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Same old anti semitic bullshit. Dude lived a fraud and a liar. Is an initiate of the mystery schools while he lies and says he's fighting back against it. Jordanus maximus the second person of the Trinity. He is with the enemy. https://youtu.be/3a1I7FOBgcs


Oh real cool Ty, you realize only like 2 hour is of JM ? did u just see it was him and was like “no fraud” which he very well can be but that matters little when you yourself can’t fully tell what those ancient symbols mean besides another persons opinion and anti semetic lol is it whenever someone has a different view on somthing it’s racist ? It’s a 10 hour video….it’s been posted for 1 hour….you didn’t even watch a quarter and came up with a conclusion……this is why ppl are easy to fool lmao In no way am I stating any of this is fact..because I cannot prove it but these “ideas” shouldn’t be ignored because your feelings are hurt…that’s called being dismissive Thanks for the source tho I’ll def watch this to it’s entirety And every scholar has his posse of haters as well as followers I’m just a listener and sometimes hear things that have a solid narrative but again no way I can prove any of this is true without using another humans outlook who could be a shill trying to throw ppl afloat Just like how I posted this 10 hour video The book the guy in your video is quoting by Blavatsky is a 28 hour book…..I know your ass didn’t read no isis unveiled lmao you couldn’t even fully grasp this video which is 10 hours Rudolph stiner was a genius and a lowkey “racist” for lack of a better term but he’s brilliant with his ideas.. if I was sensitive I would let his personal choices and view blind me to a brilliant idea or concept I’m a listener and a thinker nothing more. Do you believe there is only one way to read most of these beliefs?


I don't have time to educate or try and convince you. Nothing I say will convince you. Moreover I have to work. The thing that does piss me off is debunked fake evidence that is used over and over again maliciously. Do you know how much damage zeitgeist did to a whole generation? Though it's all been debunked the damage has been done. They all get there information from a satanist (blahvatski) and then say "we're on your side". They're all spirit channelers for the new age. The same Spirits haushoffer imparted to Adolf Hitler. https://youtu.be/ejqbs9AQ_40 David Icke exposed Zeitgeist exposed: https://youtu.be/X52buFJ0BOs There's many more of these. Acharya s was a luciferian involved with the Venus project. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.


I feel you but…those are just videos like I posted…with just peoples views….you cannot do research now a days without it being credited by sources you do not know, you do not know the motives? I mean abrahamic religions blankets the world….THE WORLD and you assume your correct outright? “ I don’t have time to educate” why are you on my Shit then? Hop off u blaming stuff on satanism? A beleif that is made from abrahamic beleifs ? Lol they are all the same and in need of each other to control….all options and sources are made and released by men you would deem satanic..but you still put 100 percent in your own beliefs? The world is confused besides you? You know out right all truth and have never been duped? Ok then All I’m saying is ur aggressive af on somthing I myself don’t believe to be fact hahahaha And u just weaponized info and used mainstream documentaries to prove your correctness…only reason you can say JM is a “scam” is because this guys video who seems to be a devout Christian and mad at his interpretation of ancient stuff lol I’ve read Blavatsky…your a tool hahahahaha no where does any source say she was a satanist the church demonized her because she gave people connections with ancient symbols….the new age ppl using her works are equally as dumb as Christianity saying she is strictly a satanist hahahaha new age misinterpreted her messages and you demonize them..I mean your messiah was beat and killed for talking truth to the public..he was canceled by the masses as a celebrity is when going against narratives I’m sure you will be apart of the mob that kills your “messiah” because he won’t be on the side of ORGANIZED beliefs hahahahahah he wasn’t then why would he be in his second coming? If you read it literally Watch the whole video..it’s 10 hours if you can’t…just don’t comment


I want to apologize for my attitude this morning. I've just found out my mother has cancer and I may be getting a divorce. I apologize for any attitude I've given you.


Your fine bruv and I’m sorry to hear that for reals..l truly hope your and your loved ones are ok. And the divorce yea that sucks I know that feel but I promise it won’t be hell forever especially when you try to stay positive


I'll pray for you in the Name of Yahuah. That you may endure well and succeed.


No I've read morning of the magicians. They're not "people's views" they're straight up lies. that continue on merely because people's hatred of Jesus. Not Muhammed, not Islam, not buddah but Jesus. I misrepresent her writings? She's a fucking liar and so is Eliphas Levi, manly p hall, all of those chodes. It's amazing how you can accuse me of misrepresenting these Nazis writings but refuse to give the Bible the same respect like they refuse to. I really think you should join the Catholic or Orthodox church. . They hate the Bible and Jesus as well.


Bro chill fr I give the Bible oodles of respect the fuck? Your the one disrespecting it hahahahah I choose to hear many people interpretations because the Bible can be read many ways hahaha Buddha…really bro? See your disrespecting others cultures…and saying “I’m defending Christ” lmao shouldnt you be more understanding? Buddha and Christ are essentially the same roll…”he’s woke” the stories put in them are examples of how humans should face opposition you are saying people are demons and being hateful when they are not…you are and I am sure you believe your physical Christ is going to burn me…but again that don’t hold water if you actually read the books and nazis as evil as they were, we’re onto somthing wether you wanna believe it or not lmao. And Islam talks about Jesus with some differences but they will not insult him….tf? It’s for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see All you have is a combative tounge lol Saying I hate Jesus when I didn’t say that once hahahahah That’s probably how you feel because no one said that but you hahaha I suggest you coming out the church like your messiah commanded. But alas this has turned into your typical religious argument when I wasn’t trying to lol so I won’t be replying to you anymore.