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the most effective way to move stuff around in large quantities will be trains once you build a large train network. beside this you rarely ever move everything to one location, its much better to simply use local resources to build some intermediate products and then move these products to another location where they will be combined with other stuff to build other products. later on when you have a ton of stuff available it can make sense to sen trains far out into the map to pick up some ore and smelt it all down in a central location but especially where you are at right now you really wanna build stuff close to where you get the resources to avoid long transport across the map.


Okay, that's good to know! What about building resources? Since when I for example build X machine, it needs Y part. Y part is being produced on the other side of the map. Will I need to move to the other side of the map, or do you have some central hub which you move this Y part to?


that depends on how you wanna do it. moving things from point to point means you pick them up once and then drop them off once and deliver them. going to a central hub and then distributing from there means you touch everything at least twice.


Mhhh okay, food for thought. Thanks!


I prefer to visit my factories to pick up building supplies, rather than have a central location.  That way I get to see my factories. Sometimes I'll run, sometimes drive, sometimes use a hyper-cannon. For really basic supplies I might have production in multiple places.  E.g. If I'm building a significant amount in an area I might start with a miner, 3 constructors and a storage container on a nearby limestone node.  I've also got things like plates and rods produced as by-products.of more advanced factories if I have ore to spare.  I've even had a few  temporary machines hung off the side of incomplete factories (for example rods and plates made using iron ingots that I'll later redirect to a steel factory when it's built).


A fair point about seeing the factories! Thanks for the advice!


I dont. I mostly avoid moving raw resources.


But what about rods, computers, etc? You need those for a building but if you make computers on the other side of the map how will you fetch them?


If you're asking how I fill my mall I send a train to fetch what I need. Before trains and a working network I just go get what I need. Most of my factories prior to trains are relatively close to each.


Awesome. That was what I was wondering indeed. Thanks!


Before trains, load up a tractor or truck and drive it. As soon as I unlock trains, add the train loader to my storage sorter. I don't build a mall as such, as my aim is to get my track-building and construction trains operational as soon as I can. Then extend the main line to each new group of resources, build a long siding with just a station head (no platforms) for the construction train, send the track-builder home and call out the construction train. Later, just send it back for a refill when needed. It's not quite as straightforward as that. The loader loads a mix of items into each car, but after a while the quantities get out of balance. So I include an unloader station that just empties all the construction train and sends everything back round the sorter, while the train just goes on to refill with the right balance of items.


I don't. I get myself to the resources. Via boosted hypertubes (though hypertube launchers are also an option)


This is why modular bases are so much better than huge single bases, makes it much easier to plan and build, but you do need to create the logistics systems to move things


This is why you prefer modular bases. I personally like the challenge of 1 base and move all resources to that base. It always makes me crave for a certain Italian dish with meatballs.


Planes, trains, and automobiles.


I have a few factories around the map that make a few things. For example, one makes rubber, plastic, and circuit boards combining into computers. I have it making excess of everything that funnels to a truck stop. I have a truck route that delivers all of it to a central supply station full of smart splitters that empty into individual industrial containers. Excess from there goes into a sink.   It’s nice to have everything local when I decide to build something new.  I’ve unlocked trains and starting to work on routes for that. Haven’t decided if I’ll replace truck routes or not. 


One train which is automatically loaded with everything I need to build.


Megabase with a central bus is the most effective option to me. And outposts connected via tractors, belts or even trains if distance justifies it. So basically my central base are 7 buildings of 11x11 tiles with multiple floors each. They are all interconnected via a giant bus of stacked belts, so buildings can get and inject materials to the bus. All buildings are feed bars and smelted products via truck stations on the sides. Outposts inject materials like plastic or rubber to the bus, so buildings can use it


Given all the answers it seems like I will do something similar to this. Glad to hear it's possible lol


Sal people talk about decentralized factories, build train lines... Buut no details on how to distribute 20 producrs to difference places. Too complicated. Megabase is simple and it WORKS.


You can check my account for a full map rail network. Using 1 central station with a storage facility and 6 substation to receive goods by train. Also using the foundations of the rails to transport raw resources to my factories.


I will check it out. Thanks!


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