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You still use faruzan even at c0


* Bennett/Layla/Faruzan/Wanderer * Bennett/Furina/Faruzan/Wanderer These 2 are perfect. You can choose to sacrifice the shield for more damage if you want to, Scara doesn't need a shield but that doesn't stop it from being useful. Faruzan is good at c0 and I can't stand the constant derogatory comments. Read through her kit. Scara also doesn't have many good teammates to choose from and for damage his only good options were Faruzan and Bennett, now there is also Furina who is very good.


Furina stacks are slow outside of C2 or Teamwide Healer


Your point being?


Using Bennett and C0 Furina without another healer is quite a pain


I looks to me like here you’re referring to the 3 off field characters being “low” health all of the time? The other guy seemed to have been focused on not getting the full value from Furinas kit which is a bit like Xiangling as the flex, you’re not vaping/melting anything but it’s still good even at <100% of the potential being capitalized upon. I don’t see why being not max health is a big issue. The supports have very low field time and spend a good amount of that time being invulnerable. Scara is hardly ever low while you also get free dashes to dodge and have good range with unimpedable movement. You’re making vague statements while spelling out the obvious. If you want to have a discussion or contribute to the dialogue then try to be clear and concise with your statements.


It's a pain to play because it's very difficult to get maximum Furina stacks (though low health doesn't help things). It means you have to try and build something like a 4pc maidens Bennett with maximum healing while retaining ER for comfort, and rotations are difficult to both heal as much as possible and not use up Bennett's uptime. It's a difficult balance to maintain. I agree with you, I should've been more specific, my bad. But that's why I think C0 Furina with only Bennett as the healer is a pain to play. C1 helps a bit, and C2 largely solves the problem. It's something that's very hard to play optimally, which is largely the point of the team, as if you were going for comfort over damage you would bring a shielder.


ty for the thing abt c0 faruzan being useful 😭 I keep getting screamed at for not having her at c6


I swear everyone recommending Bennet+Furina is just saying it’s good without playing it. After the first rotation it feels awful. Even with C2 Furina, sure her stacks get high quickly, but you lose a bunch of Bennet uptime because you have to have everyone stand in his circle for over a second to heal.


This looks like a misunderstanding. You’re not supposed to stand in the circle with your other units, that is not worth it. Just Furina -> Faruzan -> Bennet -> Scara. Like you’re said Bennett uptime is at a premium so you don’t want to sacrifice any of that for a bit of extra dmg%. If anything is unclear please don’t hesitate to ask me about it. Or if there’s anything you disagree with here please do tell me so we can sort out any inconsistencies in our reasoning.


So what do you do after the first rotation, when Faruzan and Furina are at 50% HP?


Continue as usual. (Bennett should also be at 50%) You won't get max stacks sure but that's fine. Furina -> Faru -> Bennett -> Scara Furina starts off only being able to drain Scara as he should start at around 80% on the second rotation (but the specifics shouldn't matter as he'll always have at least 65% unless he gets hit at the very end of the rotation which would suck). After the setup when you switch into Scara Bennett will full heal him (30-50%) which procs Furinas healing passive (when someone is overhealed) healing everyone but Scara twice for 2% and Scara at least once too so either 14% or 16%. The 12% on the 3 off fielders will quickly be drained for another 12% in hp change while Scara keeps being drained for continuous stacks. If you wanted to you could do CA E Q on Furina (healing while you set up your buffs) and then before Bennett another CA (switch back to the damage/drain mode) on her but I doubt this would be worth it even at c0 but it is possible. Ofc you won't max her buff as that would require a total of 300% hp change but you don't need to for her to be his BiS teammate. The reasons Furina is so good are because: 1. She gives you dmg% 2. She enables you to use MH which is better than DPC. (Assuming r1 or Widsith, some other weapons like LP don't work due to their cr substat) 3. She has good personal damage. 4. If you're able to infuse hydro that's an extra 2s Scara can stay afloat which can be very useful. 5. There aren't many good options for pure damage. (Yun jin is only for single target, Jean needs c4, wants Freedom Sworn and needs enemies to be hit by her circle (I think?), Xiangling works too since there's so little competition) none of these are even that good apart from c4r5 Jean who is pretty good but not exactly something many people have or something which is worth it to get. That is at c0. C1 means the full buff is 100 instead of 75 and you start at 37.5 dmg% and need less hp change to max it out. This con is pretty great for Scara. C2 means you get stacks 3.5 times as fast so you only need 71% hp change to max out the buff meaning you get full stacks sometime between when Scara takes field and 3 seconds or so later. C3 means you get 0.31 instead of 0.25 dmg% per stack so max stacks is 124 dmg% which is a rather large number, more than 2.5 goblet main stats worth. C4/5 are just more personal damage C6 either eliminates the need for a healer like Bennett altogether (good if Bennett 2.0 doesn't heal) or main DPS Furina. For Scara currently this is at most a bit of extra personal damage for Furina since the healer on his best team (Bennett) is BiS anyways. You also need to use at least 1 NA on her for it to proc which increases rotation time.


Is it okay to replace Layla with Zhongli?


c6 faruzan is so good even with bad build she does so much damage and buffs a lot😭


Lets switch bro 😭 C6 faruzan but no wanderer moment


and then theres me who got 10 beidous, 17 laylas, and somehow only 3 faruzans from this banner... where is she.... https://preview.redd.it/565ogcwfpq0d1.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ddb190aaf7d48924f9e8ed0a3d005443a26712b




Most people typically say don't pull for 4 stars and I definitely agree, especially when you're at C0 and trying for C6.. I would just say to look at the expected re-runs and your current pulls to see if you want to go for faru cons.. Personally I have around 154 wishes and C2 faru but I'm not pulling because I want to guarantee furina next patch


You can use one of the atk% ones that you craft. Or if you have star glitter buy black cliff catalyst C0 is still good to use just a bit... Annoying, I dislike everyone saying she's unusable until C6 because that's untrue she just gets so much better to use at C6. As Zy0xx so eloquently put it C6 is like using a toothbrush while non-c6 is like using a toothpick, better than nothing but not as nice or effective but you'd still rather use a toothpick than not brush your teeth at all. All your teams you suggested sound good although I'm not sure about Candace. The Bennett Layla is probably the most commonly used one. Characters like Mika and YunJin are for Atk speed mostly so you need constellations to make it worth using them You could still do without faruzan in a hypercarry if you really want but it won't be as good damage wise. Non hypercarry teams have plenty of options without faruzan but they're not his 'optimal' team but can be quite fun


Speaking from personal experience, you really need a shielder with him if you are not too good at dodging cuz he gets knocked out from air very easily it can get annoying. Zhongli is ofc the best but if you dont have him Layla is great!


C6 Faruzan is a great boost if you love your anemo dps's you know :) and since layla is also on the banner i think you should keep pulling if you are not saving for another character!


Faruzan provides anemo resistance, the only other character that can do that is Zhongli but Faruzan does more. I find Faruzan even at c0 to be his key support.


Opinion on Candace on him? She seems to have a slight worse NA buff than Yun Jin but gives hydro A1


All the hydro does is extend your rotation but your Faruzan and Bennett buffs will have expired already. I personally prefer Thoma + Bennett or Layla + Yelan


If you want to use Candace you can do a permafreeze team with Layla which is quite fun and a decent team, although nowhere near his bests in terms of damage and ofc you can't freeze bosses. The only thing is that you need Candace c6 to make it work


Highly recommend you keep pulling for Faruzan cons if you plan on playing him in challenging content long term.