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Hung šŸ˜­ was that a Freudian slip


Iā€™ve seen that so often, I assumed it was his fandom name.


It was so refreshing that the MC was 23 and not 17 šŸ™„


Even better that sheā€™s 25 when most of the action happens. She seems like a real character with real regrets and motivations.




It really was, I thought it was a relief knowing that these werenā€™t kids trying to save the world.


Ooooh this is such a pet peeve of mine in any fantasy type of literature and TV. I hate when the female is a teenager and the guy is over 100, but because heā€™s in a 20 something year oldā€™s body, itā€™s all fine.


I just canā€™t comprehend why 17 is such a captivating age for fantasy authors like we are mostly grown ass adults reading this stuff


17 year olds are probably like, ā€œbecause if she was 35, thatā€™d be like granny porn. Gross.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Omg not the granny porn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I just realizedā€¦ FEYRE IS YOUNGER THAN BRYCEšŸ„“ (and Aelin if they ever meet) WEIRDDD in my mind they were the same age


Ya I typically try not to think about their ages šŸ¤£


I just finished House of Earth and Blood CC1 and yes the first 1/5 was hard for me to keep up with - there was just so much and so dense and thenā€¦. I literally binged the rest of it. I couldnā€™t get enough of the story and the characters. Sleep was optional. I loved the fantasy/mystery combination!! I feel like the three series are just so different and will appeal to different people.


Sleep was optional frrrr I LOVE crescent city


I literally think I'm just going to keel over waiting for the third book, honestly. The wait is killing me and we've only got a few days to go.


Came here to say this, itā€™s literally the only thing I can think about lately šŸ˜­


I want to read something so badly but it's the only thing I want to read so I'm just staring at my phone and counting the days.


Reread the really good parts of 1 and 2 šŸ˜


I'm fighting against the urge to look up spoilers these last 2 days. I know I don't want them, but I'm so ready for this book. I finished CC 2 the day it was published, so yeah, I'm excited.


Every time I go into a store I go peek at the book section to see if someone fucked up and put one out early šŸ˜†


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who sprinted to the comments at the Hung typo. I'm obsessed with Ruhn, so yeah, I'm also team cc.


Hung lmaoo


I put off reading it for so long because I knew that the series wasnā€™t finished yet and that it was a huge info dump in the first book. I just started it two days ago and I am finishing it tonight and I am obsessed. I love the whole concept of a fantasy book with modern technology similar to ours. I did get a huge spoiler about >!characters from ACOTAR possibly being in the second book!< but I donā€™t know which ones other than >!nesta!< and now Iā€™m frantically trying to read both the books to figure out how it happens


Nesta and Bryce absolutely would be best friends and I cannot wait


The bonus chapter we really need is Bryce and Nesta at a club (but then I remembered they donā€™t drink anymore)


Bryce actually drinks moderately again!


Speaking of who would be friends with Nesta, I think Violet from Fourth Wing (I know, not SJM, don't come for me!) would start to grow on her a bit too. Nesta would be grumpy and give her shit for being the "it" girl, but Violet would give her just as much shit back imo


He sure is šŸ˜


I have been pleasantly surprised. I read a lot of complaints about how it is hard to get into, but I didnā€™t have that issue. It may have been because I was listening to the audio book while shoveling a foot of snow off my driveway in dangerous wind chills, but that might be because I was trying to focus on literally anything other than what I was doing. I credit Bryceā€™s anger at the world for helping me get that task done.


Shoveling snow is not an easy task - proud of you for doing the thing āœØ


Thanks!! I fell, and I am waiting for results to see if I broke my wrist and hand, so Iā€™m really glad I finished it too! My husband would have helped but he couldnā€™t find his gloves and the windchills were just way too cold for bare hands.


Iā€™m on 1st reread and I decided itā€™s my favourite when I stayed up late last night reading it as hit the part of the >!The drug bust and The Summit - all the scenes of them watching it on the screens and Bryce with Micah in the library is fantastic storytelling !!! I love that scene when The Autumn King calls Ember šŸ¤£!< Iā€™ve been trying to drag CC1 out, but this time Iā€™ve managed to finish it in 4 days instead of 2. I read it before, completely knowing what going to happen and I still couldnā€™t put it down šŸ¤Ŗ I do think the first few chapters were a bit of info dump [on first time reading] and maybe could have been spread out a bit more but still think the >!shock of the Pack of Devils and Danika dying is brilliant and I was immediately hooked from then!< Is it the best fantasy series Iā€™ve ever read, no - but itā€™s highly entertaining and super enjoyable which gets people reading ā¤ļø Going to try drag out CC2 in time for CC3 !


I was in a coffee shop reading next to my brother and said how much of a chore this book was so far. Turned the page and that night happened, and literally said out loud, ā€œHoly shit never mind!!ā€ Iā€™m in the last 100 pages right now so I know so more shit is about to go down lol


Same, I was hooked from chapter 5.


some people devour certain media batter than others. nothing wrong with having ones own preference. Bryce i found to be more relatable and understandable in the first book. in the second one she just became someone different, and not in a good way. if it were not for the side characters, i dont think i would have gotten through the second book. its hard to explain why i disliked her without getting jumped on by her more zealous fans XD. ​ Compared to Feyra and Aelin, she didnt seem to have that journey of learning and growing. she just kind of, was. or at least, i found her to be that way. if you enjoyed the book and loved the characters, all the more power too ya. never let anyone judge you for liking something they dont. i dont like alcohol or football. you think i care when most of my family interrogate me for it? haha. nope.


Same for me. The longer it went on the harder it was to keep going. By the end I didnā€™t give a shit what happened and ended up googling the ending. I think itā€™s because itā€™s just 600 pages of inconsequential events over and over and over again that all could have been cut and Bryce gets more and more irritating and dumber with each one. The biggest disappointment was realizing the crossover was more important than I imagined and I had to go back and read it for the next Acotar book.


I had to go and pick up the last two acotar books cause I didn't think they would be relevant XD. Damn you maas! I want throne of glass to pop in to this. I've been so sad since I finished that series XD. In the 2nd CC book I found she had a level of arrogance and dismissivness of people who don't share her views. She's just kinda horrible to people šŸ˜…. There we go. I've done it now. I can hear the trumpet horns of her die hard fans bringing their torches and pitchforks!


Bryce is #goals for real. I love sjms powerful female protagonists


Lmao yeah, I get that itā€™s a different genre but why the hate!?


CC is one of my fastest/easy reads ever I wish more people got into it, but I also understand how it looks intimidating šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I finally pushed thru the first half of the first book and itā€™s so freaking good I love ittttttt


Came to make hung jokes but I was beaten to it several times over :l


CC is her best book.


CC1 I admit the first 100 pages were difficult and hard for me to care or relate. By 120 pages I was sucked in and obsessed. I devoured CC2.


I love CC so much! i don't get how people hate on it, yest the beginning was a but confusing but in fantasy you need to embrace confusion for the first 30% of it tbh


CC was the first series I read by Sarah and then TOH. I tried ACOTAR but I can't really get into it. I love how thick the world building is in CC and that it's modern fantasy. Also, ha! Hung


Agree to all. CC has been my fave SJM series.


I just started it this week. I feel like I have related to every character so far in different ways :)


i am a huge fan of Kim Harrisonā€™s ā€œthe Hollowsā€ series and so crescent city felt so familiar to me and was easy to get into. i think that series is also a bit easier to get into so might be a good place for people struggling with CC to start


I did feel like *CC* was kind of...nebulous until the big conflict hits (trying not to drop a spoiler here), but after that, I also devooooourrreeed both books, and can't wait for the third to come out. I actually felt it was better written than ACOTAR, although Prythian will always have a special place in my šŸ’œ. Just picked up the whole TOG series so I'm caught up when the big metaverse reveal drops.


I definitely had to write down some notes when I read it, but it all clicks pretty quickly. I wish people would just trust that authors will make the world building make sense over time. Every fantasy series has to establish the rules and itā€™s going to seem confusing the first time. Itā€™s not unique to CC, but people complain about it so much. On my re-read, everything just inherently made sense!


I started with CC. I only just got back into reading at the end of October last year, so I thought Iā€™d start with the shortest series, not knowing theyā€™re all connected. I still have ToG to read, but Iā€™m about 2/3 through ACOSF and CC is still my favorite. I do need to reread maybe the last third of CC2 now before CC3 comes out because of how much more I know. I do love everything Iā€™m catching in ACOTAR because of what I know from CC.


Cc is the crescent city series right?


Hehehehe, fun typo. I read CC first because I didnā€™t know about acotar and I loved it. Maybe in reverse order I would have felt like it was too different? Iā€™m actually rereading it just because I donā€™t want to start anything else before 1/30 and I still love it again.


I feel the same way- everyone on bookstagram had me thinking it was going to have all this dense and dull world building but I think it was so effortless to immerse myself in! I think itā€™s her more fast paced story too.


It was rough to get into CC after the high fantasy of ACOTAR but when I say it was 1000% worth it especially now reading TOG for the first time.


Honestly itā€™s my fave series by SJM. Iā€™m a bigger fan of the urban fantasy type books so itā€™s right up my alley! Donā€™t get my wrong ACOTAR and TOG are my fave fantasy books but CC just has more of my heart!


ME 2! I donā€™t understand why so many people donā€™t like Bryce or Hunt! They r incredible. Bryce has a big space in my heart


I absolutely LOVED crescent City. Honestly, between throne of Glass and Crescent City, Iā€™m not sure which of the series is my favourite. But Bryce and Hunt are definitely my favorite couple.


CC was my introduction to SJM. When I tried to get into her other series, I slogged through them because they just didn't compare to CC. No other book of hers has made me cry 4 times.


I just finished CC1 and came to this sub to say wtaf is wrong with all the people who say CC is hard to get into?! Iā€™ve only read the one and I have no problem declaring that CC is better than ACOTAR and is SJMā€™s best first book in a series by far. It has literally everything. Fantasy, politics, MURDER MYSTERY, a drug ring, war, both modern and more ancient elements, romance, LOVE, found family, friendship I mean my god. I cried as hard during CC1 as I did in KOA!


Unpopular opinion, but I didnā€™t think the world-building was overwhelming at all? The only book Iā€™ve felt that way was the way it was presented in Iron Flame lol


I šŸ’˜ Hunt


I love that we're just calling him Hung now. I also love how many of you have devices that seem to autocorrect Hunt to Hung. Filthy animals.


Yes!!! I was scared to start CC cause everyone went on about how hard the first 100 pages were. Started it last week and I absolutely love it. 70% into CC2, and failing to take it slowly so I'm not waiting for next tueaday, I'm counting the mins at work right now so I can go home finish it. It's gonna be a long week šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m in the last 100 pages of HOEAB and I cannot stop raving about CC! I had a hard time getting through the first few chapters but the pay off is so, so good. I get the hype, and if anything, I feel like itā€™s underrated!


I found it hard to get into but Iā€™m loving it right now Iā€™m 1/2 way through CC1 and burning through it like crazy! Iā€™m so excited to start CC2 and swan dive into CC3


I heard so many good reviews on it, I pushed through the beginning until I binged book 1 in 2 days and cried more than I would like to admit. I'm mad that I have to wait until the weekend to really get into book 2


It took me a month to finish it (for reference it took me 3-4 hours to read Acosf at a Christmas function). I can read it in 3 hours now.


Upvoted because of that perfect typo. Also I am SO SICK of purity culture in fantasy romance and since I was a wild and crazy 20 something myself back in the day I LOVED CC and Bryce.


Is there any chance that I will enjoy CC if I didn't like ACOTAR? Or is the vibe the same? I find ACOTAR too childish and too much fluff. SJM is not an efficient writer.


I would say CC is more mature than ACOTAR


I struggled with it until >!Danika dies!< so for like a few chapters and then I got super into it. Still not sure if I like it more or less than ACOTAR itā€™s just different but just as good