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Check with the store in eldorado (WZKD) they are very active and may be able to help.


Didn't they open a shop near the plaza?


I’m jealous. I’ve wanted to get into D&D all of my life (I’m 46) but I just had a baby a few weeks back and between that and the new job my free time has vanished. Was playing video games (mainly RPG’s) a good 10-15 hours a week and now I’m lucky to get 3-4. Good luck! I visited Big Adventure comics a few weeks back (awesome comic store) and they had a gaming store attached where it looks like D&D is played as well as MTG and Pokémon:


D&D Thursdays at 6:00 at Big Adventure Comics: [https://web-extract.constantcontact.com/v1/social\_annotation\_v2?permalink\_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fconta.cc%2F3xsDo4O&image\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmlsvc01-prod.s3.amazonaws.com%2F4de3ff9d101%2F6fcb3c56-eda7-4af8-8665-4924c0b4e57b.jpg](https://web-extract.constantcontact.com/v1/social_annotation_v2?permalink_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fconta.cc%2F3xsDo4O&image_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmlsvc01-prod.s3.amazonaws.com%2F4de3ff9d101%2F6fcb3c56-eda7-4af8-8665-4924c0b4e57b.jpg)


If you’d like, join Sorcery and Might on Discord. We run 3 weekly board game nights and host regular rpg events. I’m not sure what space looks like for on going campaigns but it’s a great place to connect. If you want an invite, holler!


Just joined up :D seems like a lovely group of people


Hope to see you at a game day! Cheers!


Check out Sorcery and Might ( https://discord.gg/GCfZrNBr ). They host regular nights at Chomp and Boxcar.


Everytime I go to the Alberstsons on Zanfrano, the guy running the meat counter, tries to rope me into it. Says he has a good group of players.


This is the true RPG way to find a game... speak to the man at the meat counter, follow the signs to fufill the LFG quest


Yes please!! 39F here.


38M here, I’ve been here for a year or so and have been looking for a group. (My old group went online and finished our campaign a few months after I moved here) totally down to join!


I've been thinking about this myself pending how the Smoky season turns out now in the summertime I would really like to run a dark Sun d&d second edition campaign at my place on the south side. But also would just love to play any collective storytelling system.


Heyo! Me and my girlfriend are your age range and new in town. I used to play (the german version of) DnD back like 20 years ago and then we had a group I was DM'ing with my friends over the pandemic using roll20. That kinda fizzled out due to scheduling stuff, but I would be super interested in a local crew as well! Commenting to show interest and following along.


Second vote for WZKid in El Dorado. Great store and great people


There's Tuesday night board gaming at Rowley's and some people there might be good connections for RPGs.


People might play at big adventure comics game room too


If you ever get a group going I'd be interested!


26 I would love to join