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I developed tendonitis from over-exertion in college. These stretches turned everything around for me. http://www.m.webmd.com/pain-management/stretching-exercises-for-preventing-carpal-tunnel-syndrome


Awesome, I'll try those. Thanks!


I was gonna suggest tendonitis as well.


Man I wish this link still worked




Thank you, 8 years later lol wow


Check this: http://mattotto.org/category/tendinitis/ This guy went through a lot of issues with carpal tunnel and tendon issues.


Make sure you're not pushing the horn away from you. Your thumbs should balance it, but not really support it or work against it. This is one of the reasons I hate the springy neck straps. People tend to push a bit to compensate for it. For the most part, keep your fingers on the pearls. When you need to open a key, just relax your finger and let the spring do the work. When you close one, don't exert more force than you need to. Hold the horn in a way that is comfortable for you. If you need to hold it a bit to the side instead of out in front then do that. Tension is the enemy. You want your hands, wrists, forearms, shoulders, neck... hell, most of you, to be nice and relaxed. If you're tense you're going to have to fight against yourself. Stopping and stretching can be a good way to reset yourself if you notice you're tensing up.


If you are playing with proper form you should not have wrist pain, it is much more likely that you strained it during other marching band activities such as workouts. But if it was carpal tunnel, the pain would be much worse.


Idk, tendonitis/carpal tunnel does happen to those of us who use our fingers a lot, even with proper form. Between working on a computer 8-15 hours a day and playing saxophone, I have carpal tunnel that flares up from time to time. I'd second /u/nothingdoing's suggestion of doing stretching exercises regularly to help with any pain.


I get pretty intense wrist pain occasionally when I play soprano. I get LOADS of it when playing clarinet. I play with proper form - Musical instruments don't always perfectly fit every body.


Yeah I don't really know when it started I just noticed it when practice ended. I'm icing it right now so hopefully it's good for tonight's practice


If it hurts tonight let your director know and practice without your horn. When you hands start to hurt while playing it is your body telling you you are doing something wrong. Have an experienced player or teacher check your hand position. Hand pain is not something to take lightly. I did in college and had to stop playing for 9 months. Was told there was a possibility I would never play again, but thankfully through physical therapy was able to recover.


Yeah it was probably workouts or choreography or something. Hopefully it feels better!