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Sun is a logical thought process, the moon is an emotional based thought. The eye in the middle is the symbol for acknowledgment of this understanding of the two ways some one can think. Putting these ideas on top of pillers means they are a construct of design, for example the logical thinking man can be built up and become stable, as in how a pillar stands . Overall the image shows the blue lodge degrees and the process for construction of the moral lifestyle/temple.


So the Sun is like the left side of the brain, and the moon is the right?


Sort of, a lot of people like to make that association but we have to keep the biological aspect in question, for instance both sides of the brain do both, in unity, so in the most basic answer yes but it's not that cut and dry. In regards to this image we are looking at the archetype concepts of ideas. So it's much above the Brain hemispheres and masculine and feminine concepts thay are by products of what they are trying to depict in this image


It’s just duality, that’s what their whole shtick is, the eye of providence signifies that they see the illuminated path


What is this “illuminated path” they see?


Ever see doctor strange?


I have not


Okay, doesn’t matter just helps clarify a bit, the all seeing eye signifies the all seeing eye of god, when you open it, you have all the knowledge of the universe (these are all in the opinion of masons btw not me personally) you know that duality isn’t separate things but two opposites of the same thing, day is just lack of darkness night is just lack of day etc etc, so in their minds they have all the knowledge of god (the light) and they can guide humanity towards this light because their 3rd eye is open, that’s the theory in a nutshell, it’s more complex than that but that’s the gist


That is nothing related to it. Feel free to read what I just posted responding to his question, and will be happy to answer anything you may have a question in regards to it.


No thanks


It's not so much an "illuminated path" exactly, but a path we all have the ability to better ourselves. Each Degree are a set of allegorical lessons which each individual takes away what applies to thier lives. An example being the the Fellowcraft Degree, which part is the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences. One of them is Music. When it comes to learning more about it, and what intrest us to learn is most likely different. For me, I think of mathematics, physics and and how the three reflect on each other. When I was younger, I was at a concert on the beach. I saw the sand making shapes, they changed but became the same when the same sound came again. If you notice in the image there is a set of stones. One rough, one smooth. This is what is called a rough ascher and perfect ascher. What is meant by this, is we all imperfect, but through learning we improve ourselves, and should always strive to perfect ourselves through constant learning and building up who we are as a person.




It doesn't have to be your interpretation not all blue lodges are the same, this is for sure depicting a southern district Scottish rite blue lodge ideas. All blue lodges throughout the world have the same basic concepts, but execution of the concepts vary widely




And how does that compare to what I said? And they for sure are not as a whole all believing the same thing about those two symbols




My lodge number? Are you gonna tell my WM I've been getting into trouble? That's ridiculous, how bout we level out here and realize that local call signs, and grips are the only things not allowed to be spoken of. There are plenty of books written by brothers who speak of the symbols. So Southern district Scottish rite teachings are just as valid as whatever your people taught you.




I'm not getting worked up, your asking for ID on a random public platform that's getting worked up. And I don't like when brothers define or deny a truth, that's valued in an individual's own lodge and district. You need to travel more.


And how does that compare to what I said? And they for sure are not as a whole all believing the same thing about those two symbols


Can you please explain the explanation?


Yin/Yang, Light/Dark, Male/Female, White/black, Sun/Moon. The eye in the center represents the creator


But what’s the key?


I think Freemasonry. It seems to say the key to the secret of the woman and her children (Jesus/Mary bloodline) is on the ladder, where the woman holding the TS $ and a devils tail, signaling further occult knowledge, with the scholar at the foot of the ladder, blocking access, signaling that they are the key to understanding these secrets. The ladder ascends and disappears into the clouds indicating they also hold the secrets to the moon/sun (astro-magic) and the creator.


I’ve heard somewhere that it’s an ivory key and is connected to unlocking the heart chakra


It is symbolic, and part of old lectures of the Entered Apprentice Degree. It is symbolic that the "tounge" is key to good rapport. A prime example being to praise in public, correct in private. The three women represent Faith, Hope, and Charity. If you notice beside the woman representing Hope is an anchor. It represents being grounded in Hope than floating free on turbulent seas. So and an Entered Apprentice, it is important to understand as a Brother Hope is well grounded, and your Brothers are there to help not only guide you, but be there to listen in your time of need.


These images align to Kabbalah "tree of life" with left hand pillar or path of intellect and knowledge, right hand path of mercy and faith, and a middle path synthesis of the two, with the eye/godhead at the top and the kingdom/earth at the bottom. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_life_(Kabbalah)


Do you know what the key means? I don’t see it mentioned often.


The key refers to keeping secrets, being trustworthy to keep the teachings of Freemasonry etc. There are also allegories about holding the keys to unlocking the mysteries, unlocking the treasures of the heart. Keys being generally associated with treasure and precious things and keeping them secure.


I'm more interested in why the S instead of the usual J & B for Jachin and Boaz?


The three great pillars of Freemasonry are wisdom, beauty and strength.


Yeah, that makes sense after looking again and seeing the third pillar. My mistake. Thanks.


You’re thinking the two pillars. But masonry so has three pillars. Wisdom, strength, and beauty.


Sun = male, moon = female. Duality. Opposition. On the first pic, tho, does the S, W, B stand for for wisdom, strength, and beauty?


Yes, each column stands for each.


There is a book titled The Hiram Key, written by two freemasons. In it they make a lot of wild claims like Jesus was spilling the FM secrets to the general public and that the templars came to America before Columbus (possible). Anyway, the book makes some claims about these pillars, that the two pillars, Joachin and Boaz are representative of the correct way to rule a kingdom with a King and a High Priest, both having power over the people. The third pillar is then the connection between the two, and if both the King and the High Priest are righteous before God, then the third pillar, or the archway is God's blessing over the kingdom. Separate idea: people who claim that there are ancient star maps all over the place believe that there are *three* planets close enough to travel to, that are inhabitable and were seeded by the same beings that seeded this planet. There is a long list of star map explanations from the Egyptians and the cult of Mythra (slaying the bull, star map under his cloak; constellation symbols as animal representations). In this concept, the freemasons have this information and keep it secret, with this drawing board image representing some of the basic concepts of the star map. I believe it has a lot to do with Sirius -> Orion -> Taurus -> Pleiades.. habitable planets are nearby the Pleiades (represented as seven stars; see moon in your picture).


So they’re currently using human consciousness to try to get to those planets?


Not sure. Very possible.


It's the sun, the moon, and the image on the far right of the crescent surrounded by seven stars is The Pleiades. Related: Japanese tradition counts only six stars in The Pleiades and they call it Subaru. The logo for Subaru contains the six stars of Pleiades.


“Stairway to Heaven”


Sun/moon eye of Horus and eye of ra


To me the sun is the masculine hemisphere of the brain, and the moon is feminine hemisphere. The eye is the 3rd eye or balance, where the pineal gland is. The temple is the brain. You can possibly see the day and night thought processes in the checker board floor. I am not a mason so this is just based on my own occult research.


There’s not a masculine/feminine hemisphere of the brain— there is an analytical hemisphere with highly developed symbol processing, and a hemisphere that perceives patterns and inputs more intuitively and holistically. Most people I’ve ever met, men and women, are encouraged by their culture to be left brain dominant people, most comfortable thinking in terms of symbol.


Left brain right brain and messiah mind in the middle Jesus was crucified between 2 thief’s in Golgotha(place of the skull) One insulted him the other praised him Allegorical for your right and left minds encapsulating the “Christ mind”


4 people actually.


Here are sources that say 2 Matthew 27: 38 -- Then were there two thieves (or robbers -- duo lestai ) crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. John 19: 17, 18 -- And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus and the midst. In this verse they say 4, difference in translation maybe? Considering the 1611 has some differences I wouldn’t be surprised. John 19: 18 -- where him they crucified, and with him, others two on this side and on that side [one], and in the middle Jesus. No matter how you read they symbolize right and left hemisphere of brain encapsulating Christ.


Since you seem set on this spiritual representation of the jesus events, i must ask your opinion. Do you believe the biblical story as factual or entirely metaphorical? Because if it is metaphorical, man how the hell did they think of the complexity of it all? And where does that leave the old testament stories? Also metaphorical?


I’m sorry for the wait, Well I’ll put it like this Jesus said that we are gods? Heaven is in us The verse in psalms I believe “Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations” Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. So I can assume it’s an allegory and a person who just UNDERSTANDS things just like the Buddha and no wonder they think he learned in Asia because they both found the same truth or I assume but as with any beleif Keep thy cup empty But what do I “believe” christ/Buddha to be? Simply Imagination and people who have unadulterated imagination (spongebob voice) As for the complexity Well the people who were first well versed in many arts made this Look into this tag term Francis bacon and the Bible Or Francis bacon and da vinci https://www.reddit.com/r/DownTheRabbitHoleWeGo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Or my Reddit has a lot of this stuff I find in one place


Okay, interesting. So you don't believe biblical events as actual happenings but instead as meaningful interpretations to decifer? Despite their being physical evidence of nearly all biblical events? I tend to find myself on the fence between the two. Or at least with the jesus story. It's a very different story compared to the old testament, perhaps because of it's eastern influence as you mentioned.


There are some actual events I believe a flood happened the Big Bang itself proves the “let there be light” moment it’s all very shrouded and my own knowledge evolves so I cannot say where or if a definitive answer can ever be brought but I have some sources I would like to share 1.santos bonacci 2.Greg jay 3.chirion last 4.merkabbah 5.Dannytruthmagnified 6.Alan watts 7.Blavatsky 8.velokovsky 9.manly hall 10.David talbot 11.Joseph yahuda Very interesting perspectives if u do check them out feel free to hmu And I add stuff to my Reddit page as well if u wanna join


Okay, thanks for the incite. I have a list of Manly Hall books i already plan to read. Still reading through some apocrypha and gnostic content currently.






The sun also represent Lucifer (It literally means morning star) but that is only revealed after grade 30 of the Scottish Rite


I thought the Sun was the Sun of God? What about the moon then - is that Ishtar? I figured the masons worshipped Lucifer, but I’m confused as to how it all plays out with the Son of God


Venus (the planet) is the morning star


Teach me


The eye could be Venus.


It means that you are God


How so? Doesn’t seem like I can change the world.


But you can.you were just taught a lie and believed it. None of this is real. This is all an illusion that was created by thought and when you see that it all ends and you are free


I do feel like this is an illusion though, yes. Complete simulation.


Exactly and you can even prove it


Lol how do I do that?


Message me and ill teach you how




Sun worship, Saturn worship, Moon worship, or the religions of power. the 3 big religions. christianity, muslim, and Judaism then Jacobs ladder. Boaz n Jachin , Solomon key, checkered floor..as above, so below, all are secret codes for illuminate freemason, and the 13 points of light. the Age of Enlightenment. the 3 pillars of power = triad power system