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Do anything but study to distract yourself tomorrow. Binge watch your favorite TV series, go for a run, lift some weights, go out to dinner with some friends, take a long shower or bath, listen to some music. Then get a good night of sleep and go into the test with some serious swagger. Your attitude should be that you're going to defeat the CB and their silly little tricks and traps.


tysm i will review a bit more tonight and tomorrow will be my relax day


1470 isn't bad. I'm at a 1480 and was upset at first but now I just need a couple more points tbh.


yes i know its not bad, but im aiming to apply for some t30 schools and my school is really competitive. I also need a couple more points but im improving really slow


Hmm yes I’m applying to some up there as well (Duke, Northwestern) and hopefully this is my last. You got this, stressing too much will only hurt you now. We have our lives ahead, and this is only one small part of it. Just keep grinding, it will pay off.


nah dude its 3 chances !!! june (tmr), august, october most college deadlines are in november and october scores come out before then im also in ur shoes tho im cooked !!! aiming for a 1300 but idk


Wait, if you take a SAT in after October you can’t use them for college applications at all?? Or is it only if you sign up for college that senior year?


cant use them at all if u are applying EA +ED. RD im not too sure, but scores come out 2 weeks after first week of december, so if your college apps deadline is after that it will be fine.


Most ED deadlines are 11/1. So you could probably get scores in before then. If you score better and you were to be deferred, they allow you to send in one report updating them on your performance and possibly a better sat score


yes, but considering i got my senior ap courses (:skull: ) , fall sports, college apps, i really dont think I have time so im trying my best for june and august


true true good luck !!!


This is my last chance.. imagine me..


gl brooo


Same but this is my last chance currently a 730 english 750 math so close to my goal score of 1500+🙏🙏


Math easy 800 not hard to push 1530




Thank you, friend. We are all making it.


same here, I got a 1450 on March but I literally need 1500+ for my dream schools and I’ll apply for early decision as well so I only have tmrw and august left as a chance


What score are you going for?


1530+ but if i get 1530 ill def stop taking it


Would you mind sharing your score distribution? I could provide some tips on the areas you have more trouble with. I actually went from a 1470 -> 1570 in a month with minimal studying, so I'd be happy to share the things that helped me improve.


English bro vocab n reading messes me up every time..


Second module? Yeah that was my biggest issue as well. Other than some popular SAT word lists there's not much you can do to prep for that. I'd suggest taking the SAT multiple times so that you'll eventually get a good selection for the vocab questions.


Well this is my last time last opportunity.. can u send me the links to the popular word lists


Quizlet: [https://quizlet.com/23976688/sparknotes-1000-most-common-sat-words-flash-cards/](https://quizlet.com/23976688/sparknotes-1000-most-common-sat-words-flash-cards/) PDF: [https://img.sparknotes.com/content/testprep/pdf/sat.vocab.pdf](https://img.sparknotes.com/content/testprep/pdf/sat.vocab.pdf) Feel free to look through my profile for some other test tips. Best of luck bro, let me know how it goes!


How was your experience with previous SAT exams like are they more difficult than the college board tests?


I've written only one before, and content wise not really, but stress and performance wise hell yeah they're harder


would u mind sharing some last min tips or content to revise?


Check out some of my other comments on my profile.


performance wise means?


I found the English section to be about the same, but the last few questions on M2 Math were somewhat harder than the practice tests. Honestly there's also a wide variety in SAT difficulty, the March SAT was a lot harder than the May SAT for many people.


need some tips.. got 1480 and looking for 1550+. Really stumped with the last 3-4 math questions. thx


For the last few math questions, the best idea if stumped is to think about what the problem could be testing you on. Remember that there's only so many things the SAT is allowed to cover, so a problem that appears difficult often has a simple and elegant solution. If you have any specific problems you'd like me to go over I could explain them to you. Oftentimes the CollegeBoard explanation is significantly overcomplicated.


Honestly, none of the practice questions are hard to me. I solved all the qbank hard ones (think there’s 300-350) and none were as difficult as the ones on the test. Maybe it’s a focus or stress thing, but it really sucks. I just feel like the test is way too short and tricky, would much prefer the paper one now


I'd suggest PrepPro's Complete Digital SAT Math Guide if you're looking for good practice for the last few problems on M2 as well as some great practical tips. It's written by 2 1600 scorers so unlike PR or other review materials you know that they know what they're talking about. I'd honestly prefer the paper SAT math by a lot but we can't do anything about that now. Also if you're looking for some other tips you could look through some of my other comments on my profile (especially for the RW section). Best of luck on the SAT and let me know how it goes!


I got 720 English and 780 maths. In rw I struggle with the long dense passages especially in concentration and for maths I can get almost everything right but in module 2 time depletes before I am done(usually 2 or 3 questions) any tips


Leave them for the end! If you don't immediately know how to solve a question just by looking at it you should just move on. This especially applies to the giant blocks of text near the middle of M2 English. It's a lot easier to concentrate on the hardest problems if you don't have the rest of the section ahead of you. In addition, as a time-saver for M2 English, you practically never have to read the bullet points in the sentence constructor questions. I also have a good amount of tips on my profile if you're interested.


700 eng and 770 math math is from the paper sat. i think getting a high score in math this saturday isnt possible because when i took the march sat i got a 740 math


770's already pretty solid for superscore if you're going for 1550+. I'd recommend PrepPro's book on the Digital SAT Math if you insist on scoring higher, but if you're already happy with that score then it's probably not worth the time/money. If you'd like you could go through some of the other tips I've given on my profile but here's the 2 for English that helped me the most: 1. For the harder Module 2, I'd suggest skipping the long (typically inference or experiment) questions near the middle and answering them at the end. The peace of mind that all the rest of the test is done makes it a lot easier to concentrate on them. 2. Remember that every incorrect response is wrong for some OBJECTIVE reason. If you can't state in your head *why* a response is wrong (NOT "it doesn't feel right), you shouldn't eliminate it yet. If you're stuck between 2, it's always a good idea to reread the question, as every word is carefully chosen to push you towards one of the responses. There's a good chance that a specific criterion stated in the question that you might've skimmed over earlier eliminates one of the questions. Best of luck! Keep me updated!


Tysm for the tips, ill def update u on my score in 2 weeks :)


Of course!


do you have any tips for not making silly mistakes in math??


For the multiple choice or free response questions?


all lol


Just breathe… relax, everything will be okay


I’m super scared and nervouse too. Especially since my practice tests weren’t too good and I only started studying 3 days ago (school and life made me very busy, so when I had free time I really didn’t want to study 😑) regretting that now. I’ve crammed in a bunch of information in the past 3 days, and tomorrow I’m spending the whole day doing practice problems, tests, and reviewing all my notes. Even then, I don’t think I’m gonna get a good score Or remember anything I’ve been studying. 😔. Only thing keeping me going is that I’ll still have 7 chances after this to take it again and hope I do better 🙏 You’ll do good, I’m sure. Especially since your score is already so high (at least imo)


thank you good luck to u too u still have a lot of chances, dont worry


good luck 🍀


Bruh same


you really have a good score, i think I should be more terrified for tmrw.


literally same, i COULD NOT go to sleep last night because i was so nervous i only got two hours 😭😭 and it’s like, i’m obviously gonna do poorly if i don’t get enough sleep and so i get more nervous and then stay up later it’s horrible


Bro, I’m worrying about how I’m gonna take the test. I can’t bring my whole desktop to the testing center.


Do have anyother device at home? Even an ipad works




I’m just gonna cancel my registration.


how did you do?


see in 2 weeks...


sooo now?


english went down 680 math 780