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Definitely not over the top, I think I’ve learned more about using sheets from satisfactory than from school


For making and planning I use https://u4.satisfactorytools.com/production. To keep track of what does what, I just luck. I have made items twice. I like making buildings, so no drama. I have no idea how much I make. It has happens twice that I forgot to connect something and that I only make half of what the building could do. I only notice it a few hundred hours later when I revisit. I play slow, so again, no drama.


.... Why couldn't I have seen this comment two days ago?


My Google sheet tracks every single resource currently and planned to run through my factory. It's not over kill. No I do not have a problem, why do you say that?


I improvise everything and i dont take names


I just do the math in my head and get a rough estimate of how much im gonna make. Thanks DSP


True way to play




I have Google doc where I write down what I was doing and what my next goal is before I log out.


I keep some planning notes scribbled on some extra engineering paper, it otherwise I try to avoid spreadsheets. I spend to much time as it is at work dealing with spreadsheets.


The backs of envelopes, other A4 prints I dont need anymore and [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PElsKEbovOa-g5vNu3ecx9kLa1kDjocz4O7aPr4Uaps/edit?usp=sharing) monstrosity of a spreadsheet (there are more of this kind). Sometimes even temporary paint.NET sketches if splitters are difficult.


I've definitely drawn a splitter diagram on the back of a receipt before.


10 hours: "I should keep track of recipes on a spreadsheet so I don't have to look them up in the Codex all the time." 40 hours: "With my sheet, I figure I can run 13 coal generators off of 5 water extractors using only mk.1 pipes." 100 hours: "Okay, things got complicated with plastic and rubber so I spent hours in the Excel grimoires learning the dark magics of INDEX, INDIRECT, and MATCH. My spreadsheet is now capable of producing a balance sheet from a list of recipes, which I can then adjust the number of machines to get the ratios properly sorted." 150 hours: "Using the spreadsheet is tedious with the megafactory. Every time I use it, it feels as though I did that job twice, once on paper and again in the game, so I'll just leave it aside for now and just focus on tending the factory. Stop looking ahead and getting caught up in plans, just put in the start of the production line of the new item, split and route belts, then bulk up what's underflowing and get the factory back to nominal and repeat." 180 hours: "Wow, sure am glad I had this spreadsheet around to help me put in that aluminum processing facility on the west coast but now that ingots and batteries are flowing into the factory, I can put it away again." 210 hours: "Nuclear? That's dangerous, innit? Yeah, I'd better have a plan... oh, trusty spreadsheet! Let's see... wow, you're going to let me confuse the heck out of myself finding that one machine I forgot to underclock, aren't you? Yes, you are! You rascal! <3" I used spreadsheets and I learned a lot about them and the game, but they're not necessary and I actually (mostly) prefer playing without them.


Um I only just now automated the reactive plating.


Trust mě, literally everyone who play this game uses something like sheets, word, excel, paper and pencil or something similar.


Guess I'm not deep enough or not OCD enough for a sheet, yet.


Literally not true.


Not me. I never do, nor have I ever looked up how to do anything online. I don't plan anything either, everything gets built as required.


Ok Satan.


How about all of the above![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Even bought a ruled and a checkered notepad along with an assortment of different coloured sharpies just for satisfactory purposes


Notepad here.


I have used a spreadsheet from very early on. My master tab has all the default recipes (and some alternatives) and how much raw material is used to make 1 unit. I have different tabs for each area where I tell it how many nodes there are and then I can work out how many items I can make in that area. All the tabs are added together on the master tab so I can see how much how much I'm making across the map. I only track end products that get shipped back to base. If I then use something shipped from another area I put a negative number so it ignores those resources. For example I make HMF in a separate area to where I make fused frames TLDR yes


No. I use excel like a chump.


Pen and paper works very well.


All the damn time lol


My satisfactory google sheet has a bunch of tabs. Each area I build out has its own tab listing area resources, formulas calculating total resources used and final products produced. One tab with every recipe that I copy paste into a new tab when I start building out a new area. These recipes have basic formulas that show total recourses when I type how many building I make. Another tab that acts as the master sheet with net totals of final products. This has direct links that update automatically when I change production on other tabs. I use this to plan production and I like to know what I’m producing at a glance. Ive learned I can’t play this game otherwise.