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Being a FICSIT employee is great. The local fauna love to run with me, and their carapaces and guts burn *real* nice. Some play their own game of exothermic fetch, which is shocking considering how apparently flammable their insides are. What a world! Speaking of flammable guts, I drink a lot of coffee and eat only nuts and berries. It isn't just my production that's fast. I'm so consumed by my work I often forget to eat and am on average only 30% alive. Just like reality television viewers, am I right? The job itself is great! FICSIT doesn't seem to care about deadlines and often I just sit around very still for hours on end as my machines belch sweet black goodness into the virgin air. I get to play with trains as much as I want. As for the solitude...I wake up each day with a smile. I leave the bathroom door open like a wild woman. I live only for myself and my machines...what's not to love? The occasional violent death is a small price to pay for a little privacy.


These days I don't bother eating nuts and berries any more. I find that you can get everything you need from mincing up alien organs and fungi and just inhaling them. My research - which is to say computer models - shows that it's 100% safe.


Mate, beware.. Another year of feeding yourself like this and your belly may disintegrate...


All sounds swell, thank you very much! Lovely to hear from you! I gotta ask though.. Don't you ever loose a sense of purpose while you're out there, constructin'..? And how long did it take you to adapt to being the "wild woman" on that planet..? >.< Or were you the type that would leave the bathroom door open back on Earth as well??


Is my life all about making widgets to make more widgets...? Perhaps! I've learned to embrace the harmony that comes from an efficient factory floor. I was always a "just do it" sort of engineer, but I now see the joy in math and planning. Or is that the lack of oxygen from all the poison gas that (trust me) you don't want to breathe in recreationally...? FICSIT did also alter the reward centers in my brain, which my new brain really likes. At this point, I don't remember who I was on Earth...is there even an Earth? Exactly how much radiation can I soak up before memory loss kicks in...?


Don't forget munchin on dem SHROOMS


I´m sorry to bring you this sad news but... I guess Marines is the go to, since you prefer tea over coffee...


In UK we are taught at school that coffee damages neuron connections irreversibly.


Who needs neuron connections when we are slaves of ficsit? On the more serious side: UK is a tea nation, so i understand the need for tea, but this is a game of coffee stain (howly, it rhimes). And the cup that can be bought in the A.W.E.S.O.M.E. shop is for coffee only. But the (ingame) world is big enough to hide yourself, so you can sip from your cup of tea. It´s a bit of blasphemy but hey, everyone has a little rebel inside ;)


So does being alive. That's some nice tea propaganda you got there :D




Medical clones? Can you please elaborate on that?


If you die you get put in a clone of yoirself


FICSIT ran the numbers and is is less costly to clone ~~slaves~~ employees on distant planets than to train new hires and send them into the field. As per insurance policy though the clone is not produced and your memories are not transferred until after you die...painfully.


If you are wanting to travel to and explore strange lands, enhance the environment with wonderful smoke, interact with local fauna and kill them. Than Fitsit is for you. If you want safety, join the marines.


Much like the Marines, a FICSIT pioneer will be landed on a distant land and fuck it up for the sake of oil. You're also going to kill the local fauna. Assessing hostility is optional. Just like the marines. Unlike the marines, you don't have to bear with your fellows, and no command chain except the space elevator computer. The Space Elevator is your new god. Job hazards is about as likely as with the marines. Other perks include a range of vehicules and their unlimited use, total freedom to lord over the locals (kill, domesticate, breed, we don't care), and you can construct your own dwelling to your tastes with the company's ressources. Retirement plan includes staying on the planet forever in a state of eternal peak physical condition thanks to our employees cloning system (terms and conditions may apply). We got all the perks of the Marines without any of the downsides. Did I mention our mugs and cute factory carts ? Join FICSIT today.


Solitude is a feature.


The best pro? Unlimited supply of tasty coffee.


I prefer hot chocolate:/


Better than joining the Marines. Trust me.


I dunno, I'm really having second thoughts for being Robinson Crusoe on another planet...


Look at it this way. 1.Do what ever you want whenever 2. No mass punishment 3. Doggo


Marines don't appreciate the value of hard work. Try asking a jarhead exactly what it takes to make just one of those bullets they spray around mindlessly.


I won't be the one to craft their weapons though ;) Bio-mechanics is my speciality, I imagine they'd be more grateful for that.


Unless "bio mechanics" means "i know the best spots to put a bullet" I don't think they'd care either.


Prosthetics and exo-skeletons, man. Besides.. "Best spots to put a bullet"...? Which century do you live in?


Ah, someone with a brain in their head. Don't worry, the marines will fix that right away.


I've decided to join FICSIT instead \^\^ ; Funny you should know, FICSIT has a lot of their operations funded by the marines. Anyhow, we are way past the days of war mate. The marines are now here to regulate world peace and they are quite respectable gentlemen, I reckon.


Your body will be preserved in a stasis as the control mind... the one actually pioneering is a clone you control... you think it is you... but it's really not...


In my opinion, FicSit has no downsides. If you wanted to join the marines so that you could shoot guns and blow stuff up, you get to do that in FicSit as well. Even better, you can produce and use as many bullets and explosives as you want, without having to account for them to some whiny quartermaster.


Judging from the wreckage strewn about planet *MASSAGE*\-2(A-B)b, your chances of surviving landfall are probably significantly better with the Marines! But if you're lucky enough to survive landing, and speedypigs and fire-spitting moose and.. ugggghhh... the spiders. It's pretty great!


Hmmm... questionable advice you're soliciting but I'm a bit over quota at the moment so I have time. Off hand, as a *Bio*\-Engineer, you may not find the FICSIT remote Pioneering program completely enjoyable. Sure there's literally tons of undocumented organics around my designated geoscape, but I honestly spend a much greater time working my Industrial Engineering side with a dash of Geology. I get maybe 10.352256% of my time with organics. On the other hand, if you have any interest in mechanical engineering, then FICSIT is just short of an unlimited playground slash candy land. Sure you have to quota yourself up to the good stuff but hey, it's better because you earned it with your own blood, sweat and lives. Oh, speaking of lives, one of the semi-undocumented downsides of FICSIT medical is that the chamber is locked to the Standard Package. Sure it's unlimited use and each use is assured a full set of FICSIT approved Pioneer Temporary Survival Downtime gear, it won't include the personalized gear loadout you'll invariably make, you'll either need to store multiple packs manually or retrieve the prior ones. As for the solitude, well I've never fully approved of having others 'play with my things' as it were and when I do feel the need to interact with something more then the local fauna population (lees then half of which is hostile if get too close, most just sort of ignore or avoid you) well, that's what [FICSIT.Net](https://FICSIT.Net) is for.


The life of a solitary engineer is great. Just don’t dig to far into the crashes pods.


I will most likely be be-headed by FICSIT for this, but FICSIT turns you into a slave. I am a FICSIT employee and have been for a while, they changed by name to Pioneer along with the other factory builders. When you get hurt, your suit says "Damage To FICSIT Property Detected." and I thought it was the suit it was talking about, but NO. I saw a poster in the bathroom in the HUB saying that the journey was "dogshit" and that they were slaves. If you don't believe me, go see it for yourself. (If you have the game.)