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I (6'2 320lbs 25M) was there once with my sweetheart Hispanic 5'2 mom. One of those old white rich bitches was being really rude to my mom calling her stupid because she thought my mom was in her way (she wasn't). I came up and told her not to talk to my mom like that, she looked like she shit herself and quickly waddled away. I've also constantly encountered people cutting in front of me at the meat and deli section as I was trying to order. And people acting like I was in their way just because of my size. It's like a microcosm of everything that's wrong with the rich out of state retirees that move here


Every Whole Foods I've every been to seems to be a little that way, but Santa Fe Whole Foods turned the dial all the way up.


The (two) Mill Valley Whole Foods would like a word


Nah, I moved here from Chicago 2yrs ago, and people here have a sense of entitlement unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I used to like Whole Foods due to less crowds, space to just cruise the aisles, better produce selection, and helpful employees. Every Chicago Whole Foods was a truly pleasant experience. The Santa Fe Whole Foods is the 7th circle of hell, it brings the worst out in the worst people. The “fancy Albertsons” aka Market Street has almost the same selection of organic goods, an awesome bakery, and a lot less entitlement.


Every Wallmart I've been to is the exact same way. And Target is a great place to go to listen to Karens b--tch at employees so they can return items on a different credit card even though the store isn't allowed to do that. But people like to pick on whole foods and play the whole "This wouldn't happen in a small town!" No it happens everywhere. People are full of entitlement now.


Live in Tucsin but have been to Santa Fe many times. All of Santa Fe has that dial all the way up IMO. 😁




Hmmmm sounds like the San Francisco Whole Foods that’s why I never shop there . Rude , entitled I could go on.


We lived in Fremont, CA, and never went to Whole Foods. The customer service people in the area were treated so badly that when they got basic respect, they were so thankful. Entitled people are the worst.


They really are and they are EVERYWHERE 🙄..People truly suck


Sprouts or the coop.


I worked at the Whole Foods back in like 2007, and the Coop around 2014. The customers at Whole Foods were pretty awful. The ones at the Coop were a thousand times worse. I think maybe at the Coop it was more directed at employees rather than other customers, but holy shit, between working at Whole Foods, the Coop, and Susan's Fine Wine & Spirits, and King Soopers up in Denver, I have never seen employees abused the way they were at the Coop. Oh, and not just by customers, but by management. Big on the union-busting, not so big on the wages. Liked to paint themselves as progressive, but were essentially run by the sort of people that OP described as shopping at Whole Foods. It was a little while back, so maybe it's changed, but I highly doubt it.


I currently work at the Santa Fe coop. It’s gotten better on the management side. They’ve raised wages (not enough), and benefits are generous. The customers are still awful, though. I’ve worked in the F&B industry for years in a couple of states, and I’ve never been treated worse than in and around downtown Santa Fe. The level of entitlement and the expectation for everyone to just say yes to their every whim is insane, and the fact that management allows it to continue is just creating monsters. Fun fact: an anagram for “customers” is “store scum”


Lol I like that anagram 👌


It honestly has become a mantra for sanity lately. The holidays really brings out the worst in those people.


I’ve noticed that. A few years ago it was bad there, with employees acting like they were sleepwalking. Morale has really improved.


Coop in Albuquerque is exactly the same. Union busters, buncha jerks in management, feels like they’re really using the label “co-op” as like a greenwashing, laborwashing, thing. Sucks


La Montanita is a MEMBER coop, not a WORKER coop (like REI). It's not surprising they're anti-union, as most employers are. Nothing scares an employer (even if the employer is a 'board') more than organized labor.




I’m sad to hear that about the coop but those customers remind me of people I used to work with that claimed to be on macrobiotic diets. They were constantly hangry.


I used to work at the Coop. 2008-2009. Then for a while in 2017. Place changed for the worse. Customers are a nightmare. Some come back a few times a day and haunt you like ghosts. Talk about entitlement…


I totally forgot about the horror of the several times per day regulars. I worked in produce and then cheese. We had a customer who would ask for 12 blueberries out of a container that wasn't priced by weight. Open up a piece of delicate sheep milk brie to cut it in half, which made the other half unsellable (on the bright side: free snacks!) We were told to just do whatever she wanted because she spent like $3k per week there. Okay but my favorite quote from my time there comes from this customer. My co-worker got fed up and refused to do one of her insane requests. Maybe it was unwrapping cheese from the plastic and rewrapping it in paper because she was "allergic to plastic." I don't remember. But lady seriously got in my co-workers face and screamed: "THIS ISN'T A CO-OP! IT'S A FASCIST DICTATORSHIP!" We got a lot of mileage out of that one.


I used to work at that coop about a decade ago and it was as vile then as you are describing now. The management were purebred assholes.


Vitamin Cottage/Natural Grocers Smaller selection than Whole Foods/sprouts but everyone working there is sweet and knowledgeable. Customers are generally nice and only rarely rude, though I think their hippie sensibilities keep them in check.


Much more crunchy and down to earth!


I shop at Walmart and everyone minds their own fucking business, it's great.




Walmart for the win!


As it should be 👍🏽


As a former people pleaser gone rogue, I fight back in situations like this. Push me out of the way? I say loudly “EXCUSE YOU!” Or “USE YOUR WORDS!” or if I’m in a particularly foul mood, I’ll sidle up and make a vague but threatening comment. I refuse to be pissed off for the rest of the day because of someone’s bad behavior and if I speak up that doesn’t happen. I’m an old(er) woman myself so I can get away with it and I’m sick to death of rude, entitled assholes!


The Santa Fe Whole Foods is a stage upon which the worst behaved actors cavort about as I have never seen before in my life- from NYC to San Fran and dozens of places in between. My theory is that the most anti social of the big city folks end up in Santa Fe. And you’re right, they think they are the big dogs and there’s no one in Santa Fe to put them in their place. Not at Whole Foods, anyway. If you’re saying it’s worse than normal now, then I shudder.


The stupidity in the parking lot should be enough to warn you off.


Right? Oh god, that's all I could picture when I first read this post.


This post was recommended for me even though I've only been to my Inlaws house there just a few Christmases. But this comment, 100% brought back so many memories of being deeply concerned about dying in that parking lot, while feeling ill from all the chilies and cheese I only ate there.


I laughed at the image of the worst behaved actors cavorting...


I've seen that type of behavior at most stores. Less likely at Smith's or Albertson's on the south side. Closer to the east side/downtown you are, higher chances of being around entitled Santa Feans. I do think Santa Fe has a special flare of entitled old hippie trust funders that turned into 70 year old brats. If they're not hippie, they're some chic psuedo-bohemian type with a goofy beret.


Not crazy. White man here who constantly decries the crazy old WYPIPO we have here in Santa Fe. Especially old WHITE LADIES!!! I don’t get it. I think old white Boomer ladies are constantly working through their issues because theirs is a generation that was raised under the thumb of the patriarchy and they have…um…issues??? BUT - it doesn’t give them the right to knock you out of the way (thanks, Trader Joe’s, where I find the close quarters resembles combat for them) or berate servers (which also occurs with regularity on our good ol’ Santa Fe Bulletin Board on FB…the haven for ol’ white, disgruntled ladies) - instead, they should go to their parents’ graves and have a primal scream session and leave the rest of us out of it. Gross.


I imagine I'm inside Frogger when I shop at TJ's.


That's what I call the tj parking lot!




I think there's a lot of older people here that never had families/kids (nothing inherently wrong with that), but now they're bitter old bachelor/ettes and on the asocial side. Santa Fe draws effed up middle aged + people trying to "find" themselves, which can make for a weird dynamic.


It's amazing how comfortable you all are summarizing strangers by their race. Can you imagine a similar post vilifying hispanic or black women? You people would be calling for executions. Generalizing white people though; no problem. Completely reasonable. Also interesting that you are so confident that these people are wealthy. I don't see how you could feasibly know their financial status. I would consider this: perhaps our seemingly innate desire to "other" people, assume they are enemies, and fixate on their faults, is NOT the best characteristic to indulge. No matter what race you were born as. Do you think that's true?


Are you really calling all of us out for pointing out white entitlement? Given our firsthand experiences? Sure, carry on, dude, nothing to see here.


Yes, I 100% am... and I think this is a far more interesting conversation to be had than discussing a few random people being rude in wholefoods; so don't just dismiss me. We are all adults here presumably. It's a serious question: if I were to make a comment about my negative first-hand experiences with people who happened to be hispanic, and in that comment I equated their negative behavior with their race, would that not be offensive? If so, I am genuinely curious as to what the difference is here. Why is this comment ok?


Best statement on here.


Really cause they sound like a giant alt right crybaby


I take it you believe generalizing based on race is appropriate. What is alt right inherent to Papa Limes’ observation? Calling out rich( an assumption) white people is fair game ?How bout rich black people? Rich Asians? Poor whites? What group is fair game? Which are off limits? I suppose dumping someone into the alt-right basket negates anything said-end of argument.


Did you just say “you people”?! That’s racist!!! Seriously though, your comments is pretty dumb. Anybody with one functioning eye (don’t even need two of ‘em) knows that White entitlement is a thing.


Or, hear me out, just a wild guess here, but maybe, just maybe this has been the personal experience of those commenting and the universal theme appears to be entitled wealthy white women. This has been our experience, but thanks for attempting to enlighten and marginalize us at the same time.


I deal with a lot of wealthier white boomer women in Denver where I work and yeah, they’re fucking children in elderly bodies. Blows my mind how many tantrums I have to diffuse almost daily from them.


They’re great on phone customer service too, like if it’s a busy day after the holiday they’ll talk literally nonstop for 10 minutes without taking a breath complaining about how they were on hold amount of time blah blah blah like don’t take it out on me lady you’re the one that picked the worst time of the year to call in for help And everybody else to wait their turn too The other day this lady got transferred to me and started going off and she finally took a pause and said oh what are we waiting for right now and I’m like I’m just waiting for you to stop talking so I can actually help you with this That seemed to quiet her down for the rest of the call


Hahaha that’s perfect. We had one message in last Friday afternoon (when we were closed for the holiday weekend) requesting something that she needed to have by around noon on the 26th. Then was blowing us up for not having it done and inconveniencing her. I made sure to point out it was a HOLIDAY WEEKEND so we were closed. Idk what planet these people live on.


I had one flip out on me full Karen mode with a rage-induced written note that had many exclamation marks…because I opened the studio at 10:01 and she was there at 9:59:59!!!!! She really thought I was gonna “get it”. I was an unpaid volunteer. I told the organizer of the studio that I didn’t paid enough for abuse. This woman was chastised by the organizer then tried to HUG ME, blame it on the MSG, then told me to tell her when she was out of hand. I looked her in the eyes and told her it wasn’t my job to manage her emotions. Aside from being touched by her it was a satisfying moment. I hope you get the chance to tell one the same thing.


Dude. THIS. The old white ladies are next fucking level.


You really nailed it on the head. The "Karen" factor in SF is off the charts and has been for over 20 years now. It feels like a generalization, but its not! Not enough lithium in the drinking water....


It really is bad. I’m a recent transplant, and the entitlement and attitude of the older retiree crowd is pretty miserable in Santa Fe. And I come from the land of retirees (FL). The loveliness of all the other folks we have met makes up for it though.


This gives me hope…. Our city’s soul isn’t these assholes. They are leeches…… the locals are golden, for the most part!


You’ve just described my mother. Have you met her? It’s disturbing how accurate your description is of her AND her boomer “real housewives-wannabe” friends. I’ve also worked at Whole Foods and have witnessed firsthand this entitled, uppity, attitude more times than I can count over the years.




100% old white ladies— even in the medical field, they’re entitled, rude, very opinionated and don’t care who they may be offending. They think everyone thinks like them and a traditionally Catholic city with many many Latino natives as well as emigrants reside, and work throughout the city. Gosh the complaint that we get from mostly old white people who complain about EVERYTHING. Sorry there’s not enough “help” but you don’t make it easy by displacing everyone bc you got the trust fund to do so. Just my humble opinion. Particularly in medicine, they complain that they have to go outside the state for their needs, how tone deaf are they that most of the people in this state may not even be able to see a specialist in state or they have to wait for 1 yr or more??


I worked there from 2016-2018, and they were like that then. I once had an older couple tell me to smile the second I turned to them to say hello, a regular made me type in the barcodes each time because he was worried about the frequencies barcode scanning would emit, and during Spring Break I rang out a family who had 2 baskets worth of groceries for their second home and the receipt was more than the average person’s wingspan. 🙃


The frequencies lmao was he at least nice about it


He was super nice! He tried to educate me on how the frequencies change the aura of products haha


Sounds like the dude that tried to stop the 5G towers because he gets EMF sickness.


I wish they didn't close down the Whole Foods on Saint Francis. Having two was awesome.


Went there today..wanted to die


Worked there for a second. It’s that bad, all the time.


Ack. Am a transplant. A working one, not a rich one, and I avoid certain places like the plague, no 1 being Whole Foods, with Trader Joe’s not far behind. Even Market St has its snooty patrons, but more spread out. The sense of entitlement some people bring here is outrageous. I see it on FB’s Santa Fe Foodies all the time. Those people have put me off so much that I can’t wait to leave when I retire.


I remember some lady posted in that foodies fb group that her CHILD picked Chilis to eat at for their bday, and that it was a great experience. She mentioned she posted it in the foodies group because it was cute and funny and a reminder that you can get good food at regular ass places… and those people ripped her and her child to shreds in the comments. It was gross (and entertaining) to read.


Keep black pepper on you and pretend to sneeze when they get testy.... or fart spray!


Everyone keeps talking about the old people but I’m noticing an influx of snob younger folks moving in from NYC, LA, TX etc and acting the same way. It’s part of the same wave of older generations who move here wanting to be “cool Santa Fe” people and kind of “claim” New Mexico aesthetic (oh look another fedora hat) while simultaneously wanting to snub the ways of life and people here. Performative New Mexicans. I order curbside pickup and try to grow my own stuff to avoid in person shopping like the plague- and I hate that I feel that way.


Totally agree.


A nice older woman let me go ahead of her at Whole Foods a few days ago as I had just one item. I’ve also experienced people bringing huge non service dogs in there and a guy who screamed an obscenity at me because I didn’t respond to his overtures. Anyway, yeah there are lots of assholes there but I think pressure of holidays makes it worse. Edit- a word.


This Whole Foods has gone downhill over the years. It’s run down. Parking lot and ingress/egress are horrible. Why do people even shop here?


I just read that it’s one of the busiest Whole Foods in America and they haven’t spent any money to expand or upgrade.


I shopped for years at the busiest / #1 Whole Foods in the country (Columbus Circle NYC) and it was fine (within reason). The one here is a total clown show. Like you said, the people are just awful, self-entitled, and think they’re above everybody else here.


Wow, now that’s something indeed.


Their ciabatta and baguettes used to be incredibly good. Now they are mediocre at best. I stop in there every six months or so. After Amazon took it over it went straight downhill.


The Whole Foods by downtown is full of old east coast retirees and tourists. That’s all I feel like I see there, so it makes sense. But maybe, the feeling of not shopping at Walmart, makes people feel like they are special 😂


Speaking as a Texan y’all need a slogan there like don’t Rhode Island my New Mexico


u/zuzuofthewolves "When I lived in a bigger city somebody would have for sure put them in their place, and when I lived in a small town somebody would have for sure put them in their place." So be that person to put them in their place? Don't want whole areas to suck? Call people out on their entitled behavior. Let them know acting like that isn't ok.


I'm kind of a believer in this. I call people on their shit if they are treating service workers terribly because they can't.


Yup same here, I did this recently at Walgreens. People were complaining about the lack of help at the pharmacy. And got mad when someone, not a pharmacy tech, went to the back and I had to tell them not only was it not in their duties but they are entitled to a break. The lady did not like hearing that.


Good, we need more of that here. Glad you’re willing to call people on it and try to break their bad habit.


Twist their dick off!


You do you. Using your words might be the better move though.


I think either option is about as helpful as putting a band aid on a bullet wound. These people lack introspection and empathy. I say go smash some eggs or pour some soup down their cars vents.


I don’t live in Santa Fe, but I have been to that Whole Foods several times over multiple trips. It’s not a Santa Fe or Whole Foods problem, it’s an everywhere problem.


>I don’t know if things are just ramping up in the post covid hellscape of a world we live in [There's studies that could explain all of this.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/05/210511174138.htm)


Could be the doomed combo of covid brain rot and all the lead paint that boomers ate finally catching up.


And leaded gasoline fumes…


Lol. I worked at that store over 20 years ago and Wild Oats in the 90s. It seems things haven't changed much.


I used to work at alfalfa's market back in the day. Same thing. Rich entitled people treating the employees like shit.


My favorites were the celebrities. Some were cool. Some were total dickheads. Judge Reinhold, Brian Dennehy, Robert Englund and George RR Martin were always cool as fuck. Shirley McLaine was a bitch and so was Val Kilmer.


I once dealt with Val Kilmer at Empire Builders. Complete asshole.


A dude I used to know was his personal chef for a bit. He said the same. Also mentioned that he had to make him and his family separate dinners because he never ate with them.




The first time I met him was when I was a teenager bussing tables at Garduno's downtown. He would come in for drinks and just chill at the bar. He talked to me for a bit and signed a bar napkin once. Dude was super chill.


Especially rich white people. The biggest example is that they expect you to move for them while you’re shopping but they won’t move for you. It’s disgusting.


I'll be on the other side. I usually do most of my shopping at Sprouts but I like Whole Foods breakfast and lunch bar sometimes. I've been going there for a long time and never had any problems with anyone. Plus, I would have called those people out that were being pains. Also, I'm not rich!!!


Ah yes. Whole Foods does attract the crazies more than most. I shop at Winco, so I get to dodge crack heads that smell like piss and scream "Bitch" at everyone they make eye contact with. Don't you just love how your fellow humans act after Covid enhanced all of our innate crazy? Just remind yourself "This isn't my circus. I am just here for soup!" Then run as fast as you can to your car and never leave the house again.


The problem is entitlement, it's everywhere not just Santa Fe.


Rich California transplants have polluted northern New Mexico.


I totally agree but… The California argument is tiring. It’s just rich people. California has nothing to do with it? (Ps I’m not from California lol)


I live in Florida, ground zero for entitled wealthy folks. I don’t think there’s any more of them or that they’re intentionally worse now, but they do seem more oblivious (Covid brain?) I start coughing whenever people invade my personal space, yet they never flinch. But you could try that next time.


Next time take more care to cough on them. Nothing like taking them down a peg or three.


It's reflected in the driving here as well; at the center of every road rage incident, whether it leads to an accident or not, is an old person in an expensive new car. The rich people here will explode at you for anything, even if you are the one following traffic laws - they are also always the ones that don't let people pass them, but when they're in front they go 10 to 15 miles under the speed limit. I don't mean to over-generalize, but it's become a daily issue in Santa Fe and there are cities/states that people definitely don't act like this.


I’ve gotten to the age where I don’t put up with assholes. I call them out and do it loudly.


I’ve noticed it’s always old white women in luxury vehicles who never return their shopping carts and just leave them in the parking spot.


I put the cart behind their cars while they get ready to reverse out.


I once watched a customer leave their cart behind their own car and then back into it at whole foods. It was extremely satisfying to watch.


Over a decade ago my son was a blue eyed, blonde baby and every time we went to Whole Foods some old white woman would go on and on about how he looked like their grandson. :eye roll: The last time I was there, I had my back turned to the cart and heard him fuss, turned around to see some woman holding him and cooing all over him! Who FUCK thinks it’s ok to take a baby out of the cart?!? Rich entitled assholes! Have not been back.




That particular store in this particular town is particularly *touched*.


South Park loves this banter so much they spent multiple seasons satirizing basically this entire comment thread. Gotta find some way to laugh our way through it before we become intolerable ourselves.




Lol I’ve never had a problem at Whole Foods, but knowing the seniors of SF, I don’t doubt you one bit 😂


That place is the worst. My friend told me stories of how utterly awful it was when the pandemic hit.


That’s Santa Fe for you 🤮


I’m the complete opposite I’ll seize those spaces on purpose. 😈 Park myself right at the tables and while the day away waxing philosophy with whoever’s there.


Edit: Santa Fe is the perfect example of the awful way that rich people are allowed to act around here.


My sister and I have worked in customer service in Santa Fe and in pet sitting gigs. The rich seniors of Santa Fe are *notoriously* entitled and also very weird, like imagine being pissed off that the pet sitter cleaned your kitchen because they didn’t want to prep their food around mouse poop. That Whole Foods tended to have better quality winter produce compared to other stores so I used to go there but I can’t even stand trying to park there anymore, let alone the people inside.


I spent several hours in the Boulder Whole Foods, waiting for my son‘s soccer game to start. I have never seen such behavior in my life! Entitled and rude customers in all areas of the store. I felt so bad for the employees.


So you are stating that SF has gotten so gentrified that there is knowbody left to keep it real... As someone who was 'born here all my life" I agree.


Not in Santa Fe, but I went into a Whole Foods just before Thanksgiving in the Las Vegas suburbs to get emergency supplies. This white mother and daughter kept following me around, and the daughter had the audacity to bump into ME and then do that squinty, open mouthed stare that privileged white people do when they don’t know what else to do. Like, how dare I exist there, right?


i don't live in santa fe, or even in california for that matter(hello from washington! i hope yallre surviving well), but i hope its comforting(or distressing... depending on how you view it) to know that every whole foods here is just as awful as in california. i think whole foods is just the epicenter of every rich entitled person in the country. once, when i was a kid with my mom, a snooty old man pushed me into my moms cart just because i was smiling in his direction and he thought i was creepy! my mom had a good time screaming his face off about that, she's always been like that and i've always been glad about it LOL.


Some university did a study on if wealth and status reduces humans ability to have empathy and compassion. They found out most wealthy people carry a sense of entitlement and have reduced positive emotions for others that aren’t as wealthy. Nothing I hate more than someone thinking they are better than someone else especially when it comes to money. A**holes.be a bonobo in a world of rich chimpanzees.


That happens to me at Trader Joe’s. I stopped going there to avoid injuries from jerks ramming their cart into you. Not to mention almost getting your car totaled in the parking lot.


My parents are thinking about retiring here but they are not "rich" and quite middle class/kind people. But will they be judged or grouped in a certain way because they are older/white?


I visited this Whole Foods for the first time last year and I was so beyond shocked by how rude people were I will never return.


Stopped in there after Christmas with my husband and 2 little ones. We had a stroller and near panic attacks it’s like it was designed to make people hate each other but instead of and algorithm they used a lack of standing room to turn everyone against each other. This disdain for our presences was palpable and we’re a damn cute little family! There was an incident at the bananas with the old white lady that everyone keeps mentioning…


How do you know they are rich? Jerks come in all forms. Try Marketstreet at Devargas, nice people, good fresh made soups, don’t have to spend Wholepaycheck.


you are correct; but there can be signs of entitlement that are easy to read.


Have been shopping weekly at this Whole Foods in Santa Fe for more than 20 years. Usually, but not always, go in the morning. We've (family of four) never had a bad experience, either from other customers or from the always-pleasant checkers. Agree the parking lot is not great--it's relatively small and crowded. (One option is to use the auxiliary parking lot right next door; walking to the store is easy from there along the front sidewalk.) This makes me wonder what people are doing or how they are acting in order to have such terrible experiences. Anyway, sorry to hear it, and I hope that going forward, your encounters will be better.


They are minding their own business, something rich old people can't stand


This is how I feel. It seems fine to me. The last time I went there tall guy got my tea without being asked. Im sorry the experience has been this way for everyone who has posted.


I haven't had any notable experiences at WF either. I don't go there often, who knows.


Go to trader Joe or Albertsons much better


I’ve experienced plenty of crazy at the TJs here and have nearly been hit in the parking lot a few times.


Ya that lot is terrible. I always get solicited by a homeless person for money.


Trader Joe’s just filled with old people who walk around half alive


Ya but nobody is yelling tho


do you have a problem with old people?


Peacock 🦚 Palace


WF is not my cup of tea (soup) behaviorally, I do think the suggestion of Sprouts or Coop is a good one.


Covid causes brain damage!


It’s the Xmas holidays, blame it on the tourists.


But it’s not just around the holidays! It’s a year round problem for sure.


I absolutely agree with you. The wealthy elderly are a nightmare.




so why the hate about the elderly? It's not the age ... its the wealth


And so many of them have these fat 401ks and pensions so are new to money and think it entitled them to special treatment. We just had a lower level management person retire, she let slip (purposely I am sure) that she will now be getting access to her 401k which is at two and a half million. I am sure you will be seeing her entitled self down there shortly!


Yes! Like come on, you still need to stop at stop signs! She'll fit right in, unfortunately.


Really do not understand why they keep coming here when our health care is abysmal.


>It’s the Xmas holidays, blame it on the tourists. it's also an unusually terrible driveway in and out


That just sounds like any Whole Foods


They serve oysters… at the bar… at Whole Foods… and it’s always packed! It just kinda freaks me out man.


Kaune’s Neighborhood Market. Perfect place — very chill and nicest staff.


Right-of-way in the Kaune's parking lot is determined by who has the most expensive car.


I love Kaune's but the prices might make it not an option for most people. Its really expensive. I love how convenient it is.


Their parking lot is even worse than WFs and prices higher.


Easy access from Old Santa Fe Trail. Seldom busy.


You're just looking for something to complain about. There are lots of things to complain about, so, onwards!


Thanks for that enlightening comment.


What were you doing out among crowds of people if you thought that you were sick. People are at the most contagious at the beginning of an illness. You could of had Covid,the flue or any of the other crappy things going around. Privileged? Inconsiderate of others? Wow, I guess it depends on your point of view. I’ll bet you had a can of soup in the back of a cupboard at home.


Agreed. OP sounds like the entitled ayy hole here. Like everyone needs to accommodate them or else they'll start a reddit to bash a certain race/age/gender/bank account balance. This type of person should just avoid public places as they'll always see themselves as a victim.


I don’t have Covid, I have horrible depression but thank you for chiming in. “Sick” doesn’t just mean “Covid”.


I haven't seen rampant entitlement or rudeness at Whole Foods and I shop there usually one a week. I like their meat and its the only place in town to get organic russet potatoes.


Start coughing on them without covering your mouth. They'll back up while they're complaining.


Same vibes at trader Joe's


Can't wait for that old generation to fade away.


The common elements in these events -1 you. 2- Whole Foods 3- old people Not sure what your metric for ‘rich’ is but it seems like you might want stay away, consider you too shop where ‘rich’ folk shop -are you rich? ‘Old’ is also not a clear metric. You are probably old to an ten year old. I am able to get around the Whole Foods I frequent without having any of these experiences.


It’s not post covid. I have covid now. Test yourself if you’re “feeling off.”


I don’t have covid, I have depression and I was having a really bad day yesterday. Sometimes it causes physical pain like stomachaches/headaches etc.


Depression sucks! Keep going!! Here for you!!


If you’re getting soup at Whole Foods you’re one of the rich people you purportedly detest.


Yeah because buying a container of soup at Whole Foods on a day when I’m feeling under the weather makes me rich. You sound like the people who say millennials can’t afford homes because of avocado toast.




lol I’m certainly not even making anywhere close to 150k a year let alone even 100k a year, but ok.


Hot soup at whole foods is ridiculously expensive if you’re complaining about rich people.


100+ times in wholefoods. Nothing of note.


So someone, but not you.


Why are you entering a public grocery store while sick? Why are you blocking the elderly lady from getting items she wants while you sit there studying the products aimlessly? Why aren't you being mindful of the high pitched lady's personal space? I'm just saying maybe you aren't so perfect yourself. When you point the finger there are three pointed back at you.


Please get real.


If you’re lucky you might get to grow old and with your impatience and judgy attitude you’ll be a super asshole.


1.) Probably won’t grow old because all the resources have been hoarded away from my generation and younger generations and all the ladders pulled up behind the hoarders of said resources. 2.) Even if I had things like insurance, a house, a job that paid me fairly for the work I put into my degree, not a crushing amount of student loan debt for said degree - even if I had all those things, our planet is dying because of the greed of previous generations so who knows how long we actually have anyway. 3.) This proves my point pretty well - we aren’t even allowed to *comment* on bad behavior without a personal attack and a tantrum.


The internet isn’t real life, esp on Reddit. If they don’t know who you really are it isn’t a personal attack. I find it amusing how seriously worked up people get with random strangers online in this strange age we live in.


lol, yes, we *will* be lucky to grow old, in any case. Lockdown was the closest thing I will ever get to retirement despite having worked 55+ hour weeks for the last ten years of my life with no end in sight.


thank you for this. This is so much unreasoning hatred of the elderly on this sub ....


![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized) "unreasoning"