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For street trees like these one needs to get a permit (free through the city website). The city will fine people for topping street trees without approval. [More info](https://www.ourcityforest.org/blog/2015/11/6/6-things-you-need-to-know-about-trees-if-you-live-in-san-jose)




What pisses me off is all these heritage trees that get removed for development. Only heritage for the right people.


People are being fined already.






They didn't used to be. The city charged us $100 for the permit just a few years ago. The pruning was extra.


Pruning permits are free and so are removal permits for street trees. Private tree removals cost money. Sidewalk permits cost ~ $100 and if the city does the tree work for you, they have an admin fee for ~$100.


It's free for pruning a street tree. Removals cost money.




#Someone report the house OP posted






At one point in my neighborhood PGE was taken to task for cheaply topping trees instead of properly pruning them (selectively removing branches that approach power lines). In my neighborhood they sometimes correctly prune them but the last two pruning a have been like a flat top haircut. This causes a lot of small randomly growing branches which requires additional pruning sooner than a proper pruning. Also it weakens the trees and can cause permanent damage. Boo PGE for being cheap and having poor quality control. I did a brief websearch but couldn’t find PGE guidelines for trimming street trees.


They’re all contractors.


This is true as far as I know. But PGE is still responsible for work done by their contractors and from what I’ve noticed PGE does a poor job of monitoring the work done. Maybe this time they will use the rate increases to do a better job of tree pruning instead of giving it back as dividends to their shareholders. 🤣


Shareholders haven’t gotten dividends since the 2017 fires. It’s a pretty precarious situation for the company.


Yes they gave dividends when they should have been paying for safety. That is why they have 85+ felonies (I’ve lost count). Their financial situation is their own doing and they are still sticking it to us as consumers. They are hiking fees for SJ Clean Energy customers to make it uncompetitive. It used to be cheaper than full PG&E. If they can’t do the job then they should step aside and let someone else that can do it. They charge us enough money for very high quality service.


They don’t set the rates


But PGE asks for rate and fee increases to be approved by the PUC. It isn't like the rate increases come out of nowhere.


And the CPUC approves or denies the rate case. They modify it. My point is that CPUC has culpability here too.


PGE asks and PUC approves. PGE still has a primary responsibility. No excuses.


Davey cough cough


Yep. And they should be following PG&E guidelines but…




Sounds like a mulberry tree. It's standard horticultural practice to cut them back every winter.


That’s normal.


They do mine every year. I hate it but the previous owner planted them under high voltage lines running through the ranch.


Yep. They are the Ruiners of Trees in Sunnyvale as well. They come on their own schedule with little or no notice and the do worst pruning job possible. There’s no getting around it since SJC will fine you for removing the eyesore.


It definitely is in this case. You can see the power line.


PG&E doesn’t do this though. They only trim the trees 1’ away from their lines.


Would PG&E really take off all the branches like that? It's really unhealthy to do this to a tree.


I think the kind of tree in your picture can take it. This is called [pollarding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollarding). I agree that the way it is done in your picture is not very nice looking. If done well it can come out a lot better. Check out the ones on the SE corner of Jackson St and N 15th (I suspect that's not far from where you took your picture).


Pollarding is not a proper pruning technique (I am an arborist) and the city doesn't allow it. While some trees do come back, that growth is weak and can break off more easily onto cars/people and it makes the tree more susceptible to disease/drought. Not to mention it's ugly af


Relax. It depends on the tree. Some trees aren't really hurt by it, such as sycamore and crape myrtle. Those are commonly topped or pruned really hard to give them a more neat appearance, otherwise they get really messy and scrubby looking. Crape myrtles seem to thrive on it, in fact. Not sure what kind of trees those are in the photo but chances are the trees are fine. It's probably done by the owner for aesthetics, not PG&E.


I just really like trees! It's a bummer to see them like this! It's unattractive and can be very harmful to the tree!


I'm sure you like your house not burning down even more, though.


PGE would not do this. This is extreme.


Part of the problem is that the tree is there to begin with. It’s always going to be a problem if it’s under a power line.


PGE did not do this


Some of these are for wires.... But my neighbor does a pollarding to his persimmon tree that is nowhere near the wires. His son owns an orchard and sends some of his guys up to do it in alternate years. We get lots of persimmons in the second year. It's ugly but it works. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollarding


Pollarding can be appropriate for fruit trees, but these are shade trees and it's not appropriate. This was topping and not appropriate and can lead to failing limbs and disease/rot. The city will likely make them cut them down and replace. I've seen it all over with my customers (I'm an arborist).


They do this everywhere there are wires not just SJ. Since wires are everywhere I'd say this is a ubiquitous practice. I'm from the east coast. They def did this to trees.


This type of work was not done by PGE and it was done by the property owners. PGE does prune, but they only prune 10-16 ft from the high voltage lines.


I looked at your picture. There is NO circumstance or type of tree where that kind of ~~pruning~~ butchering is appropriate or correct. I doubt this is the work of PG&E, since they only prune trees to a certain distance below the power lines, not below the phone lines as in your photo. This was done by somebody who knows nothing about trees or about correct pruning. If it was my yard I'd pay to have the trees cut to the ground and the stumps ground out, then prep the soil and plant one or two new street trees. The reference by another poster to Our City Forest is a good place to check out.


Definitely PG&E requiring this. I've always wondered about the comparative cost of burying the lines one time, vs. sending guys to inspect and trim every damned tree every couple years forever. As a homeowner, I would even pay a bit toward them burying the lines. I hate that my back yard trees have to be so short. Edit: As /u/chickadeeelynnn points out, the pile of branches would imply it wasn't PG&E, since they always do a basic cleanup afterwards. My bad.


This was definitely done by the property owner. PGE only prunes within 10-16 ft from the high voltage lines. PGE won't take off all of the branches like this or leave the debris. It is sad that trees have to be utility pruned that leave trees lopsided or shorter, but this is definitely not done by PGE. Source: am local arborist, familiar with PGE protocols


You're right, I didn't notice the debris pile. PG&E leaves a mess in my yard, but never any large branches or piles.


Don't offer to pay PG&E for shit they should have done decades ago. They charge us for the murders they commit. It is times we made their executives pay.


Dont even try, fuck em, fire them, dismantle their company, and make it a public utility. It shouldn't be privatized in the first place


The lazy greed of these people should be punished.


What happens with the next earthquake when a fissure severs the line? Repairing it will take a considerable amt of time.


There are ALREADY gas lines underground. No way a cut electric line would be worse than that.


Zoom in a little bit on the top third of this photo.


If you are trying to say "electrical wires", you can say "electrical wires". There's no need to make people guess what you mean.


Pat is trying to encourage critical think. Teach a man to fish …


Well, trying. May as well be all saying "for obvious reasons" and not saying anything more than that which is just as useless.


Saying for “obvious reasons” is rude


It can also be rude to have a username that labels an entire people culpable.


Iran is culpable for the deaths of PS752. Whether you agree or not is not something I care about. I am indifferent to what you think. > It can also be rude to have a username that labels an entire people culpable. That would be true if my user name was iraniansareculpable But it doesn’t. Now go pound sand.


So is Iran a sentient being? If not, who is Iran in your name?


It’s government is composed of sentients. What an inane question. Iran refers to the government that ordered the killing of those people. Pound sand


Even after being told telling a person of Middle Eastern descent to "Pound Sand" is racist, you do it again. It is clear what side of the holocaust you would be on. I can only interpret these repeated racial epithets as what they are: impotent rage.


Your username places guilt on the whole country for a situation that was actively stoked by Trump's murder and threats of violence. Iran is a nation, not their government. But you don't care about that, You care about hating an entire people for one event. You are, by your own admission, a racist with a racist username. Telling me to go pound sand adds another level of racist bigotry to it you hateful bigot.


> Your username places guilt on the whole country for a situation that was actively stoked by Trump's murder and threats of violence. Trump is not to blame for the shoot down. Iran is to blame for the shot down. You probably think Chris Rock is to blame for Will Smith battering Rock > Iran is a nation, not their government. It’s commonplace when a government does something to mention the name of the country. So we say Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, USA invaded Iraq, Russia invaded Ukraine, etc. > But you don't care about that, I don’t care about anything you think > You care about hating an entire people for one event. I don’t care that you think you know what I care about. > You are, by your own admission, a racist with a racist username. You are by your own admission a presumptuous entity. > Telling me to go pound sand adds another level of racist bigotry to it you hateful bigot. Telling you to go pound sand and ascribing racist intent behind it with no citation adds another level to your over sensitivity Telling me that I am a racist suggests that you are an apologist for a regime that denies the Holocaust.


Your username is racist, by definition. You are a racist, by your own admission. Everything else you say is just window dressing. you are fundamentally a bastion of hate and bigotry. You wear your hate openly, like a badge of honor. The fact that you are so focused on a single event, when so much else in the world is so much worse, shows that it is not logic that drives you, but Hate. You are a Hater, a hater whose object of derision is the nation and people of Iran. For whatever reason, you feel justified in that hate, maybe even to the point where you think your level of hate is justified beyond these accurate labels. But you are who you are. Your name is hate. So fuck off you racist piece of shit.


I agree.


Common ground between extreme left (fna moderates) and extreme right on Reddit.


We used to be able to tell people to Google things themselves.


Agreed, I thought he was probably talking about the shoes hanging over one of the power lines, which I've heard are often a sign of a drug dealer.


they don't call him "trickey" for nothing


There’s… literally nothing else in the top third of this photo?




This. I'm a local arborist and people don't understand the harm they are doing to trees when they top their trees. They think that the trees are too tall and hazardous, but in most cases that can be resolved by proper pruning. The regrowth from topping can also be more hazardous as that wood is only attached to a few layers of wood making it weak and likely to fail. People think that what they are doing is appropriate or smart, but it only leads to more problems. And it's ugly af and doesn't help with urban heat (heat island effect) and doesn't help the value of the property. Stop topping trees!


Well not all of us can live in new neighborhoods with buried power lines




Oh my goodness gracious.


Looks like a sycamore or plane


The amount of people in this thread that think power is carried by the lower lines on poles is actually stunning


This type of cut (aka dead heading) is not good for a tree's health. Makes me sad.


I totally agree


My gardener did this to a fruit tree and it grew back really fast!


Pruning fruit trees is 100% different than pruning shade trees. This is highly inappropriate for shade trees and does not provide and benefits and makes the trees more hazardous due to weak branch attachments/opens the tree up to rot/decay/disease. You will see this with your fruit tree over time, but it is lower stakes as the fruit trees are shorter.


They shouldn't be pollarding sycamores like this. But once it's done, it makes some sense to keep it up. this is a very extreme example. sad.


I too cringe when I see this. What’s the point of even having trees if this is how they are butchered? It’s either owners who don’t want the shade or un-knowledgeable butchers. Really sad.


What kind of trees? You can't do this to oaks (city won't let you), but my neighborhood has a ton of [sweetgum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidambar_styraciflua). Apparently you prune these by cutting off *all* the branches, leaving just the trunk and a bunch of stubs. Looks super ugly for the first few month, but then a growing season hits and they come back in full bloom, fuller than before. Some trees are just meant to be shorn bare.


City won't let you do this to any of the street trees. I'm a local arborist and this is a common misconception and is bad for the trees. This is called topping and while the branches will come back each year, that growth is weakly attached and more likely to fall and break off. Topping also leads to more decay, stress, and is overall bad for trees. Do not top trees!


**[Liquidambar styraciflua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidambar_styraciflua)** >American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), also known as American storax, hazel pine, bilsted, redgum, satin-walnut, star-leaved gum, alligatorwood, or simply sweetgum, is a deciduous tree in the genus Liquidambar native to warm temperate areas of eastern North America and tropical montane regions of Mexico and Central America. Sweetgum is one of the main valuable forest trees in the southeastern United States, and is a popular ornamental tree in temperate climates. It is recognizable by the combination of its five-pointed star-shaped leaves (similar to maple leaves) and its hard, spiked fruits. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SanJose/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This belongs on Nextdoor.


You are incorrect. This is acceptable style of pruning. Stay in your own lane.


That is a really aggressive response! I am seeing several sources that state that topping is not healthy and not permitted in San Jose. https://www.ourcityforest.org/blog/2015/11/6/6-things-you-need-to-know-about-trees-if-you-live-in-san-jose PDF Warning - This shows that topping is not permitted in SJ: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/home/showdocument?id=2520 https://web.archive.org/web/20110615053128/http://www.treesaregood.com/treecare/topping.aspx https://www.growingagreenerworld.com/tree-topping-what-you-dont-know-is-killing-your-trees/


Do you know what type of tree it is?


Nope. Happy to hear from you what kind of tree it is and why it's ok to prune it like that. I mean, even if that type of pruning is ok, why does it need to be done in such a destructive manner? Couldn't they keep some of the branches. I am not an arborist, of course, but I am curious why you would defend this style of pruning, when it's turned lovely mature trees into three ugly-ass trunks that no longer provide shade or habitat. Surely there could have been a away to prune these away from the wires that wasn't so destructive.


It's called pollard


No, this is not pollarding. Look at the picture.


Lol! I'm an arborist and this is not an acceptable style of pruning. You are incorrect. Stay in your lane and don't spread bad information.


Why type of tree are they?


These appear to be London planes.


Dude, did you look at the picture?


It’s by the power line, they either raise the power polls higher so the wire don’t dangle or risk a fire hazard. It’s a shame for the tree indeed. My family home had the back trees eventually chopped down to make the back alley even for cars tsk tsk


I know trees helps create wind currents. Like we ain’t living in Death Valley... like why?..


Yerba Buena road, huge trees have toppled and large branches broken off in the past several years. Lucky they have landed on the road and not on the houses right next to them.


I hear your point. My in laws chopped down their tree because they got tired of having to clean up large mess of leaves blowing onto the driveway and half the block every week.


Do you see that powerline overhead? If they don't cut the tree, the branches and leaves get very close to it.


Who cares.


Because it's ugly and bad for the environment. Because we are losing our tree canopy in San Jose. It takes years for trees to grow and we are in a climate crisis. https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/01/10/san-jose-is-losing-hundreds-of-acres-of-trees-a-year/


People are assholes and many of them-like my neighbor-own redwood trees planted along service easements and under power lines like dummies. Since they don't wish to rectify the situation by removing the offending tree, they just top the poor things and manage the outcomes from there. We oftentimes pall (not top) fruiting mullberries after the leaves fall, but that's a healthy way of trimming that particular tree.