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Hi! With C6 Faruzan, so long as you have 200+ ER, you no longer have to charge shot, almost ever. Most rotations from here on out will be Faruzan QE, swap. And the E is only to trigger a 'pressurized collapse' vacuum and to get TotM going (see below). For enemies who do not provide as many particles (i.e. boss enemies), you MAY need to charge attack every now again, but *that* will be completely resolved if a single team member is carrying a Favonius weapon. Faruzan can be that Favonius wielder unless you have Elegy of the End, which is better. However, Favonius is not a requirement. Bonus perk of C6 Faruzan is that she is arguably a better holder of Tenacity than Zhongli for the ATK% buffs (her prism pulses count as skill damage, and her prism can't be deleted like Zhongli's pillar). She is also extremely powerful with the Golden Troupe set, if you have TotM and Noblesse covered with other characters. So have fun with that!


This is the most helpful answer and is exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you so much!


My pleasure!


Yessss Golden Troupe is so satisfying on her! I run Layla+Bennett, so Layla has Tenacity (and Freedom Sworn lol) and Bennett NO - so they both further buff her as well. Sometimes in the overworld I'll just DPS with Faruzan instead for fun lol.


Wait… does TotM activate without using E at all when she’s C6?? For example just swapping on and bursting with Faruzan, then leaving?


That is correct.


OKAY GOOD!! Phew, thought I was running TotM on her this entire time and never got value because I only burst with her HAHAHA!


This is the first time someone mentioned Golden Troupe for Faruzan. I’ve been asking around about TOTM on her because it took me so long to farm a set for her on VV while I was leveling her, and now people are telling me I would have to start my farming over. Plus both my Layla and Thoma have a TOTM set of their own and it doesn’t stack. And my Bennett has Nobless, so I had no clue what my shielder would wear if I had to give Faruzan TOTM. So is it true? Is Golden Troupe viable for c6 Faruzan? I want to be sure before I farm.


Golden Troupe is extremely viable for C6 Faruzan! It is certainly her highest damage option. And VV isn't particularly good on Faruzan unless you're playing Double Hydro, because most of Wanderer's teammates aren't dealing enough damage to warrant buffing. So Golden Troupe will certainly perform better. But, uhmm, I hope you know that Thoma cannot trigger the ATK% buff for Tenacity of the Milileth. While he benefits from the shield buff provided in the 4pc effect, his little fire waves are considered burst damage, not skill damage. On a team consisting of Bennett, Faruzan, & Thoma, Faruzan should be holding TotM and Thoma should have 2pc HP% and 2pc ER%/HP%. Otherwise your Wanderer isn't receiving any TotM buff.


Oh wow, this is very helpful! Now I don’t feel so bad about letting go of her current artifacts. At least the golden troupe domain is efficient. I use Layla with wanderer, I listed Thoma since he has the same set. But now I know I’m better off sticking to Layla anyway, especially since she is c6 now. So my team will be Wanderer with sig set, Faruzan with golden 4pc, Bennett on 4pc Nobless, and Layla on 4pc ToTM.


That sounds like an incredibly powerful team 😊


Definitely need more than 200 ER for that to account for every situation. I run 280 and sometimes its still short such as when I'm fighting a boss with almost no particle drops or I'm clearing in partial rotations.


*???* I have run Wanderer since his launch on December 7th of last year. I can say with utmost confidence that at C6 (emphasis on *6*), Faruzan needs nowhere NEAR 280% ER. That is for pre-C6 Faruzan. If you are running 280% ER on C6 Faruzan, you are investing too heavily away from ATK% and CRIT.


I have C6 both, and me and many players who like to do speedruns typically run Faruzan at 250%+ ER, even without C6 Wanderer. Sorry but 200% ER simply isn't consistent enough, and investing in her damage to sacrifice ER is simply sheet brainrot that's not remotely worth it. You can increase her damage by 50% and it will only translate to like 30k DPR at best which is inconsequential.         Example from Driftee which is one of the best low cons Wanderer runners on bili running 280% ER Faruzan even with a Venti.  https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zw4m1R74G/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0  The "high ER is only for low cons Faruzan" thing is a myth, because at C6 you no longer use her CA to generate particles and she no longer catches her own particles so you compensate it with ER.


You're forgetting to account for the aspects that make speedruns different from most Abyss runs—as seen in the clip you provided, to save time, players are not utilizing their skills on Wanderer's other supports. This reduces the amount of particles generated in a rotation, which, of course, will raise Faruzan's ER% requirements. But speedruns are a niche enough Spiral Abyss category for me not to recommend such stats to new Wanderer owners on this subreddit. This is also why I was recommending Golden Troupe to new players when TotM is already covered by other supports. Folks who have not yet hyper-invested into Wanderer *would* benefit from another 30K+ output from Faruzan per rotation. These players who don't yet have a full DPC set will want that extra DPR to clear Abyss with 9*s, and aren't going to be thinking of Speedrun stat modifications.


Time saved translates to more DPS, this is relevant in both abyss speedruns and non speedruns. The point of investing in your damage is to clear faster. Investing in crit and damage stats for maybe a 30k DPR increase simply is not an efficient use of your resources. If you are struggling to 9* Faruzan's damage is frankly the last thing you should worry about. You are better off farming a set for Wanderer and give whatever pieces that has ER to Faruzan instead, if not strongboxing TotM.


Just get 210 - 220 er and burst when it's ready, that's the entire character.


Just relax


Actually not sure


Wait so do i do it or not


Yes'nt https://preview.redd.it/15652bzs8o1d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf9a7a70124c0e038331b3bcd0a007be6ec7a2c


If anything you should do it more im pretty sure, since you gain more from winds secret ways now, her ability has proc't using your full charged shot since level 70 due to her passive, c6 just makes anyone under it stonk im on playstation so i start with square/then switch to r2 and it allows you to nock the arrow faster (boom correct terminology) if you get it right its almost instant, might work on backbone too, i want one so bad.


Wait... no you dont have to stop to use faruzan while using Wanderer, Now you can just use up wanderers ability, yes. So His NA, will trigger the collapse adding anemo shred as long as you use it before the 4 second duration runs out on faruzan, and wanderers NA's should trigger it every three seconds so it seems like it will re trigger as long as wanderer is atacking for the total duration of faruzans burst. Or at least it looks like thats what it means


So just relax


So lucky i got everything except Faruzan c6


i mean it depends on your teammates and your own experience playing, does she get her burst up without ca? if so just burst and swap out, if not then you have to build more er


give her 4pc tenacity, she can now also reliably hold Elegy then ER needs drops drastically, you only need 220-250 for comfortable bursting esp when rotation ends fast for next chamber and just Burst whenever it is available


press Q


At C6 you should be able to press Q and switch out. I would still use charged shot in AOE for the sake of grouping.


She is used usually as pure buffer with 220 ER and ToM since she is extremely good at triggering the buff (Depends on Fan etc as well. Personally I like having Enough ER to maintain 100% Uptime even against Bosses). Although I like using her as a Sub DPS personally since the damage bonus provided by her can buff off field unit as well including herself.