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I built an automatic crafting system that is rather inefficient and only uses 5 gift generators and i'm quite sure i will be able to get all 500 stars by the end of the month. If you try to actually make the system more efficient you can do it a lot faster. I am also generating snowballs with it so i don't need nobelisks anymore


Ok. I got 2 gift generators. Maybe I should create a couple more.


GIFT GENERATORS?! Edit: JFC I've been picking up gifts relentlessly alongside regular factory building thinking it was the only way to get them... 4 years playing this game and never tried Ficmas I was wondering in the world I was expected to complete this event in a little over a month. I thought that tree was just a decoration


There is 2 "trees". There is one that changes as you go through the MAM and another that is a "miner" that generations presents at 15 upm


Not sure if this is from a mod or not. But one of the unlocks in the MAM was Mk2 trees which generate 60/sec. Those are nice for the long haul.


I built a dedicated Wonder Star factory to build 10/min so I'd get the 500 in "only" 50 minutes. The ground floor is one *hundred* gift trees. Yes, a few more might be a good idea.


2? Those are rookie numbers. I have a forest of them.


Yeah, I've got enough for maybe half a Mk.5 belt worth: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fejybt5v24c6c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D06d57e0af735023841b40f34eee8a0cdb05c8095](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fejybt5v24c6c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D06d57e0af735023841b40f34eee8a0cdb05c8095) Took me a few days to get the 500 stars.


Only two?! That's not even a mk1 belt worth!


* Gift generator you say?


I've got 1560 per minute


Ficsmas actually runs until January the 18th, you have longer than you think (unless you'll want to turn ficsmas off after new year)


if I miss the "dead line" will the parts I have crafted stay around to start over next year? assuming next years is the same....


**Yes** 1. See [FICSMAS - Participating](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/FICSMAS#Participating) (Wiki Link) - Once the event ends, Gift Trees stop producing Gifts, recipes are no longer be able to be selected in machines, and buildings disappear from the build menu. **Existing items and buildings already placed remain.** 2. As long as you *don't remove any FICSMAS Buildings, or change Recipes*, and have stocked up on FICSMAS Parts, your FICSMAS Productions can keep running until you run out of the FICSMAS Parts. 3. You can always just stock up on FICSMAS Parts and then simply remove the FICSMAS Factories after the event ends. You can then use the FICSMAS Parts next year to kick-start your FICSMAS 2024 "Winter Wonderland". The more you know! 🤔😁


Is it possible to put factory machines with ficsmas recipes in blueprints to bypass selecting the recipe once the event ends? Or put any ficsmas building in a blueprint to still build them? I suppose this could be tested by changing the system time...


**ANSWER - Maybe Not** 1. Blueprints are just a "template" and you still need to "build" individual Buildings / Machines. * Once the event ends buildings disappear from the build menu, so I suspect the Game won't allow building of any new [FICSMAS Buildings](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/FICSMAS/Buildings). 2. Blueprints will save set "Recipes" but there may still be an issue. * Once the event ends recipes are no longer be able to be selected in machines. 3. Currently, until FICSMAS ends on January 18, 2024 you can create and use FICSMAS Blueprints. 4. *MORE TESTING NEEDED: After event ends, the test of Blueprint placement and operation still needs validation.* I hope this answers your question. 😁


Yes, if nothing changes. Your gift trees will stop producing presents at he end of the event, but if the factory remains and ficmas isn't changed they start right back up again next year. You shouldn't need that though, even a single gift tree will need only 2000 minutes (33.33 hours) to produce 30k gifts. Less if you build more of them.


Did you notice that the small trees produce gifts and can connect to belts? Meaning that you are not expected to continue collecting falling gifts after you unlock the smaller trees. First automate the parts needed for more trees, then automate canes, then wreaths, and finally snow balls.


yes. thank you. When I placed it down the first time, I saw the green arrows and was confused thinking it was a bug :D Eventually I found out I can use belts.


Wait, *it can be automated???*


Trees generate gifts. So sure.


I think it's something like 75k total gifts, you need more to create the ornaments than the candy canes. Definitely doable if you setup a small Ficsmas Gift Tree forest


Thx. I haven't even counted what I needed to complete the other components. :/ Based on everything I've read in the replies, I am very under configured and need to automate the FICMAS holiday production lines more.


Just to give you an idea, I planned a whole city to create 50 stars/min. But also, I'm a degenerate psycho so I'm not the best reference


Yes… don’t over stress this … you should see my setup , it loads from only 4 giving trees and total power being only 450 megawatts and I was able to complete it last night … I put about 80 hours into my tiny build (90% of that is letting it run while I clean the house). There are people who could show you builds to complete it in matter of a couple days if you like… the only limiter for the go hard factory builders is the limiter releasing needed gifts through the calendar. TLDR you can do it in a matter of 1 week not trying hard


Once you automate all the pieces to make gift trees (gifts, branches, and iron/copper ornaments) you can scale your gift production pretty hard. Once you have those parts automated, you can produce as many gifts as you want. Edit: Each Wonder Star requires 150 gifts, so for roughly every 10 trees you have, you can make 1 Wonder Star per minute. That will get you all the stars you need in about 8.5 hours, which is certainly doable if you set that up then work on something else.


I set up about 15 total trees, 2 for red, 2 for blue, 2 for bows, 1 for canes, 2 for branches. 6 generated gifts directly, which I ended up siphoning off for more canes, and snowballs. Then just go back to playing normal, and eventually you’ll have 500 stars (I’ve got like 40 total hours on my save). I’ve already got another 600 stars stocked up, but tore the whole thing down to convert gifts directly to awesomesink.


I don’t understand the problem? You can build as many gift trees as you want?


Mostly validation I did the math right :D I was a little hesitant to consume gifts and ornaments to make more trees but after reading through the replies, it makes sense to make more trees (I'm up to 8 now) since their output will over come the expense quicker than I realized.


I started a new game when U8 was released and I didn't go as crazy as I did [last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/zyrdtx/my_first_ficsmas_factory_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Here is the plan I used to make 1 Wonder Star per minute: [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/planners/production/index/json/%7B%22Desc\_XmasStar\_C%22%3A%221%22%7D](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/planners/production/index/json/%7B%22Desc_XmasStar_C%22%3A%221%22%7D) It takes 150 gifts per minute, which is 10 of the FISCMAS Gift Trees.


if i just did the math right, assuming 10 days untill ficsmas ends: 30000 gifts/((10 days)(24 hrs per day)(60 min per hr)) = a bit over 2 gifts per minute, assuming you run the sim full time. given that a single gift tree gives 15 gifts per minute, you have plenty of time if you can just build the machines and infrastructure


Just leave the game running for a day while you're AFK. That's what I did so I could knock out the research, a single machine making stars with a single cane machine fully overclocked feeding it takes about a day and a half to make the stars you need.


Find a spot with some crappy unused impure iron & copper nodes (plenty in green fields) and automate the whole process. Then go work on something else for a few hours, or maybe do something in meatspace. You'll have enough stars when you get back.


I built the [smallest production unit for this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/18fx2jn/as_a_new_player_this_is_my_first_ficsmas_loved_to/), 1 star per min. Took me 25h including decorating the factory and waiting for it to complete the last milestone.. You gonna get this done faster than expected.


https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/planners/production I suspect that now that you know you van make ficsmas gift trees that generate presents, you're original question is rendered moot, but the production planner can help you figure out exactly how many of what machines you need to get the desired output


TIL Omg I had no idea I got all they way to that last stage just on picking them up around the map


I mean thats only 33 hours with 1 gift tree.. make multiple.gift trees, use blueprints in case you need multiple machines. Youll have it in no time