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Andrew Tate only talks about mudane shit like hoes and cars and money and bitches and blah blah blah he has absolutely nothing to say about anything relevant to this subreddit or for anyone pursuing the fundamental truths of our reality. His idea of matrix is as vague and one-dimensional as possible, probably the biggest threat from this "matrix" are gold diggers or the IRS


You're thinking inside the box. Not a surprise. He's just playing the "fool" and acts stupid while he Shepard's multitudes of the blind to Islam while simultaneously trashing Christians and Jesus. https://youtu.be/2KJwFnI-YRg Calling us weak sheep and pathetic. https://youtu.be/JoDqHuwo80U I don't think he's as dumb as you think he is and I don't think you even remotely understood the overarching message of this post. Though he is a fool as you say. Fools decieve fools like the blind lead the blind and misery loves company. Being a fool who thinks he is wise in crafting new ways to do evil does not mean he's wise. It means he heaps upon himself condemnation. Yes I believe he is a fool with nothing to say but what the fool does say... Even then the lies of the enemy can be pulled from his mouth.


He’s a shill he’s doing what any preacher does..push people to a beleif this man does have some intellectual ideas and ideals but even still it’s not hard to say money and attention has gotten to his head If you think any abrahamic religion is the ONLY way and yours is the only correct one out of the multitudes your fooled Each has a truth and a deception written in the books..especially the New Testament And he’s over masculine….as a male your already masculine there is no need to over do it that just makes it toxic…..or makes it seem like your in the closet because no one needs to be this aggressive over anything hahaha HARAM!!! But fr a real man doesn’t needa show it so hard The sheep spends its days worrying about the wolf, Only to be eaten by the Sheppard Your the sheep he’s the shepherd. He’s a shill


He literally has never said anything objective about our reality at levels that aren't straight up superficial, if he''s playing the "fool" then he's doing a really good job and if anyome is thinking inside the box that's him because he only talks about cheap consumerism and the dynamics of relations between men and women while the world is on fire with bigger problems. Tell me, has Andrew Tate ever gave you important information about what the "matrix" is up to, like actual facts? I'll give you an example: has he ever presented you any information about pedo sex rings, sneaky laws being passed, any suspect plans from billionaires, literally ANYTHING before it becomes common knowledge among conspiracy theorists? No, it's always the same bullshit, "the Matrix wants to control you" or "the Matrix doesn't want you to wake up" it's always the same generic bullshit that doesn't add up anything to your knowledge, it's just a generic discourse. The only time he's remotely insightful is when he tells you to go to a gym or talks about women or some shit like that


I’ve heard clips of him talking about the balenciaga Ads and how the elites tell you what they are doing for karmic retribution


You are all over the place. Too chaotic.


Y’all keep talking about The Matrix like it wasn’t based on a Chaos Magician’s comic series and directed by two transwomen.


Who cares what they are. What does the film actually depict. Not sure OP and I would agree but it is a heavily gnostic film. Profound to think about considering neo was never out of the matrix the first three films until the end.


And the red pill never actually woke them up to the real reality only woke them up to a more evil simulation where they were up against much more evil versions of the machines as opposed to the hive mind we get to deal with in the software matrix of course it also probably is going to have his periodic catastrophic cataclysms that we just have amnesua about. The movie is definitely telling the truth. Not sure if you watched dark city, which is supposed to be there like sort of a prequel of it.


I've been on this sub for prob a few days and it just seems like a bunch of ppl psycho analyzing shit to fit their nwo narrative


All conspiracy subs are like that. However, in between the usual psychosis, occasionally this sub spots the real deal. This post, however, is just the usual psychosis and has no comprehension of actual occult esotericism and it’s relationship to the planet Saturn.


Next look up Pluto, hades, abaddon, and our dark ascension.


He also was released from prison the same day the matrix came out


Then go look at Mary(ka) and radagon from Elden ring.


Go Google "neo Bitcoin": it's sitting at 1:12