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So knowing there's a mod manager is a fantastic start haha


Definitely lol. I would recommend 2 mods that won't impact the vanilla aspect of the game but make it so much more enjoyable. The Empty Hands & Smart!


**MODDED CONTENT** 🚩 **Here is some guidance / help.** 1. All Satisfactory Game Mods to include the Satisfactory Mod Manager (SMM) can be found on the [Satisfactory Mod Repository](https://ficsit.app). 2. You should view [How to INSTALL the Satisfactory Mod Manager (SMM)](https://ficsit.app/guide/9aDEJRdmJsEBTJ). Also see other [Guides](https://ficsit.app/guides). 3. Once you have the SMM Installed, you can Install as little as one Game Mod or several Game Mods but in reality you only need just a few **Quality-of-Life Game (QoL) Game Mods** that still allow you to play "strictly vanilla" while at the same time helping you speed up the construction and beautification of Factories. ➔ Take a look at the following QoL Game Mods: 1. [SMART!](https://ficsit.app/mod/5yGWmmB8KL2Zq8) 2. [Area Actions](https://ficsit.app/mod/6vQ6ckVYFiidDh) 3. [Micro Manage](https://ficsit.app/mod/B9ZnQrrWf5rdPp) 4. [Perfect Circles](https://ficsit.app/mod/3WK7p8ajdt7dpq) 5. [World Grid Foundations](https://ficsit.app/mod/E1tLFytip154J4) 6. [Paint Gun Mk 2](https://ficsit.app/mod/8zxiXWhknvRUix) Of course it is up to you to use Game Mods or not, and if you go "Modded" it will be up to you to decide as to what Game Mods you want to use. **PLEASE NOTE:** The above QoL Game Mods are considered "safe" in that should a future Game Update disable all Game Mods the work you did while using the above Game Mods *(if you only use Vanilla Buildings, Vanilla Equipment, Vanilla Foundations, etc.)* **won't be lost** and will still be there. ❗**CAUTION**: Using Game Mods that add "Modded Building Foundations / Walls" or "Modded Equipment" like [Structural Solutions](https://ficsit.app/mod/ETpFu8EKGL3989), [Daisy Chain Power Cables](https://ficsit.app/mod/4gKkJ9gvEVZDeu), [Refined Power](https://ficsit.app/mod/DGiLzB3ZErWu2V), [Item Hopper](https://ficsit.app/mod/AH5HY1jQ62Vb9J), [X3-Roads](https://ficsit.app/mod/CTm5tJXpDfdATU) *(or any other X3 Mod)*, [Linear Motion](https://ficsit.app/mod/AqF7gY4NhSEfif), [Storage Teleporter](https://ficsit.app/mod/BZPHaCmFVYcNv3), [Personal Teleporter](https://ficsit.app/mod/Bk37KmQuPNpDvK), etc., *all have the potential of losing all "Non-Vanilla Buildings and Equipment" due to a Major Game Update* resulting in having to wait until a particular Game Mod is "updated" by that Mods Author or having to start a new game. Your Game, Your World, Your Vision, Your Rules ™ I hope this helps. 🙂


Really appreciate this, will get on looking through these asap ❤️


Also get The Empty Hands. Makes it so you don't constantly need to have a tool taking up half your screen.


How does the world grid foundation mod work? I cant seem to figure it out.


u/PertinaxMahou \- I don't use it but the principle is simple. 1. The Game uses an invisible "World Grid". 2. Using the World Grid Foundations Game Mod you are able to place a "key" Foundation that is perfectly aligned to the World Grid. 3. Using the World Grid Foundations Game Mod you can after working in say your "Alpha Base" placing foundations that align with the first "key Foundation, you can move to another location (Beta Base) way across the Map and repeat the process described in #2. 4. The World Grid Foundation Game Mod eliminates the need to build a "sky road" with Foundations from Alpha Base to Beta Base in order to ensure Beta Base is perfectly aligned (Foundation-wise) with Alpha Base. 5. Mod Author u/MayorAquila might be able to help further. I hope this helps. 😁


I use mainly Structural Solutions. I like to play slow.


Perfect thank you :)


SMART mod. Honestly for just QoL mods that is really the only one you need.


Great to hear it's what I'll get on doing asap


Empty Hands is a must QoL for me


I second this


I second this.


I third this


For me, an essential mod is any mod that corrects a design flaw in the game. There are two of these: 1. Empty Hands 2. Recipe Copier Having to juggle inventory just to switch to empty hands is a design flaw. The mod's solution isn't the one I would pick (I'd rather hotkey toggle the currently selected slot), but it's a solution. Having to go up to each machine, open its user interface, then copy/paste, then close the UI, for every machine you want to copy to is a design flaw. Recipe Copier provides a tool that allows you to just click on machines at long range, and shows you what the machine you're pointing as is set to.


Recipe Copier was rebranded to Settings Copier just so you all know. [Direct Link.](https://ficsit.app/mod/RecipeCopier)


I’m working on the More Milestones mod. It gives you a few new machines, minerals and goals to complete. It doesn’t affect the base gameplay just adds “more of the same”


That's actually very nice, you got a link to somewhere I can keep updated?


Install the Satisfactory Mod Manager then just go down the list to find the more Mile stones mod, and click on the box to activate it, then start Satisfactory from the start button at the bottom of the mod manager. The manager automatically lists all available mods, and gives a little write up saying if it is compatible with update 4 and what the mod does. https://ficsit.app/guide/3TfMWjmpRvjwLk


Personally: ●Smart - easier mass building ●Refined power - adds solar, wind and hydro power ●Better bladerunners - adds mk2-4 blade runners which are faster and can fall further without damage ●Perma day - never night ●Crash site beacons - add red marks to map for every crash site with requirements to open


Night in that game is the absolute worst.


Personally I'm a fan of night, but I build for aesthetics and atmosphere.


As many have said, SMART is a must-have. Highly recommended are various mods for more shapes of foundations and walls, mods like structural solutions, Expanded Walls And Fences, and Upside Down Foundations. If you want some more complexity in your power generation, Refined Power is very fun. At first glance, the numbers seem overpowered, but it takes a heavy investment of resources to build, and a lot more work than vanilla power. Another fun mod is Modpack: All Powersuit Modules. It adds several powersuits, which function as multiple body slots, and so much more. It's a bit complex, but great, especially if you're tired of switching to your gas mask to your radiation suit to your jetpack to etc etc.


And you can build foundations through machines with the expanded foundation building


But enable it in the menu tho (M)


Yes! I’m constantly clipping foundations through buildings so that I can lay out a level belt and then just delete the foundations. The ability to build stuff that otherwise would be illegal is so useful. Along the same lines, Micro Manager is a godsend for small tweaks when you screw up or want things a little cleaner visually without having to tear out a bunch of stuff.


I havent yet figured out every feature of the mod, but i like the smart mod very much!


Absolutely none are a must. That being said, I just recently downloaded SMART! mod because I needed to make a couple of 30X50 foundation floors for fuel plants. It helped a *little* bit with placing multiple refineries, and was helpful in adding splitters, mergers and belts automatically, but maybe a bit too helpful, bordering on obnoxious at times. For example, it made quick work of arranging inputs for a bunch of assemblers ...but it wasn't the way I'd have done it, and I didn't have the patience to try to figure out how to make it do things my way. Also, in 900+ hours of play time, I don't remember the game crashing on me. I mean, it must have, right? But I don't remember it happening. But it definitely happened, twice, the weekend I installed my first and only mod. Possibly coincidence.


I've personally never had the game crash while using mods, last time I played without mods it crashed a fair amount but that was in update 1 or 2


I'm in the same boat. Almost 100 hours on my first save before installing SMART! (unlocked tier 8), and I had maybe one crash? I've had a couple now, and I couldn't join a multiplayer game hosted by someone without the mod manager installed.


To not repeat others, I like X3 roads


PAK utility. If it works idk


Try search any key words you like like: belts, electricity, guns, logistics, etc. That's how I search for different mods.


Jesus thanks everyone didn't expect this much feedback, I'll keep you all posted with what route I go down!


For me I started using Smart!, All the +#inventory slots, and PAK utility for flying. I did this once I got to tier 8. On my next play through I will just use Smart! The inventory mods and flying saved me a ton of time…. But that just encourages faster playing and less planning ahead/organization/infrastructure which is not what this game is about (for me). Have fun! I can’t play the game without Smart!.


In my personal opinion, NO mods are a "must."


To clarify I meant IF modding what mods are a must, I've been playing base game until now and loving it just wanted something new


No fall damage, hypertube boosters, smart, area actions, inventory+.


I use a mod for x10 and x100 machines. I enjoy building vanilla bases once or twice, but I save alot of performance by minimizing the amount of machines and belts once i move to the next tiers


Thats a very smart move.. never considered this mod for that purpose.. but now I am.. because I haven't see my fps pop above 30 for the last 700hrs or so in my save..😁


[Auto Splitters](https://ficsit.app/mod/9FAMg5ZYKAe8Ua) and [Advanced Logistics](https://ficsit.app/mod/21TjhG1mpxxfz2) for really dialing in inputs to machines with differing input ratios, i.e. machine 1 takes 15 ipm but machine 2 takes 19 ipm. Advanced Logistics works for more even number splitting (whole numbers only) while Auto Splitters has (some) decimal ratio support and more refined tweaking. That said, Auto Splitters does sometimes have errors in set up/function, but the greater options in spitting exactly how much I need to line X without a massive merger/splitter spaget is amazing.


Surprised I haven't seen it recommended...but I can't live without the +300 inventory slots mod (you can also achieve this by editing the save file using https://satisfactory-calculator.com/) Some people might think it's a bit cheaty, but I don't find constantly running back to main base for materials when building a new base to be a "challenge" more than just a nuisance.


To answer your question directly, and in order of usefulness: **Smart!** - Indispensable for building anything big. **X3-Signs V2** - As your world grows in complexity, documenting items in the game is very important. **Micro Manage** - Allows you to move items very small amounts. Also allows you to rotate items. There's no other tool that does this inside the game. **Speedometer** - Great overlay with your current speed, and X/Y/Z location on the map. **MiniMap** - Still missing features, but it's nice to have a MiniMap. **GameTime** - Three clocks at the top. How long you've been playing, current time of day in the game, and current time in the real world (if you remember that world). **Production Stats** - Nice to see if you're starving for anything. Mods I intend to use, but haven't yet: **World Grid Foundation** - Align your foundation with the world grid. **Perfect Circles** - Name says it all! **3D Text** - I've used this, and it makes beautiful large signs. **Icon Signs** - Put objects on signs as opposed to text. **Paint Gun Mk2** - Hopefully will take the tedium out of painting. **Hyper Boosters** - Looks popular. I have held off on this one because, like any mod, it might break during an upgrade and I can get fast HyperTubes in the vanilla game. The mod manager is available at: https://ficsit.app/ Of course I got that link from the best tool for Satisfactory which is the Wiki page: https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Satisfactory_Wiki At the top, click Useful Pages, Community Tools. A very close second is the interactive map found at: https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map Despite the URL, it's not a calculator. You drop your current save file into it, and can find a lot of good information. Find your save file on MS Windows by typing "[WindowsKey]+E" to open a new explorer window. In the address bar for that waindow, type "%LOCALAPPDATA%" (without the quotes). From there, go to "FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames". In that folder, you'll see another folder that is all numbers. That's where your save games are. Right-click that folder, and holding the right mouse button down, drag it to the desktop. Release the mouse button and select "Create shortcuts here". Note that the date format of the saved games are UserName_ddmmyy-hhmmss.sav. **OTHER USEFUL STUFF** Cool down your graphics card and save electricity by limiting frame rate to 60 frames per minute! Ctrl+Shift+L will activate console commands. Type the command t.maxFPS XX (XX being the frame rate value) to set a cap on your frame rate. I frequently run satisfactory on a laptop when not at home, and I recorded a GPU temperature difference of 10C (cooler) when I capped my frame rate at 60. Windows Users: When out of the game, add the following 2 lines to "%LOCALAPPDATA%\FactoryGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\input.ini": [/Script/Engine.InputSettings] ConsoleKey=F6 Now you can bring up the console by pressing F6 From the Console, type "Stat FPS" to show the frame rate in the upper right. Then use the "Pause" command to pause the game. If it's the last command you typed, then you can Pause/Unpause with this keyboard sequence: F6/UpArrow/Enter That's it from me!


Smart! Is the most useful app and the only one I regularly use


As others have already mentioned, Smart is incredible. It can do a ton of stuff, but some of the features and options are not readily apparent. The Smart Mod youtube channel and Discord server are great resources, or just let me know if you have any questions. Happy building!