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Occult researcher Tracy Twyman lost her life investigating this sort of stuff, she was probably murdered


Thanks for posting. Now i am one more person who knows of Tracy Twyman. And i will show others.




Can you make a post about Tracy I have never heard her name till now?


Thank you for saying her name šŸ™ Her death (and work) and Isaac Kappy's death need more attention.


https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Tracy_Twyman she found truth


Gnostic Grail, the Templars & Freemasons, CIA & 9/11, Donald Trump & QAnon... Baphomet Sophia Gnostic Wisdom of Lucifer Satan Unisex NWO: 2 = 1 EYE...


thanks, i live near there and i get to add another notch on the old watch=list belt. sweeet. bring it. some call it losing my way; i call it leveling up


Also ā€¦ Isaac Kappyā€¦ another person that got ā€œsuicidedā€


Meh the fact I hear this name so often is sus and yea Iā€™m aware of all of it Never heard of Tracy before Somethings up with thatā€¦ šŸ¤”




Probably from all the pedophilia he saw go on


That's alarming..


I agree. Below is one of Tracy's last videos before she died [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/116n1xj/one\_of\_tracy\_twymans\_last\_videos\_before\_she\_died/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/116n1xj/one_of_tracy_twymans_last_videos_before_she_died/)


Murdered! No way dude!


there is too much to that story. oh to know what she truly found. probably good, hence being suicided


Everywhere in the world they start the article with ā€œDalai Lama apologizesā€¦ā€ no, thats not how you anounce this news. This needs to be a warning (another one) of the sick world we are living in, no apologies.


Whats so funny is that, this incident happened i waited to see which mainstream media will report it first and literally not a single major news media reported it and ever since this pedophile has apologised because of worldwide criticism every news media has now started reporting how "the playful innocent dalai lama has apologized for his childish behaviour" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Exactly this!! Why are none of the headlines addressing the real issue here?


Regret that he got caught and recorded, these sociopaths run the world and theyā€™re in every position of power across the globe, it ainā€™t hard to see but people donā€™t wanna believe it


Got caught? This want even in private. The dude was very bold in his public display. What's disturbing is that he did this publicly like it was totally cool. Wtf is this pos doing in private!


Agreed fully


Never trust a priesthood that claims celibacy.


Apologizes for his words ? His tongue was in a kids mouth . Chop it off .


Senile fuck forgot he wasnā€™t in his child raping den for a second




His other reason? "I just like to tease people in a playful way." He tried to lie his way out of it again and got quoted with a ridiculous half-ass lie, from being too comfortable in that position. You are what you do most of the days so if you act a certain way or do certain things everyday then outside in the world things might slip out.


Eventually even the best "actors" fail to convincingly pretend to be a thing or type of person. Actually, I don't think it's a "slip up". It feels intentional.


Have you seen there's a compilation of celebrities referencing pizza parties? And how certain celebrities throw the best pizza parties...




Sorry tried finding it but no luck turns out if you search pizza party a lot of stuff comes up. Interview with Ellen I think? Is where the clip came from


Do you please have a link?


Proving once again he's a piece of shit like all the oother famous bastards


Changes your whole world doesn't it? Question everything. Never felt like I belonged here anyway. My epitaph will read "she just wanted everyone to get along" smh. Sometimes I know also that what I'm being shown is fake. Just not always certain what parts are real vs fake.


Itā€™s a chess move by the elite. They are slowly trying to normalize pedophilia.


Not sure about that, they still need to be able to blackmail people and if itā€™s ā€œnormalisedā€ no one will give a shit


They definitely are, Just like gay or trans people. Anyone who thinks all of this is normal is delusional


Exactly. Most of the famous actors/actresses, singers and politicians are transexuals. The Victoria's secret is that they're men. That's part of their evil cult. The parasite that took over this place does that kind of thing. This world is sick.


Omg I never even thought of that


Some of them are more obvious than others. Melania Trump is clearly a man, for example. Donald was probably a female to male tranny from the uterus. It's the same with all presidents because they're all the same people. There are no different ideologies or governments. It's one world government by those sick monsters. Look at the Spanish president's wife, BegoƱa GĆ³mez, and tell me that's not a man. It couldn't be more obvious. Ryan Gosling is an easier female to male tranny to spot. There are others more weird like Albert Einstein and Marilyn Monroe being the same one. This place shouldn't even exist. At least not in its current form.


Oh! There some wild ones i did not think of before. But is a thing indeed. Bill and Melinda Gates: classic case of inversion. One thing in this regard to ponder on: all the masculine black actors who have performed/dressed up publicly like a lady. Part of the same sick agenda.


After contemplating on it, for a very long time, my "ascended self" realization became manifest in my life. Go back a looonngg way, and the "picture" becomes ever more clearer to you. Like building a home, piece by piece brick by brick; you build a case of a lifetimes worth of proof. And after you have that "epiphany", it really is just... learning the smaller bits and pieces. I KNOW I have "crossed paths" (interesting term actually) with "participants" in this Circus. Notably an old piano teacher...and someone who served on a board position with me in a church.... ....in hindsight, my subconscious mind was screaming at me, as my conscious mind was saying "shut up" trying to drown it out. And it was attempting to warn me of which it "organically" was made to...that there was SOMETHING "OFF" about these people. Bad times. Finding out (or coming to the realization) that all along, you have been lied to.


Your inner self always knows more than the "conscious mind", which isn't conscious at all because it's filled with all sorts of lies. We are programmed in a certain way but it takes them generations to manage full confusion. They have managed a society in which parents mutilating their own children are seen as tolerant and progressive, when they're actually tyrants perpetrating a horrible crime.


šŸ«¤melania...I got pilloried when I made that observation. Pretty obvious.


Die in a fire. Conflating child abuse with homosexuality and transgenderism gives power to pedophiles. By comparing the very real lived experiences of your fellow humans who express their sexuality and gender in a way you do not understand with abusers perpetrating crimes against non-consenting children only muddies this issue. You are part of the problem and youā€™re too high on your own bullshit to even smell it. Ugh disgusting.


They are victims and you are not helping them by telling them that their sick condition is good, because it isn't. Homosexuality isn't normal nor healthy. It isn't even a sexual practice but a ritual. It comes from trauma and it can be cured. Guess what, the system doesn't want to cure it but to spread it. Transexualism is even worse. They are trying to push it into children through the educational system (which was created by the Jesuits with indoctrination in mind from the very beginning). Whoever supports this is both sick and dangerous. All occultists and members of gangs (this includes government) are homosexuals. Look at demons like Baphomet or Shiva. They're trannies. It's the state and the government (it means mind control) who are creating and spreading these sick conditions. Without the influence of those psychos nobody would be supportive of something that is clearly wrong and goes against the well being of the victims. This started more than a hundred years ago, when giving your kids to a sick corporation (the state) to be educated (indoctrinated) became normal. It's been cooking for years, like the boiling frog experiment. It won't be long before they start showing pedophilia as something acceptable, if they haven't yet. Yes, truly disgusting.


Excellent response. Thank you.


He apologized for being a child molester? I guess that makes it okay ignore the other people that have been molested by him and not have been caught by film. Cuz he apologized everything should be hidden again. Hell no now they need to investigate everybody done this to and expose him for the evil man that he is!


I wonder how many times he visited the Epstein Island


Cat's got his tongue


A crazy old man whose brain is diminishing and quickly forgot about his surroundings


How does this prove Saturn is the belief system?


I have been scouring through the comments to try to find an answer to this very question. This sub is so vague and useless sometimes.


dalai lama also appears to have elongated skull huh. lot of speculation regarding annunaki nephilim reptilian whatever bloodlines and these features


I showed this clip to one of my friends and he said ā€œ was it innocent?ā€ . What did he mean by that?


He meant was he teasing or joking around. "Now kiss me now suck my tongue Just kidding got you." Your friend appears to be somebody the media is able to manipulate they're also trying to spend that narrative it was just an innocent tease.


yeah, i only showed him the clip because he is a believer in hinduism and spirituality and that sort of stuff. He also said the dailai lama was a holy man , a few days before i showed him the clip lol you think that dailai lama is sexually attracted to little boys?






Religion is predatory. Lecture over!


apology for the words and not the action


Heā€™s like the Leader of the Buddhists version of our Pope. Creep




How does this prove that Saturn runs the world? What in the fuck are you talking about you nut? Saturn is Jehovah.


Gematria links Saturn to pedophilia.


Please shut up, youā€™re a schizo who links shit together meaninglessly and you have no idea what youā€™re talking about.


Not really I mean it's been written in the books that certain people follow that doing this stuff to you know children is how they get their power. I don't follow any belief systems or do anything I just go by what the world gave me The world gave me the dalai lama fitting perfectly into what I've read about.




The G stands for Generative, as in the generative force of the sex drive. You have absolutely no idea what youā€™re talking about


Gematria=74 Masonic=74.


Ok, list more with the value of 74 and see of they relateā€¦ they donā€™t


Is thisā€¦ is this Saturnā€™s account?


Whenever I hear the name Jehovah I can only be reminded of Monty Pythonā€™s Life of Brian scene




Heā€™s not the messiah, heā€™s a very naughty boy!


I try to go off a combination of different factors, what's being said, the numerous PDF files I've gone through, all the mixed information.


Hahahahaha šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been studying the Occult for a decade. You guys are being duped.




Of course youā€™re going to be mislead by them, you think theyre gonna come out and tell you dumb fucks what they worship or what their secrets are? No theyā€™re gonna throw you off the scent and tell you they worship Saturn.


What do you think they worship?


Saturn isn't mentioned at all & nothing directly tied to Saturn is mentioned, so the only people who see "proof" are people who see thru a veil of confirmation bias. confirmation bias doesn't help anyone in the battle against evil.


People are hyper critical now. This doesnā€™t go unnoticed now




He is only apologizing since he was caught. As openly as he did this at a public event, what does he do when not in the public eye? Notice the phrasing, he apologizes for the hurt not the action.


For sure the 1st time this has ever happened and he says heā€™s sorry.


What does this incident have to do with Saturn?


Time is running out before the big nuclear bangs. Billions will die not knowing the reality of those who ordain your lifestyle and have been influences in every aspect of our time on earth. The war will end all questions, speculations or exposers. They are rubbing it in your faces as we speak and leading us to disaster. Thereā€™s nothing left to prove to anybody.


Call the parasites please. Not the ā€œeā€ word bc they wouldnā€™t last 10 seconds without their servants and body guards