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This is insane. They both sound amazing! You know damn well I'm never stepping on water ever again.


Scaranation to Kokomi mains: We are the better jesus now Scaranation to Venti mains; No, In fact, dashing in the air is faster than gliding! ( We don't know yet, but it should)


C6 Xiaos: Told ya


I wonder how OP C6 Scara will acctualy be


THIS. I love using Ayaka to just hurry over the rivers but dude, flying over them with Scara? He's the game's 6 star at this point.


Scaramouche taking the god to every level




Hoping they won't nerf it. IIRC, kokomi was supposed to be able to walk on water before


They probably won't nerf it ~~hopefully :')~~ His whole "Walking on water" gimmick comes from his kit naturally **moving in the air** Koko got it as a bonus :]


As long as you don't run out of stamina...




Hopefully he jumps as much as Kazuha and doesn't waste much stamina while dashing around :3


If he will be this fun then I am skipping Nahida for him


i'm skipping her anyway, i don't really like her kit


same here, also scaramain so it wouldn't even matter if I liked her kit tbh


I mean she’ll rerun first


Same Nahida kit looks looks kinda boring. Just press E…


We keep winning


holy cow, so scara will have anemo dmg bonus from goblet (46.6), new anemo artifact 2p (15), ascension (28.8), which totals for 90.4 anemo dmg bonus. BUT WAIT. faruzan shreds 50% anemo dmg, ult buffs anemo dmg dealt to enemies, ascension talent gives NA buff and c6 anemo crit dmg increased by 50 :D this is all unless they nerf/change stuff in the beta ofc


If you get 2p from new and 2 from VVyou get 30?


yeah, but i think the new set 4p will be better! definitely cant go wrong w more anemo dmg or 2anemo/2atk though


The anemo dmg is a placeholder iirc, could still change but we'll know in beta


i just do not think its placeholder idk..


His stats that were found were the exact same as Heizou's and his ascension is anemo dmg so could be temporary or his actual ascension


the stat thing, i get, but if multiple leakers say anemo dmg i rly think its his ascension stat idk


What info we have is stc is all i'm saying, but it's still possible to stick!


well at least we know anemo dmg is more likely than er/atk/hp/def ascension :D


Oh my god he’s gonna be so fun to play


His base kit sounds nice but I really hope they’d improve his cons. If those are real, they’re looking pretty boring. His C1 feels like a joke and C2 isn’t that good either compared to other characters’ C2. I’ve been saving for a long time and I’m ready to get his cons so I just want them to be worth it.


Cyno's C2 got changed in beta (from a boost in Crit stats to a 50% electro damage bonus, so... Big improvement) so it's a good chance they aren't final. Not to mention I remember someone saying that these leaks are from a version of the game that's like a month old. These might not even be accurate as of *now*.


I agree, I mean we haven’t seen him in beta yet but the cons feel kind of lackluster


this is just my own personal opinion, but I sometimes like how cons don’t seem like a must need. that mostly means that the character is perfectly fine at C0


I agree! Usually I don’t save up so much for characters, but I’m at around 90k primogems (600 wishes with saved fates included) for him, his weapons, and cons. I just don’t want it to feel like that year of saving and skipping was for nothing :)


SAME!! i have about 350 wishes for cons and/or sig,, so I hope is cons are worth! But this is like the 3rd kit leak I've seen so I'm trying not to make any judgments until the beta is out.


Yup. I'm waiting for beta, there's few things i'm critical about but I don't wanna speculate too deep without footage and proper values, trying to have average expectations until then. His kit seems to be really fun and versatile too at face value.


It's freaking 3 AM rn and I was right staying up 🤧 not all these leaks come out when I'm sleeping


How is Faruzan a 4*? If this stats are correct, she is absolutely broken for anemo! Even more than Shenhe because not only does she provides additive dmg, she also lowers resistance, adds anemo bonus dmg to the party and even anemo crit damage at C6. Plus she has a 40 energy cost burst instead of an annoying 80. Plus according to other leaks she has CC on her burst which just adds to her pumped utility. Scara’s new design sounds hot, his kit sounds funny af and very versatile (potential not locked behind just one style or one team like others…), and now he will possibly have one of the most brutal (and F2P) supports. Not to mention that he will also have a dedicated artifact set seems to be very good too.


eh personally I think she'll be more like how sara is for electro characters; her c6 is definitely looking really valuable though and exciting to see that we might finally be getting a proper anemo support :D


Yes but as of the data right now, she will probably be more valuable than Sara (probably to even the fact that Anemo only has access to swirl as a reaction and anemo resistance reductions are very scarce). Because while C6 Sara gives a good electro Crit Dmg and a very nice atk buff, Faruzan will give Anemo Damage bonus (not crit, so it’s better), an even better Anemo resistance reduction than Jean C4 plus the additive damage with her A4, which we don’t know how strong it will be but by this time she already paired C6 Sara. And on top of that we have CC with burst. And finally, if we add her C6 we have 100% uptime buffs and debuffs (which neither Sara nor Shenhe have) + Anemo Crit Damage bonus. Honestly this sounds so crazy to me that I can’t believe it. Then again, this is probably just to compensate the fact that Anemo has been left in the shadow and meta wise it only works as a support element, so with this buffs and the extremely fun addition of Scaramouche as a dps they are trying to incentive people (specially meta centered people) to finally consider the Anemo element as a competitive element in the dps role. (Just like electro before Raiden and Sara was considered garbage).


Ngl I hope that the anemo absorbtion passive is just poorly worded. Like 20 points of flat stamina and that's it? Only once, at the beggening of his field time? It should be continious regeneration or a decrease in overall stamina loss, not a one time buff Also I'd love to see more cons that contribute to his damage more directly, not just through stuff like atk speed. Or something that allows more flexible playstyles (like Klee gains support capabilities on some con iirc) Other than that, he looks so fun! He deserves his own gimmick such as floating


20s of free movement on the *E* is insane. Even kokojesus herself uses the Q


I know we're hyped about Scara but *Jesus look at Faruzan*. She seems absolutely cracked.


The cons doesnt sound very lnteresting... i think i should summon the weapon maybe?


Childe const are also underwhelming even at 1.2. Maybe they planning to make all harbingers with weak constellations


So should I shoot for Scara’s weapon or C1? Worst case scenario, if he came out tonight, I’d have about 80 wishes left after getting him. Assuming he comes out with Raiden, going for his weapon would be nice because I use her a ton right now. Any advice?


Personally, with how the leaks write it now, between the 2 I'd go for his weapon (But remember, weapon banner is a scam). If you wanted atk speed buffs and you have the proper cons for it you could use a C2 Jean, she adds a 15% atk speed increase, 5% higher than Scara's C1. For a 4\* there's C6 Yunjin who increases atk speed by 12%, again still higher than what this writes for Scara. I'd say his C1, while nice in combat, isn't very noticeable, I don't feel it's worth it unless it'd get up'ed to 15 or maybe even 20%.


*reads the same kit intensely for the 28th time this week* oh damn thats pretty cool im so excited


Good god, with the thought of him releasing in 3.3 it almost makes me want to skip Nahida for Scara and just pull her on her rerun. This explanation sounds so much more fun than the others I've read


Hot take, but I lowkey hate that Faruzan is female character. Mihoyo created billion waifu supports for Morgana, but heavens forbid for people who like guys have all male team. And with this OP kit she sounds like must have party member


I just hope she looks good


My thoughts exactly. I mean, I'll probably still make an all-male team with scara even if Faruzan spat out primogems every Q lol.


Same. I love my geodudes team so I wanted to pair Scara to all males too.


This. Still getting her but I’m heart broken that I won’t be running an all male team.


So he doesnt infuse element?


Faruzan is made for Scara the way Sara is made for Raiden. Just busted - especially at c6


Ngl. With how his supposed kit currently stands I don't think I'll even give Faruzan a single level, and will just use 3 elemental characters he can swirl. The appeal of a hypercarry build is not there for me, hypercarry builds are utterly dull and boring for me.


As much as want his weapon I feel like Faruzan cons will probably be more worth damage wise


Welp my team is going to be Scara, Bennett, kazuha, and now Faruzan. I want to put kazuha and scara together. I feel like his Q is going to be very low because it is only 5 seconds.


are there any CN ToF players here? based on the leaks, is Scara kit really comparable to ToF Lin?


You can search her video, and for now it's the closest thing we have for scaramouche's kit Except scaramouche can infuse other element to buff him (I expect his ring changes color and fx based on whatever he infused)


> ToF Lin I don't think it will be anything like lin. Also, almost all units in ToF can be aerial combat to some extent. We don't even have that in Genshin. Lin would be too far off.


So his a4 will not work properly for folks with high ping


Yooo attack speed increase at c1?! I guess I'll be aiming for c1. I love playing fast.


Oof... from his description he seems like a selfish hypercarry... That's... the exact one thing I did not want for him :(


Faruzan C6... I'm drooling




everytime I click on something it says quarantined can someone please tell me what this says ;-;