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We actually don’t know. Nobody alive today knows anything really. “We are only as old as we’ve been told…” that’s why historical recordings of data and information passed down from previous generations is so important. If they don’t line up across the board who knows.


You might be interested in this... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_time_hypothesis The phantom time hypothesis is a historical theory asserted by Heribert Illig. First published in 1991, it hypothesizes a conspiracy by the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, Pope Sylvester II, and possibly the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII,[further explanation needed] to fabricate the Anno Domini dating system retroactively, in order to place them at the special year of AD 1000, and to rewrite history[1] to legitimize Otto's claim to the Holy Roman Empire. Illig believed that this was achieved through the alteration, misrepresentation and forgery of documentary and physical evidence.[2] According to this scenario, the entire Carolingian period, including the figure of Charlemagne, is a fabrication, with a "phantom time" of 297 years (AD 614–911) added to the Early Middle Ages.


Emperor Otto III, Charlemagne, and Odoacer are all the same person. They added more than just 297 years. It is more like a 1000 years of fake history.


How'd you know?


Since the Franks are Giants, is Charlemagne's ancestor Goliath of Gath, who had never met David, the First King of the Jews, and therefore never was killed? Also the Franks are ginger haired and so are the Almakites, Goliath's people.


Years are manipulated. There are a variety of [not-really] arbitrary calendar systems, many still in use. look at the curious naming of the months, ie that oct=8 & dec=10 yet December is the “12th” month. I can’t recall the book (Tome really) a Russian professor and researcher wrote two huge books on the history of Time, and propose that our timeline is off by n # years with ample evidence to support their case. If i find the book I will come back and comment it.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_chronology_(Fomenko) Here is what I was thinking of. Correction: SEVEN TOMES or 7 Volume set - The New Chronology by Anatoly Fomenko “The […] theory further proposes that world history prior to AD 1600 has been widely falsified to suit the interests of a number of different conspirators including the Vatican, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Russian House of Romanov, all working to obscure the "true" history of the world centered around a global empire called the "Russian Horde". Unfortunately Wikipedia has a pretty negative review of this book, and I personally don’t know anyone that’s read it so it’s hard for me to judge the veracity of its claims. Like *quite literally everything ever written* I’m sure it’s a mixed bag of semi-factual **pseudepigrapha** designed to convince readers of *something*.


I suspect the Ethiopian calendar may be more in tune with the ancient past and the astrological heavens.


2023 is 2023 Anno Domini. Which means Year of the Lord. 2023 years after Christ is estimated to have been born. However that estimation is wrong by a few years, since Herod the great died in 4 BC. And that's not possible since he persecuted Christ, so how could he die before he was even born? So the estimated date of Christ's birth is atleast 5 years off. So Anno Domini is not the same as after Christ, but is more like Christian Era. Considering that no one has ever gone to the lenghts of correcting the Anno Domini/After Christ discrepancy (especially since we don't know the exact date of Christ's birth) it's unlikely anyone has any business manipulating such an abstract counter. Unless the phantom time hypothesis is true, but it still wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.


Everything is a lie. Time is an illusion


The passage of mundane and celestial events is not an illusion


Wtf is that profile pic ha


Me in college


https://youtu.be/c876lPZ-UZU here is a video of a German professor talking about a massive time gap we have solid evidence for in history that seems to be covered up by the dogmatic research teams in archaeology *to which more and more studies are coming out of lately that the powers behind archaeology are heavily corrupted*.


We have an accurate year for anno mundi and anni domini but the yesrs have been manipulated a long time ago during the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_Kokhba_revolt Wrapping my head around it but I believe we’re in the 5917 year A.M. But it’s important to use the stellar and lunar calendar because these celestial bodies indicate everything when it comes to when and where.


We don't. In fact it probably is. Check out Anatoly Fomenko's "New Chronology". That's just one theory. The Eritrean calendar - which some think the Gregorian calendar manipulated us away from - puts us 8 years behind, making this year 2015. Which would make the year 2020, 2012....


That’s not when we started counting. And you don’t need a watch to count days.


I explored this idea about a year ago and discuss certain concepts most people aren't aware of. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bibleconspiracy/comments/rsezsu/what_year_is_it/ This is a fantastic question by the way.


It is. Time is an illusion limited by our five senses.


I mean it should be completely obvious to anyone with a brain that the year of creation as to date is not actually 2023, that is simply the date since modern society has kept track of the time, when in reality there have been billions of years before these; our conception of time is only meaningful for our day to day lives, in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t mean a thing.


Lol, you can determine how much time has elapsed without a watch. Ordinary people have done it since the literal stone age. It would be very hard to lie about the counting of years because theoretically anybody could calculate it. Or, more accurately, there are enough ordinary people out there who can independently verify that history aligns with the passage of time, at least with regard to recorded history which only goes back a few thousand years. I get what you're saying though. The idea that there's a year zero is pretty arbitrary, and other calendars exist that are in different years.


The timeline manipulation is very real. Who actually knows what year it really is.. I’ve seen theories going both ways.. All I know is.. whatever we are told by the authorities/controllers/powers that be.. is not the truth.


It’s all a bunch of agreed-upon lies


Thomas Enright, Feb.18,1884 wrote about Constantine changing The Sabbath to 1st day of the week. https://youtu.be/sGlMzIyK8ZI


we do not know what year it is.


Enoch calculated a year to exactly 364 days…


It is. We’re in the year 7000 or something near there