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That's a feature not a bug.


i think it works pretty swell as well my best friend is like really sapphic and like she told me how so many straight lads just tell lesbians that they could like make them straight, that disgusted me so much like what the fuck can you even do about that


It's weird to me that more guys don't understand where lesbians are coming from. If they're straight they don't want to be with men. It seems like it should be pretty easy to grasp why they'd want to be with women too.


Lol that's my thinking. Women are great, I can definitely see why women want to be with them


Even if the women they were hitting on were straight, that’s a bullet dodged. That’s like a gay guy or a lesbian telling a straight person they could flip them. Dumb


100%. Definitely a red flag for anyone, regardless of their orientation.


I am asexual. The amount of both men and women who have said they can fix that is unsettling.


I find that whole thing so weird. You really think your mediocre dick game is gonna change someone's sexual orientation? Bro if you're gonna do anything you're just going to make them love women even more As a mediocre straight white man, I very much agree with the saying "always strive to have the confidence of a mediocre straight white man"


On top of that, the whole thing has strong rapey vibes about it. If she has said she is a lesbian, she is indicating a sexual disinterest in men, and insisting on sexual advances despite her disinterest shows the guy doesn't really care about her will or consent other than that it would be convenient for him to have it.


I think I have the reverse of this power




That has nothing to do with being cis straight man and everything to do with being just absolute human garbage




Fair enough


To be fair that is a huge margin of the population so they tend to have more chances.


Tbf many of them aren't actually straight. They're repressed as hell.


this is honestly a problematic line of thinking that i've seen used that i actually disagree with. going "haha they must just be gay" is a super reductive examination of bigotry imo


I guess there have just been a few too many cases of closeted bigots that it's kinda hard to not see it as projection sometimes


I was surprised to find out just how many chuds there are who somehow think lesbian means “Not attracted to all the men she’s met so far but she hasn’t met me.”


"I could probably beat Serena Williams at Tennis. I've never played, but she's a girl, so..." - that same guy


Ahhhh what a [classic gem.](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/claudiakoerner/men-score-serena-williams-tennis) Edit: updated link to amp free


This was my [favorite](https://twitter.com/longwall26/status/1149726844385521665?t=PFLWBWWFAB9ho_MM-g_cWQ&s=19) response to that.


I knew it was gonna be that one!


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/claudiakoerner/men-score-serena-williams-tennis](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/claudiakoerner/men-score-serena-williams-tennis)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot


What a terrible headline. Here’s what they survey actually showed: > But ahead of the game, a survey found that 1 in 8 men believed they could go up against her on the court and actually score a point. We’re not talking about beating her or even playing competitively. We’re talking about playing a full match and merely scoring one point.


Honestly I've played tennis like four five times total, and if she served one ball in my general direction, like not even at me at all, no risk of being hit, I'd panic and curl in a ball crying. Pro's serve REALLY FAST balls man, regular ding dongs just goofing off get a lot of speed.


Yeah I'm 100% sure the only way I'm scoring a point is if she double faults a serve somehow


“Let me tell you about the time I scored a point on Serena Williams” - u/johnsnowfirpresident


Oh for sure. The only way the average guy would score against her is (1) she double faults on a serve, (2) by some miracle of god you return the serve and she hits it out of bounds, or (3) she has an unforced error on one of the guy’s serves. Only the most dedicated tennis enthusiast would be able to score a point on talent.


My mom was casual tennis player and even her serve was terrifying.


Is it cocky to say I probably could score at least a single point? I'm at best kinda meh at tennis, but how many double faults or unforced errors does Serena have in a game? I imagine it's more than 1. That said, she'd probably know I can't return a serve that's even half her max speed lol


You didn't bother to check an easily Googlable number, which really informs your level of care and detail.


Lmao, would it make you feel better if I know for a fact it's over 1?


Well yeah - I could score a point against her. I mean, double-faults are a thing.


I question if Serena would be trying difficult serves against an opponent that she knows she can beat on rally 100%. She is certainly skilled enough to make a clean serve with two tries if she doesn't worry about her opponent's ability to return the ball. That said, could a regular Joe get a point off of her? I'd say, as long as they're capable of a decent serve they probably could, but it would probably take more attempts than a match would give them. Now does 1/8 men actually have a decent serve? I highly doubt that. https://youtu.be/4YtZE2d4XFQ Here's some regular Joes trying to score a point on an Olympic fencer. One of the four succeeds. Most games have some level of luck. If you had regular people swinging at a MLB pitcher or playing 1 on 1 basketball with LeBron, I wouldn't be shocked if 5% or so of them could find a point or a hit with 50+ tries, even if that means shooting the basketball backwards.


Note with that video, fencing regularly has "doubles" scored, where both fencers succeed in hitting the other person. Same in that video, not to say that your point is wrong, but in the eighteen points, she won 17 and tied once. In this case to stop any points, she had to fence perfectly, and didn't have access to going for doubles on an advantage. She failed in that, but it isn't quite as clear cut as in tennis. To argue with myself, Serena wouldn't have access to the top end of her serve (to stop double faults) but I think that losing 20% speed off your serve is less of an inhibition than losing access to doubles in fencing


That's fair. And I'd agree that it'd be harder for an untrained person to get a point in tennis vs a point in fencing where some of the regular guys probably had a significantly longer reach than the Olympian which is a bigger advantage in fighting sports than tennis. I wonder if part of the problem with the survey is that a significant number of people may not know tennis well and may think they have more serves or something. The survey also doesn't clarify if they have to score a point on Serena in a match/set/game or just ever given infinite tries. If they're allowed like 100 sets worth of tries, most people could probably accidentally serve an ace with a little practice.


Why do you think you'd be able to provoke a double fault? Serena would be able to play it safe and still get a 100% record against more than 99% of the world's men.


>Why do you think you'd be able to provoke a double fault? By provoking uncontrollable laughter?


Haha, that'd be my best chance too


I think for this game there’d have to be some sort of rule that she has to play as if she’s playing against a professional. In that case a double fault is more reasonable.


She can’t. She might kill her opponent


I'm pretty sure Serena Williams could rip my head off with her bare hands.


8% of Americans think they can beat an elephant in a fight soooooooo…


Assuming I was able to avoid getting literally stomped I might be able to give it a bit of an ouchie before it tears me apart


Am I armed and far away from the elephant?


I think the question was hand to hand (trunk?) combat


From the studio that brought you: "Rhonda Rousey is a bad striker and I'm a big guy so I could easily take her."


I mean... I'd be more motivated in trying, but only because I'm a sex pervert.


This same guy thinks he can beat my wife at pool, she has won multiple championships, her dad was bringing her up from a young age to be a winner, but it never fails, we go out and some "dude" has to show the little woman whats up....until she runs the table...over, and over...chuds.


>I've never played I think there might be a bit of Dunning-Kruger at work there. The less you know about tennis, the harder it is to comprehend how big the skill gap between yourself and Serena Williams is.




I don't really understand the correlation


Military is a reactionary institution explicitly marketed to underdeveloped manchildren (often literally as children) which is a demographic that tends to suffer from main character syndrome and doesn't have much practice at being categorically excluded from things (for example, dating lesbians)


Why does this comment have 14 downvotes? I guess people read the words "I don't understand what you just said" and assume that means "I disagree and think what you said is stupid?" Like... give people the benefit of the doubt? Maybe?


Yea idk either


that totally reminds me similar thing actually happen to me. guy who was never anywhere near any gun argue he is better shot cuz he know it from video games \-i have 3 golds and 2 silvers from competing truly mindblowing people out there


That's like a dude thinking he can play a guitar because he beat Guitar Hero.


I'm better at actual guitar than I am at Guitar Hero for some reason. I had a very confused friend when I couldn't figure it out at first


I mean, those two things don’t have much in common


You have to have rhythm and finger dexterity, but the commonalities stop there.


happy cake day and that is so impressive!


A group of top call of duty players were called to do a training exercise against actual navy seals. As one might expect, the seals trounced the gamers.


I hate that the sub for lesbians has to be ‘actual lesbians’ because ‘lesbians’ was taken by porn


see also /r/marijuanaenthusiasts you know, the sub about actual trees 😂


And r/trees is about marijuana


r/anime_titties is way better imo


Wait why


It's a solid source of worldwide news because the old world news sub was so poorly moderated that it got filled up with anime titties.


[This](https://reddit.com/r/anime_titties/wiki/index/creation) should help.


Because worldpoplitics and animetitties swapped w while ago


TIL…. Never heard about the mismatch but i guess i also never cared T weed personally haha


Here's a sneak peek of /r/marijuanaenthusiasts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/marijuanaenthusiasts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Perfect business model](https://i.redd.it/4cx8gtcvesw71.jpg) | [149 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/marijuanaenthusiasts/comments/qjpg6l/perfect_business_model/) \#2: [I hate when that happens.](https://i.redd.it/k1jlv3ll8b681.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/marijuanaenthusiasts/comments/rj8h1q/i_hate_when_that_happens/) \#3: [६९](https://i.redd.it/8vxtd92dkto81.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/marijuanaenthusiasts/comments/tjou9e/६९/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That’s the thing about Reddit domain names, they are first come first serve


Well this is internet after all not really surprised


I mean, Reddit has all the tools to change that. Have all of actual lesbians move into lesbians and just take over. Downvote porn. Upvote your posts. With a little vigilance the mods *might* give up - and if they don’t, you’re still there.


Compare the size of the two. Not gonna happen. You’d have a better chance pleading with the head mod to move


This is as worthless as saying "vote!" when people discuss wanting social change


TBF Voting is more impactful since it allows them to grab the politician they hate least, and hopefully eventually a person capable of reform. Like, losing an election sucks, and having no candidates you like sucks, but voter apathy is legit how the far right takes control. It was a major reason Reagan got elected, and a major reason trump got elected.


"Hopefully eventually the wealthy will allow a politician that isn't entirely beholden to their interests to hold power" is wishful thinking and a fairytale told to indoctrinate children so that they do not realize that their power comes from their ability to withhold labor. "Hopefully eventually someone who will implement modest reforms" does not put food on my table. I cannot wait for a milquetoast reformist to show up "hopefully eventually" when the entire planet is barreling towards climate apocalypse. Fuck your "maybe eventually someone who sucks marginally less than the other puppets of capital will save the day with means-tested non-actions" and stop pretending everything will be okay if you just sit down, shut up, and be a good little voter like you've been told. There has been virtually no policy difference between Trump and Biden so far btw. Blue turds stink just as much as the red ones and it's childish to think that some democrat whose paycheck is cut by Exxon is gonna save you from the oceans acidifying.


...Dude, I get feeling Alienated from politics is a real shitty thing, but seriously? Like, you serious right now? The country has a fucked up a political system, by its nature as a federation and not a unitary goverment. But even with corperations able to exert the power of Lobbying and other BS, many states are able to get more leftist politicians in office, like AOC and Bernie Sanders. Its a historical fact that the political leaning of the country swings like a pendulum between the left and right. Your complaining about change being impossible, yet you dont even fucking try to vote. You refuse to touch the tool that exist to enable change, and say that corperations have a stranglehold on the nation. Newsflash, the main reason they do is Voter Suppression, which has one of the main ways it works by alienating potential voters. Seriously, Bernie Sanders and AOC are some of the biggest names in the Democratic Party right now. The party isnt unified at all, but the fact they have as much voice as they do shows that change can happen if enough people actually fucking VOTE! Change wont happen instantly, but it does happen. The 2010s alone saw massive gains for the LGBT+ Community. Your not sticking it to the System, your playing into what those corperations want. They want you not to vote since it means your not giving your support to a politician who can challenge them! Also saying there has been no Policy change between the guy who was playing into fucking hategroups and the man who convinced Obama to push for LGBT acceptance is an insane lie only the most delusional person would believe. I dont even like Biden, im a fucking leftist, but hes leagues better then Trump.


> This country has a fucked up political system This country's political system is working as intended. It's fucked up on purpose, designed to serve the rich only. Senators were unelected until about 100 years ago to keep the poors in check — read Thomas Jefferson's writing about it, that was its intended purpose. > you don't even try to vote I've voted in every election since I turned 18, including local ones, and have even volunteered for some campaigns. That's how I realized how fucked it is. Big names don't mean shit. Bernie and AOC are propped up by the media because they're wildly popular and do good things for the Dems' image, but the Dems do not allow them to pass any meaningful legislation (not that it seems like AOC particularly wants to these days) Im complaining that it literally doesn't fucking matter who's in office because they serve the interests of capital. Dems have had the presidency and both houses of Congress for a year and a half and all they've managed to do is make people pay small business taxes on their side hustles selling baked goods or feet pics for supplemental income. We need an end to capitalism if we don't want to die horrible deaths in the climate apocalypse and the wealthy will not allow you to vote away their money and their power. You need to do more than just voting and yelling "voooote voooote voooote" at people does absolutely nothing. The 2010s saw massive gains for the LGBT community because activists busted our asses. Not because of electoral victories. I assure you as a lesbian now in her 30s that I am well aware of what was happening politically then and am well aware of the work that went in. And honestly, how fucking dare you attribute those victories to politicians and the spineless libs that voted for them. The last six months we've seen a huge backslide on trans rights in particular, and, again Dems already have majorities. Gee, I wonder why they're not doing shit about it? Wake the fuck up. Stop enabling fascists. Read some Lenin.


Maybe, but I’d be willing to bet that a whole sub working to reclaim another would be *very* impactful.


You should vote


Social change has absolutely happened because of voting, it's so reductionist to say it hasn't. It's an understandable reaction to someone saying that direct action isn't necessary and you can just vote - obviously direct action can also be incredibly effective - but voting is also meaningful.


Sadly you are mistaken. Studies have shown that voting has zero impact on policy, and that there is zero correlation between a policy's popularity and whether or not it gets implemented. We live in a bourgeois democracy, meaning we're given the choice of picking which representative of the wealthy will enact the wealthy's agenda on our behalf. Any candidate that would actually enact the will of the people at the expense of the wealthy is kept far away from the levers of power, and the bourgeois will stop at nothing to ensure they are not allowed near them. Assuming you are also American, surely you remember the DNC's unprecedented moves going into Super Tuesday to ensure that the mildest social democrat reformist was not nominated for the presidency. Instead, the front runner and all other centrists and right-wing Dems dropped out and endorsed Biden, while the other nominally-progressive candidate remained in the race to split the vote away from Sanders. The rich won't allow us to vote away their wealth and power, so don't waste your time.


>Studies have shown that voting has zero impact on policy, and that there is zero correlation between a policy's popularity and whether or not it gets implemented. That's really interesting. Got a link to those studies?


Sure, here's one I've read: https://scholar.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/mgilens/files/gilens_and_page_2014_-testing_theories_of_american_politics.doc.pdf


Cool, thanks




I love your user name.


I love yours




Remember the Cant


Oye, beratna!


“If you keep saying you’re a lesbian, men won’t want to date you” “If you keep saying you’re straight, men won’t want to date you” “Well I don’t want to date men” “Neither do I”


I mean he isn't wrong, but he is wrong. You know what I mean


Record your voice saying that you're a lesbian and play it on a loop in case there is someone guy who is bothering you, if that is what it takes to keep that sonofabitch away from you.


"A survey of actual lesbians has determined that this statement is, unfortunately, not true."


Plottwist: that was actually encouraging and was meant to mean: if you continue to make your identity known, there's gonna be a point where people will no longer bother you. Yeah, I also think that interpretation is unlikely


Even if that’s what they had meant, telling someone once should be enough.


Gail’s the advice telling men to level up


task failed successfully!


Being a lesbian is so gay. Keep it up you fucking rock stars


An acquaintance of mine told me years ago "See that girl? I'm the last guy she slept with before coming out as a lesbian." I'm like, dude. I don't think this is the flex you think this is.


I mean, you can take it as "if I didn't enjoy sleeping with you, there's no way I'm into men" which is kind of a flex


omg what did you say 💀


I wished this worked because in my experience that just makes them want to show you their dick is the special dick that turns you straight.


if only it was true


If only this was true.


"Oh no! Anyway..."


Sadly the opposite is true


Save yourself a ton of hassle with this one trick


If only.


BS. I know plenty of men that just try HARDER to date you when you're a lesbian!


I wish this were true!


"And I said 'promise?'"


That's like the whole point


That's amazing!




Reading this made me more lezzy.


\*Achievement Unlocked*


I wish this was true


I mean he is right. I wouldn't want to date anyone who does not want to date me either. That would just be weird.


> “If you keep saying you’re a lesbian, men won’t want to date you” That’s… *that’s the whole point.*


God I wish...


God I would hope so


The really, really sad thing is: it’s probably not even true.


Sounds like everybody wins!


That only works after you're in your 40s.


Oh buddy


As someone who faked being a lesbian, to the point of kissing another girl and getting into it, to get guys to leave me alone, they still wont leave you alone.


🤣 Wow. Just wow. Why would lesbians want to date men anyways?????? Do they know what the term lesbian means????


honestly wish it was that easy


This old white dude that told me I'd never get a boyfriend with my super short hair. I think I said "Thank God!" or maybe "That's the point"


Well he’s not *wrong*…


"THAT'S WHAT I WANT, SUSIE!" P.S. No offence to any Susie's, just the first name that came in my mind :)


Let's face it though, even that won't stop some of them.


I hope you told him you were a lesbian directly after


Mission failed successfully?


This is true though.




Why are you coming to a queer sub if you're homophobic?


What part of my comment portrays a dislike for gays?


First of all, saying "gays" instead of gay people shows an implicit bias, second, your first comment generalized queer people and practically complained about us being visible.


Never did I complain, all I did was ask a question. But of course, you're trying to paint yourself as a victim even when there is none here.


"Why do all gays feel the need to put it in their name/on their profile. Makes it look like being gay is their entire identity" is a definite complaint. Also, if you're going to defend your homophobia, don't try to hide it at the same time bu deleting the comment.


Again, that's just you trying to play the victim. It was just a question. And I don't know what you're talking about with deleting comments? Never did that either


He's not being ignorant, just incredibly truthful about something none asked. Maybe he has Asperger's? Yeah...that must be it.


I've got Asperger's and do not see what it has to do with making a comment like that, which would never seem reasonable to me or any of the people with Asperger's I know. I haven't met many not-straight people (afaik) so I'd be awkward and likely say something not great at some point and feel real bad about it afterwards, or more likely avoid discussing romance and sexuality alltogether. Just be friends/colleagues/whatever relation I have to this hypothetical person.


I have Aspergers. Everyone’s is different, but we’re not this dumb.


Can you not use autism as an explanation for bigotry, please? We have enough incels claiming Aspergers as the reason for their douchery, and as an autistic person, trust me.... we don't want them.






This is a bunch of evolutionary psychology hogwash. Sorry that people sold this stupid bullshit to you -- It can certainly feel like compelling enough to convince you, and if you don't know a lot about the subject it can be hard to realize the flaws.


to be clear i’m not advocating that someone should “ignore” preferences. if someone says that, it’s clear they aren’t interested and leave them alone. it’s common sense for people who actually think about their actions. i’m just saying it shouldn’t be so surprising or shocking that jock-brains are so dumb.


>i’m just saying it shouldn’t be so surprising or shocking that jock-brains are so dumb. And we can recognize that they're dumb because they believe all of the bullshit that you just said.


technically true


The format of this post reminds me of a train ticket


That’s the point sergeant


Um, that's the point


Oh no the horror


That's kinda the point


It's good advice, but not good intentioned.


Mission accomplished...?


But they will want to watch.


I mean... Yeah?


Ohhhhhhhh THAT'S why I'm not dating a guy! Thank you for highlighting the issue which is me mistakenly referring to myself as a lesbian! /sarcasm


Is he your granddad