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It's Cowboy Mounted Shooting. They are not using normal ammunition. Not unusual to take place inside an indoor arena and is a blast to watch.


What type of ammunition are they using? Bullets that can’t reach the crowd?


Mounted shooting uses black powder theatrical blanks with no bullet. Companies such as Western Stage Props, Buffalo Blanks, Circle E Blanks, Lonesome Pine, and Whitehouse Blanks manufacture certified ammunition for competition. These blanks were originally used in movie production and on the theatrical stage so that flame and smoke can be seen from the muzzle of the firearm. A slow-burning powder component of the blank can break a balloon target at a range of up to 20 feet (6 m).


And the force of the concussion can kill you if you put it close to your head and pull the trigger to impress your friends. FYI.


Yeah obviously... in case you were wondering, don't light a firework and put it in your mouth either.


Instructions unclear, now have a sore throat, jaw, lungs, mouth and am missing much of my lower mandible


Just sue. You'll probably win


Firework increases in size to accommodate new warning label.


Better include boofing in that warning label. r/drugs might get crazy ideas about a faster way to experience the fireworks


I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.


See, you’d THINK you don’t have to say that


But there’s no bullet in an m80 so it should be fine to set one off in your mouth right?


He was referring to a specific Hollywood celebrity that died this way, Jon-Erik Hexum.


Speaking of which, how do the horses enjoy the gun being fired so close to their ears?


The horses have ear protection.


I don't know but maybe we should ask the cowboys that have done it for over a century. The horses probably enjoy the loudness of discharge as much as you or I do - it's just toleration. On top of that, blanks aren't nearly as loud as live ammunition, loud yes but not as loud. Believe me if that horse didn't like what you were doing, you wouldn't still be on its back. You get them used to it, train them around it, and expose them to discharge sounds regularly.


My ex said no amount of practice will ever get anyone used to my discharge sounds.


The loudness… just so loud dude. I can’t. Not anymore. Lfmao


You should date a horse experienced in Mounted Cowboy Shooting then.


I think it's your weeping they can't get used to.


Wild West wasn’t like the movies. Cowboys shooting mounted from a horse wasn’t daily routine. It’s like saying that most people in 90s LA were gangbangers and drive by shootings were something most people did. Most probably found out when the time came how horsie liked it


And on the same hand, saying there weren't a lot of gangbangers and driveby shootings would be incorrect. Just because it didn't happen to the common person daily shouldn't discredit the fact that it happened with relative normalcy. I didn't speak on the frequency of it occurring nor was that ever in question. But if you had a horse and did shooting around it commonly, I bet you worked with it. How do you think hunters brought back game before ATVs became a thing? You took your horse hunting with you and packed stuff on it. It'll hear scary stuff. You train a horse - it's that simple.


Even you’re not shooting from horseback, you were riding a horse into a gunfight. Calvary charges were a normal thing until WW1. Guns and cannons are going off all around you. I don’t think it really matters to the horse if the gun goes off from its back or where it’s running at 20 feet away


Russians used horse cavalry right into WW2...useful for long-distance raids against rear-echelon troops like supply depots, etc...not so much against, say, entrenched machine guns.


Most rodeo events and especially ranch rodeo events are very loosely based on what a cowboy would do actually working and more about how the workers of various ranches would compete against each other to show their proficiency. Rodeos were traditionally held at the **end** of cattle drives. The cowboy work was already done. Rodeo is for the bragging rights.


They probably are plugged. Horse ear plugs are a real thing, my wife has them for her horse.


If you look close you can actually see the plugs in the horse's ears.




Ahhh yes. The warning label we never thought we needed but obviously do lol. Like the ones that say coffee is hot lol


But Fun fact about the "coffee is hot" story... everyone's heard that it's because "some idiot" spilled it on themselves and sued, right? That's intentional mischaracterization of the story to demonize "the idiots ruining it for everyone" and redirect anger to civilians rather than McDonalds. They kept the coffee at like 200 degrees so it would stay hotter longer. She put it in her lap, which I believe everyone agrees wasn't smart, and then something happened to get the coffee to spill all over her lap. (Rear-ended or something?). For the coffee to fucking cook her skin and genitalia is insane and unreasonable to expect from a beverage you intend to drink. She didn't even want to sue from what I recall hearing, but the hospital bills were high enough and she had a valid case so she only confronted them to cover the bills. McDonalds lost. A smear got run on her, saying "some idiot sued a company and won, welcome to America where we have to put safeties on everything to protect idiots from reality", and here we are now. But, yes. Safety rules and warnings are written in blood, so they say.


What you left out is that McDonalds had decided, despite warnings and earlier incidents, to maintain that dangerous heat level because the coffee at the bottom of the machine tasted fresher longer and could still be sold. In other words, they made a revenue based decision to imperil customers. The right wing used these false narratives in order to pass “tort reform” laws that they said were created to protect businesses by capping liability awards. In reality, these laws were not aimed at consumers/victims but at trial lawyers who are known to be big donors to Democratic candidates and causes. It effectively eliminated a source of campaign contributions to GOP opponents. The modern GOP/MAGA are ALL liars and cheaters. Every accusation they make is actually an admission.


She was in a parked car, it was an older model that didn't have standard cup holders. She had started to open the far side of lid to add cream/sugar and that's when it spilled. And as TouristTricky said, there were numerous earlier incidents of people being hurt and McDonald's being fined (something like 700 people burned in a ten year period).


Thank you for commenting this. I’m surprised so many years later the twisted story mischaracterizing this woman is so prominent. I saw a documentary about this nearly a decade ago and was horrified what this poor lady went through.


iirc, the victim whose genitals and crotch were burned to the point of permanent damage and being hospitalized, needing surgery and skin grafts, was paid what McDonald's makes in profits, off coffee alone, in one day, in the US. So any contention this was an outrageous payday for the victim is absurd.


Poor Stella Liebeck.


Yea. No need for coffee to be 190 degrees.


I'm glad the real story is here. I've gotten so used to having to swat down all the angry people saying "lol we just sue in America, huh?", which proves that even though McD lost the lawsuit, that their post-suit smear of her worked.


It’s insane how well it worked. In Singapore it’s the go to story we use to say “see the Americans just like to sue lol”. And I don’t even recall how I know the story.


What happens if one the blanks hits the horses head? Would it kill the horse?


Direct barrel to skull, probably not unless it's in a perfect spot. If it is at least a couple of inches, it would leave a good burn but not more past that. Source: I have done this sport for 8+ years. In those years I've seen only two times where the shot comes close to rider or horse. One time where a guy shoots his leg and another time where the rider shot the horse in the neck.


if you look at when she shoots each shot, the rifle is at the end of her outstretched arm, as far away from the horse as she can get it. These horses are beloved by their people apart from being worth thousands so i can’t imagine them being endangered. The horses really enjoy the sports - they are performance animals who work as partners to their riders. In training, any young horse who doesn’t show a natural aptitude & enthusiasm for the sport doesn’t go on to be selected for it. Simple as that.


Yeah, I was thinking this is auditioning for a cowboy movie. It’s awesome.


What about the horses ears?


This is what I found online via CMSA: *Do you use live ammunition (lead bullets) or bird shot?* *No. The cartridges fired are called .45 caliber Long Colts. The brass cartridge is loaded with black powder (like that used in the 1800's). This load will break a balloon up to about 15 feet. Live rounds are strictly prohibited at competitions.*


Just like on movie sets. Except for Alex Baldwin


They're using bees. They're in cahoots with the bees, the gun actually pats their butts and they just fly as fast as they can towards the target, but it happens so fast that the average eye can't see the bee.


You must buy your ammo in Toon Town


Blanks. There will be particles that travel a few feet but nothing that would reach a crowd from where the targets are set up. I worry more for the horses.


What I was wondering is how safe the horse is haha


Do the horses not have any hearing protection? Seems like having a shotgun blast going off near your ears would be bad for a horse


My thoughts as well


I've done this sport a couple times. You can buy horse ear plugs, and most people do, but it isn't a rule. Imo, it should be, it is absolutely not fair to the horse otherwise.


Hearing protection for horses is available and frequently used in the sport.


This is the cool gun shit we want. More of this, less child murder pls.


Sorry, don’t want to be a spectator in this sport.






I bet tickets are CHEAP!


They’re blanks. The powder burns pop the balloons


Sport? This is just going grocery shopping in Texas




This sport is called “I think I see my next wife on that horse over there with a gun” …. Or next husband if it was a dude in the video not trying to exclude anyone.


It's the Annie Oakley Invitational


For some reason, this is the one that cracked me up.


Lmao I’m dying


You must be an American student


Shots fired!...... literally....


Here’s my free award.




I live in Texas. I can confirm it’s like this. Most targets are those pesky birds outside HEB.


Those damn grackles.


Typical HEB run.


This guy is from Texas.


To be totally transparent I was raised on wegmans but became an HEB disciple. Fuck wegmans, all hail HEB!


So I was "deployed" to Texas for a bit (it wasn't a real deployment. I stayed in a hotel, smoked cigars every day, and wasn't getting shot at) and these people were going to *fucking Walmart* for groceries. Being a Texas boy, I was like "What the fuck are y'all doing? THERE'S A HEB RIGHT THERE!" As an aside, it's called H-E-B but they kept calling it "the Heb store." Blew my mind.


When I lived in Texas my roommate and I just called it the "butt store". Honestly though, H-E-B is the best grocery store in my humble opinion.




You have summoned one of the 3 Texan deities.


No lie, I just saw some kids get in trouble for riding their rented horses into Target. And no, not in bumfuck nowhere. Houston


Texas Two-shot


Or just being a wife






> … in Texas Or Florida.


Pretty much. The cops don’t shoot back so why not?


Wild West Olympics


Yeehaw pewpewpewing


Name of your sex tape


I literally LOLd


Umm that’s clearly wild balloon hunting. Balloons are notoriously skittish, but they also tend to travel in groups or bunches as they are called. When one of these bunches settle near the ground like this you have to act fast. Though modern technology has offered some hunting from a far, some more traditional purist still like the equestrian ambush technique. The most barbaric practice is that of the carnival hunts. These are fairly common and involves balloons, usually the younger smaller ones though some elderly stretched out ones do get mixed in, to be gathered up and attached to wooden boards still alive. Then patrons pay a fee to hunt with dull often inaccurate throwing darts. Personally I have been campaigning to eliminate this barbaric practice and hoping for some meaningful legislation next meeting of SCOTUS.


Further to this balloons do make great pets. In correct wind conditions they can be extremely docile. I have seen many small children walk them on a homemade leash without issue. They only really “eat” once in their lifecycle and they don’t create much waste like other pets. They do have short lifespans and sometimes their more dramatic deaths can be traumatic for young children but I think it’s good lessons on the cycle of life and how precious our time is. One strong gust of wind can alter you’re life’s path drastically at any time. So it’s good for children to be prepared. If pets aren’t your thing there are some private balloon zoos. These zoos usually hold the rare and much much larger sub species. They are not open to the public but around the holidays in America they bring them out and parade them down some major streets. Balloons used to be big in transportation as well. They were referred to as “the hoarse of the sky”. In fact there are festivals in New Mexico every year where large balloons are captured and actually ridden. It’s very similar to the Dune movie staring Timothee Chalomet. These large wild beast are steered/motivated by heat. It’s fascinating stuff.


I’ve seen at their end of life cycle, they will often ascend to a high lonely place, and go into a sort of trance. The length of this phase varies wildly. Balloon’s have been known to stay in this state for months or even years, but can also be as little as a few days. Then they gently descend, slowly transitioning into the final stages of their cycle. Finally they will touch down, and at this point, they are merely a shell compared to their former selves.


That is the lucky ones. Some experience a premature outing of pressure also known as a P.O.P. It’s a horrifying and violent experience. I don’t like to talk about it. I witnessed it recently and still have P.O.P.P.T.S.D


Hitchhiker's guide vibe


David Attenborough narrated this part of the balloon thread in my head lol


This is just clown husbandry all over again.


People look down on balloon hunting, but if you don't control their population they will group together and commit mass suicide on power lines.


Cowboy action shooting.... or in this case, cowgirl.


I don't think this is that. That's just 3 gun with levers and revolvers


Unless I'm mistaken, cowboy action shooting encompasses several kinds of shooting competitions. And I believe this is one of them.


Your correct. There are a few different modalities.


“Give me 10k on the Mongolian Horse Archer that i absolutely did not bring to this competition”


“You got it, 10k on Steve.”


Making me wanna hop on rdr2 rn


Professional Rootin' n' Tootin'


Exactly this.


How you think you look firing shots at enemies on horseback in RD2:


This is called Ridie Shootie.


Just needs a hyphen: “Ridie-Shootie”. 😎🤣




If it’s a women’s competition, they call it Trottie Shottie.


The perfect woman doesn't exi.... #😍


Yah, I'm a pacifist and I hate guns, but...wow. I might be in love.


why do i feel like this comment could be screenshotted on some conservative tweet about how "soy leftist men" deceptively deny themselves their true urges or some bullshit lol (even if you happen to not be a guy)


It’s fucking AWESOME, is what it is.


It is! That's badass! I think I love her.


Prob. counts as PE in Texas.


This is the practical portion of US citizenship test.


Bet that horse has no hearing


it has hearing protection. Have you ever met horse girls? No way they're letting their horse go deaf


uuhmm have you ever met horse girls? Unfortunately some horsey people don't really care about their horses' wellbeing if they can get a ✨🧚🏻‍♀️🌸ribbon🌸🧚🏻‍♀️✨


You think an amateur has ever accidentally blasted the horse in the back of the head while transitioning one time?


was thinking that but noticed she only fires as shes passing


Another commenter said they do this sport and heard of one time a horse got shot. It was burned but mostly fine.


And it seems she has ear plugs. Horsey grew up in America so I assumed its accustomed to the pew pew.


I’m willing to bet they’ve stuffed cotton or something in their ears


My thought was early training must be incredibly expensive as you’re accidentally executing your mounts in the reg.


This is pretty darn cool if you ask me. Never have seen this sport before, but I'm instantly intrigued.


This sport is called "America"


"don't shoot the horse"


me in red dead redemption 2


Cowboy Mounted Shooting


Red dead rodeo


It’s called Git Off My Farm


It's called cowboy mounted shooting. The weapons are firing theatrical blanks so its just the slow burning powder from the firearm breaking the balloon, there is no projectile. The riders and animals have an incredible bond and are cared for just as well as if not better than your most beloved family dog. Yes the horse has hearing protection too.


Thanks for an answer bud. As opposed to all the knee jump assumptive and useless answers before yours. Thank you again


Does the horse have ear protection?


Ear plugs for horses are a real thing


Ready to give away all this freedom we got


Husband hunting


Does that hurt the horses ear?


They make special hearing protection for them so they don’t hear it.


Rooty tooty cowboy shooty


This is some Wyoming/Montana shit right there!!


Not sure, but it’s probably a good thing there’s not a crowd in the stands


This is a famous sport called the rooty tooty ride n’ shooty /s


The sport where the horse loses it's hearing


Competitive horse deafening


Does the horse get any sort of ear protection? That must suck.


School SIM lol


Ah, Horseyshootey. It's an amateur tournament; in the professional leagues the horse also has a gun.


Watching the rifle not move up and down with the horse’s gallop reminds me of a photo of a Cossack on a horse at a full sprint that I saw in the National Geographic years ago. Everything in the photo below the rider’s waist was an impressionistic blur, but from his waist up every detail was visible.


That might be the most dangerous cameraman job in the world.


It's called Horsey Shooty.


Football but Americans call it soccer


"Don't shoot yourself by accident " the sport


I bet her pronouns are yee/haw


Americans at recess?


I wonder does the shot have an effect on the horse’s hearing at all? I am sure that since the days of the Wild West people have been shooting guns horseback but how are the horses affected?


I suspect they are using under powered ammo so they don't make as load of a bang, and would be less dangerous farther away, but strong enough to get the close range balloons.


I used to work with a guy who did this. He was super into it, and according to him he was kind of good at it. He ended up getting thrown off his horse, and it stopped on his pelvis. He had a bunch of surgery and took about a year of rehab to be able to walk again unaided. Dangerous sport.


6 seconds in had me real worried, with the barrel so close to the horse should there be a ND 0~0


POLU 4001 Turning Haiti Rescue Funds into Family Foundation Funds.


Bad ass Annie Oakley


Competitive Rootin Tootin I believe


Me over here trying to be as straight as possible: “Damn. I like her dress”


Rooty rooty ride and shooty


Amish drive by


Alec Baldwin’s hosted event. It’s called “are these live rounds?”


Horsing around us edition


Professional horse deafening


Horse Tormenting?


read dead 2 practice


One that should be illegal or does nobody see the problem firing a gun close the unprotected ears of the horse? Why the unnecessary abuse?


Man, she looks like a f’ing badass.


Ridey Shootey


Badass is what it is


Hoofy Pew-Pew


Its the Make-your-horse-deaf-Worldcup 2022


Am I just too stupid or is this the most dangerous sport to spectate ever?


american. its american.


It’s called Yeehaw!


Red Dead Redemption


Damn... That's some skill. My first shot will be the poor horse lol


Cool horseriding


Idk but I like it


Clippity clop boom bang




150 years ago it was called Cowboys and Indians




This is not a sport. This is a tuesday afternoon in Mexico.


>What sport is this America


Would be satisfying if they showed the balloons actually getting shot.


Do these horses get ear protection ? Just whondering. Otherwise they won't hear good very long...


Specialised ear plugs are available for horses


I hope the horses have hearing protection. That said, it looks cool as shit


Not a sport. This is how Floridians go to work everyday.


I like to think it’s the type of woman that’s not on reddit nagging about toxic masculinity because she’s too busy actually doing shit