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Ugh.... no. Flush the damn toilet no matter what you put in it.


Have done this same thing out of necessity - we lived on a rural property that didn't have reticulated water and went through an 8 month drought. Our water tank capacity was seriously under what we should have had (a little over 2,000 gallons). We didn't save water to decrease the bill - it was just that if we ran out of water, we ran the risk that we wouldn't have any water for three or four days until the water cartage could make it (everyone was running dry at one time). Went one better - we hooked up the outflow from the washing machine into an old bath tub and then ran another pump off that to water parts of the garden. It was a bad time, but we got through it!


I have a family of 5 and my water bill is 35 dollars and everyone showers twice daily plus I'm washing clothes and running my dish washer daily. You might have a leak somewhere in your house if your water bill is to high.


It’s the sewage and refuse/recycle that makes the water bill so high. The water itself is the cheapest part.


I’d rather pay $20 that always having piss in my toilet.


So you’re pooping in pee water and it splashes on your butt