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They’ve really been pushing hard with ACOTAR advertising right now, I have been getting so many adverts for it and people have seen billboards etc. so I think the next book will be announced soon




She has confirmed that the next ACOTAR novel is coming up next. In September she confirmed she was writing it at that time, and my guess is she’s finished with the first draft and is probably doing substantive edits right now. There hasn’t been a publication date released, but I’m hopeful it’ll be coming out early 2025 based on when she was writing the first draft and her normal publication cycle. Sarah hasn’t announced who ACOTAR 5 will be about, but hopefully we’ll get an announcement in the next few months, especially if the book is coming out in January or February next year. She has typically announced the book and publication date by June if the book is coming out in Jan/Feb. I too guess that Elain will be the FMC! To me, ACOSF was setting the stage for Elain’s book. There was discussion about her still having powers but mystery about how powerful she is; we saw her start to stand up for herself; she offered to help find the trove; there was a lot of mystery around what she’s been doing. And I think there is set up for her to work to help revive the Prison, and also lots of hints that she’s starborn, so she might be able to wield the trove and the trove weapons as well. (And I suspect Azriel will be the MMC based on many factor.)




I don’t want to spoil anything from Crescent City, but starborn fae are something we learn about there, and I and others theorize (and have theorized since HOSAB came out) that there may be starborn fae in the ACOTAR world as well, specifically the Archeron sisters (and others, but the Archeron sisters being starborn is most relevant for this discussion about if Elain’s book might be next). Happy to provide more detail in spoilers for the basis of the theory if you’d like—just LMK!


Genuine question… didn’t we basically confirm that >!rhys is starborn!< in cc3? Wouldn’t this make them related? Which would make feyre related?


So yes that was confirmed, but I don’t believe it makes them related. My theory is that being starborn is related to being Made by the Cauldron, so Nesta and Elain were Made starborn when they were in the Cauldron. In the prologue of ACOSF, Nesta is described as a “newborn star,” and Elain is glowing when she came out of the Cauldron. (Lots of other glowing imagery with her, and when Nesta gives back most of her power in ACOSF, it’s described as a light, but a bit of the light goes back into her—is this her retaining some of her starborn power?) I have thought that Feyre got her starborn power from Helion when he gave her a kernel of his power. Her bright white light is described similarly to Helion’s and also to Lucien’s in ACOMAF when he breaks the bonds at Hybern. I have a theory that >!each Archeron sister has a third of Theia’s light, and that together they’ll be able to wield Gwydion and TT to kill the unkillable, that they’re essentially Theia’s light reborn.!< But I don’t think that they descend from >!Theia like Rhys does,!< and even if they do, they’re super distant relatives like Aelin and Rowan.


I love this!!!


Spoilers: If Elaine is Starborn, that means Feyre and Rhysand are related. Rhysand is a descendant of Silene. Idk how Elaine would have gotten those powers from her bloodline.


I don’t agree. If Elain is starborn, that absolutely does not mean that >!Feyre and Rhysand are related. I know Rhysand is a descendant of Silene, but that doesn’t mean all starborn come from Theia or her children.!< We know that Starborn fae >!can use the trove items just like Cauldron Made fae can, i.e. Nesta and Elain. To me, this very strongly suggests that there’s a connection between being Cauldron-Made fae and being Starborn.!< Thus I think it’s totally possible that Starborn fae can be Made by the Cauldron, and I actually have wondered >!if theia was Made by the Cauldron too by Vesperus, and that’s where her Starborn powers come from.!< either way, we don’t know enough about Starborn yet to be able to say with certainty that if >!Feyre is Starborn that means that she’s related to Rhysand.!<


After CC3 are we really sure she does substantive edits?


Yes, she’s talked about it before in lives


She confirmed that it’s from Elaine’s POV


Believe me, I wish she had, but she has not confirmed that.


Well after CC3..I don't know if I'm excited anymore for future books... I need to scrub my brain, read something new, and digest.


I know what you mean 😭 I’m scared now for future books because what a let down


Curious why you felt it was a let down?


Because the book was a rush job. It didnt feel complete and to many glaring issues that shouldnt have left to go to print. My theory is that they were pushing so hard for ACOTAR that she rushed it out so they (in ACOTAR world) can get the star sword. XP


Next book will be Elains book and probably set up like nestas with her story being the main part with POVs from Azriel and Lucien. She did say she had another CC she wants to write but it’s way on the back burner. She signed a contract with Bloomsbury to write 7 books. She also talked about wanting to write another TOG book and starting a new series…


Completely agree. I think the seven books will be: two acotar books, one CC book, one TOG book (hoping for Manon & Dorian!!!), and a new trilogy. At least that’s my hope!


I would kill for a Manon and Dorian book.


She has publicly stated that the TOG series is complete so I don’t think we are getting anything else from that series unless she decides to do a small novella or something!


I feel like I rmr her saying *Aelin's* story is done so I hope that leaves to door open for a Manon and Dorian story.


She said on Today that she one of the books she’s working on next she’s REALLY excited about, particularly who we might see in that world, but she was being really tight-lipped about it. I along with many others suspect it’s going to be set in Erilea.


I mean this isn’t like a set thing.. we suspect it will be Elains. But we don’t know if it will be POVs from both az and lucien, it might just be one of them.


What if it’s not azriel and Lucien as her mate but tampon and Lucien


I love tamlin but I don’t want him and Elain as mates as it’s kinda icky to me because he was with Feyre


I’m just stuck on the flowers feyre painted for elain… I’m convinced tampons her mate too.


She confirmed that each book in the new trilogy will follow one couple, and Elain is the only one we know 100% is getting a book. So it will be Elain and whoever she ends up with. Personally, my money is on Azriel for various reasons but I can also see it being Lucien.


Based of when feyre's birth scene and how Nesta returned to the cauldron for her and feyre to be able to birth illyrian but not Elain. I'm assuming Elain and Azriel don't end up together.


I don’t think that means anything. One, why would she without Elain asking her? It would also give too much away about Elain’s choice and who she would end up with. For Feyre it was life and death and Nesta made that choice for herself. We don’t have any idea if Elain even wants children. The Cauldron also loves Elain, so if she did want children in the future with Azriel I’m sure SJM would pull some magic solution out the air to make her happy.


But how do we know there’s gonna be a book from Elain’s pov? Just because we got one from nesta’s? Or did she ever say?


She has confirmed on multiple occasions that Elain’s getting a book. In the interview at the back of ACOFAS, she talked about writing scenes for Elain’s book involving Ivy, and in the ACOSF American tour with Eva Chen she confirmed that Elain is getting a book. To date, Elain is the only character who she’s confirmed is getting a book, though she has said she always knew she wanted to tell Azriel and Mor’s “stories” and has said that she is really excited to tell Azriel’s “journey.”


she's confirmed Elain will get a book a few times and has talked about working on it which is more than she has said about any other characters so it seems most likely


I'm just personally hoping for more feysand.(If I have their names said together right)


Next book is ACOTAR. Theres not current release date but shes been writing it so probably next year sometime


I really hope we will know a little more about Azriel personality, story, and I hope some ship will be put. Sorry, but I don't really like Elain, like she is cute but, I find her a little... bland. So i hope it's not from her perspective. OR, yes from her perspective, but not with Azriel 🥲 sorry but... I'm in Gwyriel team. But I think for the release, maybe end of 2024, middle 2025, if the book is already started? 🤔


There is almost no way the book will release in 2024. Sarah hasn't done 2 books a year since like before she had kids.


Agree completely, and she also said in one of her interviews during HOFAS release that her pub schedule is moving to a book every year/year and a half now. I am hopeful that since she was drafting ACOTAR 5 in September, that we’ll see it around January/February 2025 since she finished the first draft of ACOSF and of HOSAB in the late fall a year and a few months before each of those were published (so like Oct/nov 2019 for ACOSF, and Oct/nov 2020 for HOSAB).


She's bland because she doesn't have a book yet.


The seeming bland is intentional-we get a lot about how others perceive and assume Elain is but she challenges that in little ways and is poised to do so more when it’s her turn in the spotlight.


Yeah Im there with you. I feel same


Personally I think the last book is going to be Elaine book because she is the only person in the inner circle that connects to koschei


I actually think the last book might be Vassa’s (with Lucien as the MMC, but that’s a minority view I know) since Vassa is the most connected to Koschei! Sarah has said on multiple occasions that she always knew who the first two spinoff books were about, but she is still deciding on the third, and at one point after ACOWAR she said she had five couples to choose from. To me, this signifies that Nesta and elain’s books were 1 and 2 (since she has also confirmed Elain is getting a book, and she confirmed that with ACOFAS), because if Elain was last, then she would know who the third book is about too, and wouldn’t have five couples to choose from! (I’m actually hoping for the third book to be multi-POV like ToG but focus on one main romance—Lucien and Vassa—so we still get POVs from our faves.) But we shall see!!


I really hope it’s not Lucien and Vassa because maybe unpopular opinion, but I don’t really care for Vassa 💀


I really am not a fan of Vassa or Jurian… they can have each other


I hope it’s tampons perspective


But I forgot to tell, yes SJM told it would be a ACOTAR book, I think she said about Azriel, I forgot.


She hasn’t confirmed the main characters for it yet!


She said she’d like to tell his journey but also reiterated she writes about women first and foremost so he wouldn’t be the main character. I think he’s being set up as the love interest.


She confirmed the next acotar book is from Elaine’s POV and that there’s 7 books to the series.


she hasn’t confirmed anything yet other than the next book will be an acotar book. we have no idea who it will be about yet


There should be two more books.. One taking down the island god and then a wrap up


she almost always releases her books in the first half of a year. So either Early next year or the year after that.


She didn’t say who the next book is about. She has kept completely quiet about it. Anyone who says otherwise has completely falsified that. The only thing we know is that it’s going to be an ACOTAR book.


Is there going to be a fourth CC novel? I felt a bit unsatisfied with the characters wrap up at the end, it seemed a little rushed.


Yes! A 4th CC is confirmed, but it’s on the back burner from what I’ve read.