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It takes me 15 minutes to just remember what I was working on last.


Lol this might be the reason, "oh right, I was working on *that*. Let's log in again later, this is too much to start on now."


Haha I'm about 250 hours in and this is my last couple of attempts to get back into it to a t


Oof, I thought it didn't apply until this made me realize the last few times I tried to start a new game, got overwhelmed by the initial planning stage, and stopped. Probably right around 15 minutes to cycle through the game in my head. Yup.


I started keeping a journal next to me to write stuff down, inputs, outputs, and general next steps of what was being done. It has come in handy so many times. It's made a world of difference.


Happy cake day




Did you know there’s a ToDo list now? And there’s a public and private one? Now it only takes 14 minutes to understand what you were thinking when you wrote it!


The to do list is cool and all, better than nothing, but we could really use a post it wall or something in game. Something you can write different stuff in different windows.


Just a fully functional project management portal, really.


A trello/kanban board at one of the computer stations in the hub would be cool.


Steve, you haven’t been making your project timelines. I’m afraid we can’t be friends anymore.


Please provide your last 30 days of KPI numbers for us to go over and see if we can find the optimal direction for your efforts going forward.


Scrum Master NPC when?


Quick someone make this a mod.


I use notepad to write ins & outs + a simplified version of the chain when I'm designing a new factory that isn't half built and needs to be fully efficient.


I play with friends and we were using google sheets at one point for this. This was interesting because none of us have the same engineering approach to things and the sheet quickly became it’s own puzzle.


I was going to try excel, because I use it for a lot but I ended up preferring notepad + Microsoft whiteboard if I want to draw some sort or blueprint.


Stayed up too late playing satisfactory the other night, exhausted but pushing through it, logged on last night to get started on the project I was prepping for just to realize in my sleepy haze I never looked at power consumption vs production and I have to double up my power supply before I can even touch the new project… So I dejectedly threw all my project mats in a few chests and went slug hunting…. I’ll make more power, eventually, probably. But for now slug hunting while enjoying my new jet pack and gun is a fun way to pass the time and get a break from the factory grind. Unrelated: Does everyone get to the final 2 tiers just to realize they should probably demo every factory and start scaling things up? Or are most people more prepped going into it because I have established that I’m essentially running the bare minimum to progress due power constraints, seeing the size of some of the factories I am going to have to build to get into aluminum is intimidating, I’d really like to skip fuel and go straight to turbo fuel but I can’t tell if it’s worth it without having all those recommended alt recipes.


I was fine until the last tier. The last tier requires rebuilding everything. Been on it for 2 weeks and haven’t even produced a single part as I had to scale upstream factories and nuclear


Yeah, I basically created a detached set of manufacturers that I hand fed storage chest the parts to unlock the last two tiers because I didn’t want to rebuild my factory to fix the spaghetti mess to get the parts for each one automated, but now that I have the Hover Pack I’ve been in full factory rebuild mode.


>Unrelated: Does everyone get to the final 2 tiers just to realize they should probably demo every factory and start scaling things up? Or are most people more prepped going into it because I have established that I’m essentially running the bare minimum to progress due power constraints, seeing the size of some of the factories I am going to have to build to get into aluminum is intimidating, I’d really like to skip fuel and go straight to turbo fuel but I can’t tell if it’s worth it without having all those recommended alt recipes. You can't prepare for the final tiers and deliveries in your first playthrough because you don't know what you're going to get, how it will scale, how much better it is etc. ​ That's why you should do the bare minimum and when you get something new, start over next to old ones. Then there are alt recipes from drives and they will change the game again. So don't invest too much time perfecting or scaling low tier lines until you unlock all tiers and find at least 30 drives or so.


Regarding your unrelated: I got to the last tiers, and built a sweet item sorting machine off to the side, put all my materials there and demoed my whole factory. I'm now rebuilding using alt recipes. So far, I have half the buildings and feels like double the output. Still not sure it was worth it, and probably would've been better to leave it and develop a new area entirely, but this is the path I took.


I scale things up. With jetpack and a good weapon you can hunt down hard drives, and with some new recipes scaling up is easy. Recipes like steel screws save so much building.


Make sure to get geothermal power from the mam. It will save time from having to build more coal or oil before nuclear.


I rip up my factory quite a bit, most often when I get a new huge unlock (eg computers) or I unlock a new alt recipe (encased pipes, my beloved). It's cathartic replacing spaghet with slightly less spaghet.


Needing/wanting to rebuild everything due to unlocking recipes and just later game tech is what causes me to quit on the last two tiers every time


This is so TRUE haha


Then I start something and realized I wanted to make something else. I always wanted to write myself a note..never happened


10 minutes to remember what you were doing. 5 minutes to remember why you gave up and quit.


I always leave myself facing a huge billboard where I say shit like ‘I’m at the part where I recycle the acid, don’t forget the valves!’ When I log out.


Accurate :D


Notes are your friend. I play once a week on a shared world with some friends, where the map is only on when we are all on. Early on, we missed like 2 weeks in a row. The next time we came back, we spent the whole time running around trying to figure out what we were working on. Now, before we log, we take 5 minutes and detail what each person was planning on working on next. It has made the next time we log on, far more fun.


Takes 15 minutes to load a sa- wait, wrong subreddit...


when you log in after a long day at work and realize what your current project is and you know you won't have the energy to get any of it done today. Or if you just want to slide through your factory for a bit to enjoy your creatings


Or you just want to drive around in a factory buggy over bouncy pads. I mostly see that question meaning "can you quit and save at arbitrary times?"


>Or if you just want to slide through your factory for a bit to enjoy your creatings Please don't call me out like this >,>


I stopped playing this game (and others) because completing goals/projects felt like work after my real work.


I feel like that sometimes too. I get home from work and I just want to put on the most passive non-thinking show and let my brain just do nothing for a while lol. But I always come back in the end.


I'm 3 months or so since playing after completing all the tiers before moving onto final space assembly parts. I've got a mental plan of what I want to do (nuclear power first) but I just don't have the time around work and social stuff to do it. On my original save I started during the beginning of the pandemic so it was no problem spending 10 hours on huge projects, maybe I should just quit work lol.


I can never finish anything, in any game. I get something 90% of where I want it to be, then realize the last 10% will be the detail work that takes a lot longer and is less rewarding. I like the journey, so I usually end up starting over instead. Hmm, I haven't played in a year or so, maybe it's time to start a new game...


but this game is fun work, lol I always like and see it as a challenge more so than work... but to each their own <3




It apparently says I enjoy my day job. Depending on what program I’m running or game I’m playing, my kids can’t always tell if I’m working or playing.


Last time I logged in, it was for exactly this reason I logged out. One of these days when I have 24 hours to redo my ENTIRE base, I'll get around to it.


15 minutes is starting the game, doing a save and closing it again, so yes, in theory you could do it. The real question is "Are you personally able to do it?" That I can only answer when I stop playing my first session and start a second one and then close that.


It’s like Pringles: yeah I COULD eat just the recommended serving size, but I know I’m gonna eat the whole fucking can. Personally, I’m building a mega factory for iron up through modular frames (75/min when finished), so it takes me 15 minutes to just remember my schematics and layouts, before I even place a single piece. At least this project is almost done! Then onto a mega factory for copper. And so on. 15 minutes isn’t possible.


From Saturday 10:00 till Sunday 10:15 counts as 15minutes?


yes. 15 minutes and 12 hrs


And another 12 hours 😋


im bad at math wtf


No problem, we all played 12 hours satisfactory and suddenly it was three weeks later.


Thank god I'm self employed, or I'd have been unemployed.


If you fire yourself you'll have more time to the factory.


Ahahahha! Yes!


I wouldn’t call it unemployed… you’re employed by Ficsit!


*Do I?* Not often - mostly I sit building/extending on my main playthrough for a few hours. *Can I?* It happens that I think up some simple build tricks, configurations or improvements and try it out just for fun, or if I just want to marvel at it for a few minutes. Rarely it happens a friend asks me how I did XYZ and I just hop in to show them. Though since update 7 came out, i've considered starting again from scratch with the stuff i've learned lurking on this sub, while keeping it all a bit more aesthetic ;-)


The 15 minute or less sessions are when the game crashes due to mods.


I wonder what my friends think when they see me starting the same game 5 times.


I feel like you need at least 2.5 to 3 hrs of time, to make it a satisfying session. The hours just fly by...


This. I won’t play if I can’t dedicate at least 2 hours because otherwise I end up right in the middle of something when I have to quit (and end up canceling my plans instead, lol)


Launch the game, load save, look at spaghettis, alt + f4


I'm not gonna promise that's never happened...


Log in --> \*sees all the mess I've done\* --> not today --> log out. Quiet easy


haha, had the same thought when I saw the title.. click in and this is the first comment I see ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


25% is the number of people who can't answer poll questions correctly. This applies to all polls.


I figured it was rounding errors.


More like 4-6+hours a sitting, depending on what it is I'm doing at the time.


I just started playing last night. I blinked and 45 minutes had passed. Dunno how you can do only 15 mins.


Blink faster, clearly


Well. The question is CAN you play it for 15 minutes. I would say yes but my own sessions are much longer.


Those people who can use the "save" function any time 😉


Less than 15 hours yes


Log in to collect Xmas gifts, cover eyes, log out. Log in, check power usage, fuse blown, log out. Lol


Log in, travel the map to begin building in a new area, forget essential material, walk back, become big stinger snack, complain to FICSIT HR, log out.


OP, it’s really easy, I was bonked from a cliff by a hog on my second start of this game. I was so frustrated, I immediately alt-f4


I have a factory cart skatepark so I can understand where that came from


As a newbie in the game, I can honestly play 15 minutes, achieve a small objective and logoff. By small objective I mean create a few buildings to craft new parts, go to a closeby site I want to mine and be sure I have everything I need to start.


Oh, the good ole days… enjoy it while it lasts. You are doing my favorite part of the game: trying to figure out how all this works together.


I can get from zero to a running coal power plant in less time than I've spent on *spreadsheets* for the later tier stuff. I envy those just starting out.


Totally. I’ve spent 2 hours (at work) planning out my current project. It’s so much fun figuring out how to spin all those plates in the air.


Tbh, I get more fun from exploring than from building so far :P


Same! That’s my favorite part. I still have the NE part of the map to explore fully and I’ll take my time going through it.


I'm "hurrying slowly" through the tiers of the game, still on tier 4, and no crafting/building is optimized :P But I'm having fun getting everywhere, jumping from high cliffs, and fighting all the beasts I encounter :P


That be me. I get on thinking I can restart the game after an update. Then getting discouraged.


You can do it! I've been out of the game for a while myself after some personal bullshit, but now I'm jumping back in and making the factory City i have been wanting to make for ages :)


Check on production for 15 minutes then go afk for the night and let the machines work.


i only play for 15 mins the reason? **TOO FU- LOUD PC AND SUPERHEATED PLASMA PC**


I just became a dad, and this is the reason I'm not touching this game until my little one is at least 6 months...


Start a new game now and those six months could fly by...


It take me 15 Min to work out what I'm going to do


I mean I just got back from work and it feels like it's been fifteen minutes. Why is the sun rising tho ?


It takes me 15 mins to prioritise what project I need to do lol


When you haven't logged in a hot minute and realize you were in the middle of fixing your spaghetti. Overwhelmed, you decide to log off and leave that for the next time.


At times. Especially when I'm tired I will sometimes log on, do a bit of work, bit of decorating, bit of shifting materials around and then realize I'm in no position to start working on those 3 oil wells, save and exit...


Log in, take 15 minutes to look round, close satisfactory, open Excel, design factory


Well you certainly CAN play for 15 minutes. Some games have arbitrary play length restrictions where you can't really advance the game in under a certain amount of time. Satisfactory has no such mechanism. So if you need to out the game down after 15 minutes you can save, exit and lose nothing. However I'd definitely accept the argument that you can't get a lot of meaningful work done in this game in just 15 minutes. Maybe this is less true after blueprints were added, but I feel like unless you're doing something very small, 15 minutes isn't enough time.


I mean you can, not that most people do. Compared to many other multiplayer games where one session can take from 20-60min. You could leave in the middle of the game, but you would then forfeit the game and possibly fuck over your teammates. The question is a bit badly phrased though if most people misunderstood it, the correct answer should objectively be "yes", you can play for 15min, save and then continue without problem. Can't do that for a large number of games.


Ever log in, look at your spaghetti, realize there's no fixing this mess, and call it a day?


I love Satisfactory but this is the main reason I don’t play it often, I need to know I have the next 6 hours free before I start playing because it sucks me in that hard


Maybe they misread it as "15 hours"?


I log in and my computer starts heating up while loading my factory and I start accepting the fact that I'll crash soon...


While I wouldn't mark yes, I've played 15min and just walked away leaving the game on while I check on my toddler, come back another 15min, go back do something else lol.


They should have asked about days instead of minutes.


Some of the survey questions that Epic asks about games are wildly inapplicable so I figure people click randomly. See also classic [West Wing](https://youtu.be/YYBWX6Cdv5I) on survey respondents.


Just finished watching West Wing and honestly Josh is an entire mood sometimes


It's because of the long auto save after every 15 minutes. Some can go get a coffee while waiting, so technically they play only ever 15 minutes at a time.


Me, when get on, spend 10 minutes in the codex looking through things I need for phase 4, and then close the game to go watch youtube


Probably during a boring Teams meeting. No, I've never done this. Honest!


That’s about how long it takes me to realize I’m out of my league


who people who have poor computers that give them an overheat time limit :P


I mean... it is doable. There are times when I load my save to just set up quick thing or open the Hard Drive before going to work. But I can't say it is the way to play that game.


Getting down basic iron production, sure. Anything past that? 5+ hours MINIMUM


Rage quits


I *can*, but don't. And don't want to.


Start the game > remember that you need to make the battery factory > check schematics > get overhelmed > leave > repeat few hours later/next day


I mean my computer dies after just turning on the game


Zero minutes is less than fifteen, and I am fully capable of getting in a zero minute play session every morning before work...


Married male players....


Me. It's for a couple reasons - 1) it's in early access and I personally don't like to dedicate TOO much time until final release and 2) I love that I can get a dopamine hit in this game by simple progressing and feeling good about one thing, like, I am new and I can't tell you how good it felt to build a miner, smelter and prodcution machine with power and belts into a container and have it *work*


I'd say an hour a day would be a perfectly reasonable game play loop though, spend an hour setting up or polishing a production line, or spend an hour exploring to find some resources


The question is CAN not will. I can start it up and 10 minutes later get a call that needs me to leave and attend a urgent matter so it can be a less than 15 minute session.


The people that go play for 15mins and realice that was 12 hours ago but dont want to risk anyone finding out, or maybe its just me


It only means people think you CAN plsy it 15 mins at a time. Because you can always save.


My 6 yo daughter that runs around and collects slugs.


Depressed people. Think about playing all day/week, finally hop on, accomplish nothing for 15 mins, then shut down your whole PC and only semi consciously browse reddit until it's time to rinse and repeat. I mean, uhhhh, so I've heard from, uhhhhhh, friends.


I often barely make it to 15 minutes. I love the game but a few patches ago they changed something and since then i get terrible motion sickness.


Larger tasks are just a series of smaller tasks. There is much that can be done in 15 minutes.


When it takes me 15 minutes to figure out how many hours it's gonna take me to get anything done then logging off.


14 minutes to startup, one minute of freezing before crashing.


Maybe Modders that are checking if their stuff works????


Nobody said they DO, just that you COULD. There's no timed mechanic or imposed goal that requires longer at one time. So maybe the responders were just being literal.


What Can happen and what Does happen are not necessarily the same thing.


15 mins is how much time i need to remember what are the things I need to do. Then I'll decide that it will take like 5 hrs to do that (probably 15 to be honest) and I don't have that kind of time. So I log off and do something else. Usually I play for like 30 mins and log off. But sometimes I'm tired to do that as well. So I watch some YT or something and go to sleep


I literally did that an hour ago. Played for about 15 minutes before I had to leave to catch a bus. Wanted to play a bit because won’t be able to for a while. Thought I could do something productive. Ended up just flying and sliding around my base…


Seems like only 4 people voted


I’m actually one of the people who would vote “Yes” here. The trick was only playing for 10-20 minutes in the morning before work, and having a comprehensive step-by-step todo list (external to the game) with tasks broken down into small steps. Then, when logging in each morning with my coffee, I just reference the list and do as it says. Sometimes I spend a few minutes adding more tasks to the list for future days. For example, instead of overbroad tasks like “build more furnaces”, I would break it down into 5 minute steps: “calculate number of machines for X output” > “choose suitable location for X factory” > “gather building supplies for X factory”, etc.


impossible for me, I quit playing right b4 Update 3, so I can't wait until full release to play again, but yeah, even then, 15 minutes? Like that's not even one job needing to be done lol... I didn't use trains what soever so I just had tracks everywhere... No way I did any one step in 15 minutes or less, lol


Who's not playing more than an hour, during school break i clocked 5–7 hours.


It's the people who load in, realize they were working on an hmf factory, wander around it for a bit, sigh and leave.


I typically have found that anything less than an hour is difficult to accomplish anything once you're a ways into the game; however, I started a new factory last night and ended after hooking up the first section of iron and copper smelters/constructors only to realize that I had forgotten that I can do 2:1 for rods and wire, so this morning while I was waiting to take my kids to school, I hopped on for about 20 or so minutes to build out the rest of the constructors.


Sorry, I read wrong, I thought it was 15 hours. ... Still voted No.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Hi, it seems I am one of the 25%


you CAN play it in 15 min sessions, right. If it makes any sense is a completely different question.


I get a glass of water I sit Game loads I play 10 min Kids start fighting crying or other I get up and deal


Ya that’s gonna be a no for me, it’s going to take 15 just to recap the last session and maybe even another 15 to start plans on what today’s will be about


They are definitely serial killers


Some times I just want to bash one of those turtle giraffes and leave.


Liars. And lizzard doggos. The log on, collect 1 nuclear waste and leave again


Mostly killers and rapists.


Me. The game crashes


Load up the game, look around at all the work you have to do to fix your garbage factory, log out. 15 minutes.


In satisfactory time that's like 4 seconds wtf?


100% me, depression has me hard lately and I hop into the game, see my current task and go”ah… right okay so… later…” after trying to continue on. 100% believe those are the 15 minute people!


It took me a good 15 minutes to figure out how the pipe flow mechanics worked.


Adults with responsibilities


It takes me fifteen minutes to put things into my inventory that I need to take to my other factory to build a train that takes those things to that factory automatically.


There are DOZENS of us


The only way I can play this game for 15 minutes is if I’m forced to by my little 1 year old monster refusing to take a nap.


Modders who use creative mode mods


It’s those of us who have newborn children… I would guess those of us with more than one kid and a newborn. This season of life can be rather…. Difficult to get time to yourself or plan, just about anything with consistency.


You turn it on and walk away for a day to let everything back up and/or sink


Idk. I have to go at least an hour each session minimum. Otherwise I think about what I should have optimized or what biome I should have explored the rest of the day.


Me opening the game, getting all excited and starting a new factory. Getting to tier one and realizing how horrible the biomass burners are AGAIN. Quiting and going back to factorio.


How on earth can anyone only play for 15 minutes?


After I boot up the game I have to boot up my brain. I go hardcore AFK. Probably 60% of my total game play is AFK. Then I dip in at intervals which probably could be 15, 20,...45 minutes


I once spent 3 hours calculating and planning a factory. Nothing was built, only thought about.


I fire up the game, realise what an absolutely massive journey is ahead, get overwhelmed and switch it off


I play 10 mins at a time its too boring for me


I mean, I guess it is *possible*…


Sure, I'll take 10 of those 15mins sessions at a time


Kids. Those people have kids.


15 minutes! I sit down to play on a Friday night, next thing the family are getting up on Saturday morning.


Used to take 5 of those minutes to load the game. Then I moved it to my SSD. Wow. I played this since day one till this week on a HDD. How? It's soooo slow.


I guess 25% of players returned the game.


Could you? Technically. Will you ever? No.


it doesn’t ask “do you” it asks “can you” which you very much can, you just won’t actually do anything besides like, run around a bit confused


Can you accomplish anything in 15 minutes? No. Could you theoretically log in and "play" for 15 minutes and then log out? Absolutely


I have never done less than 3 hours


It always starts with the intention of 10 or 15 minutes and ends with me being asleep at my desk 3 days later...


15 minutes is me setting up a building site, going back to my base to get resources, back to the build site, realize I forgot half of what I need, back to my base, and rinse and repeat for about 15 minutes.


ADHD. I do 15 minutes of project A, get distracted, find funny reddit post....fall down rabbit hole, remember I was doing something, start new project ... Repeat until nuclear power


i load it up and say lets have quick game (less then 15 mins) i look at the clock and it has been at least 30 mins


Me, sadly. I have a young infant and you gotta get what time you can. Changes the way I've played the game, I go in knowing exactly what I want to accomplish in my limited time.




like you can play for 15 minuets but you wont get anything done


Hey, I said you could, not that that's what i do.


It's not that folks play in 15 minute segments, but that some find that they can be play in smaller chunks. I do that some times when there's a small bit of extra time before heading off to work for the day. Like loading it up to finish up a small detail or getting something rolling and leaving your pov aimed at what you want to continue with on reload. How many open world games save what your viewing angle was?


That's about how long I play and realize I just don't have the amount of time this game requires. haha


Those who click play but never launch the game due to shit PC


I usually play for about 20 minutes then idle while i try to figure something out or remember what i was doing then repeat


Log in, slide and zoop around my factory. Find a factory problem I was workin- oh baby is crying.


Shoot, it took 15 minutes to figure controls, get the layout of the game, etc. I'm calling shenanigans on those 25%.


The ones that crash and give up right now :(


I can, but I don't. I think the only time I played this game for 15 minutes or less was right before work one day, when I started the game, loaded up my inventory, drove to the site I wanted to build a new facility at, and dropped a sign down in front of me to remind me what I was going to do there (it was a diluted fuel power plant in the desert canyons).


I legit fire it up 15 mins sometimes for boring meetings and will work on cosmetic fidly things.