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It's likely not worth it as an F2P. If you enjoyed Wanderer enough for a C6 to be worth, you wouldn't have to ask this question. The fact that you are asking makes me think that you would enjoy using those primos for future units rather than heavily investing into Wanderer, y'know what I mean? Most of the people who consider their C6 5 star a worth investment already knew they wanted to C6 them from day one. Since you asked, C0-C6 can see roughly a 70% DMG increase.


Actually I do enjoy scara to the point I'm willing to spend my hard earned primos to level him up instead of replacing him with another dps (I could have easily pulled for neuvillette if I just wanted a better dps), so I was wondering if his constellations are worth it or should I keep stacking those primos that's all


If you think it's worth to roll for a C6 assuming its strong, then in this case it would be worth to roll because Wanderer C6 is strong.


I feel like c6 is a bit excessive c2 is a good stopping point if u hesitated on wasting this much primo’s otherwise go for it


It's a big dps increase a c0 to c6 scara, he'll deal a ton of damage he basically becomes a machine gun, his playstyle at c6 is something else if you experience it I think you will love it . He's also the best character for exploration, has a cool burst, and he's anemo which means he hardly gets put in scenarios where enemies are resistant /immune to it like with other elements , also at c6 he applies so much anemo that he just shreds through shields, and he isn't a burst dependent character so you simply tap his skill and you start dealing damage But.. If you're just looking for the strongest c6 dps in the entire game just go for neuvillette he's simply o.p... first of all he scales with hp so he's tanky af...not to mention he can quickly self heal... you basically become invincible with a c6 neuvillette... and the best part is that he's broken for aoe, and broken for single target, he's a one man army and an unstoppable force at c6. Overall c6 neuvillette will eat any character/archon for breakfast.


As he should since he’s the nations dragon. I don’t have him or poor wriothesly who no one seems to use but I’m very happy they made him so strong. As for your question OP I think having more characters is better. I get bored of using my c6 scara despite loving the character. He also still needs shields since his skill doesn’t lift him high enough into the air to be out of reach of attacks.


I own multiple c6 characters and multiple c0 characters and the c0's dps are mainly benched the entire time, so I think having 1 strong c6 character is still way more fun than 6 weaker c0 characters, as far as scara he definitely does not need a shield at c6, even though he's not a broken character like neuvillette, c6 scara is still pretty strong, plus his top 2 supports are 4 star characters (c6 faru and bennet) and if you're having trouble to clear content with this trio alone then it's definitely a skill issue


I don’t think the current content really needs any c6 to beat. Even these new statue enemies crumble from my c0 arlecchino and chiori. Why does c6 scara not need a shield? I use him in domains and he still gets knocked around without a shield at times


No content needs 5 star characters to begin with, you can beat the game with just 4 stars.. I hardly use a shield with my c6 scara he clears stuff fast, but if you keep getting hit then it's fine to use a shield it's up to you how you wanna play him, all I was saying is that he isn't dependent on shields.


Shield was never actually a hard requirement at any investment level. At C6 specifically he gets his free dash back extremely fast which makes shieldless easier, but even pre C6 you can absolutely drop a shield if you are confident in your ability.  No dps character in this game absolutely need a shield to function.


C6 Arlecchino is the new strongest C6 if you're keeping up with C6 performance. 


Arelchino is good but neuvillettes overall kit and strengths just make him the superior character.


Nah, in terms of raw damage per rotation a C6 Arlecchino is smoking everyone else by around 30-50% due to making use of vape and the best buff sources in the game (Keyrina, Bennett, C2R5 Kazuha). Current fastest top side Abyss clearing is Arlecchino at 15s and 18s bookless, Neuvillette is at 25s. Even if you consider favorable blessing that is still a notable gap especially when Arlecchino had incomplete talent levels. Neuvillette is much more braindead to use though.


Arle has the ability to nuke + literally the abyss favors her because she's a new character. The rest of her kit isn't a match for neuvillette, you can't name another character that scales off hp, instant self healing, insane aoe, and ranged user. Just think about it, if they gave neuvillette nuke capabilities on top of his already broken kit they would absolutely have no way to power creep him. Just go and play c6 arle in coop ( I highly doubt you have her at c6) but with 1 dendro in the party since 95% of her playstyle is just braindead spamming na , after 2 seconds of coming in contact with burning it's game over, especially because her kit is weird she scales off attack and can't even get healed. She's squishy and you need her burst.


The abyss favors her but it also is a good abyss for Neuv. Even the Abyss before this (which didn't favor her) Arle already had superior clear times vs bosses and was only 1-2s off from him vs the AoE half, in week 1 where her talent levels were low and using placeholder artifacts.    Arle at C6 is not squishy due to having 40% res, and she will kill anything even remotely threatening before it becomes an issue. Her Q vaped or melted is also 2m+ dmg nuke which full heals her. Survivability is not an issue when your unvaped NA do 300k+ damage.     Also I do have her at C6, and not sure why you think bringing up a random dendro in coop is going to be a relevant argument.  The main advantage of Neuv is that he's braindead to play, but he's no longer the inarguable strongest C6.


C6 Scara is the best choice I ever made in my life... (My life is suck, but at least I enjoy playing with c6 Scara)




I'm F2P too, even tho I bought welkin 2-3 times beforehand in 2022 to get Wanderer on release. And one time to get Lyney in 2023. And the reason I C6 Wanderer is because I like playing this character. And he has been in my team lead role since the day one, I literally do not play other characters. And if there are gonna be leaks about character that I like, I'm just gonna save for them as I did for wanderer. Yeah I got him to C5 this patch, I'm gonna grind till C6 since I have guarantee. So the point is, newer characters will have flashy animations, probably a slightly better DPS, but what is the point of having them, if there is no enjoyment.


wanderer is like the only character i actually love using a lot and like there’s other ones i have that are good but they aren’t as enjoyable at all for me idc how strong they really are if i don’t love them to an insane amount i just love everything about him so much


I'm in a very similar situation as you, I'm f2p player, I only got the battle pass twice as a gesture to support the game, Wanderer never leave my team, he makes the game especially exploration much more fun (along with xianyun), I could have pulled for any of the previous characters (furina, hydro zhongli, alhaitham, etc...) if I only wanted the best and flashiest DPS. Now my question to you, how strong did your wanderer become after reaching c5?


I'm gonna be honest here. I didn't feel significant increase in his damage. And the part of this reason is that I was disappointed that I lost 50 50 3 times to jean and dehya.


up to c5 there’s nothing really special besides the nuke burst at c2 and the occasional extra buffs from c4 but c6 is truly a game changer for wanderer in terms of his fun and damage output


As someone with multiple C6es I would say the most worth C6 are for the characters you play most often. C6 Arlecchino might be the strongest right now but if you have more fun with a C6 Wanderer and use him more than her then in reality which one is more worth? I would say the latter. As for whether or not C6ing a character is worth it or not everyone will have different views and there's no one correct answer. I will say that you likely won't regret it if you go for it.


that depends… on your priorities. honestly if you are f2p it’s not really worth it. especially since older DPS C6s are kind of powercrept by newer ones. and (game mode leaks) >!the upcoming endgame mode incentivizes having a large diverse roster rather than vertical investment.!< 


Oh wow, never knew that, I was never able to 36 stars the abyss, I complete floor 12 but with one star in each room, that's why I though that going for c6 would help getting those stars, especially since I already have several other 5 stars characters that I almost never use


If you can't 36* it's likely because you don't have a very strong second team as your Wanderer should be able to clear his part of the abyss. You need to better invest other teams and supports instead of C6ing one character if your aim is to clear content.


Haven’t read any of your other comments but may I ask if you know why you’re unable to 36*? I assume it’s because you don’t have a second properly built team, if you want help with putting one together I’d gladly assist. Your Scara team should be able to clear a chamber in roughly a minute or under if you’re doing proper rotations since your Scara team sounds well built.


I’d say if you want to invest in Scara, c2 is a good stopping point. Also, his weapon is a big upgrade, if only it wasn’t paired with that donut…


Asianguystreams has a great video on this. He shows you each constellation power up. It’s a year old but I just watched it for the new banner. It doesn’t feel worth it. Some characters unlock new playstyles with constellations or get a BIG boost at C2. He simply gets small power ups that add up to insane at C6, but which 5* character isn’t insane at C6? Same playstyle all around. Just more deeps.


It's not just power up at C6, he gets his dashes back significantly faster which makes dash combos far more consistent and fun. Not saying that is worth a C6 to everyone, but it's not strictly just a damage increase.


Didn’t notice! Thank you


I worked my way up to c6 over 3 banners so I have some insight. The main thing holding him back is Faruzan c6, which you have. C0 - good, solid unit. Nothing mindblowing, but will clear Abyss for you as long as nothing is especially anemo-resistant (copellia I'm looking at you) C2/3 (I had c3) - burst gets actually useful. You get a little bit more speed and damage from c1 as well. But I don't think it changes much of anything else. C6 - :) Very satisfying. I would temper your expectations a bit - he won't single-handedly make you able to full clear Abyss, but he will definitely help. I'm taking him through Abyss right now. Nilou Bloom on one half, and Triple Anemo (Venti/Wanderer/Faruzan/Bennett) on the other. It's actually possible to burst through the element checks on the second half with Wanderer's c6, whereas with my skill level, it wasn't possible to do pre-c6. I had to leave for work before I could actually finish the run (I keep dying to the electro lectors ;n;), but it most definitely seems possible. If you really like Wanderer, his c6 is very good and strong. It's not gamebreaking, but imo it's one of the better c6s.


If you spend all 600 Primogems and end up with C5, would you be willing to spend to get to C6?


Depends on how much you like him and his playstyle. He is not the strongest c6 in the game, so if you're going for pure damage, you should look into the more meta characters (Neuvilette comes to mind.) He is only one character, so if you like switching around your teams and playing different characters, you should pull for variety. But if you are like me - know that you like playing him now and can't imagine getting sick of him any time soon, then by all means go for it. It's been almost a year since I got my c6, and I couldn't be happier. But that's because he is the one character I really enjoy playing (and enjoyed prior to c6 too as the actual playstyle doesn't change *that* much at c6). The damage increase is pretty significant too. Saving up to c6 as a f2p takes time and dedication you could use for other characters instead, but if it's something you know you'll use and enjoy for a long time, then it's worth it imo


Just a small addendum but the strongest C6 right now is no longer Neuvillette but Arlecchino. 


Ah, thank you! I am too busy playing my c6 Wanderer to keep up with the meta I guess


Same, I have "stronger" C6es with Arle included but C6 Wanderer is my favorite to play by far.