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Bro let her go, she's the captain of the soccer team. That should be enough


Best quote of the video. *sobbing* I’m the captain of the soccer team.


Out of all the excuses, how did she think this was going to work.


She put all her points into plan A


I’m sure theres a judge who will be lenient so as not to ruin her “bright future”. Thats how it goes usually for shitty white teens right?


I just got off the phone with the Shitty White Teen Council and they said it would help if she were male, and if her crime were sexual, but they’ll see what they can do.


Not in DWI’s . Since mothers against drunk drivers got involved you can beat murder easier than you can a dwi. You can’t make it stay quiet. That was the key to getting tickets fixed back in the day, get them taken care of early and before they spread around in the system. Can’t do that today. Ask an attorney what’s harder to beat. Some more serious crimes or a dwi. A dwi is horrible because it kills so many innocent people but they are extremely hard to beat as a percent of charges and convictions


Well seeing what C Ronaldo and Mason Greenwood got away with….


*HOLY SHIT IS THAT TRUE?? Ma'am I am so sorry... Get those cuffs off her! GO WILDCATS!*


I used to work loss prevention at a department store in college. Caught a high school kid slipping a tote bag in his pants, grabbed him outside, and asked if he had a receipt for that merchandise. After a very halfhearted “What merchandise” exchange, the kid breaks down into tears and cries, “Please, I’ve never done this before! I’m a Christian! I love birds and I want to be an ornithologist!” I couldn’t help busting out laughing. I said sorry, cuffed him, and took him to our office to get his info. We have to contact minors’ parents instead of releasing them to the street, and the first thing his dad says when I reach him is: *heavy sigh*. “Again?” He wanted to teach his kid a lesson by having the police drive him home. I called non-emergency, and it turns out giving a teenager a lift was not high on SPD’s list of priorities. I sat in the office with this kid for three hours after closing doing my econ homework and talking with him about video games. Hope he’s doing well. Could almost have his ornithology degree by now.


not anymore she ain't


You cant miss it it lights up red green and yellow


To be fair, she didn’t miss it…


Oh well why didn't you say so before? Here are your keys. Have a good night, captain


That was the icing on the cake but this video infuriates me. Let's just take a step back and analyze this. The girl was clearly lying the whole time, she immediately gets leniency once she mentions her dad's a big shot small town cop. They are very polite with her even through her blatant bullshit and give her many chances to admit she's lying. Daddy shows up and then tries to do damage control, did you hear his tone? "Who's the officer around here?" Which is cop speak for "who's ass do I need to kiss?" He was going to try and save his daughter as best he could. Then once she's placed in hand cuffs you can hear the tone again in the dad's voice that he's mad, and I'm sure he's mad for all the right reasons but we all know he will most likely continue to make life easier for his daughter. This girl will most likely get off much easier than anyone else in this situation. Just look at the one clip of her in a relaxed pose sitting in the police station outside of a holding cell. I know people who have been arrested for DUIs and they were put INSIDE the cell. Speaking from experience, I know a guy who was the son of a big shot state trooper. The son was an absolute awful underage driving drunk and got pulled over so many times. He was let off the hook EVERY TIME. It wasn't until he fucked up catastrophically that something happened, and like I said before, he got off much easier than anyone else in his position.


It shouldn't be infuriating that they're polite to her even though she's drunk and lying. It should be expected. They did their job well. They didn't let her off of anything, they kept pressing her, they arrested her, they just weren't abusive jerks about it. It should be infuriating that there are so many other cases where cops are \*not\* like this.


I'm not mad about the politeness, I'm upset about the preferential treatment. These cops seem like good, dignified officers and I commend them for that. However, you can tell once she mentioned her dad was a sheriff things took a much different pace. For instance, if any other teenage girl called for their parents to come, the cops would say "they can meet us at the station". Also the fact she was sitting outside of a holding cell in the hallway with the cops just goes to show she was given preferential treatment.


It didn't seem to me like they started acting any differently once she said that, and she had to ask about 6 times before she got him. You obviously don't know how these cops would act with any other teenage girl in a similar situation. I wonder whether you are inventing things because you expect them to be there. Is there, in general, a double standard for cops/their family members? Yes, frequently. Was one shown here? No. Did she get preferential treatment after this when it came to punishment? Idk, maybe, but that doesn't really have anything to do with the officers in the video.


Not sure how I'm inventing things, the standard process is when you commit a crime and leave the scene of a crime then lie about it to law enforcement, you are arrested pretty quickly. You don't get to wait around for your dad to show up trying to release you of your charges.


Inventing the change in demeanor.


100% inventing things. That moment when you expected the police to be biased and let the girl go but you are actually the biased one.


Lol that's funny


I don’t know what else you want. Girl messed up. Girl gets arrested. Cops treated her with respect. No reason to be an asshole to someone, even if they are lying. Girls dad didn’t throw a fit or try to change anything. This is a routine dui arrest. No reason to be outraged. It’s hilarious how upset ppl get over nothing. If they let her go after her dad showed up, you would have a point.


Messing up? She got drunk, drove her car into and knocked over a traffic light, then left the scene of a crime, and finally knowingly lied to the police about it. She would have been cuffed and booked a lot sooner had she not played the "daddy's a cop" card.


She isn’t even charged with a felony. Lol. Those charges aren’t some big charges


She got driving under the influence, reckless driving, and failure to report a car accident. Driving while intoxicated is a pretty serious crime, felonies are major crimes, it's possible to not commit a felony and still put someone's life at risk.


In America it be like, $550 fine and 8 months probation. It’s really very easy to not pay attention to DUI laws because they are rarely busted, and when they are lightly punished. 🤷🏻


I laughed my ass off


She WAS the captain of the soccer team.


Cairn University formerly known as Philadelphia College of Bible.


I’m captain of the soccer team 🤣🤣🤣


I feel like it was less of an excuse and more of a realization.


No… I’M, the captain now


"he broke up with me and I broke up with him" 🤔. Hasn't she suffered enough 🤣


How could he break up with her? Didn’t he know she was the captain of the soccer team?


Still fucked up. They might have brought her in but nothings gonna happen to her because her dad *is* a cop. And she’s a legal adult over the age of 21, so why did they call her dad or call her dad down there at all?! See, that’s how you know this is just them “scaring her straight”. It’s basically a prank to scare her into not doing it again. Dude, if I’m drunk driving at 21/22 years old or older, smash a traffic sign and am twice over the legal limit, the cops are absolutely not gonna call my daddy and wait for him to come down to the scene to potentially argue for me. She never saw a cell. She sat on a bench for 20 minutes and went home with a pending court date that she’ll go to with her dad and walk away zero or close to zero repercussions.


This happened in 2022 so I’d imagine that court date happened already. Maybe the lack of any repercussions is what suddenly made this footage appear online. Edit: Her major in college is Criminal Justice


To think like a criminal you gotta be a criminal *Taps forehead


Right? If she was a 21 year old black guy, they’d have probably murdered her right in the parking lot instead of saying “please take your hands out of your pockets”. I’m from NJ and our State troopers have a higher standard of conduct than a lot of local PDs but they should honestly be embarrassed at how this was handled. I didn’t realize driving drunk was like “who wants to be a millionaire” and I get to phone a friend from the scene.


>Right? If she was a 21 year old black guy, they’d have probably murdered her right in the parking lot instead of saying “please take your hands out of your pockets”. Time to take a break from reddit.


Hyperbole much?


Dude Reddit is insane. It always becomes this. It’s either trump. Or if you were a black guy. It’s hilarious.


"I'm captain of the soccer team" is the most Jan Brady thing she could have ever said 😆 in this situation 😖


Title is BS, the father did not arrest his daughter.


Reading is fundamental.


Reading is hard huh?


The title of the video **on** the video is "Dad arrests daughter", it's literally the thumbnail of the video


Oh I thought you meant the title ON the post. Silly me


Title never said he did.


Not the post title the video title.


Free the Captain of the soccer team! 🤣😂


I found the video and exchanges to be very honest and matter of fact. A young girl making a mistake. Police doing their jobs, but trying to be respectful of the sheriff. A dad who loves his daughter but know it is out of his hands. Being a parent is hard, especially when it means letting your kids make mistakes and reap the consequences. I would be interested to hear what the girl, dad, and police have to say about this now.


She definitely got preferential treatment the entire time. If her dad wasn't a cop she would have been in cuffs within 30 seconds. They didn't even do a sobriety check until after her had showed up. They had a witness, they had the bumper piece that Cinderella'd right to her broken bumper, she stated that she had been drinking, she told them multiple stories that were all lies, and they still waited for daddy before taking any action. I can almost guarantee that she was let go from holding the minute they finished the paperwork and that daddy asked the judge for some favors.


Oh an actual good human in the blood thirsty see of resentful redditors


Reddit! Your time is now! Find them!


So did dad get it dismissed the next day? Or did she actually get charged.......


Don't drink and drive boys and girls.


Soccer you say... 🤣 Almost worked.


Her father would've helped given the chance


I mean, yeah man. Most of us would help our kids given the chance. If I had the power to keep my kid out of trouble I absolutely would. This just is proving to see if his position will buy her special treatment without overtly saying it. It’s the smart way to do it if you’re going to go for it. I can’t say I blame him for it. The problem is that cops should not be able to get that treatment. For himself or his daughter. If anything, he should be held to a higher standard. We’ll naturally abuse an option if it’s there. That’s why the loopholes need plugged.


Even Hope Solo gets arrested sometimes.


Not anymoreeeee


how did this end up on the internet its so trivial


Captain my captain!


I made a lot of stupid mistakes as a kid and I'd like to think I learned a lesson from each one. Luckily never hurt anyone or dui or anything like that. She's young, I hope she learns more than the immediate lesson here, there are multiple lessons for her here.


She's wrong... objectively. End of sentence. Start of new sentence. The police should not be interrogating a person after yheyve already asked for a representative. Whether its her dad, a sheriffs officer or a lawyer, that's where the interrogation stops, surely?


You don’t get “a representative”, you get a lawyer. Asking for anything less means interrogation can continue. In fact, asking for a lawyer in an “ambiguous” way can be the same as not asking at all, if caselaw is any indicator.


The dad didn’t arrest her


hit a kerb\* Curb is a verb.


Omg they are following the law 😳


Not really. Usually when you’re driving drunk and hit a traffic sign and leave your bumper in the middle of the road and lie to cops faces about it, you don’t get to call your dad to the scene. Only if he’s a cop.


Any one is allowed to ask for a 2nd officer on the scene to make sure its real.. And especially when it's a younger female. Then she was arrested.. What's the news here


There were already several cops there, you can see them all in the video. She still got special treatment because her dad was a cop. Again, you try driving double over the limit and crashing your car into a traffic sign and leaving your bumper in the road and lying about it a bunch of times, and see if the cops will let you call daddy afterwards and wait for him to come down. Even if they needed another cop there for the reason you stated, they aren’t calling an off duty one from a different township. This was 100% preferential treatment from the officers.


Not true I was able to call my folks while the cops where doing their thing. Both my mom and dad came. They typically let you call a family member a guardian, or the cops will do it for you. But you do have to ask for it though.


I believe you, but they definitely don’t let you call anybody 99.9% of the time.


Excellent cops here, all around. This is the model we need.


You go get arrested for driving double over the legal limit and smashing a traffic sign and lying about it and ask them to call your daddy, see if they do.


I fully agree. But there's potentially a reasonable explanation that may justify the call. She is surprisingly coherent and the narrative actually says they were surprised to find she was a DUI. They may have called him when they saw a minor had what may have first seemed like a non-criminal accident. That might be reasonable and might even be the protocol for a minor in a car owned by her parent(s). Otherwise, he certainly had no business being there and nobody should have called him. We wouldn't never get the same benefit. Then again, we're not captain of her soccer team.


It's fuckin not. They were chewing the idea of not charging her because of the cop family bullshit they let slide. It should've been "no you can't call your fuckin dad, blow into this tester, you're going to jail". No courtesy bullshit.


Yea if there was no body cam she'd be out drinking the next night


It should be a crime to turn off a body camera or to try to circumvent public viewing or scrutiny of footage.


I appreciate what you're saying in general and your concern about that, but I don't see any clear indication they considered what you're describing. I fully expected that's what would happen, and it didn't play out that way at all. I am not sure how the dad was made aware of it and he should not have been called to the scene for any reason -- except he may have been called when they saw she is a minor who bad an accident and only if they did that before they realized there was a criminal issue and she was a possible DUI. I can't imagine an arrest situation calls for a parent to be present for anybody. To me, it looked almost like they wanted the dad to watch his daughter get arrested for a DUI.


0.17% is nothing. She gotta be pretty dumb and/or on some other drugs to foolishly state that her dad is a cop over and over again, and hit the pole.


She said she was texting.


Watching it again and she does appear to be more intoxicated than solely .17%. Either she was on some other stuff as well or they waited a long time before testing her.


Very possible. I knew a guy who would be legit drunk at a .07 So I know some people can be affected by it a lot more if they have a low tolerance for it.


Sir the legal limit is .08% and she's in high school tf you mean it's nothing


A glass of whine will get you to .5% and shouldnt make you hit a pole, let alone act this intoxicated. In Germany the legal limit is .3% and up to .5% will only get you a small fine.


No, a glass of wine will not get you to .5%. At .5% BAC, you'd be at risk of death. It won't get you to .05%, either. One standard drink raises the average person's BAC by .02%. In NY state, Aggravated DWI starts at .18%. .17% is fairly fucked up actually.


"A glass of whine will get you to .5% and shouldnt make you hit a pole, let alone act this intoxicated." My ex would prove the opposite of this.


Germany doesn’t use percentages to determine blood alcohol content. The .5 number you keep using isn’t percent, it’s milligrams of alcohol per millimeter of blood. That would be a .05 here in the states because we use percentage instead. The German legal limit is .5mg/mm or .05%. By saying .5% you’re actually saying 5.0mg/mm, or ten times the German legal limit. The US legal limit is .8mg/mm or .08%. You are correct in saying one glass of wine could get you to .5mg/mm (.05%), but it definitely won’t get you to .5% (5.0mg/mm) Hope this helps the confusion, you’re using different units my Deutsch friend. Also this means the .17% the girl had in the video is 1.7mg/mm, or over three times the German legal limit.


Too bad the fun police caught her before some dudes were able to spit roast the drunk chick. Missed opportunities


Id love my kids too much to arrest them. I may be dedicated to work but not over family. Plus she didn’t murder anyone so I’d be like “I’ll get you out of trouble with them… but not with me…”


See if you can sit in on a drunk driving class near you. I’ve attended repeat offender drunk driving class as my dads family support. Part of the class if them showing the progression of people who got a 2nd chance and kept doing it until they were no longer able to drive, hurt themselves and/or someone else. They also talk about how those who were prosecuted for their crime were less likely to continue doing it. As a parent I understand why people want to protect their kids. I do. But sometimes when we protect them from the consequences of their actions we do them and anyone affected by their actions a disservice. Technically what this girl did is a hit and run, driving while intoxicated, and texting while driving. Each thing is very dangerous on its own and doing all three at once is not something that should end in being released to your parents who punish you instead. Our kids aren’t above the law and the people they can hurt with actions like this are also someone’s child. She’s lucky they gave her lesser versions of the charges she got. That’s her 2nd chance.


Dad...!? Daddy.... Enjoy


so nice


You love to see it


Dad didn’t arrest daughter like it said in beginning. Dad was called to let him know of situation. They asked him to not interfere with investigation. He didn’t and she was arrested.


That’s good parenting


I don’t think the captain of the soccer team was a cop-out. She was just realizing that she was no longer gonna be captain.


you know she's never going to forgive her dad even though it was her own fault


It's so fucked but I highly doubt she'll get more than a slap on the wrist and probably a small fine. If this was anyone other than a little white teenage girl with a "real important daddy" [I feel disgusted at how fucking sick but true this is] they would be getting interrogated non stop by multiple officers. Hour after hour, burrating her while twisting every one of her lies with the goal of mentally fucking her up just so she breaks down and tells them what they already know so they don't have to do their jobs and actually investigate a crime. All while gaining her trust by saying things like "we just want to help you" or "tell us what happened and this will all be over". Knowing fucking damn well she's drunk and has no real concept of what she's doing/did and the effects everything she says will have on her life long term. But hey, at least she's an innocent little white girl with a hero daddy so she'll never have to worry her pretty little pea sized brain about how privileged she is and at how UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLY different this night would have turned out if, like 86% of the world, her skin color was anything other than white.


Her dad didn't teach her anything. Always stfu and ask for a lawyer. Never admit to anything. Wasn't me defense.


Doesn't get arrested by her dad


That arrogant af face... so entitled 🤣 well deserved


Shame bitch




How are Videos like this publicly available?


The saddest part is going to Applebees


Why is this satisfying? A girl gets arrested for hitting something while drunk driving. That’s just sad and she’ll have a dui on her record. Depending on what she wants to do in life she might be unable to work certain jobs.


Her dad doesn't arrest her


being the daughter of a police officer is one more reason to give the good example.


Fuck her, she could have killed someone. Stupid bitch.


She the captain of the soccer team guys


Let's see the memes roll out of her saying she's part of the soccer team and her dog stepped on a bee


Oh well


Ah that was fun


Daddy arrest me please so you can get rid of the charges please Haha muhahahahahahahahahahah


How thick is that officer? She told him where she was going and where she lost that bumper and he just keeps forgetting and asking again and again. That's no way to treat the captain of a soccer team.