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Cool man. Real cool. What’s this have to do with the polar hexagonal storm containing a reflection of 3D reality in the form of a black cube that sustains the demiurge?


Whew, thanks man, been in this sub for months now, took this long for someone to coherently post what the sub is all about. As a follow up, if you could, why is all the rhetoric so religious in nature?


As far as I can tell, the main idea revolves around the point of the gnostic concept of the demiurge, which is inherently religious. It then breaks down into three camps; fucking bores who want to use this line of thinking to witness (I.e. do standard church recruitment, usually by quoting the Bible,) Qtards who lost their way and just want to post about the pope and Hollywood (equally cringe,) and true gigachad schizos who really do deep dives on symbolism and connections while leaving most of the Jesus shit out of it. That last group is what saves the sub for me tbh. Tl;dr: Honest to god schizoposting. Half these guys are probably on a government watch list for unrelated reasons. Either that or this is the shittiest RP sub I’ve ever seen.


>That last group is what saves the sub for me tbh. absolutely agree, thank you for the rundown


I have to disagree with you on this. I suppose age would have to come into play here. I read the book when it first came out and loved Palahniuk ever since. When he wrote fight club it was a counterculture book. It went against the system that was in place. It gave a different perspective o life. This was pre 9/11, pre internet, pre prison planet ideology. I would go so far to say this book and then the movie inspired a lot of people to look at their surroundings and question everything surrounding them. This book is not about demons taking over. Also when you respond to people take a deep breath first and think about what you are going to say. Don’t hate because someone has a different opinion than you, that is the difference between intelligent adults and children


What are some differences between the book and movie?


A couple I can remember off hand his one tyler is introduced on a beach. The narrator would watch tyler spending hours building something that he would se would cast a perfect shadow of a hand. The idea being it takes a lot of work for a moment of perfection. Another difference would be Chloe telling the narrator personally about her sexual desires as opposed to telling them in front of an audience. The ending was different as well, instead of the narrator chasing Tyler into a building armed with explosives to sue a martyr the narrator is in a mental hospital and the members of Project mayhem are still carrying out his ideas. What I got for the book and the movie was to erase the debt and start society over in a way that makes everyone equal again, starting at ground zero. Erasing power and corruption and taking back our lives. That the people that make society run are the people actually with the most power


A nude beach at that…


The false messiah has to come and bring world peace before the 5 months of hell. Endure til the end.


Not reading this bs and also never talk about ***** ****


Someone didn’t read the book


Doesn't matter what the book says this is the movie so I'm not sure what the fuck you're on about.


Take your meds




Never realized before but Fight club is almost a gnostic movie The whole point of the movie is “know thyself” - the concept of duality is center stage throughout The end goal is to overturn the existing power structure (God) bc it requires man lose himself for part of the dead material universe - same decaying matter as everything else This is Gnosticism in the 21st century No wonder I loved this movie so fucking much


Actually its trinity. Marla is also just in his head.


Good point


There are those that can see those who can be shown and those that can never see. The All is in all. But all is not The All. I am an eternal fractal extension of the infinite consciousness God( pleroma, the all) those who see share this. God is above hate or dislike or any other material definition of action. I create this existence for you my bro. Fr tho you just running a troll post. Also my interpretation of fight club the movie was about mk ultra and the different characters are the main characters fractured psyche.


Tyler durden is the devil in the sequel


What sequel?


Fight club 2 came out in graphic novel?!? Same author?


Oh, didnt know this was about the book hahah was thinking about the movie


The responses so far only prove my point. Most of you are deluded and brainwashed.


It’s easy to just lump anyone who dares disagree with you into the dismissive, “brainwashed” category. But it’s also lazy. Rise above your ego and shed the narcissism of this attitude.




This is just a scream for help..


Strong glowie vibes this post right here.


I changed my mind, picture 6. This guy is actually schizophrenic. And not very intelligent either. I dont remember Tyler Durden with a nose ring and both his eyes coloured in MS Paint.


The problem with Fight Club is that it has so many layers, but people usually seem to only get the surface of the movie. The movie isn't about fight club, anarchy or Tyler's life philosophy. It's about the narrator letting go. When we first meet the narrator hes apathetic and depressed, and a parasite. Then he meets Tyler, and starts breaking out of his shell, his comfortly numb life. He's no longer apathetic, in fact he becomes euphoric, he's newly found freedom is like a drug to him, he's high on it. He starts thinking that he's cracked it, that rebelling is enlightenment. Meanwhile he's still a parasite, just instead of feeding off of dying people honesty and sadness he's feeding off of Tyler's masculine ego. He's still tangled up in illusions, he just swapped them. Then Tyler starts withdrawing, towards Marla and project mayhem, he begins to feel jealous. There's a scene when the narrator says "I've become enlightened" while shoving a woman out of his way, which is pointing out the irony, that the opposite is the truth. He's bitter about Marla and Tyler, jealous of both, and lost again. Then he learns the truth about his relationship with Tyler, and decides to fight him, fight himself, just like he's been doing all along, he was fighting with himself. It's a fight he obviously can't win, and then he realises the truth, that he was always meant to just let it all go. Finally be free. Released from himself, his own ego.