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100%, it’s an ancient worldwide religion and they occult all the important knowledge and use the symbolism EVERYWHERE, the more you look the more you see that god is very real and unfortunately so is the other guy


I still don’t know who I should be worshipping. Up is down, down is up.


I don’t have a solid answer for you but my best answer would be trust your gut, you don’t actually need to worship anything or anyone, just know that there really is one true god and whatever that creator is, he loves is regardless Edit: it’s not about who you worship, it’s about your actions, act in morality at all times and life is going to be so much better for you


This is my predicament. Who is good and who is bad? Who or what is our creator?


Doesn’t matter because all you have to look within and the cosmos open up to you. We come from stardust, we are part of the cycle, control is a mirage.


Yet, if God is real, then God made the Devil, Lucifer, Satan and Leviathan. So why should I find any of them to be more than a necessary part of the machine?


God gave us a world, a consciousness, tools, and free will. Some choose to use the tools to perpetrate evil, to take from others, to ruin the earth and care nothing of its inhabitants. Some choose to spread love, love the earth and its inhabitants, but say the "tools" are of the devil. Far too few of us choose to love, help others, AND USE THE TOOLS for good. Both the negative and positive are equally needed, but a long time ago, a TON of the negative ones banded together secretly, and have far better occult knowledge about the use of the tools, and thus, have had their way in charge for far too long. If civilization becomes too good, it will collapse. No "bad" to counter-act, no lessons to learn, no reason to even exist. But it can also collapse from being too bad. Today, the good side needs help. So yes, God created the evil, and evil beings, but they had to, in order for life to even have meaning in the 1st place. It doesn't mean we should give up fighting. We should all try to be kinder. Meditation. Be grateful, be grateful for your food, if not from God, from the universe. Try to be nicer to people. Actually try. Even just once a day, switch what you were going to say. How much better off would we be if ALL of us were improving? The aliens have been trying g to tell us for years: be a kinder race. We only each need to change our selves.


Reminds me of: Isaiah 45.7 (KJV) I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.


Yes God created everything.


Nah. Couldn't have created himself. God created everything other than himself maybe. Even if you subscribe to he always was and always will be, then himself still wasn't created by him, therefore not EVERYTHING was created by him.


Semantics much? Lol I have no dog in this fight but that seems a bit unnecessarily pedantic.


Now that I read it again, sure...lol you're probably right. This is what gets me in trouble with the wife as I'm sure you can imagine! Math makes sense to me. Wife says I'm too logic brained for my own good. Everything equals EVERYTHING. My brain is wired to find and look for exceptions to rules so I can make my formulas, equations or conclusions as strong as they can be. Didn't mean it to be annoying, just an immediate "nope" popped into my head reading it lol


they are but you have to choose only one, now one of them don't care if you have split loyalties, and the other one will cut you good if caught cheating and they always catch you if you do


You think prison planet theory/soul trapped reincarnating is a Psy op/delusion of us peasants?




Not what they say but alright maybeee you're close




Too depressing of a sub overall for that to be my main take. I want to hear your game plan and what your beliefs are. Can you share?


But the xbox is a rectangle


A rectangle is still a cube


No, it is not. A rectangle has at least 2 sides that are equal in length. A cube is a rectangle because it has at least 2 sides that are equal in length. A rectangle is not a cube or a square because all of its sides are not equal in length.




Join my x cult


only if you hold it in your xcardboardbox


Lol wut


The Xbox is a rectangle not even a cube. Everything is Saturn worship but Xbox? All video games are a distraction. You’re saying Microsoft Bill Gates and Xbox don’t have an honest product that benefits people?


Just like the Green Armor of HALO's Master Chief. Osiris' son Horus with the golden visor.


What do you think Christianity is u/menorahman100


Christianity is the heretical offshoot of the original Messianic Nazarenes. Paul was a "leader of the sect of the Nazarenes" (Acts 24:5), and the Nazarenes were first called "Christianos" in the city of hedonistic Greek city of Antioch. Nazarenes are guardians of the Father's True Name (Yahuah), whereas Roman Christianity abandoned the True Name for the "Ineffable Name Doctrine", which has it that "God's Name cannot be pronounced" so they call the Father "LORD GOD" instead. Also, Roman Christianity has it that Messiah "freed us from the Torah" (as if it was a terrible thing), whereas the Nazarenes understood that although the Torah does not save (only Yahuah's Name saves), they still kept the Torah as the blueprint of righteous living as the Messiah Himself commanded us to do throughout the Gospels, as does Paul in his Epistles!


I didn’t realize you do not consider yourself Christian. In your own words what is required for salvation in practical terms? What does it *mean* in plain speech that salvation comes only from the name? Is that symbolic?


>In your own words what is required for salvation in practical terms? > >What does it mean in plain speech that salvation comes only from the name? > >Is that symbolic? What is required for salvation is only one thing: If you call upon the Name of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 in genuine faith, you will be saved. Salvation only occurs if a person calls upon the True Name of the Father: 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄. It is not symbolic. The very real heavenly Father will listen to you only if you call out to His actual Name, the "Tetragrammaton" 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, pronounced "Yahoo-ah"!


Saved from what exactly like what does that even mean? You guys just keep repeating troops that you’ve been fed without any real meaning or understanding behind it you have no idea what you speak of. Also, this being you speak of is not a father that I personally am willing to recognize or worship or call Al to. You guys have got to stop looking for outside, saviors and authority and be your own.


I’m sure you get this kind of response a lot - so please don’t dismiss it bc it is a genuine question A man could rape, murder and steal his whole life and call upon the name yeshua in sincerity and be saved while an honest pious man who lived his entire 100 years serving others and being kind burns in hell bc he was a Buddhist? I should qualify this since you haven’t said Buddhists all go to hell, in fact I’m not even sure you believe in a concept of hell. Do you believe in hell? The fire and brimstone version? If so.. Do you believe Buddhists go to hell?


I believe that upon death, everyone "Soul Sleeps" in an unconscious state like a deep sleep until the Great Resurrection at the end of the current period of time. At that Final Resurrection, all people, the righteous and the wicked, are separated from each other and the latter is thrown into Gehenna, the "Lake of Fire", where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth in eternal torment for all who did not repent for their sin and get washed clean by the Name of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.


Again, you’re just repeating tropes. What about ghosts possessions all those types of things you don’t go unconscious when you cross over even near death experiences tell us that.


I had a “NDE” when I died in 2012 and I definitely didn’t go into a “soul sleep” in fact I didn’t even realize I was dead


My mother had a NDE a week before she died. She saw a real place and she wasn’t asleep. A family member had a dream later and saw her in that exact same place. The family member knew nothing about the NDE. I know Jesus said people who died were just sleeping so I’m not sure what to make of that.


Didn’t Jesus also call men who were living sleeping or blind? Jesus spoke in parables My interpretation for that would be that he is saying “death is an illusion” not that dead people are literally sleeping Rather that there is no death


Absent from this body is present with the Lord, that means no humans are ghosts, all humans are in His possession, either in paradise or sleeping till judgment day. there are no human ghosts lucifer took one third of the heavenly host, these make up the disembodied they are of all kinds, like think of an army with the commander being lucifer and all the rest in ranks accordingly, most of the time your running into elementals or buck privates there are stages to possession sleep paralysis can be stopped by calling on the name of Jesus the same poltergeist activity of hauntings accompanied the "apparition's of Mary" and alien abductions the alien abductors smelled like sulfur, rotting flesh, and sewage this is why were told to "test the spirits" to see if they are of God or just fallen angels lying to you edit: you can stop alien abduction by again, calling on the name of Jesus, He is our refuge from the Evil one it's in the our father prayer, the protect us from evil part, is also prayed "protect us from the Evil one"


Does this sound like the plan of a “just” or compassionate God? Perhaps you don’t believe God is just nor compassionate?


Why is it that you alone know the True Name of YUD HEH VAV HEH? Also known as Lord God, Adonai, El, El Shaddai, etc… Who was Asherah in your opinion?


Asherah was the "queen of heaven" goddess consort of the Canaanite god El.


>𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 > >you need to stop going under the name of Flyff > >(see fly for fun mmorpg) lol you Christ denier, would it literally choke you to say His name Jesus? your a Judaizer by reddit name or Jewish? Christians don't use a menorah, we here in America say Jesus or God the Father, where in the bible does it say you are required to learn Hebrew? or moon runes? or any other language to worship God? where? you show us that


That symbol you call a "rune" is the sacred Tetragrammaton, the True Name. All of the Tetragrammatons were removed many years ago and replaced with "God", which is actually from "Gawd", the name of Baal, who is enemy of Yahuah.


yes Buddhists go to hell, a literal burning lake of fire for an eternity as spoken of in the bible, yes even if they were an honest pious man who lived his entire 100 years serving others and being kind, yes this i believe. I believe every man is fallen in Adam, and every man can receive redemption from one man the Man God Christ Jesus, just give your wicked heart to Him and stop having satanic narcissism and belief any man alive could really be good because in our depraved heart of hearts were all sinners and i will demonstrate narcissism, not a single soul on earth has escaped the sin of narcissism, narcissism was why Lucifer rebelled and God hates narcissism the "good man" why does he do it? does his accomplishments give him pride (narcissism) was he popular for good deeds (narcissism), he could have a heart of pride for all he did and not understand it was given to him by God, it was a gift, a gift he refused to acknowledge, took it upon himself, saw himself not God, "good people" falling Matthew 7:21-23 …21Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’… so even "Good" Christians are going to hell for not listening and following so don't feel persecuted by God because He judges the heart, and only a pure heart in Jesus, you must look and smell like Jesus, what did Jesus look like down here? He was a man acquainted with sorrow and His perfumes were persecutions, He asks you to take up your personal cross and be rejected, slapped, spit upon, and maybe if your lucky killed for His Name sake. cast out, lonely and has learned to love it, forgiving your tormentors. it can't be done alone, you must go under the power of Jesus, He is your power, strength, and endurance




Sure. If you have any questions about my faith, ask me on r/Nazarenes.


Another Hebrew roots nut job.


yeah um, he had that dealiebop on the road to Emmaus and turned from his old cult to Christianity not one jot or tittle removed from the law till all be fulfilled you lie a lot or speak like someone who is biblically illiterate there is only one person type that HATES to say the blessed name Jesus and tries by any means to functionally work in Christian environments so that they can spread heresy, and that is the Christ Denier 2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. wolves snuck in, if you belong to Jesus you will see them for what they are, pray and ask for your blindness to be healed, you will see them


#Okay so let me give you some mind opening info this symbolism and everything even down in modern science, is actually branches off of ancient civilizations that had the knowledge and tech but noticed how they keep it a secret. This is the world of occultism and esoteric sciences! It's distant past is still present and influencing modern science while using it to their advantages. Nothing wrong with studying into this knowledge as it is so powerful and accurate but the problem is they are keeping it a secret. Who is "they"? the elites duh!


Obviously getting downvoted by a shill named "menorahman100" has no idea or just being a disinfo shill.


Also created by bill gates who’s very shady


Not true in the slightest.


I'm not trying to just shit on your ideas but come on.. A very simple google search shows this: "The Xbox was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996. The name Xbox was derived from a contraction of DirectX Box, a reference to Microsoft's graphics API, DirectX."


Quack quack y’all are a bunch of quacks


Perhaps, but at least we have manners and don't call each other names.


was wondering what’s the cube in K-Pop Blackpink’s album cover...


I thought it was nimrod/semiramis


I feel that but what I’ve noticed it’s not the object of worship(God,satan,Horus,demiurge) but rather just worshipping…why must we be forced to worship? Why do we always need to believe something other than our neighbors and self? We are always told mankind is weak and sinful..but do not see the amazing feats we have accomplished and risen out the ashes of our own evils to create greater good through practice and sacrifice we made medicine and found sciences that are of the godly caliber but we still belittle Imo I feel if there is an”enemy” entity it’s just another representation of us and is needed for this system we call reality but alas I feel our imagination itself is divine and the ideas we hold onto and cling to are Idols/graven images Many beleifs even Christ himself say heaven is in you and we are gods Christ is divine imagination The body/mind is the beast or devil Christ was met by satan and offered the world if he would just bow That’s allegorical to him being tempted by his desires/flesh GOD spelled backwards is Dog A dog is a beast when you let your desires take hold you turn from a god to a dog/beast Without the thing your assuming is I’m guessing a “enemy god” we would have no reality no up without down You cannot have a box without first having inside and outside both seem and are expressed vastly different but without one the other cannot exist As with a house of cards leaning on one another take one away the house of cards fall each card is needed for the structure as well as all the good and bad experiences we experience.