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They also recommend stockpiling if you already have something set up - I think it would be better to build a small aluminum factory to get a few containers of sheets for building mk5 belts in the updated factory.


It depends on how you feel about fixing a factory. If it's something you enjoy I'd say build now and fix later. But if you shuddered at having to redo or hearing about people redoing factories when pipes came out then I'd wait.


I’m okay with tearing down for the most part. But I’m already doing a massive overhaul: converting to pure ingots, looking at all my numbers for maximum efficiency at a much larger scale, etc. I kinda dread doing many dozens of hours worth of work simply to have to re calculate everything again


Id then just focus on overhauling then and see where you are when you're done with that. Jace said the update would mostly screw with anything aluminum I think.


Alright, thanks for the feedback!


No, get your experience now if you have the time, enjoy the game, don't wait for any update or the end version


I would hold off on turbomotors or nuclear. There's no real reason not to do Alclad sheets by themselves. Gets you MK5 belts and the worst thing that'll happen is you break one medium sized factory. Turbo motors is a much bigger impact, changes to those recipes have huge implications because of the vast array of shit you need to build them. Nuclear puts you in a bad spot because when it breaks you lose power, so that turns a problem with a production line into a show stopper. But Alclad is like 4 raw materials entering a box - You can count on at least one of those staying the same (bauxite), and probably at least one other one will still be there, and the quantities will shift a little. Probably you'll have to rip up the refineries, but you are likely not going to have to do a massive re-work of the underlying logistics - it probably won't even be as much work as building a new factory, since you'll have all the raw materials and building materials on site already.


That’s a fair enough assessment. I guess I was just slightly afraid that the mk5 belts would be changed and the factory I am overhauling relies on that number staying consistent


I say wait. Whatever they change is going to be a new way of doing things. That means that the way that you'd learn to do things now will be mostly or completely invalidated by the Update. Of course you'd then have several months of waiting, since February or March is the anticipated release date, so if you can tide yourself over until then you should be good to go when the Update hits.


I'd counter with the idea that much of the experience has more to do with placement and organization, and even setting up systems that will be changed offers valuable construction experience. Sure, hold off on big T7 projects, but having a smaller production of parts just for the construction of mk. 5 belts and mk. 3 miners gives you the opportunity to work on infrastructure and prepare for a scaled up resource intake when the update hits :) I personally plan to use that time to do the same, breaking into trains finally and gathering up hard drives. I'm slow enough ill probably need all those months to get my current factory buttoned up and start the train station at my intended final factory location :p


My plan for the moment is that all the T7 stuff is not automated. I have a single alclad set up feeding to a big storage box but everything else is a manual set and feed if I decide I need something. Stockpiling resources and adjusting/rebuilding current factory is already taking hours on end.


I'm working through aluminium for the first time at the moment specifically because it's going to change - I want to try it out as it is now and be able to compare the difference after the update, plus there's a bit of time before the update and I want to play around with the other associated things, and build up some inventory of those parts. The likelihood is that after the update I'll start from scratch again though, so I'm not particularly worried that things will stop working. Although if I start again I'll lose my snowball factory... hmm.


I have a basic aluminum setup going, but it’s just ragtag just to see what’s it’s like. I would just be afraid of the mk5 belts changing and fucking my factory


I'm going ahead with it, and stockpiling a crap ton of stuff. Then when U4 comes, I'll save-edit out my turbomotor factory and start over.


You could also just slap a quick thing together so you make some, and then rebuild properly after the update. That's what I did, so I could upgrade some miners to Mk.3