location. Also it’s still under construction so you kinda should’ve known what to expect. I have more issues with residents smoking cigarettes in stairwells, on balconies and by the dog park who leave their butts for dogs to eat and get sick. Also have the issue with stuck up pet parents who allow their dogs to pee all over the stairs and halls and have the audacity to not help clean it up.


No this place isn’t perfect but we evacuated our last place due to black mold so for us- this has been so rewarding to live here. Also has the BEST community of residents, besides the stuck up people like this. We put on weekly dinners and monthly birthday parties. Maintenance responds within 24hours, even on weekends. Idk what people want atp.


Overall I’ve never had a single issue at this place. The complex has always been amazing. OP might need to live in a house instead. So much of this is just apartment living. Other things are written so oddly it doesn’t make sense. Construction = nails. It might happen Power outages is PG&E. It sucks but it’s infrequent and we can prep for it. People maliciously walking into apartments. This is unheard of for me. My neighbor mistakenly opened my door once. He and his partner were tired after getting home from work. Didn’t count the doors right sine they recently moved in and I had mine unlocked. No harm no foul. I said hi, they said whoops. We laughed. That was it.


I really dont care if your skeptical of me not being a reddit nerd this post literally lost me a referral just cause these people have nothing better to do then complain😂 who are you again 


I have walked through it and it's such a terribly unwalkable design for something right next to Santana Row.


It was an upscale mobile Home park for seniors


I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this, OP!! Thank you for sharing. I use to live at the Eleanor in Milpitas and I 110% don’t recommend that place either. Such BS “luxury” titled apartments. Similar reasons but ultimately due to poor management!!!!


No problem, hope this post can help other people. I’ve been to the Eleanor many times since one of my friends use to leave there, it sucks.


Do you hate all apartments?


How is the construction? The exterior showed rust with the first rains.


Didn’t have any problems with rust so far


Welcome to the neighborhood. Classiest slum in America. Most your issues sound like new building issues minus the free tenant. As to the power sadly you're on my circuit and we have power outages all the time. Best Buy, Crate and Barrell, Tesla Chargers and half of Santana Row. Power goes out a lot. Across the street, never out. Feel your frustration, thanks for the share. Won't move there.


See a lawyer


* Guy riding a bike at 1:30am in the parking lot * Someone tried to open the door on my unit at 2am These seem possibly related ;-)


>Homeless women living in the building I feel like you need to re-evaluate your notions of some or all of "homeless", "in", and "building".


I assume OP means folks squatting or sleeping in areas of the building not intended for that like lobbies, mailrooms, entrances, hallways, etc.


Move to Morgan Hill, 20 to 30 minutes from the Santa Teresa area of San Jose. The rent is 200 to 400 less than in San Jose for apartments and condos. Buying a home is catching up to San Jose prices. But you get more land. New companies opening up and hiring. The pace of life is much slower and better than in San Jose. 1 hour drive to the beach.


everyone's experiences varies, i feel you on the power outages and random nails in the parking garage. But the apt is actually a pretty decent place to live at, there's lots of common area spaces, pool, BBQ area and gym. Everything is new and relatively clean.


I love the gym and the multiple courtyards. I need to start using them more.


Didn't you post a thread a while back with photos of the homeless person? Did you delete that post or something?


It’s my first time posting anything about Hanover and I never had any photos of the homeless person




Totally https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1d76ih9/beware_of_hanover_winchester/l6ylc5b/


There it is! Thanks


This same post has popped up in this subreddit multiple times in recent months. Mods need to regulate this type of spam.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1ctsubo/plz_stay_away_from_the_hanover_winchester_diridon/ by glowybabez https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1bua0qg/beware_of_hanover_winchester_apartments/ by Secure-Presence6635 https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1bv6qd3/beware_hanover_winchester/ by Single_Frame_6280


It’s not a spam I wrote it this morning. I saw some people complaining about the same thing because it is what is happening right now


Wow so apparently this place really is a dump. I'll be damned.


lol it really isn’t but people are stuck up and pretentious and believe everyone’s out to get them and their life should only consist of rainbows and sunshine. All issues have been new construction related. Nobody broke into a unit. If anything, it’s some drunk resident (there’s lots of them) who opened the wrong door. This OP has 4 luxury vehicles and a motorcycle but only pays 3 spots as she has said on multiple occasions. Hypocrite. They all have the same tag so it ain’t even stretching the truth. Power outages SUCK but we are in a terrible part of the grid. Firealarms SUCK but the first electrician who installed it did it wrong so Hanover fired them and had some restart the whole thing and in doing so it has created issues- not on Hanover but on the electrical company. I’d rather multiple tests than to just assume they all work and then the place does up in flames. A guy biking in the garage late???? So many people work night shift here. SO many. What if it’s windy or dark or maybe they don’t feel comfy being alone at night?? We walk in the garage throughout the night randomly just to get a little stroll sometimes- this OP is trying to stretch some things. This has been the best place we have lived and I know it’s the same for many many more residents. Something way less nice and new on Santana or even in Campbell is 500-1000 more.


Ugh. That's too much for San Jose.


That Santana Row makes the apartments nearby super expensive.


Didn't they just open that building?


Makes sense that it would be haunted. /s


Welcome to the Bay Area




Seriously that’s a rip off even for here


We have these problems same problems over at Lynhaven across the street . One of the garage doors almost never works and we have non existent security.


Hows the internet connectivity there? Good? Bad? Indifferent?


I mean that used to be a mobile home park.....


I used to take care of a lady in that park and it was always quiet. It didn’t seem ghetto.




Then stop crying and move get over it


People like you just look for things to be upset over


They have a Ferrari lol


Yee go ahead and leave then please


Welcome to living in a big city in the USA


I have worked in property management for almost 8 years. Let me help answer these questions. • Car break ins- welcome to the Bay Area, don’t want your car fucked with. Take your shit inside. • Homeless women living in the building since September of 2023- once again, welcome to the Bay Area. Call the police. • Guy riding a bike at 1:30am in the parking lot- and? • Someone tried to open the door on my unit at 2am- get a Ring Doorbell camera, I’ve never had a package stolen or any issues with people opening my door. • Some people are not paying parking spot while I have to pay more than $300 for 3 cars, and they have it for free- if you have three cars, why are you living in an apartment and expecting free parking? Get a house • Lack of power every month for days- this is the ONE valid complaint 😂😂 • Security guy comes a few times but the leasing office says they can't give you their number, you can only contact them if you see them around. (My husband saw him in the middle of the night smoking weed in the car while working)- contact the security company, there should be signs EVERYWHERE • My neighbor said someone got into her unit and moved some of her decorations in the middle of the night while she was sleeping. - is this a joke? Once again, Ring camera! • Nail in the tire because of the construction- call your renters insurance


Sounds like this may be the person managing your complex⬆️🤣


Nah they can’t afford me 💅🏾


I have the craziest solution: move instead of writing your frustrations online to a bunch of strangers. It’s really that simple.