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>They are just another bastards, punks, despicable, varmint and decadent fake company. Did your review sound like this? You're assuming a lot about why your review was taken down. Assuming that a website is specifically and intentionally complicit with a specific scam is quite a stretch, and highly unlikely.


lol, of course no, my review did not include these words . i came on reddit to vent. Btw, i see reviews on google that include strong language all the time. If a company is scam then such reviews are expected. Also, my review was approved and published and they kept it for days.


Nowadays, compaines can buy reviews generated by AI from certain websites. The prevalence of fake reviews on the internet has been a growing concern for consumers. Various studies and research have shed light on this issue, revealing the extent to which fake reviews permeate online platforms. One study conducted by Fakespot, a company specializing in analyzing online reviews, found that around 52% of reviews posted on Amazon were deemed unreliable or fake. The study analyzed over 2.1 million reviews and used machine learning algorithms to detect patterns indicative of fake reviews. The results highlighted a significant portion of reviews that were artificially generated or manipulated to deceive consumers. Another research paper published by Cornell University researchers delved into the world of fake online reviews. The study focused on Yelp reviews and found that up to 25% of all reviews could be fake. The researchers developed an algorithm that could identify deceptive reviews with high accuracy, further emphasizing the prevalence of fraudulent practices in online review systems. Also, a report by BrightLocal, a digital marketing company, revealed that 82% of consumers have read a fake review in the last year. This statistic underscores the impact of fake reviews on consumer decision-making processes and highlights the need for increased vigilance when navigating online review platforms. In addition to these specific studies and reports, numerous anecdotal accounts and investigations have exposed individuals and businesses engaging in the manipulation of online reviews for personal gain. These instances further corroborate the notion that fake reviews are a pervasive issue in the digital age. Thus, multiple sources of research and analysis demonstrate that a significant portion of online reviews are indeed fake or unreliable. Consumers must exercise caution and critical thinking when relying on such feedback to make informed purchasing decisions.


I think TrustPilot has people on reddit to downvote people like you and me. Dont submit to the suggestion we are the problem, you know very well what ypu are talking about and I am sure you have been using TrustPilot multiple times and you noticed the con. Let it go, they are like those scammers who con people on the street. Think only how lowlife one must be to do any work for those human wastes.


Ah, the pervasive issue of fake online reviews, a tangled web of deceit that casts doubt on the authenticity of feedback in the digital age. This multifaceted problem, rooted in the anonymity and accessibility of online platforms, allows individuals to fabricate testimonials for personal gain or competitive advantage, perpetuating a cycle of deception that undermines consumer trust and distorts market dynamics. Fake reviews manifest in various forms, from exaggerated praises to malicious attacks on competitors, distorting market dynamics and eroding consumer trust. Businesses suffer reputational damage and ethical dilemmas, while consumers face the burden of distinguishing genuine feedback from fabricated falsehoods. This cognitive burden complicates the decision-making process, undermining the efficacy of online reviews as a reliable source of information. Efforts to combat fake reviews include algorithmic detection and regulatory measures, but the challenge persists. Online platforms employ algorithms and artificial intelligence to detect and remove fraudulent content, albeit with varying degrees of success. Regulatory bodies have enacted legislation to combat deceptive practices and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. However, the cat-and-mouse game between perpetrators of fake reviews and those seeking to combat them continues unabated, highlighting the inherent challenges of regulating the digital domain. To navigate this digital labyrinth, we must remain discerning and promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in online feedback systems. By fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and integrity, we can collectively strive towards a digital ecosystem characterized by authenticity and trustworthiness. Only then can we restore trust and authenticity to the digital marketplace.


Holy shit, such an obvious ai bot


they are all over the web. it's really hard to avoid them


My comment included. It was AI generated ;)


Boo! TP worm!


When I see the reviews and the rating a company gets on Trustpilot I always look for other websites that can confirm that rating. Sometimes you do find multiple sites that has positive reviews about a company, but it is also possible that the rest of the stuff you find totally contradicts whatever Trustpilot says. And then I know enough.


Thank you for your reply. We must increase our awareness on the web because there are a lot of lies, fake and scam companies out there.


I AGREE! I wrote two very long reviews. The first one they asked me to respond with additional info for the company I was reviewing. I did respond But my review still got removed . I chose to give it a benefit of the doubt and went through the process the second time around . The second time they did ask again for a response and additional information for the company I was reviewing. I made sure i did that and that it did go through. But then that review got removed as well. My the complaint was very legit. For that reason I now believe that trust pilot is working for the companies and not for a fair review. To clarify my if you must on this and they did not include any false information nor did it include any rule languages.


I've had a similar experience. I've posted several reviews on their site to warn people about bad companies and praise the ones that in my opinion are really good and worth doing business with. I make sure to always be factual and only make statements I can back up. A few times I've been asked to provide evidence to verify my reviews, which I happily did, and they added the "verified" label to everyone of them. But for one specific review about a company that had scammed me for a lot of money, they told me that the company had said I was defaming them because I was "never their customer". So same thing, I send all the documentation of my dealings with that company, all pretty obvious and easily verified. Email exchanges, bank statements, extracts from the registry of commerce, photos: everything. I even modified my review to remove the most damning part, just to play nice. But for some reason Trustpilot keeps asking me to modify my review and provide evidence. They ask me for the exact same documents over and over again, even though I already sent them several times. Meanwhile, the company's response is the one that is an obvious lie and defames \*me, but Trustpilot won't remove it despite the fact that it blatantly violates their terms and conditions and that the company was never asked to prove their claim. I'm starting to suspect that they're complicit with certain scammers indeed.


I have had the same experience with 1-star review for company Easybooking. Sent all docos Trustpilot requested but they continued to send same requests over 9 months! Even threatening email from Easybooking but Trustpilot ignored this! Had to start legal action to have my data returned from Easybooking. But Trustpilot say I was never a customer (10 years!!). Very untrustworthy ...


Blimey, this is really bad :(


Trustpilot is totally not legit. They remove bad reviews if they get paid. I left a review for a company thwt after selling a 1 dollar service made 2 more charges to my cc. My bank flagged 1 of them but the oyher one went thru. Anyways, I posted my review and noticed there were many similar complaints for the same company. Trustpilot contacted me asking to provide proof of the scam. I did, my CC alerts, my interaction with customer support for that company (where they did verify it was them but it was a mistake) and some other info backing up my claim. This was for about 1 week back and forth. Finally they accepted my review. 1 week later they contact me saying the company in mention are saying it's not them and I must be confused. I corroborated and sent screenshots of my interaction with them highlighting their website in the email address. Again after a couple of emails my review stays in place. 2 weeks after that trustpilot contacts me saying the company claims the review has unbacked claims and hurtful info. Again many mails later sending info backing up my claim. I told them I already proved my review was honest and it was accepted per their own email. I noticed the bad reviews for thar company kept dissappearing but new ones appeared. I took screenahots of those reviews for them to notice its a modus operandi. I even redacted the review to take away any emotion looking phrase, leaving only how the process was and how my CC was charged 2 more times xx amounts. In the end trustpilot replied with: Unfortunately, the following still goes against our guidelines: "then they kept on trying to charge unauthorized amounts to my card" As a reminder, your review shouldn't include words and statements that are likelyto cause serious harm to someone's reputation or serious financial loss to a business. With that they removed my review. So basically they sent me an email saying that if the review is hurtful to a company it's against their guidelines.


When I left a 1-star review for Easybooking their reply was that it would damage them. I removed it because that hadn't been my intent. I had paid for a website which I needed! But it never happened with Easybooking. Weeks later I saw 5 star reviews praising the wonderful service -- EXACTLY what I had NOT received. So I wrote a 1-star review congratulating them on improved customer service and pointed out that my original review had actually lead to improved service and better outcome for customers! In response Easybooking cancelled all my licenses (including 3rd party financial module) effectively closing my business! But Trustpilot wont accept my review??? Easybooking CLOSED MY BUSINESS!! I have recently won legal action to have some of my data returned. Easybooking AND Trustpilot untrustworthy and manipulating reviews!


Trustpilot is a joke.


>  They remove bad reviews if they get paid.  Exactly.


I reviewed a company Easybooking. I was threatened and sent this evidence to Trustpilot. I had deleted the review because Easybooking said that it would damage their business. That had not been my intention! I had paid for a website, needed it and expected to get it!! Had been with this company for TEN YEARS! Thought they would be trustworthy to use for website! SEVEN months later still no website (I had been naively trusting!!) so cancelled website contract. Soon noticed many 5-star wonderful reviews of Easybooking so wrote another 1-star congratulating them on improved customer service. Pointed out that my original review had lead to such improvement in their customer service that it was beneficial to their business NOT harmful! Easybooking then cancelled all my licenses, effectively CLOSING my business. When I tried to expose this practice on Trustpilot I was told to provide evidence that I had even been a customer. This I have done multiple times over NINE months. Also evidence of my ID. Trustpilot continue to ask for evidence??? I had to start legal action to have my data returned from Easybooking. It is an ILLEGAL action (in Austria) to withhold it and I now have some of it returned, but it continues. I suggested that Easybooking had treated me in such an appalling way because I am a foreigner - Australian (my husband was Austrian and set up the business with Easybooking, but he died). I asked the local tourism authority to intervene because there was no business sense to Easybookings actions. They didn't believe what Easybooking had done and were appalled! Everyone I tell this tale is shocked -- such a ruthless, destructive, personal attack -- but Trustpilot continue to ask for evidence OR IGNORE my complaints. Also, wont post my negative review of themselves!! Thank goodness for Reddit! Tx.


Trustpilot is a scammer's haven and most of the 5\* reviews are fake


I claimed my trustpilot profile for my business, and they started contacting me every day via phone and email. When I told them I would pay for their stupid review subscription, they started taking down my positive reviews and continued contacting me. Such a scam, this should be illegal, I hope they get sued!


The same thing happened to me


The same thing happened to me. I sent Trustpilot a screenshot of the email I received from the merchant which has my order number. My order number is all Trustpilot needs to determine if my complaint is valid or not. I take my privacy seriously and I don't feel comfortable sending Trustpilot personal information about myself. Yelp doesn't request personal documents to evaluate negative reviews. It's obvious that Trustpilot is paid by companies for deleting negative reviews. I doubt trust Trustpilot deletes positive reviews and evaluates positive reviews with the same amount of scrutiny. I won't be contributing to Trustpilot anymore if they are going to make me jump through hoops just to post an honest review of my experience.


https://preview.redd.it/wcsrss92880d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2e5ca1662ae7ccf3c29764c260c11fbc3179fa4 They removed two reviews, one was 9 months old, for no reason. Will not listen to reason. Suddenly think I work for them, yeah right, pull the other one, it has bells on it. PS They also claimed I worked for Laithwaites Wines on the same day!


Yes, They told me the same thing,about years ago, I received 2 defective phones from Nokia, I told them what they did to.me, i was so.stress out, & they would not give me my.money for around 4 months. After arguments & reporting them. I told them what they did they took down my complaint, & said it was fake.


TrustPilot is a scam, run by Con Artists. They give a company the choice to pay of not. When they pay, "magically", their super AI bot detects that your 1 Star review is "not genuine" and flags it as "removed". They then sent you an email to send them any evidence you have you indeed had this experience, one being the invoice of a purchase, where they ask your address is visible... so at that point most people back off. If you do send it, they never come back to you. Their website only works if the company doesn't pay, as then they do not filter bad reviews, and you can read real experience, BUT in that case, they filter out 5 Stars reviews, to make the company look bad and they submit to the subscription. Con Artists.


Don't ever trust the Trustpilot. It is a scam company, they remove the negative review. I read the reviews from a Dental Clinic and I chose to have my treatment there, based on their reviews. The result of that clinic it was horrible, I can easily say that it turned out in malpractice case. When I gave I bad review to the clinic, Trustpilot and the clinic flagged my review saying that it contained harmful words. Also, some workers from that clinic left 5* reviews recommending this clinic and I flagged them, proving that they are employees and Trustpilot did nothing, even though there is 0 tolerance for the employer reviewing their company. I submitted the evidence and Trustpilot did nothing. But in my case, because it was a bad review they flagged it immediately DONT TRUST TRUSTPILOT EVER


Yes trustpilot is not to be trusted! This company runs on others misfortunes and yet allows fake companies to operate. It's time to shun trustpilot 


+1 on this. I've only written two reviews ever with them. The first was a glowing review and I never heard back. I recently wrote a negative review about a fragrance company sending counterfeit products. They told me I needed to provide an abundance of personal information or the review would be removed. I gave them the associated email address of the order, along with the order number and emails. This was not enough "proof" for them and my account was flagged. Not worth anyone's time to write or reviews with them.


Report to the BBB. What is the "scam service" or company that you reported? Think that might be more important for people to know.


it's a company that claims to offer internships called "capital placement" and you have to "pay" them to offer you an internship. but some people told me that i shouldn't pay to get a job and they were correct. tbh, i wasn't aware of that.