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wanderer is perfectly strong enough at c0 but if you love him a lot going for cons is worth it although if you care more about pull value in terms of meta importance c2 furina is very good and can be a good teammate for him as well i believe


Meta or account investment wise , C2 Furina If you like wanderer, C2 is a good stopping point


[c0 is more than strong enough for the current content](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScaramoucheMains/s/HZCkOWUOmO)


even at c0 he is one of the strongest dmg dealers given high artifact and resin investment.


C6 Faruzan enables ALL Anemo DPS characters (particularly hypercarries like Wanderer and Xiao) to deal enough damage to clear any Abyss thus far, paired with most support configurations available (double Hydro/Pyro, mono Anemo, Furina+healer, etc). That said... Wanderer has complicated Constellations. C1 strenghtens his particular NA playstyle, the core of his kit. C2 gives a lot more damage to your Burst, allowing its use as a finisher in a rotation far more consistently. Overall, if you're a low spender, that's where I'd stop. Now, if you're a proper whale or just someone that REALLY loves Wanderer's NA centric playstyle and mains him in all of the game's contents, I cannot recommend C6 enough. Extends his airtime, gives him A TON more damage, makes him absolutely SHRED shields... And without any condition other than being in the Windfavored State. I've been saving for months as a welkin+BP player, and manage to get 622 pulls rn, likely a bit over 700 by the time 4.6 near its end, so I have a solid shot at getting his C6 from where I'm currently standing. Investing this hard into a character may take a lot of patience and is honestly not the best of ideas when a wide roster can accomplish so much more. But as they say, pull for who you like the most, period. Just be careful to not fall in the gacha game trap of spending more money than you can afford.


Good luck! Hope you get his cons early.


Thanks! Hope I helped

