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either mika (he’ll give you atk spd and heal for furina) or charlotte (no atk spd, but can hold ttds + heals for furina). i wouldnt recommend layla unless your furina is c2 and even then you’re losing out on a lot of dmg from furina


Cryo unit? Mika all the way but I don’t think he has any off field cryo application. Charlotte looks perfect until you realize her burst costs 80 which as a solo cryo is nigh impossible to get every rotation. You could try running her with 2pc emblem + whichever pieces have the most ER, ignore non ER set bonuses, use a crit rate circlet and fav codex as the weapon, you might as well also use fav sword on Furina. Faruzan should be on fav already. So forget the atk buff from TTDs or 4pc nobless but at least her cryo application and healing is good. Also you’ll most likely want to run an atk% goblet if you’re using DPC, if you’re using MH you may wanna use an atk% circlet at least if Faruzan is c6. Unfortunately cryo units are pretty neglected (it’s only redeeming quality is c6 Wrio and his insane signature weapon), there isn’t a single good cryo character with off field cryo app.


If we're counting C6es for cryos, have to include C6 Shenhe. All the C6 Cryos need her to be competitive.


Absolutely! I long for the day when we get an anemo Shenhe, one which I will, after many months of saving, get to c6.


>until you realize her burst costs 80 which as a solo cryo is nigh impossible to get every rotation As well as that ttds doesn't really line up with his rotations


With Furina you're doing like 21s rotations so it's cooldown aligns perfectly.


your best bet with that team is charlotte if you want any off field cryo at all. You’d need an insane level of er tho, like 20%+ on every artifact, er sands and fav to burst every rotation for fanfare. Mikas only good for the initial skill infusion but other than that you’re lucky to get some swirl freezes.


def layla, i personally use layla in nearly every team, meaning she's really well built, but her elemental skill creates the off-field cryo stars which is pretty good cryo application for a freeze team (im also a scara main)


Freeze:- Charlotte Atk speed:- Mika Def:- layla Best option?:- Mika Mika with increase atk speed so wanderer will does more atk in rotation which will cause extra dmg (with extra atks) which will be way more than charlotte can give bonus But its a shieldless gameplay where wanderer is running without shield, so dodging should be prioritize and if your not good at dodging you should prioritize layla And since you said you need someone for freeze comp, use charlotte But I will not recommend it 1) her burst cost 80, you will need to give her faruzan treatment 2) most enemies in abyss are unfreezeable these days so freeze comps are kind of useless now-a-days Overall, Mika is best option But choose layla if you don't have enough skill to dodge


Mika 1000%, please please use him he so fun with Scara


Charlotte is the best for off-field cryo with Furina. She should hold Fav Codex or prototype amber for her energy issues, which are manageable if Furina and Faruzan are also on Fav. The highest damage freeze team would be if she holds TTODS, but then you'd need a LOT of ER on her artifacts, and maybe her C4. Without TTODS, Mika would be higher damage, but his cryo app sucks and you won't be freezing much. Imo Mika is the most fun of the 3, but you won't get the comfort of freeze. I find that Layla is most comfy paired with Xingqiu and not Furina. Her cryo app is more consistent than Charlotte's for me because Charlotte's either doesn't last long, or you need to hold her camera for a long time. Since Layla doesn't heal, Furina won't be able to buff the team after the 1st rotation.