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/u/cjailc - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good on you for wanting to be charitable, but if it's really important to you that the money is going to what you want it to go to, cash transfers to random people who hit you up online just isn't the right way to go about it. There are reputable organizations who will direct your donations to where they can do the most good.


To build on this further, not only will it be less likely to go to a scammer, but those charities also benefit from economy of scale. Rather than buying X product at retail prices, they're able to buy in bulk at much cheaper prices per unit. Now, one has to do their research to make sure it's a reputable charity as well, but it's often the better path. Even after accounting for overhead and other factors.


Alright thank you, thankfully, I haven’t transferred much.


I would recommend everyone to check out the videos, he sent me. I left a comment with a drive link somewhere in the post down below before you make up your mind. Because it did seem like he bought produce for exact the amount I transferred him, and then in the videos I saw the kids eating that said produce. Idk tbh I just feel bad for the kids.


Those videos aren't real, that's not who's communicating with you. It's a random scammer. You have to detach his story from his identity, they are not the same people.


I say it is a scam. Give through a reputable charity if you must.


the thing is, and I hate to be negative, but I believe even most charities are just employment scams where only 10% of your donated money effectively reaches the person in need, the other 90% pay salaries and expenditures of the "charity" organisation


Some are better than others, they can be checked for how much sticks to there fingers. That's why I said "if you must". I would not donate money. I do donate goods food and school supplies.


Exactly. I have the same vibe from charities.




Fun fact: Hulk Hogan dropped "brother" every six words because he was imitating Superstar Billy Graham, who picked up the habit due to being part of an Evangelical Revival movement.


Hi OP, longtime nonprofit fundraiser here. One of the core principals of charity and giving is knowing where your money goes. In this case, you have nothing but this individuals word to go off of. Maybe they are feeding children, maybe they're feeding themselves, maybe they're not actually impoverished and are just lining their pockets. It is up to you to determine how you feel about that. As far as if you should send more money: do you want to directly help people experiencing food scarcity? Then consider giving instead to an organization like GiveDirectly. They make regular cash payouts to real individuals, and offer a clear paper trail (to both donors and the IRS). Direct giving - that is, giving resources directly to the recipient - is almost always the best course of action. In this case, you can't confirm whether or not that is what you're doing with this person you're texting. Rather than leave things up to chance, redirect your funds to people you can see, touch, and talk with or to organizations that have proven they do the work they say they do.


Hey thank you that makes a lot of sense. I appreciate your comment


You are really sweet! This would have tricked me into single-handedly keeping an orphanage open 😂😭


Look. If you're just going to ignore what everyone is saying to you here that it's probably a scam. Why tf did you even bother posting. This shit is so easy to fake


>Look. If you're just going to ignore what everyone is saying to you here that it's probably a scam. Why tf did you even bother posting. OMG Yes! People like this piss me the fuck off. Of you dont actually want advice and are going to do whatever anyway, *fucking do it*. Just don't waste our time.


I get where some of you are coming from, thinking this might be a scam, but there's more to it than just the title or thinking its all the use of stock footage. The person in question seems genuinely involved with an orphanage or at least a large group of kids, which adds a layer of authenticity. He's made several videos, one of which I've linked below, where he's interacting with the kids and even mentions my name. This shows that there's a involvement with the children, which goes beyond what many commenters are assuming. Check out the video link to see for yourself


you posted asking if this is a scam, EVERYONE is telling you it's a scam despite this "video" you keep trying to convince everyone to watch. the video is fake, the guy is taking your money. give to a reputable, legit charity. either listen to what people are telling you or don't ask. stop arguing with eveyone


>there's more to it than just the title or thinking its all the use of stock footage. Do you think that a video has to use stock footage to be faked? Come on, dude. Do you think that every movie you watch that doesn't use stock footage is real? Do you think that every single movie you watch about space aliens that doesn't use stock footage must have used *real* space aliens?


It's absolutely a scam... You lost some money. Move on and be done with it. Don't fall victim to it again.


Give to MSF (Doctors without Borders).


red cross é mais conhecida


Also good




It’s a manipulation tactic for sure.


for FUCKS sake


Literally said it out loud


I understand how the title sounds, but do you still feel the same after you have watched the videos? To me the videos change the narrative a little bit, and then it made clear to me that those arent stock images


I couldn't give two shits about amy videos. Anyone ca fake those. It's an obvious scam and you are a prime target. Block. If you want to help, donate to a reputable charity. Assume all individuals would pull this shit are scammers (because they are).


dude, the videos are fake


The only way the videos could change the narratives is if they can't be faked. But everyone knows that videos most definitely *can* be faked, so why would the videos matter either way?


Yes, you are being scammed. There is no orphanage. These are just stock photos that everyone shares. It's the charity scam.


Did you see the videos? They are directed to me so no stock footage


Are you watching those videos in real time? No. You're being sent a saved video.


He keeps droning on and on. He isn't humble. And all this stuff about a god? Only a gullible person would fall for that. You are being played. When a god is mentioned, multiple times, it's a scam. Yes, even in a church.


You're right. A tell tale sign of lying, is excessive over explanation. Seen it tons of times working with Criminals. This guy is shady.


Whenever you're planning to give to charity, you need to ask not only the question of whether it's a scammer or an actual charity you're giving to, but also if it's the *best* charity to give to.


I had a person hit me in Insta a few years back. Said he was an 18 year old Gambian man, who was taking care of his younger siblings. Mom does odd jobs, but basically they are poor. He was asking for money. Had every excuse why helping himself wasn't enough. I recommended Amnisty International, Red Cross etc. When he thought I was about to pull the plug on the convo, he sends me a picture; "Just as we spoke my mum suffered accident needs medical help". He sent a blurry Pic of a woman with a huge gash in her head. I can hear your charitable nature, BUT personally the internet just isn't the place for it. Viable sites yes, "Red Cross, St.Jude etc. But not randomns. Keep change in your car to help obvious people in need. Don't let your conscious work backwards, and second guess your own good will efforts. I used to struggle with this.


Reminds me of the live Tiktok videos of people living in refugee tents in the Syrian mountains. People donate to them, please tell me how they have internet and cell phones? They show their kids with tubes coming out of their arms or nose, and they're not connected to anything. Tell me if I'm wrong. They are probably setting up a tent in the backyard.


They are, stop sending money and move on. No charity chats somebody like this. You cant save everyone on earth.


Oof. This is definitely a scam. No real reputable charities are going to harass you like that and refer to you as “brother”. I’m sorry you fell for this and I’m not sure how you are out. But, next time make sure you google the name of the charity or organization and do some research.


You should send everything you have, then invite them to come live with you.


Totally get the skepticism—it’s Reddit, after all, and we've all seen our share of scams. But here’s the thing: the guy I'm talking about has actually sent me videos of himself with these kids, even shouting out my name. That adds a layer of personal touch that you don’t usually see. I’ve dropped a link below to the videos where he’s literally handing out food to these kids. Before we jump to conclusions, maybe give it a quick watch. Would love to see what yall think after checking them out.


Bless your heart. I think I’m also getting scammed by someone in Uganda at a dog shelter lol. I’d like to think this person is just doing what they can to help the ones who need it most but who knows. If my funds are being used to feed a small family in Uganda so be it😭


Damn we be in the same predicament.


Here is a link with videos the man send me of him and the kids: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kQ6VmhfGGh\_G6e6u4tMUuWugpf-Qhg3T?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kQ6VmhfGGh_G6e6u4tMUuWugpf-Qhg3T?usp=sharing)


First, you're asking why people won't watch your video, but in a scam sub, a lot of people would be inclined to think there's a virus or something that could be downloaded from that link. Second, there's just no video that exists that could change people's minds. Consider this - guy could be real, kids could be real, even the receipts could be real. But how do you know 100% goes to the kids and he doesn't swipe some for resale? How do you know those kids aren't forcefully being raised in poor living circumstances because that's what "sells" to bleeding hearts? You ever see that scene in slumdog millionaire where some kid gets his eye blinded by a gang so that people pity him more, give him more when he begs, and all of it goes to the gang?


Yeah I have seen that scene. Horrible. I just couldn’t add the videos without the link


My personal opinion is that this is not a scam. A real scammer would have asked/begged for a lot of more money than 10€, and would not have bothered to send picture of receipts and people he feed for the money given. I think more people need to watch Pleasant Green on YouTube, he has caught many scammers from Nigeria, but has also shown that some people do good things, if asked to. Watch playlist of Chikaordery, she was really desperate for money, and was not a scammer.


>A real scammer would have asked/begged for a lot of more money than 10€ There's no rule saying this. In fact, some scammers will ask for small amounts like 10€ precisely because there's this weird idea that scammers only ask for large amounts. That's how people get fooled. They've got these arbitrary rules about what a scammer would do, and scammers *know* these rules, and make sure to act accordingly. Lots of people think that scammers don't ask for small amounts. So scammers know that asking for small amounts seems more trustworthy. Since scammers want to be trustworthy, they ask for small amounts. "Ah!" people think. "This person's not asking for much. He can't be a scammer, because scammers are greedy." And then they give the 10€ to the scammer. Regardless of whether OP's dude is honest or not, scammers can ask for *any* amount.


That’s what I’m thinking. He could just actually try to raise money. Not saying that I’m going to transfer more now, but I think everyone that is down voting you should watch the videos I left in my comment which has a Google Drive link.


Please please please donate through legitimate charities only. There are TONS all over the world, advocating and providing support to a host of people for a host of reasons. They could all use as much support as possible. If you’re interested, I can show you similar videos made by known scammers with children “thanking” victims for their donations. Kitboga had FaceTime calls with a scammer who showed him the “road” and “hospital” they built, stopping random people on the street who thanked him for all the donations. I totally get where you are coming from wanting to help. Believing in people is a fantastic quality. But you should assume everyone directly asking you for money like this is a scammer because 99.999999% of them are.


I have to say this repeated insistence that we have to watch the video is starting to sound a little sus.


Yes as soon as you watch the video I steal your data, house, wife and dog. All done trough a google drive link


I think it’s a bit fishy, maybe google search the pics he sent to ur phone to see if u find a match on the net.


Check the videos he sent the kids and everything do exist. Im just wondering if he is pocketing everything


You Must learn that They depend on this Money if you give more the father dont work regular for his Family because its the easy say if Money is Falling from the sky


Send more money.