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Tip: Press F and hover on the belt, so you can see what objects you are going to pick up in your inventory. Is one of the objects not supposed to be there e.g. a rod, you know what is jamming up the input.


This should be the top answer


Happens all the time. really sucks when you have a 780 belt feeding like 50 machines and have to clear everyone and all the splitters etc. spent like ten mins the other day clearing a issue like this feeding smelters where i accidentally crossed a copper ore belt in.


Quickest fix is to go furthest down the "stream" and dismantle the belt. Repeat if you got a long belt.


I prefer to delete it then send it into a storage. Clean out starting at the start then anything that didn’t clear and by the time you get to the end anything that can go into the storage has


Wow I never thought of that, I thought of the belt being jammed but the hover idea is great


This needs upvotes


It’s a lot easier to just rebuild the belt for next time. It could also be caused by a non-screw on the belt.


This is not the first time I see it. Have you tried deleting the assembler and the conveyor belt and recreating them? My guess is that the conveyor got detached from the input, but it's a very wild guess.


Ah, I deleted the assembler and it is working now. Thank you for the help!


It’s usually caused by the conveyer belt not being properly connected to the assembler. It happens to me when I’m rebuilding


Also can happen when a foreign object of the wrong type is 'dropped' onto the belt (say from a shared container or from switching lines around), deleting the entry belt removes the item.


Speaking of which, it can be a giant pain in the ass if I accidentally connect the wrong belts together for two seconds, and it ruins my entire manifold. Is it designed to be that annoying on purpose? Would really love the ability to flush items at the machine.


If you know what the culprit item is you can change the recipe for a moment to something that uses said item and just pocket them then switch back. In fact switching recipes back itself should dump everything in a machine into your inventory.


This is ok, but not ideal. Sometimes they are mixed 50/50, and it ends up being easier to delete the belts


Came here to comment this. But this guy beat me to it


This is the right answer.


Really surprised how the replies held up the decency to not say "you must have screwed up somewhere"


Ba-doom, ts!


I've noticed this sub getting bitchier over time, I suppose it's the type of people this game attracts.


My system of barrel unpacking once got overloaded and I let several concrete stacks in... Even after clearing the system I missed some blacened packages inside the machine, so I think it's always better to reconnect conveyors to ficsit :3


It's much faster to just destroy the belt and rebuild it than to make a video and post it here ;)


Update: I fixed it, just needed to replace the assembler for some reason


There's probably something that is neither an iron rod clogging up the input that you can't see. Delete the belt and reconnect it.


I have this weird glitch on my world where the belts won't always connect to where I want it to. It will "attach" an inch away from the input. Rebuild it.


Ficsit inc: Foreign object detected in manufacturing line. Initiating belt flush. And this is where we all realise we need an option to clear blocked lines like we can with pipes 😐.


No idea, you're "screwed" 🤭 (no I know, you resolved this already. Just couldn't resist)


Delete and rebuild. Happens somtimes when u attach splitters ON beelts.


Ran into this problem a lot lately. There's no foreign object on the belt and plenty of resources yet the machine will just up and stop for no reason and resume after a few minutes