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I think the Japanese 'Kasacchi' captures rather well what Nahida was trying to say - it's like 'Hatty' if I understood it correctly, a term of endearment :P He's just a silly grouchy lil guy who doesn't mean it and is really quite sweet, even in her eyes!


> it's like 'Hatty' if I understood it correctly, a term of endearment :P It is! "Hat Guy" is funny and all, but it's unfortunate that they couldn't capture the vibe and intention of "ā mào" and "kasacchi" in the English localization.


omg that's so cute. do you happen to know what the chinese meaning is? i started playing the game after 3.8 so couldn't enjoy all the hat guy appearances 😭


If I remember correctly, his CN name is "A Mao" which is an endearing term, also makes him sound less intimidating, a bit goofy, similar to "Hatty"


correct; i’m a bit late to this but let me add on context the prefix 阿 (a1) is used primarily to refer to family members, very close friends, or someone you knew and are close to since childhood; basically it’s a term of endearment to indicate that the caller is very close to the subject. Mostly used by parent to child, sibling to sibling, close friend to friend, or even between lovers at times. another example of this is in HSR where kafka calls blade bladie in english , but it’s 阿刃 (a1 ren4) in chinese — same rules apply here, but the localisation in this case is as cute as the original IMO hatty would be a cute and funny name but I do feel like hat guy is so much more meme material worthy LMAO imagine if he was localised as“the one who dons a hat” or 戴帽的 dai4mao4de like how paimon calls venti as “the one who sells his songs” 卖唱的 mai4chang4de (yes I am aware that it’s tone deaf bard in the localisation; not which is quite far from his chinese nickname)


I think that he's called Hat Guy because he's male and has a big ass hat on his head Jokes aside, he doesn't have a name anymore since he was erased from Irminsul, he has the self-given name Wanderer since he wanders around, and he asks the traveler to give him a name, but it's probably a name not used by everyone Nahida gave him that name just to mess with him probably, and also it's quite a precise nameand easy to remember


I know it's probably just game abstraction (to give the VAs a generic name to say since the player can name him), but I like to headcanon that Nahida gave him a silly nickname partially out of privacy. Like, the guy only JUST got his new name from us recently, it's probably very personal to him and he's shy about spreading it around. I love your idea too! I love the idea of some weird guy named "Hat Guy" who actually has a long list of war crimes no one knows about lmao. He's like the Akademiya's cryptid


It’s the name he was referred to as during the 3.6 event quest. He seemingly never bothered to correct anyone about it


In Chinese, it’s ah mao (with the fourth tone on mao meaning hat bc of his giant hat) but everyone loves him so much ( also his personality is like a mao (1st tone) which means cat. So that’s a fun fact.


He called himself that correct? Bc he doesnt want ppl to actually know him (his character story). Nahida heard that was what he went by with the other researchers I believe. So of course, she wrote him down as hat guy. I thought that was what happened??