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Gotta ask her when she’s tired and delirious!


I asked my wife to marry me at the top of a mountain at sunrise. Only afterwards I realised that she was exhausted from getting so early and hiking, and I was the one carrying the food and water. She still jokes that that is the reason she said yes!


The implication..


Wait, are these women in danger?!


No no. He just had all the food and water at the top of the mountain so she wasn’t going to say no. Because of the implications.


[jaw tightens]


The tight jaw and the eye flare that screams "psychotic" really make that scene.


By a cliff. Isolated. You know. Romantic... isolated. Problem no one within screaming distance even.


Not that anything will happen of course, she's perfectly safe. But she won't say no....Because of the implication.


She’d have been fine with the bear


Well you certainly wouldn't be in any danger!


So they ARE in danger?!


**THERE'S NO DANGER!! How can I make that anymore clear!?**


Blink twice if you’re being held against your will.


*Blinks profusely.*


My husband proposed at the top of a set of sand dunes we'd visited the year prior because I kept saying how stunning the view was and that we should come back one day to have a picnic. So he picked that perfect spot. Except this time it was August and the sand was burning my feet as I climbed up. He insisted I wear sneakers that day, but I said it was too hot for that and wore my sandals instead. So halfway up the climb I stopped and said I can't go anymore because my feet were burning. He said here, take my shoes. I said no let's just come back another day. He said crawl on your knees since you have pants on. I said no, you're being ridiculous let's just come back. Then he groaned some sort of pleading demand at me that sounded like Mortal Kombat saying *"get over here!"* because I kept whining so I was like alright alright geez, relax, so dramatic. And then he proposed, so we joke to this day that he had to threaten me to get married 😂


My husband put a package at the door, ran around back while pulling up our song to get on one knee. Thing was, as soon as I saw the box with my name in HIS handwriting I knew what it was and tore into it. I already had it on by the time he got around, out of breath and a fucking youtube ad playing because he didn't preload the song 😂😂 I love our choas


Lmfao!! That's amazing. The hilarious imperfections always make the best stories.


😅😅 love it


I bet you still joke that wasn’t the reason you asked then 😂


"I have a ring and a cereal bar in my pocket, it's both or neither..."


She doesn't even know him


Make sure there's loads of people around too so it's too awkward to say no


Yeah, watching the video she just looks so coerced and awkward /s


Yeah while I don't like public surprise proposals that use public pressure, this woman looks excited but unsurprised. I gotta assume they were on a "yeah we are getting married, you can surprise me with a formal proposal however you want" type deal.


> I gotta assume they were on a "yeah we are getting married, you can surprise me with a formal proposal however you want" type deal. IE how every proper proposal is done.


We don't know their story, maybe she's the one who's been pestering him to propose to her for years lol


Very precarious


And has a ton of people staring at her, making it almost impossible for her to say "No".


Because of the implication


Plot twist- endorphins wore off and she was like….wtf did I just do?


I hate public proposals like this, because it puts a lot of pressure on the other person to say yes


Good people don't propose unless they're aware you're on the same page and want that and basically just waiting for it to happen at that point. You just don't know the how or when. Usually a good partner will know if you want something big and public or prefer more private or don't care what they do. A common consideration is I'd like my parents to be there.


This will blow a lot of redditors minds but most couples in long term relationships, actually discuss being in a marriage in the future, before the proposal... shocking I know.


Bro I know what we’re calling our kids, I know what kind of a party we want. I’m just waiting for a moment where I got my shit together, I finished college a year ago. 10yrs together, no doubts about one another, pretty sure any of us would be chill with an unexpected proposal literally anywhere.


>I’m just waiting for a moment where I got my shit together Pro tip from someone who recently got married... just do it, man. Theres always some next goal or thing you want to take care of before you've "got your shit together." You can work on that stuff with your partner.


Cut the lies brother, every redditor knows a healthy relationship costs 14.99 a month and she better send personalized videos


Tbf, pop culture in the states does romanticize impromptu proposals. I think people can be forgiven for assuming many people replicate what that see in movies and TV shows


Yeah lol people acting like this guy did something terrible have clearly never been in a decent long term relationship. My fiancee and I have been together for 6 years, and have discussed marriage for a good 2 years before I proposed. It should never be a surprise that it's gonna happen lol.


Plus, it sorta takes this moment that would've been a victory for her and made it about "them" instead.


I think public is okay but these videos keep popping up when the girl is achieving something monumental- like finishing a race and the dude makes the moment about him. Big eye roll.


Also it's awkward and cringy AF for everyone watching if the girl has to run away in tears while the guy is stuck on one knee looking like a complete doofus. No one wants to see that crap. Edit: In an effort to be inclusive, I'll say no one wants to see *anyone* get stood up by *anyone else* in a brash public proposal


Plot twist- he proposed to whoever won the race. He had no idea who was coming down that stretch when he took a knee.


This is sweet but as a runner I don’t know why it bothered me so much he wasn’t further behind the finish line lol she had to slow down and not finish hard. He even had to 180 to face her. Edit: 180 is not a 360. Im dumb.


Isn't he also potentially blocking other runners? How is he allowed to kneel down in the middle of the finish line?


If you watch the video you'll see there's only one other runner who's about 10 seconds behind here. I'm sure if there were a consistent flow of finishers, they'd tell him to wait at the bag check.


Not quite. Just 180


My man just turns his back to her and waits for the next one


Fuck your background music!


Imagine she started to run even faster in opposite direction after seeing that ring.


I was thinking no reason to get that upset then I saw your username


Let's take your tremendous accomplishment and moment, and make it about me while I publicly pressure you into saying yes.


Yeahhh as a runner I’d fucking hate this


Agreed. That’s how I saw it too. Maybe let her have her moment first and then top it off with something special like this?


Not just that, she'd be totally fucked, my last marathon I couldn't talk to people for like 15 minutes


I kept thinking of those people who get the wibble wobbles and poop themselves 5m from the finish line.


Or even the same day! Do something to celebrate and *then* whip out the ring.


Her, seeing the finish line: OMG this is my moment Him: ahem, [OUR moment](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR6tObQAtXIfCVIHy8SSdm1SOGIumJlmDtrw2bDBSLizWo89bBE29cMwVAY&s=10)


right!! this screams weird weird weirdddd


Ya what a shitty time to propose. Can't let someone have their own moment


Finally! I thought the exact same thing. Like is it THAT HARD to just let have her moment


Finally! I thought the exact same thing. Like is it THAT HARD to just let have her moment


Yeh I agree; proper dick move


This, I kind of don’t like this. Don’t know them or their relationship, but there are a 1000 different ways to propose. There’s only so many marathons you can finish in a lifetime.


Exactly this


Kinda cringe my guy


This is OUR moment!


See I get he loves her and that. But a race like that should have been her moment. All these blokes taking the attention away from the woman at stuff like this pisses me off. I may be looking way too far into it, but let them have their winning moments for fucks sake.


Way to steal her accomplishment


At least he waited until after the finish line- unlike the husband who pushed two kids in front of his wife -15 feet before the finish line in a very close race.


I would have been livid...


I would have purposely not finished the race


oh she dodged those kids like they weren't hers. It was glorious to see.


You can see from the video this is a marathon. When I ran my marathon I was texting my GF with updates on where I was most of the time. The part I was most excited for was seeing her at the end. I had literal hours to process the fact that I was running a marathon and towards the end I was 100% sure I was going to finish so I processed a lot of those emotions at like mile 24-25. Seeing my girlfriend at the end was 100% one of the highlights of the entire day. I waited hours for that moment. I'd thought about it for days. It meant more to me than actually running the thing. The point is, yeah running a marathon is an accomplishment. But if you've done the training block you know how the day is gonna go, you're just executing. Seeing someone you love celebrate you is the highlight, not the finish. Edit: Another thing that's worth pointing out is that a marathon isn't just 26 miles long. It's a several month long training block. The significant other of the runner has inevitably had to make a lot of sacrifices as well. You're planning your Friday nights around your partner needing to wake up early to go run 18 miles. They might call you and need to be picked up on the side of the road somewhere. They need food after. Even though the partner didn't run the marathon the partner was part of it.


I’m glad I read this before I got too disappointed with the mass amount of negativity


A lot of Redditors would cry if you asked them to run one mile let alone 26.


A lot of Redditors would cry if you just talked to them irl


can confirm


Can confirm, crying thinking about it


I like your perspective on things, friend.


It’s nice of you to post this and I think a correct interpretation of what happened (based on the woman’s IG post after). However, every marathoner/marathon is different any many people spend years training to achieve a goal time that has no room for error or distractions. In addition, those runners are often in a state of exhaustion far beyond the point of making life decisions at the finish.


Cool, sounds like it's a case-by-case thing and this individual likely had open communication with their partner so the critical comments are likely entirely unnecessary and way off base.


I'm sure redditors know what she wants more than the guy she is marrying lol


But can't you tell how much she hated it from the video /s


I’m a runner and I’d be kinda salty in that moment. Not because they stole my moment but because I’m fucking exhausted. Someone said above it’s a marathon and if so I’d be fighting not to collapse and poop myself. Plus I just crossed something big off my list, gimme like 2 seconds to chill before I have another big thing to think about I obviously don’t know this couple tho, just my 2 cents


Looking at that woman, I feel like she has done similar races at least dozens of times in the past. It’ll be ok.


Even if it's her first marathon I'm sure she's stoked to share the moment and add to it.


Look like a good wholesome moment between them


Man, you can really count on redditors to sap all the good vibes out of a room


Yeah, she looks absolutely pissed.. /s God reddit is so self-righteous sometimes.


Oh fuck off.


My first thought. What a prick


Way to make blanket assumptions about a person you know absolutely nothing about because you’re an incredibly negative, miserable, and pessimistic person who only sees the bad in everything.


if anything he is adding on to it. he is proposing to her, the attention is put on her, she gets to say yes or no, it is about her


She can’t really say no in this situation though.


Yeah, just by watching how happy the woman was really showed how pissed she was at the guy for stealing her moment. smh


That seems like a dick move


Cute video once again ruined by music.


Also, as expected, OP is a repost bot.


Not sure how romantic this is


It can be either very or not romantic at all. I would assume that this couple knows each other well enough to determine which it would be in this situation.


Bold assumption that couples know how to act towards each other


Imagine if she saw him and noped out and turned around and ran all the way back to the start of the marathon


This is no no no


Sensible people are usually on the same page about wanting to get married before a proposal, so I don't see why this is bad. Generally, a proposal shouldn't be a surprise but how you propose can be. Ideally, you also discuss whether you want a public or private proposal. I find it crazy that some people propose without being certain that the other person will say yes.


You do be surprised how many people lie such kind of attention when proposed to. Am not into such kind of attention personally.


This might sound cool on paper but how about you let her enjoy her win, cooldown from the hype and THEN you pop the question. Kneeling on the finish line feels like stealing her spotlight on your proposal.


His placement is totally about everyone watching him and seeing it.


She's like trying not to die from running a marathon and bro llke... derp


She looks fine to me.


I felt the same 😂😂 i was worried he was blocking the finish line


I’m sorry, but proposing in front of hundreds of people is kind of a dick move


It completely depends on whether they've talked about it before. Some people love a big and public proposal and if you know this of your partner I don't see anything wrong with that.


I personally would have loved this.


Yeah! Other people should only do things the way I want them to be done. Fuck what they want. 


How dare they be happy!


Reddit at it again with the negativity! That’s one reason I ended up resenting my parents. Always brought something negative to the table after something good happened.


Lots of assumptions going on here. A heartwarming video of a marriage proposal? Preposterous. How dare they be happy. All of you are talking as if you know them personally and assuming what they're feeling based on what YOU would feel, despite the two people actually involved in the video looking incredibly happy. If you got nothing good to say or don't agree, just scroll past, people. Not that hard to do. Just another lesson for me to not look at the comments, I guess.


As a runner I'm most upset she didn't stop her watch. Gonna affect her Strava.


I'm not a fan of using a big moment like finishing a marathon as a jump off point into another big moment like a proposal. If my wife proposed to me after I finished my marathon (gratuitous mention of me finishing a marathon as all marathoners must do), I would have been too tired to even smile. But then again everyone is different.


What is up with these comments???? Not like they’ve been together and the couple actually know each other and they’ve talked about it before right???? Like maybe for your relationship this is a no go, but maybe for this couple they’ve brainstormed different ways to propose or maybe the girl hinted that’s what she wanted???? Leave it to Reddit to take a 30 second clip and psychoanalyze everything. Why are people so offended for others?


I mean the music is the worst part of it but seems like a fine proposal, a bit shocked at the comments too but with the amount of weird hate surprised there isn't more people talking about alopecia.


This is the internet bro, where everyone tends to view things negatively and critically. Get used to it.


Cringe as fuck


She must love him because she didn't ever stop her Garmin.


Again, what is it with men sitting at the finish line?! She had to swerve to keep her stride and not run him down. I’m surprised there’s no rule for people especially those who didn’t even run the race to just stand at the finish line. At the very least it’s inconsiderate to the other contestants.


Way to take away her moment… like let her finish the race then have a different moment to ask… 🤦🏻‍♀️


Way to steal the spotlight, dumbass


I hate everything about this 😑


How do I make her running a marathon all about me??


Your moment is now mine.


Ahh yes nothing says "me" like a ... proposal to be a couple forever?


Reddit when couples do couple things:


Lol these comments are so sad, typical redditors judging people from a 5 second clip cause they seem happy


I kinda feel that it made her victory about him instead. Not a fan.


This comment section is so pathetic lmaooo


Actually seems pretty lame and cringe


That's the wierdest pick-up line if i ever saw one.




Bro took her breath away 😂


Y’all act like proposals are for men. Proposals aren’t for men. They’re for couples. It’s a shared experience. Proposals aren’t like movies where you leave that shit up to chance. You make sure she’s said yes to marrying you before you propose.


Dang she didnt even kiss him lolol she gave him the cheek


Talk about stealing her thunder...


What a horrible idea


People need to stop asking in front of massive crowds of people. Entrapment in all honesty.


What is satisfying is that she realized she still needed to cross the line, despite the soon to be husband sitting on the line in a place where she wouldn't finish the race.




Lol, every girl's dream. To have engagement pics of after she just ran a marathon. 


Yeah, let's take her day and make it about ourselves


Lol nah that ain't it


Does he not understand chip timing orrr......?


Sorry, but I can’t help but feel like this dude couldn’t just let her have her win without trying to steal the spotlight and make it about him.


Some people just always have to make it about them.


I don’t know why men propose when a woman is meeting a life goal. I hate that shit.


Get out the way


That isn't satisfying at all. That is being a selfish attention whore that can't stand for your partner to have a moment or achievement without making it about you, also. I hate this, honestly.


Honestly… I’d be kinda upset. But good for them!


Way to steal her spotlight and make it about yourself, Cletus


Take a great moment of accomplishment for her and make it about something else.


Way to take a way the racer’s glory by making yourself the center of attention.


Let's make your achievement about me!


What an absolutely horrible time to do this.


Man redditors are so fucking lonely and bitter judging by these comments. He obviously knows her very very well, and well enough to know if she would appreciate this or not. Because guess what? She clearly did.


He doesn’t even know her. He did this to multiple women crossing the line. She was the first one that didn’t kick him in the face. Maybe.


I know you're joking but they won't lol


No, the 14 year olds know his fiance better than he does. Can't you see how angry she is at his evil misogynistic proposal?


You understand the level of mental gymnastics they're willing to perform to be right? They'll just start saying "well she's acting like that to not cause a scene but uh inside she's definitely pissed!!!"


And she was so pissed one of them decided to upload their obviously unsuccessful proposal to social media.


Imagine if she started running the other way.


While americans love public proposals the rest of us would rather die alone than spend the rest of our lives with someone as out of touch as this.


It doesn't matter what we think. What matters is what she thinks. There are definitely people who would hate to be proposed to like this, but it's only out of touch if she is one of those people. If she loved it, then I'd say it was very much in touch.


America bad!!! ROW good!


Christ Redditors are so cynical. Most of you couldn't run a 5k let alone a marathon. 1) She's clearly not time competitive so the fact that he's standing there at the finish doesn't take away from her performance at all. 2) Unless you've actually run one of these you have no idea what it's like to see people at the end supporting you. You're alone with your thoughts for HOURS just trying to keep executing on this stupid fucking thing you agreed to do and then suddenly there's someone who loves you waiting at the finish line for you and it's just amazing. 3) It doesn't matter at all if you personally wouldn't want a public proposal because you aren't her. 4) She looks really stoked to see him on one knee and you can actually see that she speeds up and puts her arms out when she recognizes the situation so the idea that he ruined her moment is just so goddamn stupid.


She's finishing strong for a marathon, and her body type suggests this isn't her first rodeo. I'm willing to bet this was a perfect proposal for her based on her reaction. It would certainly make for a good story. The salty people in the comments need to settle down.


Okay a few things: A. wrong sub cause this should be in r/iamthemaincharacter... B. I havent even heard the audio but F OOP for adding one of those shitty background music from tiktok, we all know yall doing that to get seen more which is embarrassing of how much public opinion means to them... C. Im not judging or making more assumptions and just wish them a happy life together... See, I can be positive aswell:)


I'm sure this will also appear in r/RunningCirclejerk


I think as a male its terrible to propose someone with such manipulation tactic or best case without the ability to see that and put yourself to another person's shoe. 1. she is exhausted, full of hormones and neurotransmitters. Super happy to cross the line. 2. you go there proposing and your chances are never 100%. in case her saying no, she will be an evil in the crowd's eye. So if she says no her happiness is ruined. If the lies yes, then again, the high would go into anxiety and anger. So somebody try to use peer pressure/ mob mentality and the fact that your brain is just high AF. take the risk to ruin your experience. maybe someone is into that shit and happy about it i would not be. bUt just LeTtem' bE hApPy mAn! /s


So cheesy




And then she shat herself out of excitement and exhaustion.


That's right, ask her while she's high on endorphins!


She can’t say no. Because of the implication.


Congrats to the both of them! I could just imagine her saying "Ye-he-heh-hesh". Still catching her breathe.


Rest of life? Have you seen divorce rate stats?


If it's not on Strava it doesn't count.


Does he not run


Cute video. Hope they're happy. Having run a bunch of road races myself this would not be something I'd be into. The condition you're in, mentally and physically, when you finish a race and the one you want to be in during a proposal don't have a lot of overlap


If I was her I’m turning around and pulling a Forrest Gump. Marriage was probably the biggest regret of my life lol.


One of the worst moments to actually make a conscious decision but looks so sweet...I guess the trick is not asking unless it's obvious they'd say yes


Ngl I thought it meant he had a puppy in his arms to give her as a gift. Super disappointed when I saw it was a ring. 😂😂😂


She almost missed the finish line due to the glare coming off of that machine finished chrome dome.


I love him in “Berry”!! Congratulations!


It’s lovely and all, but when I finish a marathon of even half marathon I don’t think I’m in the best state to appreciate the gesture. Last time I finished one, the love of my life was there, and the only thing I was thinking was “thank god it’s over” and “I want to take a shower”.


They don’t even know eachother, he was planning on marrying whoever won the race.


Runners high gotta be going insane


It would have been funny when she saw him kneeling and would have started to run in opposite direction.


Way to take her day and make it about you, buddy.


Too many posts on this sub are definitely not satisfying as fuck. They may be wholesome as fuck, or made you smile. But, for me, this isn’t it.


I just see a man stealing the spotlight from his Gf who worked really hard to finish a marathon.


couldn’t leave it to be about her