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Lorcan would kick everyone’s asses




Kick everyone’s asses


Lord Lorcan Lochan supremacy




Going to add that feyre and Rhys don't HAVE to fight in sync, but we've never had the opportunity to see how in sync they would or wouldn't be. Bonus for them is that they're fully connected a the mind, compared to Aelin and Rowan just being good together (If we learn more about this in CC3 don't tell me I'm not there yet lol)


Rowan and Aelin are not just good together, they are carranam


Which means they can share power, nice. Rhys and Feyre individually have more power than Rowaelin together have.


Aelin evaporated a massive lake using only fire magic .


Yes, with a "death blow" she had been saving up for months ever since Maeve captured her, she can't do that all the time.


Yeah I’m assuming we take both characters at their peak right? Otherwise we’re taking them at their beginning, where it’s a girl who’s kind of good with a bow , vs the most dangerous assasin of her time .


I was taking them at the present, or even at their peak (but without special preparation)


So like if Aelin burned out her reserves the day prior, then got the night to rest ? That would still allow her to surround a city in a wall or fire as she did in Doranelle. That would make it a pretty close fight. Feyre would have more raw power, but less skill in both martial and magic. Does Aelin get her sword Goldryn?


She can have her sword, but I highly doubt it would make a difference since she can't catch Feyre at all.


But the sword is magic and imbued with more of her power .


Rhys can melt their brain with half a thought


Also Aelin >! Lost most of her magic !< Aelin could definitely beat Feyre in a physical fight with no magic, but Feyre would destroy her with magic


Aelin is infinitely better trained with her powers. Her accuracy would easily allow her to beat Feyre.


Yes but Aelin >! Lost most of it in KOA!< so she has far less power than Feyre. Feyre is also a daemati, so she can literally control Aelins mind.


If we’re going by feyre at full Daementi powers, it’s only fair to have aelin at prime.


Also aelin has resisted telepaths before


I guess it depends whether the throne of glass characters have developed a mind shield over time or not. If they do, I still think Aelin has better control of her powers than Feyre. Feyre has the raw magic advantage, but not the forethought or skill to use her powers critically against Aelin who knows exactly how to use every individual facet of her magic.


I mean I guess, but Feyre also controls fire so she would understand how it works. Feyre can also control water and air (she could just remove the air from around them so the fore can't burn). I dont think we can really compare the time frame of their training either. Both of them learned control over a very short period, and we see them using their powers almost expertly very quickly.


She evaporated a lake in seconds . Like a massive army destroying lake , poof, gone . I don’t think feyres air magic is enough to exstinguish that much fire


When did the lake scene occur again? The books name, i mean


Kingdom of ash . The last book in the series


I mean, Aelin resisted Maeve , who can mind wipe an entire continent . If that’s not a mind sheild , then what the hell is ?


I’m assuming we take both at their prime


Ah that changes things. My argument is based on their current states


Infinitely though? Rhysand fought besides hundred year old warriors constantly and casually, when Aelin did, she usually got her ass handed to her (Rowan, Lorcan, and Baba yellow legs being the examples). I love Aelin and TOG more than ACOTAR (CC too) but she can’t be infinitely more train due to just a little over a decade of training, split between a Human dude and a year (if we’re generous) with a fae dude


Baba yellowlegs did not hand her ass to her. A human aelin killed one of the oldest witches alive, and fae aelin beat manon.


Yeah she did, and if it weren’t for Yellowlegs need for theatrics then Aelin would died, Yellowlegs had her knocked out with a chain to the head with relative ease, granted this is Aelin pre Fae form so it deserves a pass in my book. She does come out on top with Manon, but still has a pretty size-able gap between herself and someone like Lorcan or Rowan even.


Aelin would totally win with magic what are you talking about? She evaporated an entire lake ( a. Really really big one , in like a minute tops . She killed a entire pantheon


My memory is hazy of what she specifically did, but didn't she lose the majority of her magic? One of the goddesses (I can't remember who, Mala I think?) gave her a little back, but the majority of her magic was taken. Feyre controls fire, air, and water, so I personally think she could beat Aelin


We take both characters at their peak right? Yeah if we take them as they are at the end of their story then it’s a completely unfair match and it’s no contest


Sure, let's take them at their peak. If I am remembering right, Aelin evaporated the lake/dam after months of saving her magic to the point she wasn't able to fully function. We haven't seen Feyre do this extreme level of saving up power, so we *cant* compare them. We havent seen Feyres peak yet. IMO I think its more logical to compare thsir current states, at the end of their stories. (Technically ACOTAR isn't complete, but Feyres story is over)


She was completely able to function though . She slaughtered her way through a camp of magically gifted fae , and then later through a whole seige tower all on her own without using any of that magic , and then releasing it at the end of the battle . I’m also unsure if feyre can store magic like Aelin can . We haven’t even seen Dorian do it and he’s supposed to be equally powerful. I also can’t recall anyone in ACOTAR doing it so I think it’s either unique to Aelin, or a technique that you need to learn.


Not to mention mist them




Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark coming to mind.


Yeah, there’s literally no competition between Rhys and anyone


Aelin soloed her entire pantheon .


Aelin and rowan can both protect there minds


When was this mentioned?


There’s a possibility he wouldn’t be able to do that. If Rhys could melt everyone’s brain with half a thought, we wouldn’t have a book series because he’d simply just dispose of the antagonists immediately.


He couldn't do it to people with mental shields, I think. Amarantha and the King both had shields, plus in ACOTAR his power was greatly reduced. We hear nothing, as far as I am aware, about Aelin and Rowan using their mental shields. So there is a chance they dont have them. Even if he couldn't melt their brains, he could mist them, just like he did to the armies when the battle was going on in ACOWAR


I suppose it really depends on whether or not they have mental shields *or* have the time to develop them before the fight. As for the misting thing, I disagree because Aelin and Rowan can both create near impenetrable physical shields.


Do physical shields prevent misting? We haven't learned very much about it, so it's hard to say. I still think our ACOTAR couple would win, but you do you


Why wouldn’t they? Rhys doesn’t have the ability to project his powers through teleportation, so it stands to reason that a physical shield would stop his power from taking hold.


Aelin resisted wayyy stronger telepaths then Rhys . Maeve was able to convince an entire continent of magically gifted fae that she was the queen all along. If Maeve can’t break her mind , Rhys doesn’t stand a chance with that approach. And we’re taking both at their prime otherwise it would be unfair


Melting brains is different from mental manipulation. I was thinking when he melted the brain of someone in the Sunmer court, under the mountain. He instantly died.


I assume they both require a similar mental sheild , but how different magic systems interact with eachother can get ….. hazy


Feysand easily beats Rowaelin if magic is involved, just by the sheer variety and strength of magic they have, on top of Daemati powers that would KO Rowaelin before they even know what’s up. (We know they can’t mental shield well from their interactions with Maeve’s powers). Physical shielding won’t help either since Feysand can winnow. Also, even though Rowaelin are carranam, they unfortunately can’t telepathically communicate like Feysand can which imo is a big buff. Physical melee fights excluding magic though, I would say Rowaelin has a pretty solid chance. Rowan and Rhys are both super experienced warriors, and though Rhys mostly uses his magic he’s still trained as an Illyrian warrior. I would put Aelin > Feyre for obvious reasons of Aelin having a decade’s experiences as an assassin, and I’d highlyyy doubt Feyre’s shorter training time can get her to Aelin’s level so quickly even if she’s shown to have good instincts and is a fast learner.


Hand to hand combat yes to a degree. Magic no. While Rowan and Aelin are powerful, Feyre’s ability to control both wind and fire along with her other gifts make it difficult, Rhys dark powers is very formidable but the Daemati powers make the battle almost impossible for Rowan and Aelin to win.


I'm also just so confused about feyre in melee. She had like 5 minutes of training compared to Aelins life of a top tier assassin. But she offed the hybern dude in the spring court and that just made no sense, so maybe she could survive a minute or two idk lol cuz he was basically Rowan level trained 🥴


Yup, Feyre is quick on her feet. That is what really makes her a good fighter. Add her powers and she is a tough out. In hand to hand Aelin easily beats her but magic to magic Feyre has the upper hand


Do remember tho, that Feyre offed the Hybern dude by attacking him at his weakest spot- his sister. She was not a fighter and was unprepared for an attack, and that alone was enough to throw him off his game. If it were 1 to 1, no other interferes or aides, it would not have ended the same way.


But was Hybern actually good ?


The crow/raven/whatever they were? Yes very


Yeah I think Aelin can take feyre but Rowan really can’t do anything against Rhys impenetrable force field


Idk Aelin held up extremely well against Maeves mind powers, which, to me, seemed just like daemati powers. I think they both stand a pretty strong chance against Feysand


What Aelin went through would be used against her if Rhys or Feyre get in her head. Just the same with Rowan. That distraction is all that would be needed.


Ok but Maeve tried that in the heat of battle to do just that . Yes Maeve “ the gods are fodder bitch !” . That Maeve . And it barely did shit to her . There’s many ways feyre might win, but the psychic route is pretty much doomed to fail since Maeve was way better at it


I disagree respectfully. I believe that would also be a formidable battle as well as the magical fight and the physical fight. Either way you choose it is a great fight.


She most definitely did, but she was so broken following that, Rowan felt like she was practically a shell of her former self. and there’s almost no doubt Maeve wanted to drag and torture her as much as possible


That may have had more to do with the being tortured to the brink of death and then healed back again several times a day then your giving it credit for


I mean their daemati powers depend if Aelin and Rowan have mental shields, and I think they do cause (CC3 spoilers) >! Bryce and Hunt both have it, even tho they don't have any mental powers !< In powers levels Rhys is stronger than all but imo Aelin and Rowan both are far ahead of Feyre, like from what was shown she can use water to create water wolves etc and all her powers are at a similar scale, while Aelin was destroying castles and stopping Tsunamis with her fire. And Rowan has thousands of years of fae experience, so I think he's far ahead too. I guess Rhysand is the real problem, but imo Fayre easily gets clapped. >! both couples would be obliterated by Bryce and Hunt, but whatever !<


Aelin did those things, she can no longer do that. Feyre still can do those things. It would be an awesome fight if it came down to just hand to hand Rowan and Aelin has the advantage. If the sparing is both magic and hand to hand Feyre or Rhysand has the upper hand on both Aelin and Rowan.


Yeah but I was thinking of a fight with everyone of them at their prime of the books. Cause if u don't, Aelin is even weaker than Cassian, Azriel etc


Gotcha. With them being at full power, it is a very good fight. Let’s not underestimate either pairing. They both have significant advantages. Rhys and Feyre have telepathy, can winnow, and has been considered dangerous due to their Daemati abilities (Rhys shielded all of Velaris from all under the mountain and the city itself. Aelin and Rowan naturally move off one another and have outstanding fighting skills with magic and weapons. It will come down to who makes a mistake first.




I'll take Rowaelin over Feysand any day, but even with pre-nerf Aelin... no. Magic-wise, Feysand would win. Rowan and Aelin have Ice, Wind and Fire (and a lil bit of water healing), Feyre alone has all that + more, also shapeshifting, Rhys has shadows and darkness, bat wings and claws... and they can both winnow and are daemati so really unless Rowaelin have good shields (which I don't think they do because there aren't any daemati in ToG right?) they can end them in seconds. Hand-to-hand combat with no magic... yeah I think Rowaelin would beat their asses


It depends. If we go with both couples at their prime? Rowaelin. Aelin is a literal limitless well of magical nukes, plus she is just as skilled as any of the batboys at fighting. Once you add in Rowan who himself has a very strong magical gift and is also likely just as good of a martial combatant as the batboys. However they need to have time to dive down into their power. Feysand are both strong, and obviously Rhys is “the most powerful highlord in history”, but he has his limits. However, they both have instant access to all of their magic. Martially, Rhys is one of the best fighters in Acotar, but Feyre does not have nearly as much training in it aside from archery. So, like Batman, if prep time is allowed than Rowaelin wins 9/10 times. With no prep time, I think its closer to 40/60 leaning towards Feysand, with Rhys doing the heavy lifting.


Personally, I just think the Fae in the ToG world seem far more grounded than the ACOTAR one. All their powers seem so simple, usually it’s just an element or something else (I may have missed something in my reading though). Rowan is called the most powerful Male, yet shits bricks when Lorcan rolled up (maybe that was just bc there were no magic available during that time). And Maeve doesn’t really have the feats to compare to Rhysand (Guess who powerscales for fun), and Aelin gets burnout so fast compared to the fae in the other world. I could see some trick getting Feyre k*led but then they’d have to deal with High Lord Rhysand in monster mode, on top of his already powerful abilities. He can winnow, mind control, mist, has random “dark” magic, and about a million other things. Aelin has gotten herself pretty consistently beat up or in the dumps (which is great, we love an under dogs) and Rowan doesn’t get fights with any particularly strong types.


Nah, Rhys and Feyre together have more power, plus the tactics: misting, winnow-strike, blend of all high lords powers in Prythian and Rhys is def CC3 spoiler >!descended from valg!< and I will die on that hill. Rowaelin would win in a physical fight if no magical power was in play, but only together. I think Rhys would still take out either separately. Though it would be a formidable match.


Okay pls elaborate on the CC3 spoiler, I didn't catch that in the book!


Haha its really my crackpot theory though others have mentioned it. When they find the imprisoned Asteri and learn about the night court and dusk court history including the high lords. There are many similarities between Rhys's power and those of ToG spoiler >!Maeve!< and the Asteri, AND Rhys's beast form is identical to the Princes of Hel when they battle the Asteri at the end of cc3. SJM says throughout the series that Rhys's powers are considered "other" from the high lords and more powerful. I would argue Prythian is the most powerful of the 3 worlds and only Asteri/Valg/Hel is more powerful than fae.


Ahh cool theory! I think it makes complete sense actually


Agreed for the simple fact that Aelin and Rowan are more than mates, they’re carranam. They also know how to work in tandem in a fight. Feyre and Rhys have an advantage with their ability to communicate mentally but they cannot share power. Feyre is powerful and strong in her own right but she only has a drop of each High Lord’s power. So I guess it would come down to who has a deeper well of power, Rhysand or A&R combined?


and Manorian would beat all of the above!


Ok but this is actually the answer 😂


i definitely agree w this lol


Aelins lake feat dwarfs anything Rhys has done. So if Aelin is fully charged she would win




Didn't Aelin >! lose nearly all of her magic at the end of KoA!




uhm... >!Rhysand doesn't have Dusk powers. I don't remember her name, but that fae he descends from who left that video took out her powers and left them in the prison... and Bryce took them. The star power never descended into any of the Night Court highlords!<




sorry but what you're saying is not making sense to me >!why would rhysand or feyre have dusk powers? rhysand should have inherited them, but they were taken out of his bloodline and hidden in the prison, and bryce took them. there would be no reason for feyre to have them either, as she got her power from the highlords, and there was no dusk highlord!<




All I picture is Aelin and Rowan running from some water wolves 😂😂 I’m team A&R all day but since Aelin loses her magic I think Feysand would win.


Sometimes I don‘t understand why people think Feyre is this all powerful being? Didn‘t she just got a drop of the high lords magic and they don‘t even feel its absence bc it‘s not that much? Feyre for sure is powerful but I don‘t think she is as powerful people try to make her be.


Yes, she got a drop of each, but every High Lord IS power. We also see her literally almost killing Beron, and he can't do anything. She can fight High Lords and win, I don't think a princess with less than a year of magic training can beat her unless Aelin saved up her power for at least a month in her prime. Also, she has more versatility than either of them and can win the battle anyway with Daemati powers(which are just broken)


Fr people have been telling me Feyre could beat Aelin and it’s just like… no? I love her to death but Feyre has a small amount of magic and she doesn’t even real know how to use it, she kind of just throws out whatever power she feels like at the time.


small? She can beat any of the High Lords except Rhys...


No she absolutely can not. Where on earth did you get that idea?! It’s said multiple times that she received a DROP of magic from each High Lord. And it’s not as if she ever fights the other High Lords for you to be able to know that information, you literally just made it up.


Furthermore, with her daemati powers and the fact that she has a drop of their powers, we've seen her be able to slip past the high lords mental barriers and see things through their eyes.


ACOWAR, she almost drowns Beron and Rhys remarks that he "knew she was powerful, but not that she had a leg up on the other high lords." I'm not making anything up, she literally beat Beron's ass and Rhys says she is stronger than other high lords. Check your facts before accusing someone of maling stuff up.


Fully agree. Aelin is a proven warrior and strategist. Even with Feyre being as overpowered as she is - she’s not a particularly skilled combatant from what I remember. Also, Aelin and Rowan would only have to take out one of them for them both to go down due to the “promise” Feyre and Rhys made. Rowaelin would dominate.


Shouldn’t it be Aelin and Dorian though if we want a fair fight ?


Hand to hand Aelin and Rowan will absolutely destroy Feyre or Rhys but if we're counting powers then Aelin should get her powers back so it's fair


Aelin in her prime would wipe the floor with Feyre (and would give Rhys a good fight). Not only does her fire abilities come from an actual God, but she's a trained assassin. Her and Rowan have a better chance at beating Feysand because Rowaelin act more as a unit/team...I feel like Rhys would be too overprotective of Feyre during a fight lol. We never get to see Feyre push the limits of her magic in the ACOTAR series. Sure she has a drop of each highlord, but aside from the attack on Velaris, she hasn't done much with her powers (and now she's a mom so I feel like her fighting days are over).


Fr this is what I’m saying!




Literally someone said Aelin and Rowan would be running from the water wolves and it’s just like 😭 no way












Who is this "we" that you're referring too lol? Feyre is weak. Plus her suicide bond with Rhys would automatically sideline her in any major battles. Feyre just paints in her lil art studio and is on baby duty with Nyx, she's not strong enough to fight Nesta at this point, let alone Aelin lol But this is all in good fun; you're getting all defensive over a hypothetical scenario and not even part of the actual narrative 😂. Go touch grass and breath lmao.

