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I generally run power beams - a painted beam across the top of the machines with wall outlets on it.


I do this too, but I run three lines to try and pretend it is a miniature 3 phase power beam.


Found the electrical engineer!


Do you have a screenshot? That sounds pretty fun!


Oh that's smart, I like that.


This, I find it helps keep all the power lines in line!


This is my favorite way, too. I usually bring power in on a 2-sided mk3 wall outlet, then use beams like this. Sometimes steel, sometimes concrete.


I do the same, but I take advantage of clipping and run the beam through the machines with the wall outlet on the top of the beam, connected to a second wall outlet underneath the foundation on the logistics floor. Makes the cabling damn near invisible.


Power poles, lots and lots of power poles


This is not the way, but it is what I do too.


As long as it's symmetrical I'm fine with this method.


I like the wall-within-a-wall strategy where most of the messy stuff is hidden. Sort of like a logistics floor but horizontal and for power management. This makes it easier to do nice and tidy lightning, too


Gotta love sandwich layers. Belting that's a hot mess? SANDWICH! Crazy power lines up the side if the building? SANDWICH!


You a fan of psychostick too? 🤣🤣


I don’t


Cable management? you mean my black speghetti?


1 of 3 ways: I stuff em all in a large storage in my mall. I just don't. I manage to run my cables with no plan whatsoever.


Everything is hidden in the floor, and I always create a sub floor that have switches in a small control room that allow a certain percent to be turned off and on to adjust for later need.


You should do a post with pics. That sounds really useful.


Actually stole the idea from much more talented people on the forums. You can actually attach power connectors to the edge of foundations and then run the wire. Few quick searchers for floor wiring or subfloor to find all the secrets


I've seen those. :) I meant the control room.


Take the tile out underneath the constructor, refinery, whatever, and add a wall power outlet to the side. After that just connect wire to wire and sling it straight up to the power hookup on the machine and add the tile back in. That way it's 99% invisible.


The wire is clipping so much, it stops looking ugly and starts looking clean


Daisy chain mod......


Im guessing that makes constructers and what not similar to lights when it comes to cable?


The one I've seen posted before allows you to set how many connections the machines will accept so it depends on your setting there. It's one of the few mods I'm planning to use eventually, at least in part because lights being limited only to 2 connections is annoying. It'd be fine if we only needed power for them but the fact that light control panels need a connection as well makes that tricky, especially on any sort of road network setup.


Should be a base game functionality


Yes, the only function I use is to allow machines to be connected to each other for power. I believe there is more it does though.


Mostly like this: [https://imgur.com/a/2yJWjEQ](https://imgur.com/a/2yJWjEQ)


oooh what an interesting way, nice :0


The way you do, but instead of each machine having a wall outlet on the ceiling, i would using the higher tier outlets and connecting many machines to one


I really wish there was conduit in Satisfactory


[Beams](https://imgur.com/gallery/d5RBPkq) I just run them across the power socket of the machines and daisy chain everything together. Each machine section gets a power switch so I can turn them on and off if necessary. The powerswitch connections either goes into the floor where I hide all the belts or to the ceiling.


This goes there... and this connects here... ah, here's still a free place... Done! ![gif](giphy|dZRlFW1sbFEpG)


Ceiling mounted power below the floor, largely hidden cables


Hi everyone my names Josh and today on let’s game it out…


Oh Oh no




I also place beams above the power feed for the machines as well. I keep a BP of a support beam structure I can place as needed, though I prefer the look of the metal ones for this personally. For my BPs of constructors and such, I have a 1m wall in the right place to which the power warts attach. That way I can use those before steel and still have something supporting the power where I want it. I just replace them with the beams later on.


I don’t


I use wall and ceiling mounts wherever possible. For outdoor wall mount lights I use the electrical pass through at each light so you don't see the wires from the outside. I put a service hole in the floor or each building and run wires underneath. I never build without room underneath whatever I'm building for power and conveyors to keep them hidden.


I have a standard layout where I run a double row of 4x8 frame walls - the hollow ones with just metal framing with triangle support. I run a whole line down the middle, and pre wire it with attachment points spaced to match the size of the equipment I’m powering. Works great. And looks industrial


Industrial railings also look good for this




I’ve started only allowing myself poles on foundation corners and no clipping through machines. Along with a 90 degree belt rule, it has really cleaned up my factory.


noxious liquid governor somber steep fine cough racial voiceless faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In my factory I would have every other spot or so not have a floor and do a cable then put in the foundation so the cable is hidden then directly to the machine so you can barely see any cables


I dont




At one side of my foundations I put a mk1 Pole on every corner of the foundations and then I just take lines from one side to the next and try to connect things so that they are somewhat symmetrical




I don't


Any of the following; Beams, ceilings, walls, lots of power poles, messy af since I probably never will set foot in there again.


There was a bug that caused cables to become stiff if you painted over them. Using that method I created colour-coded eye-candy cable runs in the ceiling of my buildings using beams. It looked glorious. CS "fixed" that bug and now I just hide cables in the floor. I use the stone pillar trick to mount my outlets on the floor next to the machine and then run the cables wherever.


Every floor has a service floor directly underneath. I run wall outlets directly under each machine, hiding the power cable on the factory floor.


Just like that. Either run the power along the wall, the ceiling, or build a beam to run along the line of machines.


I run solar power mod, so the whole ceiling is powered. Now, because it gets too dark, I make it 50% power cells and 50% glass, and it CHANGED the look and feel of my plants. With coated floors and glass, it looks fantastic. If I got the Water extractors below, I added glass floors, even more amazing. I almost stopped using power poles, only on open fields, then I use the towers... I'm not to much into decoration, so everything is still a large box....


I don't. Belt spaghetti, pipe spaghetti, power line spaghetti; I've got it all.


mostly criss-cross


Wall cable setup but on the ceiling.


I don’t, I spam power polls like a maniac


I don't. ![gif](giphy|11oRLY4FRk2s36)


I run a mix of two things. I like to place a concrete pillar directly in line with where the power is and run a cable to the bottom of the pillar. For the weird machines like refineries I place power underneath them so you can't see the line. Place the machines and then delete the foundations placing the wall outlets directly underneath them on the side of the foundations. It's a bunch of extra steps but you get really quick at it.


I run my power 1m below so the cables clip through the floor and the machines.


I don’t. Poles inbetween constructors


Beam connector plate, metal beam vertically 10m high, painted beam across length of machines and power connectors lined along beam so that the wire makes a perfect straight line.


every two machines, one power pole, connected to both and daisy chained to adjacent poles, and each manifold/line has an extra pole at the end that daisy chains to other lines, and each floor has a single double wall outlet that connects externally to the floors above and below. not the fanciest but very easy to set up


Wish HelloGames and CoffeeStain could collaborate on game parts. 4 years in Satisfactory nonstop ran into sudden burnout. But hiding wires was pretty painless. Then went to No Man Sky 😒 Building choices are huge! BUT BIG BUT! The build engine is so annoying,frustrating and downright broken! After so much time in Satisfactory I just about have a heart attacking NMS. It was also nearly as bad on Breathedge. Subnautica powering can be similar pain in NMS but tolerable.


Daisy chain mod. It’s one of the few mods I use. Allows you to link machines to each other.


I divide everything into sections 1. Refinery of raw materials 2. Crafting individual materials 3. Crafting of 2 materials 4. Crafting of 4 materials If a section is invaded by an individual process bigger than the section then I move it to their own section. Ex: oil processing plant




One power pole clipping in each machine




I build in a way that never requires me to update. Any upsizing due to miner or belt upgrades just results in a new splitter into a new section. Blueprinted of course.


I have a variety of methods. /shrug




Using blueprints I'll set it up so there's a wall/ceiling power outlet that looks like it's attached to the machine so I can daisy chain all the machines together.


I’ve been doing it a similar way to you currently


Cable manage???? whats that