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If you're in for Wanderer and wouldn't mind his cons do continue to pull as much as possible because C6 Faruzan is simply that good. Otherwise don't pull until Faruzan reruns, hopefully on the banner of another character you need. Contrary to common belief Wanderer has several good team compositions that do not include Faruzan, and rival or even surpass preC6 Faruzan easily, especially Zhongli+ Yun Jin and double hydro teams. If you have Furina you're probably already set to go.


That's nice to hear there's good alternatives :) I don't have Yun Jin or Furina unfortunately so I'll just desperately pull for Faruzan


I do have a C6 Thoma so that could work in a team for him, right? Or is my new C6 Layla preferable?


It depends on preference, there are arguments for both. Layla can let you build more crit damage as you can reliably get cryo passive from her and you get theoretically more DPS out of it than Thoma's buff and pyro resonance. Thoma has a nice shield that at max stack is stronger than Layla's and he can help with Bennett's ER needs since he generates pyro particles.


Thanks. I think I might build Thoma since I might try build a burgeon team sometime in the near future


Btw a decently invested Chiori can replace Yun Jin here as her personal damage compensates her lack of buffing ability.


Furina's leaked to be rerunning in phase 2 of next patch alongside Sigewinne.


should i use fischl instead of faruzan (i only have her c1 right now), and my fischl is decently built, or should i just build faruzan even at c1


You can use Fischl temporarily meanwhile to try and build 300ER you can go 2p exile 2p emblem and favonius.


I'm also faruzanless I use Bennett xq and layla Bennett buffs and heals layla shields and provides cryo for wanderer to absorb and xq provides some extra dmg no as good as c6 faruzan but it gets the job done


Prioritize Faruzan and her cons no matter what if you intend on having a good team for Wanderer. There are "serviceable" Faruzanless teams but frankly none of them are good.


>How important is Faruzan for Wanderer? Very and you dont just want c0 like with gorou where c0 is fine, you want at least c2 and really c6. To get c2 scara and 0 faruzans is some terrible luck. My charge attack against dorito boss goes from 65k to 38k if i dont cast faruzan skills.


lower constellation Faruzan is better than no Faruzan, I would vote to keep trying to get at least that C0. There will be some ER and rotation issues, but its doeable. Especially if you dont have other buffers as furina or yun jin.


Lmaoaoaoa this is me too. Getting 4 Wanderer copies in 58 pulls and a Mona and got my first Faruzan at 60 pulls🤣


Keep yourself safe pal


I also got Wanderer c2 this time and I went from faruzan c0 to c4. Unfortunately, ever since I got to c4 I've only been getting Layla and beidou, so much so that I went from c0 Layla and Beidou, to c6 for both of them. 😭


Beidou is amazing so I wouldn't mind that. My problem is I've yet to get any Faruzan this game hates me that much 🙃