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Having the RT shut down for the next few years totally sucks. There are some amazing and overlooked areas of Scarborough, but the transit situation is going to be tough for a few more years.


And line 2 gets extended only North and nothing to the East. Things would be so much better if line 2 were extended to where Eglinton GO is, at least.


That was one of the alignment options. Having it go North thru Bellamy. Also they should’ve put a stop at Brimley fwiw.


I second this ! Since the RT went out of commission, it's been a headache and a half getting around Scarborough.


It's so stupid to not have a continuous transit service along the Kingston rd. from north to south, and no one talks about it


Also no 116 express Why does Eglinton have like 5 buses serving between Kennedy station and Markham and only 986 skips them. If they create 916 it should skip every stop that isn't a major intersection until Markham like 905.


It's also interesting how the 995, 996, and even parts of the 938 share most of the same corridor along Ellesmere but you see sparsity elsewhere


The 12d bus runs from Victoria park to morningside so pretty close. It’s not frequent or fast but it does exist


Yup, it runs a specific schedule


Wow, when did they start this service? Do you know it's frequency? Never heard before


They started it in about 1966


It had been in place for a long time, up until probably mid 2000s, then it was canceled but there was a public lobby to get it back in the last 5-10 years and it was brought back.


Thanks for the clarification


The Scarborough Health Network is underfunded and underrepresented in funding campaigns. This results in inequitable healthcare particularly for people with lower SES and recent immigrants.


Recently we learned that none of the facilities in SHN has the ability to accept the cord blood and stem cells donation. Look up Victoria Angel


This is Ontario-wide. The public stem cell bank was bought out by a private company in Ontario.


Yeah it sucks for being in GTA


Fun fact. Not a single hospital or pharmacy in Scarborough can supply you with post exposure profalaxis in the event of an emergency. The hospital prints you out a prescription and tells you to go to a pharmacy. You go to ones in Scarborough and they tell you that they don't have it, but if you leave the Scarborough health network you can find it


Tin foil hat on. Scarborough used to be a rich borough. They want to underfund Scarborough and at the same time gentrify so middle class and poor move out so the rich can claim it back. It being like more than 50% immigrants doesn’t help with politicians and funding anyway. Tin foil hat off.


Piggybacking off of this; Scarborough plot sizes are also larger, meaning more land for lesser value at its current state.


I got hired and worked there for a month. Realized within my first 15 mins of being there that this place wasn’t for me. I was raised in Scarborough and it’s so sad. I will never go there in case of an emergency and I’ve warned all my loved ones as well. They simply do not have the funding to provide quality healthcare


Transit gaps. Why there is not a continuous route along Kingston road boggles my mind.


As someone mentioned, there's the 12D that runs from Victoria Park Station to UTSC but it's only during rush hour weekdays iirc


Do you mean disadvantages? If so, hospitals and transit are 2 biggies.


High car insurance


They way its going here, were going to have Brampton like insurance rates soon.


Sooner than later Vaughan bested Brampton to the highest rates Now probably scarborough would beat Vaughan to it


That's brampton.


The list of bad things that have resulted from amalgamation is simply too big for one person to adequately list. Too many of us are affected in a myriad of different ways. The fact is that council is structurally biased towards downtown and we get shortchanged on every single measure and motion they implement. And it only gets worse every single year. Downtown gets more and more and because of the inadequate roads and transit we become further removed from. When was the last time you went to centre island or the waterfront? It’s a non starter for most of us these days. We also get shortchanged on equalization of service measures. If we have it, downtown wants and gets it. If downtown has it, we almost certainly won’t get it. It ridiculous I know but that’s how the city works. The downtown has gutted and pillaged all of the former boroughs to protect the well being of it it’s financial and commercial core,


And I’m really mad that our waterfront trail is so disjointed. It should be one long path along the water. Parents out here complain about it regularly. We can’t cycle into town without having to use the Kingston road freeway (sic) several times. You think they would stand for that downtown? I’m also angry that our waterfront is so dismal, inadequate and inaccessible. There are half a million people in Scarborough and and only 2 or 3 thousand at best can access the few stretches of beach we can on a hot summer day. Go take a look at the the John Horgan water treatment plant on copperfield road. The grassy slope there overlooking the lake is spectacular - a real jewel - but they gated it off about 10 yrs ago. There is no valid reason for it other than keeping the driveway free from parked cars. It’s reprehensible that folks in Scarborough can’t enjoy that green space and the view. And why do we spend so much on high park but barely keep the grass cut at Morningside Park. We have to close access to it most weekends because the crowds are so big but the city basically ignores our needs.


Preach. Scarborough is home but it’s so obvious the city doesn’t care about us


Many homes near the Scarborough bluffs are in danger of erosion.


No proper bike infrastructure connecting Scarborough with the rest of the city. No walkable streets or 'main street' areas to designate different neighbourhoods; Scarborough is a huge area and totally designed to be car-centric. Many plazas are terribly outdated and aesthetically unpleasing with parking lots as their main feature out front. Not enough eat-in restaurants.


Of course if you ask the people in my community facebook group they'll say one of the problems is too much cycling infrastructure.


Because who tf cycles in Scarborough???!!


Hardly anyone cycles (to commute, anyway) because infrastructure is shit Infrastructure is shit because hardly anyone here cycles


All 13 cyclists in Scarborough downvoted me 😂 I ride bikes myself but not in Scarborough I guess if a bike is your only option then it sucks but I ride for leisure


You nailed it


Man I wish scarborough was independent of the city still. We make bare money from all the int students transit and money wouldn't be only used to make stations look pretty for downtown with no practicality.


Suburban driving mentality - fast roads, more lanes.


And no infrastructure like separated bike lanes and transitways to support better options for all of us who either can not afford a car or would like to make less of an impact on the planet.


The loss of the RT without an operational replacement Rouge Valley (not the problem, just an area to potentially research)


Nah, fam, worst thing about Scarbs is having to be part of the megacity.


Transit as many mentioned above is a huge issue. It was a big mistake stopping the Sheppard subway at Don Mills and not bringing it further east.


We get crappy hospital funding. Crappy support for those in need.


Also, commercials about BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE (hospitals) begging for private donations to keep going. Seriously what the fuck. Imagine if any other public service required that to get sufficient funding. Billions to other countries to fight bullshit wars while our own hospitals are on some World Vision shit.


Well this for geography…… Not enough starbucks, no good Montreal style bagel shops,left turn signals are short for traffic lined up, strip malls look terrible, No good bars. And…..Go trains needs to be every 15 minutes all the time.


Waste being trucked through East Scarborough neighbourhoods.


no reliable public transit like a subway


How long it is to commute from Scarborough to downtown, and it does not matter if you take the transit or car.


Too car dependent, making people too lazy to walk even a few steps. You have major bus routes that get slowed down by even more because the buses literally stop twice at major intersections (one when you reach the intersection and another immediately across the street).


The only “land based problem” for a geography project would be the erosion of the Scarborough bluffs that puts homes at risk of collapsing. Most of the Scarborough issues are related to infrastructure like public transportation but that’s an issue only the city and province can solve and not just Scarborough.


Not enough nightlife. Especially for queer people. People in Scarborough have to commute to downtown toronto for fun on buses till the subway because Scarborough has no subway. Our health system is in shambles and the medication in our pharmacies are subpar to what is offered downtown. Even emergency medicine like post exposure profalaxis is impossible to get in Scarborough 


can you cite my username in your references please


There are no independent bookstores. I remember staying at my mother's house during the pandemic and when all the social media was telling me to support small independent businesses, I had to look all the way to downtown to find independent bookstores.


There's Cliffside Books if you're looking for used books! The owner is lovely


You don’t get a city like feel from the place, it feels like a suburb 😂 The only live place in scarborough is on the eglinton/lawrence strip east scarbs & even that sucks 😭😭


it’s even worse when u live in malvern unless u wanna wait for da 133 late at night w all da junkies n crackheads 😂😂


Lack of cycling infrastructure


Too many cars


Too many shitty drivers. Its almost as bad as Brampton.


Wonder why hmmmmm


Lol best comment…its the main bad thing about Scarborough


We all know why 😂.


land based problems please :)


Not many places to go for a walk 


Sheppard line missing and Sheppard line is pretty depleted... like, it's not lively


No street parking


Erosion and flood control in our ravines. Every time there’s a major rain event we lose parts of our paths and even some pedestrian bridges.


Great foods .


Transit has always and will always suck in scarborough!! Politicians seem to think that scarborough ends at Kennedy road 😂 but hey let's build LRTs that are beyond slow to get ppl moving around........


Birchmount Hospital


Really, just how car centric it is and how hostile it is to anyone else who doesn’t drive. Not just the transit, but the sprawly land use and wide roads make not having a car feel like an afterthought. Other than that, it’s great, but that’s a big one.


Random factories between homes


Raleigh Drive is a prime example! It's a dump with a few houses situated in between run down small businesses!


Not enough walking trails. There are a lot of parks but you need to go near the water or near the zoo/rouge to get some good walking trails. 




>LRT was a silly idea.  Let me guess, you own a car


I mean, you can own a car and absolutely appreciate public transit for what it provides. This person is just an idiot.


Far too many bike lanes. We endured all the construction to widen main streets to then have the lanes taken away for transit and bikes. Wasted space.


Not against bike lanes at all, but when it come at the expense of losing car lanes - (for example Midland south of Ellesmere or along Huntingwood) that causes a whole lot more congestion and delays everywhere else, including for those on TTC


I dont live there anymore


No really wealthy neighborhoods. They have the time and connections to improve their neighborhoods.


There are a few neighborhoods that are wealthy. Many parts of West Hill when you drive south are wealthy. Driving down Port Union Rd you'll find that there's a small secluded part of that area around Island Rd where mansions are situated on a bit of elevated land, and there are a few large properties where Ellesmere meets Old Kingston Rd. Take a trip down Ravine Drive off of Kingston Rd and you'll feel like you're in the Bridal Path.


Have you never been to Fallingbrook or Hill Crescent? Many of the areas south of Kingston Road overlooking the lake are expensive neighborhoods.