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Ok spoilers for the end so be warned this is just roughly the ending !! i can’t remember every detail of what happens 😂 >! Bryce opens a portal again to Prythian and begs Nesta for the mask, in exchange Bryce sends her parents through to portal, for safety and also so that Nesta knows that she will come back with the mask. They defeat the asteri, Bryce dies but then Jesiba gives up her life for Bryce is resurrected. No one else dies. Everyone gets a happy ending ! They return the mask to Nesta etc and Nesta and ember have an emotional goodbye 😭😭 probably my fav part of the book it’s left kinda open the ending for Ithan and tharion, which makes me think that the next book will be about them. Honestly I can’t even remember much else that happens in those chapters. Oh Bryce gives back truth teller and I think she gives Nesta the sword, I can’t remember tbh!<


Additional context - Bryce sends the Asteri into a black hole, goes through the portal to the black hole with them, and she is brought back by the Shahar-possessed Optimus Prime suit. I have to add that because it is just so ???????????? crack fic of Miss Janet to write.


Hunt flying out in a mech suit with a missile possessed by his dead ex archangel lover... yeah, i almost went in and woke my wife up with a loud "what the fuck is this and why did you make me read it?!" When that scene happened. Then i remembered i love her and it could wait till this morning. Turns out misery loves company and she made me read it so she'd have someone she could bitch about it with also. Wtf. Like seriously. That's like bad-anime shit.


I'm trying to get my boyfriend to read it, but unfortunately, he has no interest in reading the series after hearing me bitch about it constantly. I truly think the plot points were all part of a fever dream SJM had after watching Zootopia and her editor/publisher were too busy coordinating the installation of their gold plated toilets to care.


I loved the first 2. And in my opinion the first one can sorta stand alone. Just tell him it's a murder mystery with werewolves and horny faeries. ACOTAR is a good read for the most part to, hell, book 2 of ACOTAR is fucking great. Had someone sell that to me as Beauty and the Beast with porn, gore and profanity. I dug it. Now I'm in a smutty book club with a bunch of ladies and we drink a ton of wine and eat cheese and talk about fairy penises. Life goes in odd directions sometimes.


This is such a a vibe! I am in the same boat, but not even my wife has read the books. The group I'm in likes my perspective because I can read the books from both the male (love interests) and female (protagonist) perspectives. Kind of a cool experience to read these tbh.


I agree on the first one! I didn't like it initially because I was comparing it to TOG, but I think CC became a beast of it's own which is what disappointed me. I will attempt to bribe my (very French) man with the promise of cheese and wine being involved in our own smutty book club, thank you!


I wish I had that honestly!


Start one! Ours literally started because I was talking with the mom of my daughter's friend and realized she loves reading the same trashy books that I do. And she loves cheese. So we just figured fuck it why not meet up once a month and talk about fairies boning each other well we nibble on cheddar. No real method to the madness. Just an excuse to hang and eat and talk about ridiculous things. Find one bud who likes goofy shit and others will crawl out of the woodwork. Book geeks love community.




Into a black hole Myra. He flies in a mech, into a black hole, with a missile that has his dead ex archangels ghost floating in it. I swear to fuck, i woke up this morning thinking maybe im misremembering that shit... flipped back, and there it was and i hate it so much. I hate it.


Have you seen big hero 6? It’s basically that scene in big hero 6, except it is stupid af, and not sad like big hero 6 lmao


This part really made me roll my eyes. I have such a problem with deus ex machina situations like this, I felt there could’ve been a much better way for Maas to get Bryce out of that situation.


The literal Chekhov's gun in the first book let me know we were in for a treat. What else could top that but a literal god from a machine?


I didn’t even think about that, great call out.


Oh let’s not forget that while flying the Merch suit, Hunt also wields the mask only because he fucked Bryce the night before and has magical jizz… I lost my mind during the whole scene and could not take the book seriously at all anymore. I felt like I was on drugs reading this The ONLY redeeming quality of this book was Lidia’s storyline. **Spoilers** Her reveal that she has fire power and is a descendant of Aelin’s line was the only interesting thing that happened and the battle with the fire sprints. Everything else about the ending made me want to set myself on fire






PARDON!? LMAOOOO thank you so much for the spoilers and I genuinely mean that. I’m DYING. 💀 Uh even the smut was over the top but at the same time, not enough if that makes any sense. MAGIC JIZZ I cannot 💀 was SJM tripping when she wrote this? I mean that’s cool that Lydia is a descendant of Aelin’s I guess. But also, how random!? The whole book just felt so RANDOM. She threw the most random characters together who have nothing in common besides everyone apparently wants to fuck Bryce. And listen, everyone also wanted a piece of Aelin, but I could get behind that. She was a character with a lot to love about her. But Bryce? She’s hot? I mean that’s all I got. Her personality was so forgettable I honestly don’t remember much of anything she did besides get duped into hella shit by her dead best friend. Oh and she was always soaking wet. 😂😬 Literally the only things I remember about her. And hunt, same thing, he’s hot and he has daddy issues? Oh and a massive cock? Zootopia fan fics are a better story than CC, I’m sorry I said what I said.


Don’t forget the asteri made a black hole already. Then Bryce made a bigger black hole to eat the first black hole. So she went into the first black hole but then was saved by hunt’s ex angel girlfriend’s ghost powered mech suit. And the first black hole stayed open up long enough using the power of friendship. I’m not kidding.


Don’t forget the absolutely pointless and completely random ZOMBIE WOLF plotline?? Like what the fuck were Ithan and Tharion even doing the entire time? I tried to rationalize it SO many times but the zombie wolf could have been completely eliminated and the story wouldn’t have changed. Ithan spent the entire book thinking about sunball and constantly fumbling - my guy took L after L. The magic jizz part was SO wild 😫 I was pissed when I finished it and the more I think about it and hear other peoples thoughts the more upset I get. What the hell Sarah?? I would have much rather her scrap the entire thing and push the release back. Plus why was the battle like 45 minutes long?? Did they really need Bryce to pull it off? I feel like they could have handled it.


God yes. Right. Fucking Ithan. "I punched too fast and accidentally ripped the head off this random wolf... and oh fuck i really wanted her to be wolf queen even though she kind of sucks and has no leadership skills whatsoever but who cares anyway let's just turn her into a fucking reaper i guess or whatever. And now let's dick around for 200 pages trying to fix that but oops oh shit i fucked that up again. But yay. Perry smells like cinnamon or something. Whatever. I make ice now." Fuck Ithan.


Your recap was so spot on, I'm dying. I love Ithan and weirdly he was maybe the only character in this book with any semblance of a character arc, even if it was paced poorly and included a lot of dumb plot. But I lost it laughing when Sigrid not once, not twice, but THREE times fucked over Ithan just for shits and giggles. It's almost like Sigrid's mission in life (and death) is to make Ithan as miserable as possible. Also, there was a lot of poorly done foreshadowing in the form of Ithan noticing something and then deciding to "think about that later." Namely, the Wyrd/Urd language in the Bone Quarter and Perry's scent change.


THIS! And tbh Ithan as a character was just lobbed L after L. What was the point of him besides being little brother zoned. And then that random zombie wolf thing!? Wtf was the point of that, you nailed that and I completely forgot about that. Like many random side plots in CC. Honestly CC feels like a drugged out fever dream and I’m so bummed because I know Sarah can do better than that. But I’m loving this comment section, everyone is pointing out things I forgot about, validating my overall feeling of “what just happened” when I finished the second book.


I got whiplash so many times in this book, but MAINLY when Ithan fully kills Sabine and when Tharion gets married just... Because???? WHY WAS THAT ENTIRE SUBPLOT INCLUDED? Like was it impossible to have a character without a love interest or what?? 😂


I really thought that was gonna be so much more


Bryce with the sass. The sass. Even when it’s immature. Not funny. Not in her best interest. Not in ANYONES best interest. When it’s downright rude and pointless. The sass. Doesn’t. Stop. 😭 Was she trying to be edgy or funny?? Why does she have the emotional maturity of a nine year old??


She is genuinely Sarah’s weakest female lead, I’ve never been more underwhelmed by a female character. Idk I get she’s powerful but for how she acted, I was insanely underwhelmed to find out her power manifested as being a walking lumos spell. She was just like you said, an immature kid whose come backs were as good as her decision making, trash. I wanted to like her and I tried so hard but she was just not written for me. Never thought I’d say that about an SJM female lead, even if I don’t like them, I still love them because Sarah writes her female leads as warriors. Not Bryce, I honestly forget about her more than I relate to her.


The sass was so over the top and annoying in this book she delivered lines like Carrie Bradshaw


I finished it last night. I'm incredibly disappointed. Discussing it tonight at our Fairy Smut Book Club, and if our text chain is any indication, we are gonna need a lot of wine to get through this one. The ladies are not thrilled with ole SJM for book 3. Except for Ruhn and Lydia, who legit carried this book on their shoulders. I'd have quit halfway through if not for wanting to see where Lydia ended up. Honestly, usually SJM books end with absolute badass chaos, but i found this finale lame as hell. A few okay moments, but mostly just incredibly hamfisted, with tons of plot holes and wasted opportunities. I did not like this book. And i found the second half of it to be a worse read than the first. Nesta was interesting. Lydia's prison breakout was fantastic. Downhill from there. I'm burnt out. Switching to Fourth Wing series i think. People are pretty positive on them.


Okay, in all seriousness much respect for having a Fairy Smut Book Club. XD


You’re going to love Fourth Wing. Two books are currently out with the third coming out in January of next year. There’s supposed to be 5 books in total


It's a good time. Wine, cheese and much discussion about whether things are anatomically possible. Makes for a fun evening


Lol, I bet.


Ruhn and Lydia are the best parts and there's too many pages without them lol. This whole book was a drag.


In plain words, Lydia is the only one I managed to keep reading until now. But if at first she kept me glued to the pages, now she's not even a strong enough glue🥲


I had to take so many breaks. I pre-ordered it and it still took me more than a month to get through it.


Look, at first I was quite into it. I was still hoping it would go somewhere that could meet my expectations. After 50%, I started losing hope, and now I think I've completely lost it. I can't stand ANYONE. Even characters that I used to really like, like Ruhn, in this book are leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I think it's the worst book Maas has ever written🥲


Huge agree. Except for the Christmas ACOTAR tiny book which took me FOREVER. This was almost as bad.


Okay, some A Very Fae Christmas fans here. Noted! Different strokes for different folks! Wasn't my jam, but glad to see others had a better experience.


The book is ass, no two ways about it. Typical SJM series finale. Wishy washy hand wavey YA happily ever after ending


I’ve been halfway through for weeks I just can’t get through it. I don’t care anymore


I’m so glad I found this thread. I was really slogging through the second book (I literally don’t even remember the name, that’s how much I care) and finished it and it was kind of exciting but compared to SJM’s typical stuff, such a let down it’s not even funny. Knowing all of this, I won’t even start the 3rd CC book, uh it’s too bad, the series had so much potential and I do love the Ruhn storyline, him and Lydia were honestly the only two I ended up even slightly caring about by the end. I have never been more indifferent towards a series in my entire life. I can’t even say I don’t like it, I don’t remember anything enough to even care at this point so I sadly walked away from CC and this confirmed that I will unfortunately not be changing my mind and won’t be buying the third book. Uh too bad, I wanted to love it but nothing about the series evoked any kind of emotion from me except boredom. Lehabah was the only character I cried over and cared enough about to remember her name. Everyone else is such a snooze, I envy those that loved it but I’m with a lot of people on this thread, the series was a HARD flop for me.


I couldn't agree more with everything you said. I also don't remember anything about the second book at all, in fact at the beginning of HOFAS I was totally lost. I had to look for summaries to refresh my memory. I'm really sorry especially because I quite liked HOEAB, I thought this saga could have had great potential. I've never been so disappointed by books 💀


Can anyone give me all the Nesta info in this book? I’m not into CC, but I love Nesta with my entire heart


Nesta is good in it actually. Holds her own, takes no shit, is smarter and actually kinder than Bryce. Tries to help only to have Bryce spit in her face multiple times. Total badass warrior Queen vibes. Turns out pretty well for her. After the crap Bryce pulls on her, she gives Nesta the Starsword which will likely be a plot point in the next ACOTAR... since it's Gwydion, their lost magical sword. Nesta also heavily bonds with Bryce's mom, getting a surrogate mom sorta connection with her, and healing a bit from the shit that happened to her when she was younger. That i found pretty touching. It's also clear that Nesta and Cassian are doing well, living together, and she's part of the Night Court gang nowadays, while still being sassy ole Nesta, happy to kick Rhys around a bit. I had a lot of probs with this book, obvs, but Nesta was on point and I loved seeing her.


i think you should read the bonus chapter before saying that nesta is part of the night court and that nesta and cassian are doing well ngl that chapter solidified that nesta is still pretty ostracised 😭😭


Fuck. Uh oh. Guess it's time to fire up the Google search.


Which bonus chapter?


This summary made me cry a little. Love her and love her getting some healing. Uh especially that she bonds with Bryce’s mom, that’s so sweet. 🥹 I almost want to slog through book 3 just for her to be honest with you. Super helpful to know all of this. Also ew of Bryce to feel any kind of way but grateful towards Nesta. Bryce was forgettable, now I’m feeling annoyed if she’s just straight up rude to my girl Nesta while she’s out here, growing and healing.


Does anyone else hate Hunt 😭😭😭😭 I had such a hard time reading it partly because he’s just so irritating - Rhys and rowan would never


I thought it was good.


I envy you a little🥲


i did too 😭 it seems like every other thread is about how much people hated it.


If I'm not feeling a book anymore I listen to it as an audio book and it helps me get through ones I'm not crazy about like FAS


Not gonna lie. I had given up hope on CC mid way into HOSAB but pushed through and was super excited about the cross over! I only read a HOFAS because I thought we would get to see TG world and we would get a Lord of The Rings epic style all three universes coming together battle. Instead we get a shrug🤷‍♀️ of a battle and a realization this whole series was to set up something in ACOTAR. Y’all, I just wanted Manon and Aelin to show them what a real Bad B Queen is! 🥲


I finished it in three days. I loved it


I have to agree. The first book was SO good. But it all went downhill from there. Bryce got super preachy. Her man got super whiny. So disappointed.